zabbix_export: version: '5.4' date: '2021-11-21T21:47:02Z' groups: - uuid: 872ea640e12e4d66a8dba9fda8aad430 name: Qtech - uuid: 7df96b18c230490a9a0a9e2307226338 name: Templates templates: - uuid: 96c474afa0fd4b5daf922a0c15d4aea2 template: Qtech_Sensors name: Qtech_Sensors description: | ## Overview Template for Qtech. Discovering RX power, TX power, Bias, Voltage and Temp sensors of installed SFP (SFP modules must be with DDM support). PS: Without triggers. Must be later. groups: - name: Qtech - name: Templates discovery_rules: - uuid: 493c282a3cc1403c9f1b61d2d4f28a25 name: 'Sensors discovery' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},IF-MIB::ifDescr,{#IFDESC},,{#DDMTX},QTECH-MIB::ddmDiagnosisTXPower]' key: sensors.discovery delay: 600s filter: conditions: - macro: '{#DDMTX}' value: '@NULL' operator: NOT_MATCHES_REGEX formulaid: A lifetime: 10d item_prototypes: - uuid: d54831ae89614990bf2a799eaca175c2 name: '{#SNMPVALUE}({#IFDESC}) SFP Bias' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'QTECH-MIB::ddmDiagnosisBias.{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'ddmsensorbias[{#SNMPINDEX}]' delay: 600s history: 180d value_type: FLOAT units: mA tags: - tag: Application value: Sensors - uuid: f3354dc351624b7095d84b28de6434ec name: '{#SNMPVALUE}({#IFDESC}) SFP RX Power' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'QTECH-MIB::ddmDiagnosisRXPower.{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'ddmsensorrxpower[{#SNMPINDEX}]' delay: 600s history: 180d value_type: FLOAT units: dBm tags: - tag: Application value: Sensors - uuid: 4b7f025338fe432a8bcceff8f881b0e0 name: '{#SNMPVALUE}({#IFDESC}) SFP Temp' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'QTECH-MIB::ddmDiagnosisTemperature.{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'ddmsensortemp[{#SNMPINDEX}]' delay: 600s history: 180d value_type: FLOAT units: '*C' tags: - tag: Application value: Sensors - uuid: f3153c787e6b466c89f39ce2e76d107d name: '{#SNMPVALUE}({#IFDESC}) SFP TX Power' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'QTECH-MIB::ddmDiagnosisTXPower.{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'ddmsensortxpower[{#SNMPINDEX}]' delay: 600s history: 180d value_type: FLOAT units: dBm tags: - tag: Application value: Sensors - uuid: d1cab29c8e2145959d1ba3b6f4a932a3 name: '{#SNMPVALUE}({#IFDESC}) SFP Voltage' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'QTECH-MIB::ddmDiagnosisVoltage.{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'ddmsensorvoltage[{#SNMPINDEX}]' delay: 600s history: 180d value_type: FLOAT units: V tags: - tag: Application value: Sensors graph_prototypes: - uuid: 5b6e3517edf347dfaff6608db1fbe89d name: 'Sensor {#SNMPVALUE}' graph_items: - color: 2196F3 item: host: Qtech_Sensors key: 'ddmsensorbias[{#SNMPINDEX}]' - sortorder: '1' color: EF9A9A item: host: Qtech_Sensors key: 'ddmsensorrxpower[{#SNMPINDEX}]' - sortorder: '2' color: B71C1C item: host: Qtech_Sensors key: 'ddmsensortemp[{#SNMPINDEX}]' - sortorder: '3' color: 90CAF9 item: host: Qtech_Sensors key: 'ddmsensortxpower[{#SNMPINDEX}]' - sortorder: '4' color: 00FF00 item: host: Qtech_Sensors key: 'ddmsensorvoltage[{#SNMPINDEX}]'