zabbix_export: version: '6.0' date: '2021-11-21T21:47:18Z' groups: - uuid: 7df96b18c230490a9a0a9e2307226338 name: Templates templates: - uuid: bdd818f56d2a4de9851a7565a0e3480b template: 'SSL check LLD' name: 'SSL check LLD' description: | ## Overview Main idea is monitoring several URL with SSL in one Zabbix host. Data for LLD provide JSON file. This is originally based on [](cat-app/web-servers/ssl-certificates-check) with modifications to the script and template. Added domain registration expiration check groups: - name: Templates discovery_rules: - uuid: f0f5caf81a9a4ba7aa16b5ccc4296e8c name: 'Domains discovery' type: EXTERNAL key: '["ssl_check.json","1"]' delay: 1h lifetime: 60d item_prototypes: - uuid: 6df79ee6939244d5a1d854063dde8d8f name: 'Domain {#DOMAIN_NAME} expire in' type: EXTERNAL key: '[{#DOMAIN_NAME}]' delay: 1d trends: 730d units: day(s) tags: - tag: Application value: 'Domain checks' trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 72ce8aaf74364d66893b7f2f9bcd4ac7 expression: 'last(/SSL check LLD/[{#DOMAIN_NAME}])<=0' name: 'Domain {#DOMAIN_NAME} expired' priority: DISASTER - uuid: 7803bdf2ade94f02ad74c140c0631148 expression: 'last(/SSL check LLD/[{#DOMAIN_NAME}])<14' name: 'Domain {#DOMAIN_NAME} will expire in 14 days' priority: HIGH dependencies: - name: 'Domain {#DOMAIN_NAME} expired' expression: 'last(/SSL check LLD/[{#DOMAIN_NAME}])<=0' - uuid: dd7366cd97a4408196d48b74745cd4a6 expression: 'last(/SSL check LLD/[{#DOMAIN_NAME}])<30' name: 'Domain {#DOMAIN_NAME} will expire in 30 days' priority: WARNING dependencies: - name: 'Domain {#DOMAIN_NAME} will expire in 14 days' expression: 'last(/SSL check LLD/[{#DOMAIN_NAME}])<14' lld_macro_paths: - lld_macro: '{#DOMAIN_NAME}' path: $.d_name preprocessing: - type: JAVASCRIPT parameters: - | var urls = JSON.parse(value); var dom_names = []; for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) { var j = urls[i].url.split('.'); var dn = j[j.length - 2] + '.' + j[j.length - 1]; if (dom_names.indexOf(dn) == -1) { dom_names.push(dn); } } var dnames = []; for (var i = 0; i < dom_names.length; i++) { dnames.push({'d_name': dom_names[i]}); } return JSON.stringify(dnames); - uuid: f144797ab4904691abd6e9bb2b6f2b48 name: 'URLs discovery' type: EXTERNAL key: '["ssl_check.json"]' delay: 1h lifetime: 60d item_prototypes: - uuid: 1a713989d41a4ca692042ee932c1691a name: 'HTTPS Service on {#URL}:{#PORT} is running' type: SIMPLE key: 'net.tcp.service[https,{#URL},{#PORT}]' delay: 5m history: 10d trends: 730d valuemap: name: 'Service state' tags: - tag: Application value: 'HTTPS Service' trigger_prototypes: - uuid: a0630601c5884c3594ca94ebd0dadf30 expression: 'max(/SSL check LLD/net.tcp.service[https,{#URL},{#PORT}],#3)=0' name: 'HTTPS service is down on {#URL}:{#PORT}' priority: AVERAGE description: | Last value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}. HTTPS service is down on {#URL}:{#PORT} - uuid: 7276f1a300334b98951efdf94d7dc4e5 name: 'SSL certificate validity {#URL}:{#PORT}' type: EXTERNAL key: '[-d,{#URL},{#PORT}]' delay: 1h history: 10d trends: 730d units: day(s) tags: - tag: Application value: 'SSL Checks' trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 5298aa96bb3c41f8b50cca33058bfc3d expression: 'nodata(/SSL check LLD/[-d,{#URL},{#PORT}],210m)=1' name: 'Falied to establish SSL connectoin on {#URL}:{#PORT} in last 3 hour' status: DISABLED priority: HIGH - uuid: 493e729cb0934497aacb06eb3ab969d7 expression: 'last(/SSL check LLD/[-d,{#URL},{#PORT}])<0' name: 'SSL certificate on {#URL}:{#PORT} expired' priority: DISASTER - uuid: 2ff5ca35a92b4ee49150ef59e1e40625 expression: 'last(/SSL check LLD/[-d,{#URL},{#PORT}])<7' name: 'SSL certificate on {#URL}:{#PORT} expires in less than 7 days' priority: HIGH description: | Last value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}. SSL certificate on {#URL}:{#PORT} expires in less than week dependencies: - name: 'SSL certificate on {#URL}:{#PORT} expired' expression: 'last(/SSL check LLD/[-d,{#URL},{#PORT}])<0' - uuid: e04b106554854514ab7b3d821a9a7b57 expression: 'last(/SSL check LLD/[-d,{#URL},{#PORT}])<21' name: 'SSL certificate on {#URL}:{#PORT} expires in less than 21 days' priority: WARNING description: | Last value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}. SSL certificate on {#URL}:{#PORT} expires in less than 3 week dependencies: - name: 'SSL certificate on {#URL}:{#PORT} expires in less than 7 days' expression: 'last(/SSL check LLD/[-d,{#URL},{#PORT}])<7' - uuid: d2bfd23599b54d8bbe9d5680054b24c2 name: 'SSL certificate issuer {#URL}:{#PORT}' type: EXTERNAL key: '[-i,{#URL},{#PORT}]' delay: 1h history: 10d trends: '0' value_type: CHAR tags: - tag: Application value: 'SSL Checks' lld_macro_paths: - lld_macro: '{#PORT}' path: $.port - lld_macro: '{#URL}' path: $.url valuemaps: - uuid: 983c1ae60c2846b8bf99f04375a701cf name: 'Service state' mappings: - value: '0' newvalue: Down - value: '1' newvalue: Up