zabbix_export: version: '6.0' date: '2021-11-21T21:36:54Z' groups: - uuid: 7df96b18c230490a9a0a9e2307226338 name: Templates templates: - uuid: 9c200fa0cde54472bc386f05ddd696ee template: 'SNMP Reillo UPS' name: 'SNMP Reillo UPS' description: | ## Overview SNMP Template for REILLLO UPS, tested with Zabbix 3.4 (should work in older versions) Battery Status, Input/output load, Alarms. This template requires [Reillo MIB files]( (RFC1628A.MIB ) to be import into Zabbix server. ## Author Sing Kingdavong groups: - name: Templates items: - uuid: 7b60b683b7634ed28dfc4c1b315df4ee name: 'Alarms Present' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsAlarmsPresent.0' key: upsAlarmsPresent delay: 60s history: 30d trends: 60d units: alarms tags: - tag: Application value: UPS triggers: - uuid: 0df70103044443518ca349b83fd84aa8 expression: 'last(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsAlarmsPresent)>0' name: 'Alarm present!' priority: HIGH tags: - tag: POWER - uuid: 86937b479f454a688811942a007a8d5b name: 'Battery Current' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsBatteryCurrent.0' key: upsBatteryCurrent delay: 60s history: 30d trends: 60d units: A preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '0.1' tags: - tag: Application value: UPS - uuid: 70122e1543a34eb19cc613866b840c2f name: 'Battery Status' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsBatteryStatus.0' key: upsBatteryStatus delay: 60s history: 30d trends: 60d valuemap: name: upsBatteryStatus tags: - tag: Application value: UPS triggers: - uuid: a6d9c950cdf14a1ea0fad38b71ad9cb7 expression: 'last(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsBatteryStatus)<>2 and last(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsBatteryStatus,#2)<>2' name: 'Battery status has changed!' priority: AVERAGE tags: - tag: POWER - uuid: 13a4138086d84721b2f7d4b050d51ae5 name: 'Battery Temperature' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsBatteryTemperature.0' key: upsBatteryTemperature delay: 60s history: 30d trends: 60d units: ºC tags: - tag: Application value: UPS triggers: - uuid: 44d23688fb3344aab9259e834db9644e expression: 'min(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsBatteryTemperature,300s)>22' name: 'Temperature of batteries above 22ºC' priority: WARNING tags: - tag: POWER - uuid: c448de64c60844859a8cbfa98ba33be6 expression: 'min(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsBatteryTemperature,300s)>25' name: 'Temperature of batteries above 25ºC' priority: HIGH description: 'All batteries have a rated capacity which is determined based on specified conditions. The rated capacity of a UPS battery is based on an ambient temperature of 25°C (77°F). Operating the UPS under these conditions will maximize the life of the UPS and result in optimal performance. While a UPS will continue to operate in varying temperatures, it is important to note that this will likely result in diminishing the performance and lifespan of your battery. A general rule to remember is that for every 8.3°C (15°F) above the ambient temperature of 25°C (77°F), the life of the battery will be reduced by 50 percent. Therefore, keeping a UPS at a comfortable temperature is crucial to maximizing UPS life and capabilities.' tags: - tag: POWER - uuid: 7b37ae21e2f14f1caf72bbeba7eae113 expression: 'max(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsBatteryTemperature,300s)<19' name: 'Temperature of batteries below 19ºC' priority: AVERAGE description: 'Under 19º battery capacity will get reduced although life will be extended' tags: - tag: POWER - uuid: e059879175ac482c90953ff597087d7b name: 'Battery Voltage' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsBatteryVoltage.0' key: upsBatteryVoltage delay: 60s history: 30d trends: 60d units: V preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '0.1' tags: - tag: Application value: UPS triggers: - uuid: 267bf0daf201455d91728f0ad07c332b expression: 'max(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsBatteryVoltage,#2)<({$NOMINAL_VOLTAGE}*0.9)' name: 'Battery voltage under {$NOMINAL_VOLTAGE}' priority: HIGH tags: - tag: POWER - uuid: 7e63e1cabbe24dd9906053e2a09baae7 name: 'Bypass frequency' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsBypassFrequency.0' key: upsBypassFrequency delay: 60s history: 30d trends: 60d units: Hz preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '0.1' tags: - tag: Application value: UPS triggers: - uuid: 73f20fe232354af5820861f80d96769b expression: 'min(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsBypassFrequency,#2)>{$NOMINAL_FREQUENCY}+1 or max(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsBypassFrequency,#2)<{$NOMINAL_FREQUENCY}-1' name: 'Bypass frecuency is not {$NOMINAL_FREQUENCY}' priority: HIGH tags: - tag: POWER - uuid: 5b9383c59f1b4c8082884f1333f3a965 name: 'Estimated Charge Remaining' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsEstimatedChargeRemaining.0' key: upsEstimatedChargeRemaining delay: 60s history: 30d trends: 60d units: '%' tags: - tag: Application value: UPS triggers: - uuid: 464eabf217fd4596a315ab1006e9a75f expression: 'change(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsEstimatedChargeRemaining)>0 and last(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsEstimatedChargeRemaining)<100' name: 'Batteries are charging' priority: INFO tags: - tag: POWER - uuid: 9dec0b98f501446f920ed127ebe53bbf expression: 'change(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsEstimatedChargeRemaining)<0 and last(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsEstimatedChargeRemaining)>0' name: 'Batteries are discharging' priority: WARNING tags: - tag: POWER - uuid: 9760e1b6180a4de58b0c70cb02b176a0 name: 'Estimated Minutes Remaining' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsEstimatedMinutesRemaining.0' key: upsEstimatedMinutesRemaining delay: 60s history: 30d trends: 60d units: minutes tags: - tag: Application value: UPS triggers: - uuid: 86e6fc7066204eefbc84b80c45f8fbb5 expression: 'max(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsEstimatedMinutesRemaining,#2)<5' name: 'Estimated battery minutes remaining < 5' priority: AVERAGE tags: - tag: POWER - uuid: 0edfcade7350473b9c5ff12f8c98d024 name: 'Ups Agent Version' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsIdentAgentSoftwareVersion.0' key: upsIdentAgentSoftwareVersion delay: '86400' history: 30d trends: '0' value_type: CHAR inventory_link: SOFTWARE tags: - tag: Application value: General - uuid: e754a521245941f4aa583b274400e5f8 name: 'Model name' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsIdentModel.0' key: upsIdentModel delay: '86400' history: 30d trends: '0' value_type: CHAR inventory_link: MODEL tags: - tag: Application value: General - uuid: b306840e40f54ef68163122c7991639e name: 'Software version' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsIdentUPSSoftwareVersion.0' key: upsIdentUPSSoftwareVersion delay: '86400' history: 30d trends: '0' value_type: CHAR inventory_link: OS tags: - tag: Application value: General - uuid: 7cc1f417010f4916a4a6f34f629b6e79 name: 'Input Line Bads' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsInputLineBads.0' key: upsInputLineBads delay: 60s history: 30d trends: 60d tags: - tag: Application value: UPS triggers: - uuid: b2c52f00caf047519583976e15fb266c expression: 'change(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsInputLineBads)>0' name: 'Input Line Bads detected' priority: WARNING tags: - tag: POWER - uuid: f7e3d8e9619645c19f2f2892b14687fc name: 'Output frequency' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsOutputFrequency.0' key: upsOutputFrequency delay: 60s history: 30d trends: 60d units: Hz preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '0.1' tags: - tag: Application value: UPS triggers: - uuid: b06e1907fa4f471da2046418b62c12fd expression: 'min(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsOutputFrequency,#2)>{$NOMINAL_FREQUENCY}+1 or max(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsOutputFrequency,#2)<{$NOMINAL_FREQUENCY}-1' name: 'Output frecuency is not {$NOMINAL_FREQUENCY}' priority: HIGH tags: - tag: POWER - uuid: f4b5cb5ad04e449483d0801d5b4da9a9 name: 'Output source' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsOutputSource.0' key: upsOutputSource delay: 60s history: 30d trends: 60d valuemap: name: upsOutputSource tags: - tag: Application value: UPS triggers: - uuid: fb23b1bb60f84e6a887e20319cdfab70 expression: 'last(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsOutputSource)<>3 and last(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsOutputSource,#2)<>3' name: 'Output source has changed!' priority: AVERAGE tags: - tag: POWER - uuid: b21e214619644a29992da7dadf909ad9 name: 'Seconds on Battery' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsSecondsOnBattery.0' key: upsSecondsOnBattery delay: 60s history: 30d trends: 60d units: seconds tags: - tag: Application value: UPS - uuid: 67b13bd108a349d6be31a1a896250849 name: 'Agent availability' type: INTERNAL key: 'zabbix[host,snmp,available]' delay: 30s history: 7d description: 'The agent always returns 1 for this item. It could be used in combination with nodata() for availability check.' valuemap: name: 'Host availability' tags: - tag: Application value: 'SNMP agent' discovery_rules: - uuid: 980eb17c76e24ab084f1dc5f5c5cedcb name: 'Bypass lines' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},UPS-MIB::upsBypassNumLines]' key: upsBypassNumLines delay: 15s lifetime: '0' item_prototypes: - uuid: 64b8bf6b455c45feb461bf46f2b686df name: 'Line {#SNMPVALUE} Bypass Current' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsBypassCurrent.{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'upsBypassCurrent[{#SNMPVALUE}]' delay: 60s history: 30d trends: 60d units: 'A (RMS)' preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '0.1' tags: - tag: Application value: UPS - uuid: e8a73115899b4d10ab16456a744d4f23 name: 'Line {#SNMPVALUE} Bypass Power' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsBypassPower.{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'upsBypassPower[{#SNMPVALUE}]' delay: 60s history: 30d trends: 60d units: W tags: - tag: Application value: UPS - uuid: 3730efac254443fcbe79bf656bd48088 name: 'Line {#SNMPVALUE} Bypass Voltage' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsBypassVoltage.{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'upsBypassVoltage[{#SNMPVALUE}]' delay: 60s history: 30d trends: 60d units: 'V (RMS)' tags: - tag: Application value: UPS trigger_prototypes: - uuid: b402db4a64084718898fd2b129a0c26a expression: 'max(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsBypassVoltage[{#SNMPVALUE}],#2)<({$NOMINAL_VOLTAGE}*0.9)' name: 'Bypass voltage on line {#SNMPVALUE} below {$NOMINAL_VOLTAGE}' priority: HIGH manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: POWER - uuid: 2066c52af0dd40fb88f628e568291e3c name: 'Input Lines' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},UPS-MIB::upsInputLineIndex]' key: upsInputLineIndex delay: 15s lifetime: '0' item_prototypes: - uuid: d1b0fd29a0844efea9bf56684c1305e1 name: 'Line {#SNMPVALUE} Input Current' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsInputCurrent.{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'upsInputCurrent[{#SNMPVALUE}]' delay: 60s history: 30d trends: 60d units: 'A (RMS)' preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '0.1' tags: - tag: Application value: UPS - uuid: dc51b2004f5a42afb6b8dd1ced784719 name: 'Line {#SNMPVALUE} Input Frequency' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsInputFrequency.{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'upsInputFrequency[{#SNMPVALUE}]' delay: 60s history: 30d trends: 60d units: Hz preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '0.1' tags: - tag: Application value: UPS trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 943d981bd68b473b89d7470203d9f7bc expression: 'min(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsInputFrequency[{#SNMPVALUE}],#2)>{$NOMINAL_FREQUENCY}+1 or max(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsInputFrequency[{#SNMPVALUE}],#2)<({$NOMINAL_FREQUENCY}-1)' name: 'Input line {#SNMPVALUE} frequency not {$NOMINAL_FREQUENCY}' priority: HIGH manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: POWER - uuid: f815a423222442d5aa76cfed9651451b name: 'Line {#SNMPVALUE} True Power' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsInputTruePower.{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'upsInputTruePower[{#SNMPVALUE}]' delay: 60s history: 30d trends: 60d units: W tags: - tag: Application value: UPS - uuid: c811a445587d4ccea3f96331354f8762 name: 'Line {#SNMPVALUE} Input Voltage' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsInputVoltage.{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'upsInputVoltage[{#SNMPVALUE}]' delay: 60s history: 30d trends: 60d units: 'V (RMS)' tags: - tag: Application value: UPS trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 2178936258174051af44c80059d6d504 expression: 'max(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsInputVoltage[{#SNMPVALUE}],#2)<({$NOMINAL_VOLTAGE}*0.9)' name: 'Input line {#SNMPVALUE} voltage below {$NOMINAL_VOLTAGE}' priority: HIGH manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: POWER - uuid: c0310ff3db384799a98ab5996e25b772 name: 'Output lines' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},UPS-MIB::upsOutputLineIndex]' key: upsOutputLineIndex delay: 15s lifetime: '0' item_prototypes: - uuid: f980fd507a2e41f3a1d76a4231ee4b32 name: 'Line {#SNMPVALUE} Output Current' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsOutputCurrent.{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'upsOutputCurrent[{#SNMPVALUE}]' delay: 60s history: 30d trends: 60d units: 'A (RMS)' preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '0.1' tags: - tag: Application value: UPS - uuid: b4812c9ff3b947a8add4d99158396ee7 name: 'Line {#SNMPVALUE} Load' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsOutputPercentLoad.{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'upsOutputPercentLoad[{#SNMPVALUE}]' delay: 60s history: 30d trends: 60d units: '%' tags: - tag: Application value: UPS trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 3069e77faa5f4315ab83d9f920580ecd expression: 'min(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsOutputPercentLoad[{#SNMPVALUE}],300s)>80 and min(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsOutputPercentLoad[{#SNMPVALUE}],300s)<=90' name: 'Load of output line {#SNMPVALUE} is over 80%' priority: WARNING manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: POWER - uuid: 14c28e94b01c4722912d5e470966b54a expression: 'min(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsOutputPercentLoad[{#SNMPVALUE}],300s)>90 and min(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsOutputPercentLoad[{#SNMPVALUE}],300s)<=95' name: 'Load of output line {#SNMPVALUE} is over 90%' priority: AVERAGE manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: POWER - uuid: 251768f8f1524909830b4854205106be expression: 'min(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsOutputPercentLoad[{#SNMPVALUE}],300s)>95' name: 'Load of output line {#SNMPVALUE} is over 95%' priority: HIGH manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: POWER - uuid: 0ff259cb42e84f3a983db15a78d9e3a6 name: 'Line {#SNMPVALUE} Output Power' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsOutputPower.{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'upsOutputPower[{#SNMPVALUE}]' delay: 60s history: 30d trends: 60d units: W tags: - tag: Application value: UPS - uuid: bc6899b2884e44358b984c26a835777d name: 'Line {#SNMPVALUE} Output Voltage' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'UPS-MIB::upsOutputVoltage.{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'upsOutputVoltage[{#SNMPVALUE}]' delay: 60s history: 30d trends: 60d units: 'V (RMS)' tags: - tag: Application value: UPS trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 4fabe6fa38634863986ff1d0c1b0e711 expression: 'max(/SNMP Reillo UPS/upsOutputVoltage[{#SNMPVALUE}],#2)<({$NOMINAL_VOLTAGE}*0.9)' name: 'Output line {#SNMPVALUE} voltage below {$NOMINAL_VOLTAGE}' priority: HIGH manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: POWER macros: - macro: '{$NOMINAL_FREQUENCY}' value: '50' - macro: '{$NOMINAL_VOLTAGE}' value: '230' valuemaps: - uuid: 0a50e1e1934a4c28bab84c3a74eb1dc7 name: 'Host availability' mappings: - value: '0' newvalue: 'not available' - value: '1' newvalue: available - value: '2' newvalue: unknown - uuid: 70122e1543a34eb19cc613866b840c2f name: upsBatteryStatus mappings: - value: '1' newvalue: unknown - value: '2' newvalue: batteryNormal - value: '3' newvalue: batteryLow - value: '4' newvalue: batteryDepleted - uuid: f4b5cb5ad04e449483d0801d5b4da9a9 name: upsOutputSource mappings: - value: '1' newvalue: other - value: '2' newvalue: none - value: '3' newvalue: normal - value: '4' newvalue: bypass - value: '5' newvalue: battery - value: '6' newvalue: booster - value: '7' newvalue: reducer graphs: - uuid: 50e3d6aaa23d46369ea12a44ce9ba8c8 name: 'Battery Status' graph_items: - drawtype: BOLD_LINE color: 1A7C11 item: host: 'SNMP Reillo UPS' key: upsBatteryStatus - uuid: a541b1b480a64dfe87ba6f0febe3866a name: 'Battery Temperature' graph_items: - drawtype: BOLD_LINE color: 1A7C11 item: host: 'SNMP Reillo UPS' key: upsBatteryTemperature