// automatically generated by m4 from headers in proto subdir #ifndef __MATH_H__ #define __MATH_H__ #include // THE SELECTED FLOATING POINT PACKAGE MAY NOT SUPPORT ALL LISTED FUNCTIONS #ifndef _FLOAT_T #define _FLOAT_T #ifdef __CLANG typedef float float_t; #endif #ifdef __SDCC typedef float float_t; #endif #ifdef __SCCZ80 typedef double float_t; #endif #endif #ifndef _DOUBLE_T #define _DOUBLE_T #ifdef __CLANG typedef float double_t; #endif #ifdef __SDCC typedef float double_t; #endif #ifdef __SCCZ80 typedef double double_t; #endif #endif #ifndef _FLOAT16_T #define _FLOAT16_T #ifndef __SCCZ80 typedef short _Float16; /* IEEE-754 half float type */ #endif typedef _Float16 half_t; #endif // XSI EXTENSION // temporary : math lib should supply these via func call #define M_E 2.718281828459 #define M_INVLN2 1.442695040889 /* 1 / log(2) */ #define M_LOG2E 1.442695040889 #define M_IVLN10 0.434294481903 /* 1 / log(10) */ #define M_LOG10E 0.434294481903 #define M_LOG2_E 0.693147180560 #define M_LN2 0.693147180560 #define M_LN10 2.302585092994 #define M_PI 3.141592653590 #define M_TWOPI 6.283185307180 #define M_PI_2 1.570796326795 #define M_PI_4 0.7853981633974 #define M_3PI_4 2.3561944901923 #define M_SQRTPI 1.7724538509055 #define M_1_PI 0.3183098861838 #define M_2_PI 0.6366197723676 #define M_4_PI 1.2732395447352 #define M_1_SQRTPI 0.5641895835478 #define M_2_SQRTPI 1.1283791670955 #define M_SQRT2 1.4142135623731 #define M_SQRT3 1.7320508075689 #define M_SQRT1_2 0.7071067811865 // #define FLT_EVAL_METHOD 1 #define MATH_ERRNO 1 #define MATH_ERREXCEPT 2 #define math_errhandling 1 #ifdef __CLANG #define HUGE_VAL (1.7014117331E+38) #define HUGE_VALF (1.7014117331E+38) #define INFINITY (1.7014117331E+38) #endif #ifdef __SDCC #define HUGE_VAL (1.7014117331E+38) #define HUGE_VALF (1.7014117331E+38) #define INFINITY (1.7014117331E+38) #endif #ifdef __SCCZ80 #define HUGE_VAL (1.7014118346E+38) #define HUGE_VALF (1.7014118346E+38) #define INFINITY (1.7014118346E+38) #endif #ifdef __MATH_AM9511 #define HUGE_POS_F32 (+9.2e+18) #define TINY_POS_F32 (+2.7e-20) #define HUGE_NEG_F32 (-9.2e+18) #define TINY_NEG_F32 (-2.7e-20) #define MAXL2_F32 (+63.0) #define MINL2_F32 (-64.0) #define MAXLOG_F32 (+43.6657) #define MINLOG_F32 (−45.0) #define MAXL10_F32 (+18.9638) #define MINL10_F32 (−19.5686) #define HUGE_VAL_F32 ((unsigned long)0x7F800000) #define INFINITY_POS_F32 ((unsigned long)0x7F800000) #define INFINITY_NEG_F32 ((unsigned long)0xFF800000) #define NAN_POS_F32 ((unsigned long)0x7FFFFFFF) #define NAN_NEG_F32 ((unsigned long)0xFFFFFFFF) #endif #ifdef __MATH_MATH32 #define HUGE_POS_F32 (+3.4028234664E+38) #define TINY_POS_F32 (+1.1754943508E−38) #define HUGE_NEG_F32 (-1.7014118346E+38) #define TINY_NEG_F32 (-1.1754943508E-38) #define MAXL2_F32 (+127.999999914) #define MINL2_F32 (-126.0) #define MAXLOG_F32 (+88.722839052) #define MINLOG_F32 (−87.336544751) #define MAXL10_F32 (+38.230809449) #define MINL10_F32 (−37.929779454) #define HUGE_VAL_F32 ((unsigned long)0x7F800000) #define INFINITY_POS_F32 ((unsigned long)0x7F800000) #define INFINITY_NEG_F32 ((unsigned long)0xFF800000) #define NAN_POS_F32 ((unsigned long)0x7FFFFFFF) #define NAN_NEG_F32 ((unsigned long)0xFFFFFFFF) #endif #ifdef __MATH_MATH16 #define HUGE_POS_F16 (+6.5504E+4) /* 0x7BFF */ #define TINY_POS_F16 (+6.10352E-5) /* 0x0400 */ #define HUGE_NEG_F16 (-6.5504E+4) /* 0xFBFF */ #define TINY_NEG_F16 (-6.10352E-5) /* 0x8400 */ #define MAXL2_F16 (+15.999) /* 0x4BFF */ #define MINL2_F16 (-14.00) /* 0xCB00 */ #define MAXLOG_F16 (+11.086) /* 0x498B */ #define MINLOG_F16 (-9.700) /* 0xC8DA */ #define MAXL10_F16 (+4.816) /* 0x44D1 */ #define MINL10_F16 (-4.215) /* 0xC437 */ #define HUGE_VAL_F16 ((unsigned int)0x7C00) #define INFINITY_POS_F16 ((unsigned int)0x7C00) #define INFINITY_NEG_F16 ((unsigned int)0xFC00) #define NAN_POS_F16 ((unsigned int)0x7FFF) #define NAN_NEG_F16 ((unsigned int)0xFFFF) #endif extern double_t __LIB__ acos(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ asin(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ atan(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; #ifdef __MATH_AM9511 extern double_t __LIB__ atan2(double_t y,double_t x) __smallc; #else extern double_t __LIB__ atan2(double_t y,double_t x) __smallc; extern double_t __LIB__ atan2_callee(double_t y,double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define atan2(a,b) atan2_callee(a,b) #endif extern double_t __LIB__ cos(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ sin(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ tan(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ acosh(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ asinh(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ atanh(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ cosh(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ sinh(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ tanh(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ exp(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ exp2(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ expm1(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ frexp(double_t value,int *exp) __smallc; extern double_t __LIB__ frexp_callee(double_t value,int *exp) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define frexp(a,b) frexp_callee(a,b) extern double_t __LIB__ ldexp(double_t x,int exp) __smallc; extern double_t __LIB__ ldexp_callee(double_t x,int exp) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define ldexp(a,b) ldexp_callee(a,b) extern double_t __LIB__ scalbn(double_t x,int n) __smallc; extern double_t __LIB__ scalbn_callee(double_t x,int n) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define scalbn(a,b) scalbn_callee(a,b) extern double_t __LIB__ scalbln(double_t x,int n) __smallc; extern double_t __LIB__ scalbln_callee(double_t x,int n) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define scalbln(a,b) scalbln_callee(a,b) extern int __LIB__ ilogb(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ log(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ log10(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ log1p(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ log2(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ logb(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ fabs(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ hypot(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc; extern double_t __LIB__ hypot_callee(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define hypot(a,b) hypot_callee(a,b) extern double_t __LIB__ pow(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc; extern double_t __LIB__ pow_callee(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define pow(a,b) pow_callee(a,b) extern double_t __LIB__ sqrt(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ cbrt(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ erf(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ erfc(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ lgamma(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ tgamma(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ ceil(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ floor(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ nearbyint(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ rint(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern long __LIB__ lrint(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ round(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern long __LIB__ lround(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ trunc(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; #ifdef __MATH_AM9511 extern double_t __LIB__ modf(double_t value,double_t *iptr) __smallc; extern double_t __LIB__ fmod(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc; #else extern double_t __LIB__ modf(double_t value,double_t *iptr) __smallc; extern double_t __LIB__ modf_callee(double_t value,double_t *iptr) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define modf(a,b) modf_callee(a,b) extern double_t __LIB__ fmod(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc; extern double_t __LIB__ fmod_callee(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define fmod(a,b) fmod_callee(a,b) #endif extern double_t __LIB__ remainder(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc; extern double_t __LIB__ remainder_callee(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define remainder(a,b) remainder_callee(a,b) extern double_t __LIB__ remquo(double_t x,double_t y,int *quo) __smallc; extern double_t __LIB__ remquo_callee(double_t x,double_t y,int *quo) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define remquo(a,b,c) remquo_callee(a,b,c) extern double_t __LIB__ copysign(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc; extern double_t __LIB__ copysign_callee(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define copysign(a,b) copysign_callee(a,b) extern double_t __LIB__ nan(const char *tagp) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ nextafter(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc; extern double_t __LIB__ nextafter_callee(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define nextafter(a,b) nextafter_callee(a,b) extern double_t __LIB__ nexttoward(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc; extern double_t __LIB__ nexttoward_callee(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define nexttoward(a,b) nexttoward_callee(a,b) extern double_t __LIB__ fdim(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc; extern double_t __LIB__ fdim_callee(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define fdim(a,b) fdim_callee(a,b) extern double_t __LIB__ fmax(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc; extern double_t __LIB__ fmax_callee(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define fmax(a,b) fmax_callee(a,b) extern double_t __LIB__ fmin(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc; extern double_t __LIB__ fmin_callee(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define fmin(a,b) fmin_callee(a,b) extern double_t __LIB__ fma(double_t x,double_t y,double_t z) __smallc; extern double_t __LIB__ fma_callee(double_t x,double_t y,double_t z) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define fma(a,b,c) fma_callee(a,b,c) extern int __LIB__ isgreater(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc; extern int __LIB__ isgreater_callee(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define isgreater(a,b) isgreater_callee(a,b) extern int __LIB__ isgreaterequal(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc; extern int __LIB__ isgreaterequal_callee(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define isgreaterequal(a,b) isgreaterequal_callee(a,b) extern int __LIB__ isless(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc; extern int __LIB__ isless_callee(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define isless(a,b) isless_callee(a,b) extern int __LIB__ islessequal(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc; extern int __LIB__ islessequal_callee(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define islessequal(a,b) islessequal_callee(a,b) extern int __LIB__ islessgreater(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc; extern int __LIB__ islessgreater_callee(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define islessgreater(a,b) islessgreater_callee(a,b) extern int __LIB__ isunordered(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc; extern int __LIB__ isunordered_callee(double_t x,double_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define isunordered(a,b) isunordered_callee(a,b) #ifdef __MATH_MATH32 extern double_t __LIB__ neg(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ sqr(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ inv(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ invsqrt(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ div2(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ mul2(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ mul10u(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ exp10(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ poly(const float x,const float d[],unsigned int n) __smallc; extern double_t __LIB__ poly_callee(const float x,const float d[],unsigned int n) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define poly(a,b,c) poly_callee(a,b,c) #endif #ifdef __MATH_AM9511 extern double_t __LIB__ f32_fam9511(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ fam9511_f32(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ neg(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ sqr(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ div2(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ mul2(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ mul10u(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ exp10(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; #endif #ifdef __MATH_MATH16 extern half_t __LIB__ f16_f48(double_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern double_t __LIB__ f48_f16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ f16_f32(float_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern float_t __LIB__ f32_f16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern int16_t __LIB__ i16_f16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern uint16_t __LIB__ u16_f16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern int32_t __LIB__ i32_f16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern uint32_t __LIB__ u32_f16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ f16_i8(int8_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ f16_i16(int16_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ f16_i32(int32_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ f16_u8(uint8_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ f16_u16(uint16_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ f16_u32(uint32_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ addf16(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc; extern half_t __LIB__ addf16_callee(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define addf16(a,b) addf16_callee(a,b) extern half_t __LIB__ subf16(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc; extern half_t __LIB__ subf16_callee(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define subf16(a,b) subf16_callee(a,b) extern half_t __LIB__ mulf16(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc; extern half_t __LIB__ mulf16_callee(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define mulf16(a,b) mulf16_callee(a,b) extern half_t __LIB__ divf16(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc; extern half_t __LIB__ divf16_callee(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define divf16(a,b) divf16_callee(a,b) extern half_t __LIB__ fmaf16(half_t x,half_t y,half_t z) __smallc; extern half_t __LIB__ fmaf16_callee(half_t x,half_t y,half_t z) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define fmaf16(a,b,c) fmaf16_callee(a,b,c) extern half_t __LIB__ polyf16(half_t x,float_t d[],uint16_t n) __smallc; extern half_t __LIB__ polyf16_callee(half_t x,float_t d[],uint16_t n) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define polyf16(a,b,c) polyf16_callee(a,b,c) extern half_t __LIB__ hypotf16(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc; extern half_t __LIB__ hypotf16_callee(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define hypotf16(a,b) hypotf16_callee(a,b) extern half_t __LIB__ invf16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ invsqrtf16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ sqrtf16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ div2f16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ mul2f16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ mul10f16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ frexpf16(half_t x,int16_t *pw2) __smallc; extern half_t __LIB__ frexpf16_callee(half_t x,int16_t *pw2) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define frexpf16(a,b) frexpf16_callee(a,b) extern half_t __LIB__ ldexpf16(half_t x,int16_t pw2) __smallc; extern half_t __LIB__ ldexpf16_callee(half_t x,int16_t pw2) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define ldexpf16(a,b) ldexpf16_callee(a,b) extern half_t __LIB__ acosf16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ asinf16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ atanf16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ atan2f16(half_t y,half_t x) __smallc; extern half_t __LIB__ atan2f16_callee(half_t y,half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define atan2f16(a,b) atan2f16_callee(a,b) extern half_t __LIB__ cosf16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ sinf16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ tanf16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ expf16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ exp2f16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ exp10f16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ logf16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ log2f16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ log10f16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ powf16(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc; extern half_t __LIB__ powf16_callee(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define powf16(a,b) powf16_callee(a,b) extern half_t __LIB__ fabsf16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ negf16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ ceilf16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern half_t __LIB__ floorf16(half_t x) __smallc __z88dk_fastcall; extern int __LIB__ isgreaterf16(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc; extern int __LIB__ isgreaterf16_callee(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define isgreaterf16(a,b) isgreaterf16_callee(a,b) extern int __LIB__ isgreaterequalf16(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc; extern int __LIB__ isgreaterequalf16_callee(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define isgreaterequalf16(a,b) isgreaterequalf16_callee(a,b) extern int __LIB__ islessf16(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc; extern int __LIB__ islessf16_callee(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define islessf16(a,b) islessf16_callee(a,b) extern int __LIB__ islessequalf16(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc; extern int __LIB__ islessequalf16_callee(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define islessequalf16(a,b) islessequalf16_callee(a,b) extern int __LIB__ islessgreaterf16(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc; extern int __LIB__ islessgreaterf16_callee(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define islessgreaterf16(a,b) islessgreaterf16_callee(a,b) extern int __LIB__ isnotequalf16(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc; extern int __LIB__ isnotequalf16_callee(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define isnotequalf16(a,b) isnotequalf16_callee(a,b) extern int __LIB__ isunorderedf16(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc; extern int __LIB__ isunorderedf16_callee(half_t x,half_t y) __smallc __z88dk_callee; #define isunorderedf16(a,b) isunorderedf16_callee(a,b) #define scalbnf16(x,pw2) ldexpf16(x,pw2) #define truncf16(a) (a>0.?floorf16(a):ceilf16(a)) #define roundf16(a) (a>0.?floorf16(a+0.5):ceilf16(a-0.5)) #define rintf16(a) ceilf16(a) #endif // NO DISTINCTION BETWEEN FLOAT AND DOUBLE #define acosf acos #define asinf asin #define atanf atan #define atan2f atan2 #define cosf cos #define sinf sin #define tanf tan #define acoshf acosh #define asinhf asinh #define atanhf atanh #define coshf cosh #define sinhf sinh #define tanhf tanh #define expf exp #define exp2f exp2 #define exp10f exp10 #define expm1f expm1 #define frexpf frexp #define ilogbf ilogb #define ldexpf ldexp #define logf log #define log2f log2 #define log10f log10 #define log1pf log1p #define logbf logb #define scalbnf scalbn #define scalblnf scalbln #define fabsf fabs #define hypotf hypot #define powf pow #define sqrtf sqrt #define cbrtf cbrt #define erff erf #define erfcf erfc #define lgammaf lgamma #define tgammaf tgamma #define ceilf ceil #define floorf floor #define nearbyintf nearbyint #define rintf rint #define lrintf lrint #define llrintf llrint #define roundf round #define lroundf lround #define llroundf llround #define truncf trunc #define modff modf #define fmodf fmod #define remainderf remainder #define remquof remquo #define copysignf copysign #define nanf nan #define nextafterf nextafter #define nexttowardf nexttoward #define fdimf fdim #define fmaxf fmax #define fminf fmin #define fmaf fma #ifdef __MATH_MATH32 #define sqrf sqr #define invf inv #define invsqrtf insqrt #define div2f div2 #define mul2f mul2 #define mul10uf mul10u #define exp10f exp10 #define polyf poly #endif #ifdef __MATH_AM9511 #define sqrf sqr #define div2f div2 #define mul2f mul2 #define mul10uf mul10u #define exp10f exp10 #endif #endif