zabbix_export: version: '5.4' date: '2021-11-21T21:29:09Z' groups: - uuid: 59ecf1b9ff1643f9bafae26e6fa2de0b name: 'Template Switches' templates: - uuid: 3ca956ad30bb44bcb26e2ae7bad0cf17 template: 'HP A5120' name: 'HP A5120' description: | ## Overview Template for HP A5120 switch with SNMP v3 authPriv. Included items: * CPU usage * Memory usage * Temperature * Fan status * PSU sensor * Device name, location, description, contact details * Discovery rule for CRC errors no links to other templates, does not include standard interface items (use generic SNMP interface template) I use SNMP V3 with authPriv security level, SHA authentication protocol, AES privacy protocol. It is required to fill these variables with correct values using host macros. * Security name: {$SNMP\_V3\_USER} * Authentication passphrase: {$SNMP\_V3\_AUTHPASSPHRASE} * Privacy passphrase: {$SNMP\_V3\_PRIVPASSPHRASE} Created on Zabbix 3.0, should work with newer/older versions. ## Author Jakub Samek groups: - name: 'Template Switches' items: - uuid: 9db93e32acd94a8693c2918af1038b60 name: 'External Power Supply 1' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: Ext.Power.Supply delay: '60' history: 7d tags: - tag: Application value: 'Power Supply' - uuid: a87e25dd955442ae80f7704a4c3d3bbe name: 'Fan 1' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: . key: fan1.status delay: '60' history: 7d tags: - tag: Application value: Fan - uuid: ea46109a13b541a79f3ea5650f81813c name: 'Internal Power Supply 1' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: . key: Int.Power.Supply1 delay: '60' history: 7d tags: - tag: Application value: 'Power Supply' - uuid: a46afc94225e49bf9517f5d4c2fe4b51 name: 'Power Supply Sensor' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: . key: Power.Supply.Sensor delay: '60' history: 7d tags: - tag: Application value: 'Power Supply' - uuid: 8a412495c85e4b11b9ad239541bd2dfd name: 'CPU usage' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: switch.cpu delay: '60' history: 7d units: '%' tags: - tag: Application value: CPU triggers: - uuid: 09f05f8997004b2088d1a85fbf54982f expression: 'last(/HP A5120/switch.cpu)>80' name: 'CPU usage on {HOST.HOST} > 80%' priority: HIGH - uuid: 89df224b9825497c9be0469db4c21851 expression: 'last(/HP A5120/switch.cpu)>80' name: 'Memory usage on {HOST.HOST} > 80%' priority: HIGH - uuid: 20bc550de0474c768e070ae0ca41d8f1 name: 'Memory usage' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: switch.memory delay: '60' history: 7d units: '%' tags: - tag: Application value: Memory - uuid: 6175279f333442719b222e2cdbdf348b name: 'Switch Temperature' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: . key: switch.temp delay: '60' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: °C tags: - tag: Application value: Temperature triggers: - uuid: ef2767a0ea464e76925b432d1a24d747 expression: | ({TRIGGER.VALUE}=0 and last(/HP A5120/switch.temp)>45) or ({TRIGGER.VALUE}=1 and last(/HP A5120/switch.temp)>40) name: 'Temperature on {HOST.HOST} is > 45' priority: HIGH description: 'Temp to high !' - uuid: fcdb80df54c64f4f856cdc1c8ee9010c name: 'Device contact details' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysContact.0' key: sysContact delay: '3600' history: 7d trends: '0' value_type: CHAR description: 'The textual identification of the contact person for this managed node, together with information on how to contact this person. If no contact information is known, the value is the zero-length string.' inventory_link: CONTACT tags: - tag: Application value: System - uuid: 9ba29c811cfd4ab49541ee3ef37824ef name: 'Device description' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0' key: sysDescr delay: '3600' history: 7d trends: '0' value_type: CHAR description: 'A textual description of the entity. This value should include the full name and version identification of the system''s hardware type, software operating-system, and networking software.' inventory_link: HARDWARE tags: - tag: Application value: System - uuid: a5fb104482174916aa01053e1ea668ce name: 'Device location' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysLocation.0' key: sysLocation delay: '3600' history: 7d trends: '0' value_type: CHAR description: 'The physical location of this node (e.g., `telephone closet, 3rd floor''). If the location is unknown, the value is the zero-length string.' inventory_link: LOCATION tags: - tag: Application value: System - uuid: 0eb0c412c38c44f382cf87a3471f7d48 name: 'Device name' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0' key: sysName delay: '3600' history: 7d trends: '0' value_type: CHAR description: 'An administratively-assigned name for this managed node. By convention, this is the node''s fully-qualified domain name. If the name is unknown, the value is the zero-length string.' inventory_link: NAME tags: - tag: Application value: System - uuid: 8d64069463ff493da2e50afea6ba4e92 name: SysUptime type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: . key: SysUptime delay: '300' history: 7d trends: 60d value_type: FLOAT units: uptime preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '0.01' tags: - tag: Application value: System triggers: - uuid: f4587618b2414e0b866cc85e77dafde9 expression: 'last(/HP A5120/SysUptime)<1000' name: '{HOSTNAME} Has been restarted' priority: INFO discovery_rules: - uuid: 51bec5585b9e4105bcdcd7d9dca36181 name: 'Network interface errors' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},IF-MIB::ifDescr]' key: ifDescription delay: '3600' description: | You may also consider using IF-MIB::ifType or IF-MIB::ifAlias for discovery depending on your filtering needs. {$SNMP_COMMUNITY} is a global macro. item_prototypes: - uuid: 62633a9bbeed4dffbf9cd971304b5a17 name: 'CRC errors on interface $1' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'EtherLike-MIB::dot3StatsAlignmentErrors.{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'CRC.Errors[{#SNMPVALUE}]' delay: '120' history: 7d tags: - tag: Application value: 'CRC Errors' trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 02a910c9f5bf4964a02bc460453311a3 expression: 'change(/HP A5120/CRC.Errors[{#SNMPVALUE}])>1' name: 'CRC Errors on on {HOST.NAME} interface {#SNMPVALUE}' url: '' priority: AVERAGE description: 'A Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) are a hash function designed to detect accidental changes to raw computer data. A CRC is a short binary sequence present on each block of data. When a block of data is read or received, the device repeats the calculation to check for a match. If the new CRC does not match the original CRC, then a data error is logged and the device can attempt to correct the data error by re-reading or requesting the block of data.' graphs: - uuid: 7a0b8d49bdf246f9b7a46952fcc16835 name: 'CPU usage' graph_items: - color: 1A7C11 item: host: 'HP A5120' key: switch.cpu - uuid: 8a6777c7ddbf435cafe684e0396dd6f1 name: 'Memory usage' graph_items: - color: 1A7C11 item: host: 'HP A5120' key: switch.memory