# Sublime Text 3 - Markmon SublimeText 3 integration with [Markmon](https://github.com/yyjhao/markmon) for real-time markdown preview with mathjax support. ![markmon](http://yjyao.com/images/markmon.gif) ## Important note You have to install [Markmon](https://github.com/yyjhao/markmon) separately for this plugin to work. You can do so by ```bash npm install -g markmon ``` Note that markmon relies on [Node.js](http://nodejs.org). Markmon does not come with its own markdown converter so you will need to install your own. I recommend [pandoc](http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/installing.html). **Currently mathjax support is limited to pandoc only.** If you want to customize your pandoc parameters or use a converter other than pandoc, go to Sublime Text → Preferences → Package Settings → Markmon → Settings(User) and update the 'command' parameter according to Settings(Default). More information about the parameters can be found in the documentation for [Markmon](https://github.com/yyjhao/markmon). ## Installation Instructions **Package Installer:** * Install [Sublime Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) * Select "Package Control: Install Package" from the Command Palette (⌘⇧P) * Find "Markmon" and select **Manually:** * Download [sublime-text-markmon](https://github.com/yyjhao/sublime-text-markmon/archive/master.zip) and copy unzipped folder to your Sublime Text packages folder (Sublime Text → Preferences → Browse Packages...) * Restart Sublime Text ## Usage First note that markmon only watches your views with markdown syntax, so be sure to check the syntax setting. **Command Palette:** * Select "Markmon launch" from the Command Palette (⌘⇧P) **Keyboard Shortcut:** You can check the default short cut by going to Sublime Text → Preferences → Package Settings → Markmon → Key Bindings - Default. **Menus:** * Select Tools → markmon ## Acknowledgment I use [sublime-text-marked](https://github.com/icio/sublime-text-marked) and [SublimeLinter3](https://github.com/SublimeLinter/SublimeLinter3) as templates for this plugin.