zabbix_export: version: '5.4' date: '2021-11-21T21:45:44Z' groups: - uuid: 7df96b18c230490a9a0a9e2307226338 name: Templates templates: - uuid: 0a8337398e27495c812b26305ff29224 template: 'VEEAM SMTP trapper' name: 'VEEAM SMTP trapper' description: | ## Overview This Veeam Backup & Replication use email and not Powershell snippet. It is as efficient (or more) as other method of integration with Zabbix and it requires a lot less ressources. It monitors even Backup Database backup (which others do not). Using a specific script it can be applied to Free Agents as well. It uses zbxsmtptrap (on an idea from here : ) NB: a bug was recently corrected about Veeam sending multiline subjects - not really nice... but it can happen if you have long hostnames and happen to be sudenly out of support (which adds some garbage at the begining of the title) Give it a try! PS: to use this script with Veeam Free Agents without a VBR server (if you use a VBR server with a Free Agent, then you do not need this script because VBR will report by email to you), you'll need this small script to send the email : ## Author Raynald de Lahondès groups: - name: Templates discovery_rules: - uuid: a07d477a05084a3faaadc5ca8cd232fb name: 'Job Discovery' type: TRAP key: 'smtp.trap.subject.discovery[veeamjob]' delay: '0' item_prototypes: - uuid: 636c26773fe040a5b9f009fa50b11840 name: 'Job {#VEEAMJOB} message' type: TRAP key: 'smtp.trap.subject.match.body[veeamjob,{#VEEAMJOB}]' delay: '0' trends: '0' value_type: TEXT tags: - tag: Application value: 'VEEAM Backup & Recovery job(s)' - uuid: f0ccd6e1ffea4185919443de62ee0acb name: 'Job {#VEEAMJOB} status' type: TRAP key: 'smtp.trap.subject.match[veeamjob,{#VEEAMJOB},status]' delay: '0' trends: '0' value_type: TEXT request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: 'VEEAM Backup & Recovery job(s)' trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 5b64f4773e234e019e19a3f7611af295 expression: 'find(/VEEAM SMTP trapper/smtp.trap.subject.match[veeamjob,{#VEEAMJOB},status],,"like","Failed")=1' name: 'Failure of job {#VEEAMJOB}' priority: HIGH - uuid: b2fd90ed6fe041a7b4756bc56ebeed09 expression: 'nodata(/VEEAM SMTP trapper/smtp.trap.subject.match[veeamjob,{#VEEAMJOB},status],{$BACKUP_PERIODICITY:"{#VEEAMJOB}"})=1' name: 'Job {#VEEAMJOB} did not occur last {$BACKUP_PERIODICITY:"{#VEEAMJOB}"}' priority: HIGH - uuid: 2f40ac26f09446d3944450dd01240051 expression: 'find(/VEEAM SMTP trapper/smtp.trap.subject.match[veeamjob,{#VEEAMJOB},status],,"like","Warning")=1' name: 'Warning on job {#VEEAMJOB}' priority: WARNING dependencies: - name: 'Job {#VEEAMJOB} did not occur last {$BACKUP_PERIODICITY:"{#VEEAMJOB}"}' expression: 'nodata(/VEEAM SMTP trapper/smtp.trap.subject.match[veeamjob,{#VEEAMJOB},status],{$BACKUP_PERIODICITY:"{#VEEAMJOB}"})=1' request_method: POST macros: - macro: '{$BACKUP_PERIODICITY}' value: 52h