zabbix_export: version: '5.4' date: '2021-11-21T22:05:01Z' groups: - uuid: 0835b2a34e4a43d6887f5887b0135acc name: 'Templates/Servers Hardware' templates: - uuid: 20f361b7426841d080e6669de895db28 template: 'SNMPv2 LM-SENSORS' name: 'SNMPv2 LM-SENSORS' description: | ## Description Template for LM-SENSORS mib, works for any net-snmp based machine. ## Overview CPU Temperature FAN rpm PSU Voltage Others Temperatures requires "net-snmp" and "lm-sensors" Tested on FreeNAS and Debian should work on any Linux and FreeBSD system [Based on the Template of Tim Rightnour](cat-server-hardware/lm-sensors-snmp "Based on the Template of Tim Rightnour") groups: - name: 'Templates/Servers Hardware' discovery_rules: - uuid: c1da7c88547c40af9fa9f20bb85ba9c2 name: 'Temperature Discovery' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},LM-SENSORS-MIB::lmTempSensorsDevice]' key: lmsensors delay: 1h filter: evaltype: OR conditions: - macro: '{#SNMPVALUE}' value: ^CPU operator: NOT_MATCHES_REGEX formulaid: A - macro: '{#SNMPVALUE}' value: ^Core operator: NOT_MATCHES_REGEX formulaid: B - macro: '{#SNMPVALUE}' value: ^Package operator: NOT_MATCHES_REGEX formulaid: C lifetime: 7d description: 'Discover non-CPU temperature entities in LM Sensors' item_prototypes: - uuid: f07939bb458b46f5a9b500be19cf9332 name: 'Temperature Sensor {#SNMPVALUE}' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'LM-SENSORS-MIB::lmTempSensorsValue.{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'lmTempSensorsValue[{#SNMPVALUE}]' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: C preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '0.001' tags: - tag: Application value: Temperature - uuid: 6f61a3b16ef242508a3be5c4700dac1c name: 'CPU Temperature Discovery' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},LM-SENSORS-MIB::lmTempSensorsDevice]' key: lmsensors.cpu delay: 1h filter: evaltype: OR conditions: - macro: '{#SNMPVALUE}' value: ^CPU formulaid: A - macro: '{#SNMPVALUE}' value: ^Package formulaid: B - macro: '{#SNMPVALUE}' value: ^Core formulaid: C lifetime: 7d description: 'Discover CPU temperature entities in LM Sensors' item_prototypes: - uuid: 13ed5a991c3649bda50318a85f99645f name: 'CPU Temperature {#SNMPVALUE}' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'LM-SENSORS-MIB::lmTempSensorsValue.{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'lmsensors.cpu[{#SNMPVALUE}]' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: C preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '0.001' tags: - tag: Application value: CPU trigger_prototypes: - uuid: ec8da10e8f884b39895fdc8ca534dc47 expression: 'last(/SNMPv2 LM-SENSORS/lmsensors.cpu[{#SNMPVALUE}])>{$CPU_HIGH}' name: 'CPU {#SENSOR_NAME} high temp' priority: WARNING description: 'CPU temperature is higher than {$CPU_HIGH} currently {ITEM.VALUE}' - uuid: 930cf152ff1446cf92f950c7c611f0bc name: 'FAN Discovery' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},LM-SENSORS-MIB::lmFanSensorsDevice]' key: delay: 1h filter: evaltype: OR lifetime: 7d description: 'Discover Fan entities in LM Sensors' item_prototypes: - uuid: 0cf412f03a214df6bd8375187cdeb2bb name: 'FAN Speed {#SNMPVALUE}' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'LM-SENSORS-MIB::lmFanSensorsValue.{#SNMPINDEX}' key: '[{#SNMPVALUE}]' history: 7d units: rpm tags: - tag: Application value: FANs - uuid: fb793fc3b44e4d7097f9f5d4f3fbcb36 name: 'PSU Voltages Discovery' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},LM-SENSORS-MIB::lmVoltSensorsDevice]' key: lmsensors.volt delay: 1h filter: evaltype: OR lifetime: 7d description: 'Discover PSU Voltages in LM Sensors' item_prototypes: - uuid: 10d5cec32c134a4db345b4a775626f14 name: 'PSU Voltage {#SNMPVALUE}' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'LM-SENSORS-MIB::lmVoltSensorsValue.{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'lmsensors.volt[{#SNMPVALUE}]' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: vcc preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '0.001' tags: - tag: Application value: PSU macros: - macro: '{$CPU_HIGH}' value: '60.0' description: 'High cpu temp for alert'