zabbix_export: version: '5.4' date: '2021-11-21T21:34:32Z' groups: - uuid: baf99583c9b14e41ab4d438a4b5b0a6f name: 'Quagga BGP' templates: - uuid: baf99583c9b14e41ab4d438a4b5b0a6f template: 'Quagga BGP' name: 'Quagga BGP' description: | ## Description Template for auto-discovery bgp peers and monitor they. ## Overview This is a template to monitor peerings BGP Quagga with Zabbix. ## Author Renan Rodrigues groups: - name: 'Quagga BGP' discovery_rules: - uuid: 5c7da6cd9e23483d85a6974a4ae5b49d name: 'BGP discovery' key: bgpdiscovery delay: '3600' lifetime: 1d item_prototypes: - uuid: 68b97e0c6e1c40f283da4c94162b4029 name: 'Peer {#BGPPEER}' key: 'bgpmon[{#BGPPEER}]' delay: '60' units: state tags: - tag: Application value: BGP trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 31da46aa2786436a865a87d1faed523e expression: 'last(/Quagga BGP/bgpmon[{#BGPPEER}])=0' name: 'BGP session with {#BGPPEER} is down' priority: WARNING description: 'Bgp session is down'