10050 3 Templates Ping to the server (TCP) 300 90 365 1 1 161 Service state General Version of zabbix_agentd running 86400 90 365 1 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 General Ping 300 90 365 1 161 Service state General Log of $1 300 90 365 1 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 Log file Log of $1 300 90 365 1 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 Log file Log of $1 300 90 365 1 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 Log file Incoming traffic on interface $1 300 90 365 bps 1 1 8 161 Network Performance Incoming dropped packet on interface $1 300 90 365 1 pps 1 8 161 Network Incoming error packet on interface $1 300 90 365 1 pps 1 8 161 Network Number of collisions on interface $1 300 90 365 1 1 8 161 Network Performance Incoming traffic on interface $1 300 90 365 bps 1 1 8 161 Network Performance Incoming dropped packet on interface $1 300 90 365 1 pps 1 8 161 Network Incoming error packet on interface $1 300 90 365 1 pps 1 8 161 Network Number of collisions on interface $1 300 90 365 1 1 8 161 Network Performance Incoming traffic on interface $1 300 90 365 bps 1 1 8 161 Network Performance Incoming dropped packet on interface $1 300 90 365 1 pps 1 8 161 Network Incoming error packet on interface $1 300 90 365 1 pps 1 8 161 Network Number of collisions on interface $1 300 90 365 1 1 8 161 Network Performance Outgoing traffic on interface $1 300 90 365 bps 1 1 8 161 Network Performance Outgoing dropped packet on interface $1 300 90 365 1 pps 1 8 161 Network Outgoing error packet on interface $1 300 90 365 1 pps 1 8 161 Network Outgoing traffic on interface $1 300 90 365 bps 1 1 8 161 Network Performance Outgoing dropped packet on interface $1 300 90 365 1 pps 1 8 161 Network Outgoing error packet on interface $1 300 90 365 1 pps 1 8 161 Network Outgoing traffic on interface $1 300 90 365 bps 1 1 8 161 Network Performance Outgoing dropped packet on interface $1 300 90 365 1 pps 1 8 161 Network Outgoing error packet on interface $1 300 90 365 1 pps 1 8 161 Network Used memory of $1 300 90 365 B 1 161 Process Used memory of $1 300 90 365 B 1 161 Process Used memory of $1 300 90 365 B 1 161 Process Number of running processes 300 90 365 1 161 Process Number of running processes $1 300 90 365 1 161 Process Number of running processes $1 300 90 365 1 161 Process Number of running processes $1 300 90 365 1 161 Process Number of processes 300 90 365 1 161 Process Host status 300 90 365 1 1 161 Host status General Host boot time 3600 90 365 1 unixtime 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 General CPU interrupt number 300 90 365 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 CPU Load Average $2 300 90 365 1 161 CPU Performance Load Average $2 300 90 365 1 161 CPU Performance Load Average $2 300 90 365 1 161 CPU Performance Number of available processors 3600 90 365 1 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 CPU CPU $2 time 300 90 365 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 CPU Performance CPU $2 time 300 90 365 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 CPU Performance CPU $2 time 300 90 365 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 CPU Performance CPU $2 time 300 90 365 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 CPU Performance CPU $2 time 300 90 365 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 CPU Performance Host name 86400 90 365 1 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 General Host local time 3600 90 365 1 unixtime 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 General Free swap space 300 90 365 B 1 161 Swap Used swap space in % 300 90 365 % 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 Swap Total swap space 300 90 365 1 B 1 161 Swap Host information 86400 90 365 1 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 General Host uptime 3600 90 365 uptime 1 161 General Number of users connected 300 90 365 1 161 General Disk read operations on $1 300 90 365 1 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 Filesystem Disk read operations on $1 300 90 365 1 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 Filesystem Disk read operations on $1 300 90 365 1 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 Filesystem Disk read operations on $1 300 90 365 1 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 Filesystem Disk write operations on $1 300 90 365 1 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 Filesystem Disk write operations on $1 300 90 365 1 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 Filesystem Disk write operations on $1 300 90 365 1 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 Filesystem Disk write operations on $1 300 90 365 1 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 Filesystem Checksum of $1 3600 90 365 1 1 161 File Checksum of $1 3600 90 365 1 1 161 File Checksum of $1 3600 90 365 1 1 161 File Checksum of $1 3600 90 365 1 1 161 File Checksum of $1 3600 90 365 1 1 161 File Checksum of $1 3600 90 365 1 1 161 File Used number of inodes on $1 in % 3600 90 365 % 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 Availavility Filesystem Total number of inodes on $1 86400 90 365 1 161 Filesystem Used number of inodes on $1 in % 3600 90 365 % 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 Availavility Filesystem Total number of inodes on $1 86400 90 365 1 1 161 Filesystem Used number of inodes on $1 in % 3600 90 365 % 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 Availavility Filesystem Total number of inodes on $1 86400 90 365 1 161 Filesystem Used number of inodes on $1 in % 3600 90 365 % 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 Availavility Filesystem Total number of inodes on $1 86400 90 365 1 161 Filesystem Free disk space on $1 3600 90 365 B 1 1024 161 Filesystem Availavility Used disk space on $1 in % 3600 90 365 % 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 Availavility Filesystem Total disk space on $1 86400 90 365 1 B 1 1024 161 Filesystem Free disk space on $1 3600 90 365 B 1 1024 161 Filesystem Availavility Used disk space on $1 in % 3600 90 365 % 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 Availavility Filesystem Total disk space on $1 86400 90 365 1 B 1 1024 161 Filesystem Free disk space on $1 3600 90 365 B 1 1024 161 Filesystem Availavility Used disk space on $1 in % 3600 90 365 % 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 Availavility Filesystem Total disk space on $1 86400 90 365 1 B 1 1024 161 Filesystem Free disk space on $1 3600 90 365 B 1 1024 161 Filesystem Availavility Used disk space on $1 in % 3600 90 365 % 1 public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1 161 Availavility Filesystem Total disk space on $1 86400 90 365 1 B 1 1024 161 Filesystem Available memory 300 90 365 B 1 161 Memory Availavility Buffers memory 300 90 365 B 1 161 Memory Availavility Cached memory 300 90 365 B 1 161 Memory Availavility Free memory 300 90 365 B 1 161 Memory Availavility Shared memory 300 90 365 B 1 161 Memory Availavility Total memory 300 90 365 1 B 1 161 Memory Low number of free inodes on {HOSTNAME} volume / {{HOSTNAME}:vfs.fs.inode[/,pused].last(0)}>90 2 Too many processes running on {HOSTNAME} {{HOSTNAME}:proc.num[,,run].last(0)}>100 2 Too may users connected on server {HOSTNAME} {{HOSTNAME}:system.users.num.last(0)}>50 1 /etc/passwd has been changed on server {HOSTNAME} {{HOSTNAME}:vfs.file.cksum[/etc/passwd].diff(0)}>0 1 Low number of free inodes on {HOSTNAME} volume /home {{HOSTNAME}:vfs.fs.inode[/home,pused].last(0)}>90 2 {HOSTNAME} has just been restarted {{HOSTNAME}:system.uptime.last(0)}<7200 1 syslogd is not running on {HOSTNAME} {{HOSTNAME}:proc.num[syslogd].last(0)}<1 3 Too many processes on {HOSTNAME} {{HOSTNAME}:proc.num[].last(0)}>300 2 crond is not running on {HOSTNAME} {{HOSTNAME}:proc.num[crond].last(0)}<1 3 klogd is not running on {HOSTNAME} {{HOSTNAME}:proc.num[klogd].last(0)}<1 3 Low number of free inodes on {HOSTNAME} volume /var {{HOSTNAME}:vfs.fs.inode[/var,pused].last(0)}>90 2 Low disk space on {HOSTNAME} volume / {{HOSTNAME}:vfs.fs.size[/,pused].last(0)}>90 2 Low disk space on {HOSTNAME} volume /home {{HOSTNAME}:vfs.fs.size[/home,pused].last(0)}>90 2 Low disk space on {HOSTNAME} volume /var {{HOSTNAME}:vfs.fs.size[/var,pused].last(0)}>90 2 Low number of free inodes on {HOSTNAME} volume /boot {{HOSTNAME}:vfs.fs.inode[/boot,pused].last(0)}>90 2 Low disk space on {HOSTNAME} volume /boot {{HOSTNAME}:vfs.fs.size[/boot,pused].last(0)}>90 2 /etc/group has been changed on server {HOSTNAME} {{HOSTNAME}:vfs.file.cksum[/etc/group].diff(0)}>0 1 Server {HOSTNAME} is unreachable {{HOSTNAME}:icmpping.last(0)}=0 4 1 1 1 0.0000 100.0000 1 10 0000FF 1 2 5 1 20 00FF00 1 2 5 1 30 FFFF00 1 2 5 1 40 FF0000 1 2 5 1 1 1 0.0000 100.0000 1 10 0000FF 1 2 5 1 1 0.0000 100.0000 10 0000FF 1 2 5 20 00FF00 1 2 5 30 FF0000 1 2 5 1 1 1 1 0.0000 100.0000 1 10 0000FF 1 2 5 1 20 00FF00 1 2 5 1 30 FF0000 1 2 5 1 40 FFFF00 1 2 5 1 50 FF00FF 1 2 5 1 1 0.0000 100.0000 10 0000FF 1 2 5 20 FF0000 1 2 5 1 1 0.0000 100.0000 10 0000FF 1 2 5 20 FF0000 1 2 5