zabbix_export: version: '5.4' date: '2021-11-21T22:03:01Z' groups: - uuid: eb327027c5af4cacbd57d030624aaf49 name: Templates/Services templates: - uuid: 4fdb5deed79c457d90c5547fb377f1d6 template: Emby name: Emby description: | ## Overview For this template, you only need to change the {$ EMBY\_URL} and {$ EMBY\_TOKEN} macros To generate the token API, follow the instructions: Note: if possible use the Emby URL in http, there may be problems using https groups: - name: Templates/Services items: - uuid: 6e5d4a0704fd423eb33246b849f9315d name: 'Album Count' type: DEPENDENT key: album.count delay: '0' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - $.AlbumCount master_item: key: itens.count tags: - tag: Application value: Emby - uuid: 490f3f9c72404f518bcf5350b2da46b4 name: 'Artist Count' type: DEPENDENT key: artist.count delay: '0' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - $.ArtistCount master_item: key: itens.count tags: - tag: Application value: Emby - uuid: a758da7056924176a2034e827497eb26 name: 'Book Count' type: DEPENDENT key: book.count delay: '0' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - $.BookCount master_item: key: itens.count tags: - tag: Application value: Emby - uuid: fa25bfc403f940d5b11fb170876e6d54 name: 'Box Set Count' type: DEPENDENT key: boxset.count delay: '0' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - $.BoxSetCount master_item: key: itens.count tags: - tag: Application value: Emby - uuid: e3eeedc5491f4c69bcfe8989f1198ea7 name: 'Emby Version' type: DEPENDENT key: emby.version delay: '0' trends: '0' value_type: TEXT preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - $.Version master_item: key: tags: - tag: Application value: Emby - uuid: 6a2b11e0af684df0b97e3329064596ea name: 'Episode Count' type: DEPENDENT key: episode.count delay: '0' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - $.EpisodeCount master_item: key: itens.count tags: - tag: Application value: Emby - uuid: 59510228af924d29a8e3a60ebc096e18 name: 'Game Count' type: DEPENDENT key: game.count delay: '0' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - $.GameCount master_item: key: itens.count tags: - tag: Application value: Emby - uuid: d238598afe1546ba8ab58486c9c9d56c name: 'Game System Count' type: DEPENDENT key: gamesystem.count delay: '0' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - $.GameSystemCount master_item: key: itens.count tags: - tag: Application value: Emby - uuid: cb25fee2e38044b3b6534611767bba06 name: 'Item Count' type: DEPENDENT key: item.count delay: '0' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - $.ItemCount master_item: key: itens.count tags: - tag: Application value: Emby - uuid: b41dddf9789947b8a5979de46f320f82 name: 'Emby itens count' type: HTTP_AGENT key: itens.count delay: 15m trends: '0' value_type: TEXT url: '{$EMBY_URL}/emby/Items/Counts?api_key={$EMBY_TOKEN}' tags: - tag: Application value: Emby - uuid: a03230c750244621bf900e82adb7aa8f name: 'Movies Count' type: DEPENDENT key: movies.count delay: '0' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - $.MovieCount master_item: key: itens.count tags: - tag: Application value: Emby - uuid: c29690c6b1fd4a73b06011a974b613c6 name: 'Music Video Count' type: DEPENDENT key: musicvideo.count delay: '0' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - $.MusicVideoCount master_item: key: itens.count tags: - tag: Application value: Emby - uuid: 58aed42b6ff848899ba7e2fbb355b26d name: 'Emby-Server Process' key: 'proc.num[EmbyServer]' history: 1w valuemap: name: 'Service state' tags: - tag: Application value: Emby triggers: - uuid: 7d4e031b23fd49ffb6e2f6bd87b992bd expression: 'last(/Emby/proc.num[EmbyServer],#2)=0' name: 'Emby Server não esta rodando' priority: HIGH - uuid: 1f7e7e6334304a07a1cd26c2643ccffc name: 'Program Count' type: DEPENDENT key: program.count delay: '0' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - $.ProgramCount master_item: key: itens.count tags: - tag: Application value: Emby - uuid: f4089ee440ee40dda4bdcc0dc19fd82d name: 'TV Shows Count' type: DEPENDENT key: series.count delay: '0' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - $.SeriesCount master_item: key: itens.count tags: - tag: Application value: Emby - uuid: 61405e0947f24112bd1754db825682dc name: 'Song Count' type: DEPENDENT key: song.count delay: '0' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - $.SongCount master_item: key: itens.count tags: - tag: Application value: Emby - uuid: 0b3ba6e70d7a43aebe95136294b8513b name: 'System Info' type: HTTP_AGENT key: delay: 1d trends: '0' value_type: TEXT url: '{$EMBY_URL}/emby/System/Info?api_key={$EMBY_TOKEN}' tags: - tag: Application value: Emby - uuid: fb66c1ac3ef04c62b8a716f564e3e0cf name: 'Trailer Count' type: DEPENDENT key: trailer.count delay: '0' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - $.TrailerCount master_item: key: itens.count tags: - tag: Application value: Emby macros: - macro: '{$EMBY_TOKEN}' - macro: '{$EMBY_URL}' - macro: '{$PORT_EMBY}' value: '8096' valuemaps: - uuid: 3447e103525249bdafe733653bd255e0 name: 'Service state' mappings: - value: '0' newvalue: Down - value: '1' newvalue: Up