zabbix_export: version: '6.0' date: '2021-11-21T22:08:36Z' groups: - uuid: 57b7ae836ca64446ba2c296389c009b7 name: Templates/Modules templates: - uuid: 33e0546f88df48f5961dd2fbf39dd197 template: 'Module Linux Active User Status by Zabbix Agent active' name: 'Module Linux Active User Status by Zabbix Agent active' description: | ## Description This template collects and monitors active users on target hosts. ## Overview # Zabbix Template for monitoring Active User Status by Zabbix Agent active This template try to monitor active users on servers and find out overstay users 1. Monitor Items 1. Logged in users List 1. Num of Active(logged in) users 1. Overstay users on the {HOST.NAME} > {$OVERSTAY\_THRESHOLD} day(s) 1. Num of overstay users on the {HOST.NAME} > {$OVERSTAY\_THRESHOLD} day(s) - Triggers Some users overstay on the {HOST.NAME} > {$OVERSTAY\_THRESHOLD} day(s) ## Tested version - Zabbix: `5.0.1` ## Useage 1. Import Templates: Zabbix Web Page --> [Configuration] --> [Templates] --> [Import] this xml file 1. Link this template to an existing host or a new host 1. Update the Macro to specify your Harbor info: [Configuration] --> your host --> [Macros] --> [Inherited and host macros] - {$OVERSTAY\_THRESHOLD} ## Author Yioda groups: - name: Templates/Modules items: - uuid: 7c54566c2a3848d89a131a8b27acca4c name: 'Logged in users' type: ZABBIX_ACTIVE key: '["TZ=UTC last -FRw | grep \"still logged\" | sed ''s/still logged in//g'' | awk ''{$2=\"\";print $0;}'' | sed ''s/ /,/g''"]' delay: 1h trends: '0' value_type: TEXT description: 'Use linux command `last` to get those users with status "still logged in".' preprocessing: - type: JAVASCRIPT parameters: - | var conns = value.split('\n'); var new_conns = []; for(var i=0; i {$OVERSTAY_THRESHOLD} day(s)' type: DEPENDENT key: system.users.overstay.list delay: '0' trends: '0' value_type: TEXT preprocessing: - type: JAVASCRIPT parameters: - | var conns = JSON.parse(value); var overstay_conns = []; var threshold = '{$OVERSTAY_THRESHOLD}'; for (var i=0; i= 1) { overstay_conns.push(conns[i]); } } return JSON.stringify(overstay_conns); master_item: key: '["TZ=UTC last -FRw | grep \"still logged\" | sed ''s/still logged in//g'' | awk ''{$2=\"\";print $0;}'' | sed ''s/ /,/g''"]' tags: - tag: Application value: 'Active User Status' - tag: Application value: OS - uuid: 69882caff9ba439aac605f4fa7db3dae name: 'Num of overstay users on the {HOST.NAME} > {$OVERSTAY_THRESHOLD} day(s)' type: DEPENDENT key: system.users.overstay.num delay: '0' preprocessing: - type: JAVASCRIPT parameters: - 'return JSON.parse(value).length;' master_item: key: system.users.overstay.list tags: - tag: Application value: 'Active User Status' - tag: Application value: OS triggers: - uuid: 68d4533e8b9346b7a7ce1afb9b20d850 expression: 'last(/Module Linux Active User Status by Zabbix Agent active/system.users.overstay.num)>0' name: 'Some users overstay on the {HOST.NAME} > {$OVERSTAY_THRESHOLD} day(s)' priority: WARNING macros: - macro: '{$OVERSTAY_THRESHOLD}' value: '1' description: 'stay on certain server too long, default: 1 day'