zabbix_export: version: '6.0' date: '2021-11-21T21:41:57Z' groups: - uuid: 7df96b18c230490a9a0a9e2307226338 name: Templates templates: - uuid: e5434d5f5cea4af4b6bc73c8396a21db template: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' name: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' description: | ## Description Para toda linha de nobreak sinus triphases ## Overview A change made of template made by Peahgah All SMS nobles with Net Adapter II, input voltage information in (R, S, T), frequency, temperature, battery charge, power per phase. Triggers activate Work with Mono and Tri voltages (Tested with Sinus Double Black) With graphs and a screen Language PT-BR ## Author Ricardo Ito groups: - name: Templates items: - uuid: c44f518c3dd64b9ca08b1b3254810771 name: 'Verifica se a bateria atingiu nivel de tensao baixa critico' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: bateriaBaixaCritica delay: '1' history: 180d description: | Indica se a bateria atingiu nivel de tensao baixo critico ok(0), falha(1) valuemap: name: 'Nobreak SMS - Status' preprocessing: - type: BOOL_TO_DECIMAL parameters: - '' tags: - tag: Application value: Status triggers: - uuid: 8e4498f7a7c047a3a78848eb9eae987b expression: 'last(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/bateriaBaixaCritica)=1' name: 'Bateria atingiu nivel de tensao baixo critico' priority: DISASTER - uuid: 57cd899ebe054701bfce7d269e96146a name: 'Alarme Sonoro' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: beep delay: '1' history: 180d description: 'Indica se o beep do no-break esta ligado' valuemap: name: 'Nobreak SMS - Status' preprocessing: - type: BOOL_TO_DECIMAL parameters: - '' tags: - tag: Application value: Info - uuid: 83808b03be544c8a8363119d9a9cdb1c name: 'Status buck ou boost' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: buckOuBoost delay: '1' history: 180d description: | SYNTAX INTEGER { buck(0), boost(1) } Sua topologia é uma associação do conversor rebaixador Buck e do conversor elevador Boost, a principal característica que o destaca é a capacidade de obter tensões de saída com um valor maior ou menor que a entrada. valuemap: name: 'buck Ou Boost' tags: - tag: Application value: Status - uuid: fb7545d6b8444fb69b9015550a8f59cf name: 'Posicao da CHEST em by-pass ou inversor' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: chestEmInversorOuBypass delay: '1' description: 'SYNTAX INTEGER { bypass(0), inversor(1) }' valuemap: name: chestEmInversorOuBypass tags: - tag: Application value: Info - uuid: 8c06fedca8754e59ae2cc5456f1f36ee name: 'Frequencia Entrada Nobreak' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: enterprises.28802. delay: '1' history: 180d units: Hz description: 'objeto freqIn na MIB' tags: - tag: Application value: Energia - uuid: bcf5fdd303864a7fb49f28785b36266b name: 'Verifica Recarregador do Nobreak' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: enterprises.28802. delay: '1' history: 180d description: | objeto recarregador na MIB Indica se tem falha de recarregador no no-break ok(0) ou falha(1) valuemap: name: 'Nobreak SMS - Status' preprocessing: - type: BOOL_TO_DECIMAL parameters: - '' tags: - tag: Application value: Status triggers: - uuid: 88ba8ede08ab4d4a886c661ffd394b22 expression: 'last(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/enterprises.28802.' name: 'Falha no recarregador do no-breack' priority: HIGH - uuid: 149f9435605949879bfded82c7b610cc name: 'Verifica Status Fase Nobreak' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: enterprises.28802. delay: '1' history: 180d description: | objeto faseInvertida na MIB reporta evento indicando que as fases do no-break estao operando normalmente ok(0) ou falha(1) valuemap: name: 'Nobreak SMS - Status' preprocessing: - type: BOOL_TO_DECIMAL parameters: - '' tags: - tag: Application value: Status - uuid: c0e7b910364d429095c3a60203c29c32 name: 'Verifica Sobrecarga Nobreak' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: enterprises.28802. delay: '1' history: 180d description: | objeto sobrecarga na MIB se o no-break estiver em sobrecarga ok(0) ou falha(1) valuemap: name: 'Nobreak SMS - Status' preprocessing: - type: BOOL_TO_DECIMAL parameters: - '' tags: - tag: Application value: Status triggers: - uuid: 3ca98645c8f649e1b094ef17a506de7b expression: 'last(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/enterprises.28802.' name: Sobrecarga priority: HIGH - uuid: bb660d23d83e4a5fb0169ad712b1b2c8 name: 'Verifica Status Inversor Nobreak' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: enterprises.28802. delay: '1' history: 180d description: | objeto inversor na MIB Se tem falha no inversor ok(0) ou falha(1) valuemap: name: 'Nobreak SMS - Status' preprocessing: - type: BOOL_TO_DECIMAL parameters: - '' tags: - tag: Application value: Status - uuid: c24597ff8e534508a12f2aa179a0ab9b name: 'Status Entrada Energia Nobreak' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: enterprises.28802. delay: '1' history: 180d description: | objeto faltaDeRede na MIB se ocorre queda de rede ok(0) ou falha(1) valuemap: name: 'Nobreak SMS - Status' preprocessing: - type: BOOL_TO_DECIMAL parameters: - '' tags: - tag: Application value: Status - uuid: 8488a3c4efdc4687ba69fecfa4137996 name: 'Verifica Fonte Nobreak' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: enterprises.28802. delay: '1' history: 180d description: | objeto defeitoNaFonte na MIB indica defeito na fonte principal ok(0) ou falha(1) valuemap: name: 'Nobreak SMS - Status' preprocessing: - type: BOOL_TO_DECIMAL parameters: - '' tags: - tag: Application value: Status triggers: - uuid: 7cc4ebd7b7204a33b2b3fc19663612dc expression: 'last(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/enterprises.28802.' name: 'Falha na Fonte do no-break' priority: HIGH description: 'Verifica a fonte do nobreak' - uuid: aaf48b11b4bb4c45b624b31a66746e02 name: 'Status Tensão de Entrada Nobreak' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: enterprises.28802. delay: '1' history: 180d description: | objeto statusVin na MIB status da tensao de entrada ok(0) ou falha(1) valuemap: name: 'Nobreak SMS - Status' preprocessing: - type: BOOL_TO_DECIMAL parameters: - '' tags: - tag: Application value: Status - uuid: 8778e9cc86eb4c5489e37fd3609379d5 name: 'Status Tensão de Saída Nobreak' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: enterprises.28802. delay: '1' history: 180d description: | objeto statusVout na MIB status da tensao de saida ok(0) ou falha(1) valuemap: name: 'Nobreak SMS - Status' preprocessing: - type: BOOL_TO_DECIMAL parameters: - '' tags: - tag: Application value: Status - uuid: 5e919ac902e640d5a8013e85b6a9dc91 name: 'Verifica Nobreak esta Bypass' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: enterprises.28802. delay: '1' history: 180d description: | objeto saidaEmInversorOuBypass na MIB indica se o nobreak esta em inversor ou bypass inversor(0) ou bypass(1) valuemap: name: 'Nobreak SMS - Inversor ou by-pass' preprocessing: - type: BOOL_TO_DECIMAL parameters: - '' tags: - tag: Application value: Status - uuid: e46c42631879479ca8052a41f49ce521 name: 'Faixa de Corrente' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: faixaCorrente delay: 1s history: 180d units: A tags: - tag: Application value: Info - uuid: 977f07dd41854194959d8ad19239cdb2 name: 'Faixa de Tensão' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: faixaTensao delay: '1' history: 180d trends: '0' value_type: TEXT inventory_link: HW_ARCH tags: - tag: Application value: Info - uuid: f6425a63f1564e60b62516ff0fc4c796 name: 'Falta de Rede' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: faltaDeRede delay: 1s history: 180d valuemap: name: 'Nobreak SMS - Status' tags: - tag: Application value: Info - uuid: 022e70cefa4d48b7a37cb6775309f385 name: 'Verifica de a fases invertidas' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: faseInvertida delay: '1' history: 180d description: | indica se as fases estao invertidas no no-break ok(0), falha(1) valuemap: name: 'Nobreak SMS - Status' preprocessing: - type: BOOL_TO_DECIMAL parameters: - '' tags: - tag: Application value: Status - uuid: e1288c976e804f75bb9cf07e9cf6164a name: 'Frequência Saída' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: fout delay: '1' history: 180d units: Hz description: 'objeto fout na mib' tags: - tag: Application value: Energia - uuid: 7149225fb6de44b581f538c6ae13e808 name: 'ICMP ping' type: SIMPLE key: icmpping delay: 10s history: 180d valuemap: name: 'Service state' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: Rede triggers: - uuid: cd827ee066004866985a6ee1a1cf4b9a expression: 'max(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/icmpping,#3)=0' name: '#DOWNTIME {HOST.NAME}' priority: HIGH - uuid: d1a2bf2ad43c435ba27863c9a0d85c9c expression: 'max(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/icmpping,#3)=0' name: '{HOST.NAME} is unavailable by ICMP' priority: AVERAGE - uuid: 0dbe0660b318411da6984939edc70f20 name: 'ICMP loss' type: SIMPLE key: icmppingloss history: 1w value_type: FLOAT units: '%' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: Rede triggers: - uuid: dfe8ba56bf4b4dd1864bbc463aebf9b1 expression: 'min(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/icmppingloss,5m)>20' name: 'Ping loss is too high on {HOST.NAME}' priority: WARNING dependencies: - name: '{HOST.NAME} is unavailable by ICMP' expression: 'max(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/icmpping,#3)=0' - uuid: c09f9e4dec7f4e34a78a4688a42bede1 name: 'ICMP response time' type: SIMPLE key: icmppingsec history: 1w value_type: FLOAT units: s request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: Rede triggers: - uuid: ced8121ce80444fabc390b638d0ea39b expression: 'avg(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/icmppingsec,5m)>0.15' name: 'Response time is too high on {HOST.NAME}' priority: WARNING dependencies: - name: '{HOST.NAME} is unavailable by ICMP' expression: 'max(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/icmpping,#3)=0' - uuid: 40d1a228b8094097921b1b125f0aaa2d name: 'Modo de Operação' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: inversorOuBypass delay: '1' history: 180d valuemap: name: 'Nobreak SMS - Inversor ou by-pass' preprocessing: - type: BOOL_TO_DECIMAL parameters: - '' tags: - tag: Application value: Info triggers: - uuid: aa7aa59a2994444d8bd3625f4463b027 expression: 'last(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/inversorOuBypass)=1' name: '{HOST.NAME} está operando em modo BYPASS' priority: WARNING description: 'A energia está passando diretamente da rede de distribuição para as tomadas de saída. Isso pode indicar um erro de funcionamento no NOBREAK' - uuid: 70cfff24441b47a4b1c7cb741a0489b1 name: 'Corrente de entrada R' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: ioutR delay: 1s history: 180d units: '%' tags: - tag: Application value: Corrente - uuid: d1d580b4eb5b4090a73425c3b11884d8 name: 'Corrente de entrada S' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: ioutS delay: 1s history: 180d units: '%' description: 'Corrente de entrada S' tags: - tag: Application value: Corrente - uuid: 6fa8bfbc36254932b3da05faa362c318 name: 'Corrente de entrada T' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: ioutT delay: 1s history: 180d units: '%' description: 'Corrente de entrada T' tags: - tag: Application value: Corrente - uuid: f9a4e92e199348cd89b3840cb529abde name: Modelo type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: modeloUps delay: '8640' history: 7d trends: '0' value_type: TEXT inventory_link: MODEL tags: - tag: Application value: Info - uuid: df20ebd4373946ca955380dac7843013 name: 'Carga Bateria' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: perbateria delay: '1' history: 180d units: '%' description: | objeto perBateria na MIB Porcentagem da carga de bateria tags: - tag: Application value: Info triggers: - uuid: 867f9666901c4a7f8614fb8ab9d713c8 expression: 'last(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/perbateria)<15' name: 'Carga da Bateria menor que 15% no {HOSTNAME}' priority: HIGH - uuid: 4870ccc550e5448e96d8c829e6edda21 expression: 'last(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/perbateria)<50' name: 'Carga da Bateria menor que 50% no {HOSTNAME}' priority: WARNING - uuid: b341d57ad02e466a87144a8ae71b28e5 name: 'Potência Média' type: CALCULATED key: potMedia delay: 1s history: 180d units: W params: (last(//wattRs)+last(//wattSs)+last(//wattTs))/3 description: 'Calculo médio de POTENCIA' tags: - tag: Application value: Potencia - uuid: 7ded86431b2f4df98b753a8e7a1073bc name: 'Potência de Saída' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: potout delay: '1' history: 180d units: '%' description: 'objeto potout na MIB' tags: - tag: Application value: Potencia triggers: - uuid: 9a619da1305547f68f92853d9cff4df2 expression: 'last(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/potout)>100' name: '{HOST.NAME} está sobrecarregado' priority: HIGH description: 'Tem mais equipamentos ligados no nobreak do que ele pode suportar' - uuid: 0b0fc0d5784d4330875ffd944d70ec50 name: 'Modo de Alimentação' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: redeOuBateria delay: '1' history: 180d valuemap: name: 'Nobreak SMS - Rede ou Bateria' preprocessing: - type: BOOL_TO_DECIMAL parameters: - '' tags: - tag: Application value: Info triggers: - uuid: f585f6f7ceac477eba76cd3c36885742 expression: 'last(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/redeOuBateria)=1' name: '{HOSTNAME} trabalhando em modo bateria' priority: INFO description: 'Possivelmente interrupção no fornecimento de energia' - uuid: 25fbf86311684aa5be19d608a0d234aa name: Sobrecarga type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: sobrecarga delay: '1' history: '3600' description: 'SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(0), falha(1) }' valuemap: name: 'Nobreak SMS - Status' tags: - tag: Application value: Info - uuid: 4449af95db00491a8e99fe321ef65cbf name: 'Status UPS' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: statusUps delay: '1' history: 180d description: | objeto statusUps na MIB Indica operacao normal ou falha no sistema ok(0) ou falha(1) valuemap: name: 'Nobreak SMS - Status' preprocessing: - type: BOOL_TO_DECIMAL parameters: - '' tags: - tag: Application value: Status - uuid: ddf22e2c47154f3a91351bcad63ad9e5 name: Temperatura type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: temperatura delay: '1' history: 180d units: ºC description: 'objeto temperatura' tags: - tag: Application value: Info triggers: - uuid: b7ff2d7fb4f3480eadd4b284b288868c expression: 'avg(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/temperatura,#3)>30' name: 'Temperatura acima de +30ºC no {HOSTNAME}' priority: WARNING - uuid: 5969479dc2c7441795c9145bfd2451bb expression: 'avg(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/temperatura,#3)>38' name: 'Temperatura acima de +38ºC no {HOSTNAME}' priority: HIGH - uuid: 9da098cbdc8b4179b56e7dd964033866 name: 'Tensão/Voltagem Entrada' type: CALCULATED key: TEntrada1 delay: '1' history: 180d units: v params: '((last(//vinR)+last(//vinS)+last(//vinT))/3)*1.73' tags: - tag: Application value: Energia triggers: - uuid: ee75b0194ff24d38aa059967af7ea65d expression: 'avg(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/TEntrada1,#3)>260' name: 'Tensão Entrada acima de +260V no {HOSTNAME}' priority: WARNING description: 'Valor Tensao de entrada maior que o suportado pelo equipamento' - uuid: 814156cd82784e65a05bc57519deb16d name: 'Tensão/Voltagem Saida' type: CALCULATED key: TSaida delay: '1' history: 180d units: v params: '((last(//voutR)+last(//voutS)+last(//voutT))/3)*1.73' tags: - tag: Application value: Energia triggers: - uuid: a2f43d250c5848459db590772b6cc7ad expression: 'avg(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/TSaida,#3)>260' name: 'Tensão Saida acima de +260V no {HOSTNAME}' priority: WARNING description: 'Valor Tensao de saida maior que o suportado pelo equipamento' - uuid: e1a50dc8c7a24a9ba58660f6e4cf667a name: '0 - Tensão/Voltagem Entrada' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: vin delay: '1' history: 180d status: DISABLED units: v description: 'objeto vin na MIB' tags: - tag: Application value: Energia triggers: - uuid: 3f5f8de4104c4ec2b5a80862c5048c0e expression: 'avg(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/vin,#3)>260' name: 'Tensão Entrada acima de +260V no {HOSTNAME}' status: DISABLED priority: WARNING description: 'Valor Tensao de entrada maior que o suportado pelo equipamento' - uuid: f904d8c3145644aba667b679d79b7a04 name: 'Tensao de entrada R' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: vinR delay: '1' history: 180d units: v description: 'Tensao de entrada R' tags: - tag: Application value: Energia triggers: - uuid: b7a70275b01f409ca8570c59c8ee04b0 expression: 'avg(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/vinR,#3)<110' name: 'Tensão Entrada R abaixo de -110' priority: WARNING description: 'Valor Tensao de entrada menor que o suportado pelo equipamento' - uuid: 4e71365b68154fe2a25040a35835c787 name: 'Tensao de entrada S' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: vinS delay: '1' history: 180d units: v description: 'Tensao de entrada S' tags: - tag: Application value: Energia triggers: - uuid: efa909d374624176b2835468c2bc713e expression: 'avg(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/vinS,#3)<110' name: 'Tensão Entrada S abaixo de -110' priority: WARNING description: 'Valor Tensao de entrada menor que o suportado pelo equipamento' - uuid: f4b8fd3a59bb44b8aca2e6c23c7be1b4 name: 'Tensao de entrada T' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: vinT delay: '1' history: 180d units: v description: 'Tensao de entrada T' tags: - tag: Application value: Energia triggers: - uuid: 5348f6dc7831447b8339ce8234965ff7 expression: 'avg(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/vinT,#3)<110' name: 'Tensão Entrada T abaixo de -110' priority: WARNING description: 'Valor Tensao de entrada menor que o suportado pelo equipamento' - uuid: a0aba8338c664a42ae9d16ddb097f611 name: '0 - Tensão/Voltagem Saída' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: vout delay: '1' history: 180d status: DISABLED units: v tags: - tag: Application value: Energia - uuid: 2b3037adb16d49d487ba8a87d6d9b48e name: 'Tensao de saida R' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: voutR delay: '1' history: 180d units: v description: 'Tensao de saida R' tags: - tag: Application value: Energia triggers: - uuid: ac67e24eb7924b59938bac85e8778b12 expression: 'avg(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/voutR,#3)<110' name: 'Tensão Saida R abaixo de -110' priority: WARNING description: 'Valor Tensao de entrada menor que o suportado pelo equipamento' - uuid: 2f2e435dde0a49c6b0b4d71ce7e135ab name: 'Tensao de saida S' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: voutS delay: '1' history: 180d units: v description: 'Tensao de saida S' tags: - tag: Application value: Energia triggers: - uuid: 19ef7e0ace0249049f88fc1416464e51 expression: 'avg(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/voutS,#3)<110' name: 'Tensão Saida S abaixo de -110' priority: WARNING description: 'Valor Tensao de entrada menor que o suportado pelo equipamento' - uuid: d68cf4a8a9b843779647fcc67a797b4f name: 'Tensao de saida T' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: voutT delay: '1' history: 180d units: v description: 'Tensao de saida T' tags: - tag: Application value: Energia triggers: - uuid: c82dc57161dc4219819693ffe9f78513 expression: 'avg(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/voutT,#3)<110' name: 'Tensão Saida T abaixo de -110' priority: WARNING description: 'Valor Tensao de entrada menor que o suportado pelo equipamento' - uuid: 6a47b77872df42b6a81dd63740f7c820 name: WattR type: CALCULATED key: wattRs delay: 1s history: 180d units: W params: '(last(//ioutR)*5300)/100' description: 'Calculo de conversão de POTENCIA (%) para DECIMAL' tags: - tag: Application value: Potencia - uuid: e99e7874eba94efa905149dca8d83d4a name: WattS type: CALCULATED key: wattSs delay: 1s history: 180d units: W params: '(last(//ioutS)*5300)/100' description: 'Calculo de conversão de POTENCIA (%) para DECIMAL' tags: - tag: Application value: Potencia - uuid: 61d6d9249182471aa0ee1031f45b3bcc name: WattT type: CALCULATED key: wattTs delay: 1s history: 180d units: W params: '(last(//ioutT)*5300)/100' description: 'Calculo de conversão de POTENCIA (%) para DECIMAL' tags: - tag: Application value: Potencia dashboards: - uuid: 3a1524f795a44225bdc82f2686df31f6 name: Geral pages: - widgets: - type: GRAPH_CLASSIC width: '8' height: '5' fields: - type: INTEGER name: source_type value: '0' - type: GRAPH name: graphid value: name: 'Nível da Bateria' host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' - type: GRAPH_CLASSIC x: '8' width: '8' height: '5' fields: - type: INTEGER name: source_type value: '0' - type: GRAPH name: graphid value: name: 'Potência por FASE' host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' - type: GRAPH_CLASSIC x: '16' width: '8' height: '5' fields: - type: INTEGER name: source_type value: '0' - type: GRAPH name: graphid value: name: 'Potência Consumida (%)' host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' - type: GRAPH_CLASSIC 'y': '5' width: '8' height: '5' fields: - type: INTEGER name: source_type value: '0' - type: GRAPH name: graphid value: name: 'Tensão de Entrada' host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' - type: GRAPH_CLASSIC x: '8' 'y': '5' width: '8' height: '5' fields: - type: INTEGER name: source_type value: '0' - type: GRAPH name: graphid value: name: 'Tensão de Saida' host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' - type: GRAPH_CLASSIC x: '16' 'y': '5' width: '8' height: '5' fields: - type: INTEGER name: source_type value: '0' - type: GRAPH name: graphid value: name: Temperatura host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' valuemaps: - uuid: 45f3805cf75d4797b3d20986fcaf6b39 name: 'buck Ou Boost' mappings: - value: '0' newvalue: buck - value: '1' newvalue: boost - uuid: fb7545d6b8444fb69b9015550a8f59cf name: chestEmInversorOuBypass mappings: - value: '0' newvalue: bypass - value: '1' newvalue: inversor - uuid: 3b10fc1dca024dbba579278d4b3287fc name: 'Nobreak SMS - Inversor ou by-pass' mappings: - value: '0' newvalue: inversor - value: '1' newvalue: bypass - uuid: 557c75fac3034d009b252470db4f77dc name: 'Nobreak SMS - Rede ou Bateria' mappings: - value: '0' newvalue: rede - value: '1' newvalue: bateria - uuid: 7224d8a5b979446c9a28f0a64d340e7c name: 'Nobreak SMS - Status' mappings: - value: '0' newvalue: OK - value: '1' newvalue: falha - uuid: 9b852a2f90ff4f03a433560e4d8bdaad name: 'Service state' mappings: - value: '0' newvalue: Desligado - value: '1' newvalue: OK triggers: - uuid: af514503a7a44e4fa98d2c8bb37cce56 expression: 'avg(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/TEntrada1,#3)<180 and last(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/redeOuBateria)=0' name: 'Tensão Entrada abaixo de -180V no {HOSTNAME}' priority: WARNING description: 'Valor Tensao de entrada menor que o suportado pelo equipamento' - uuid: bac7c6de556544fcbddb000f4ae638f4 expression: 'avg(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/vin,#3)<180 and last(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/redeOuBateria)=0' name: 'Tensão Entrada abaixo de -180V no {HOSTNAME}' status: DISABLED priority: WARNING description: 'Valor Tensao de entrada menor que o suportado pelo equipamento' - uuid: 0c72e2eed2b443f799bdc7a611cc346e expression: 'avg(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/TSaida,#3)<180 and last(/Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases/redeOuBateria)=0' name: 'Tensão Saida abaixo de -180V no {HOSTNAME}' priority: WARNING description: 'Valor Tensao de saida menor que o suportado pelo equipamento' graphs: - uuid: 8c4f4b8efc2642b4b32c7ed90c55d314 name: Capacidade ymin_type_1: FIXED graph_items: - color: 1A7C11 item: host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' key: potout - uuid: 01ce349e9a7c487884e9cc5588eaef23 name: 'Nobreak IN/OUT Tensão' graph_items: - color: 2774A4 calc_fnc: ALL item: host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' key: vin - sortorder: '1' color: A54F10 calc_fnc: ALL item: host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' key: vout - sortorder: '2' color: 00AA00 yaxisside: RIGHT calc_fnc: ALL item: host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' key: fout - uuid: 9516e1c2c3404f3b8d37622b8a86c75e name: 'Nível da Bateria' ymin_type_1: FIXED ymax_type_1: FIXED graph_items: - color: 1A7C11 calc_fnc: ALL item: host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' key: perbateria - uuid: 77ae54110b134cfd9e0cb0f6140a3bb4 name: 'Potência Consumida (%)' graph_items: - color: 1A7C11 item: host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' key: ioutR - sortorder: '1' color: F63100 item: host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' key: ioutS - sortorder: '2' color: 2774A4 item: host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' key: ioutT - uuid: 7e89a4a239c045b8a75001cb79e51364 name: 'Potência por FASE' graph_items: - drawtype: BOLD_LINE color: 1A7C11 calc_fnc: ALL item: host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' key: wattRs - sortorder: '1' drawtype: BOLD_LINE color: F63100 calc_fnc: ALL item: host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' key: wattSs - sortorder: '2' drawtype: BOLD_LINE color: 2774A4 calc_fnc: ALL item: host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' key: wattTs - uuid: bc74c515648448c4878639026cb2d389 name: Servicos graph_items: - color: 1A7C11 item: host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' key: redeOuBateria - sortorder: '1' color: F63100 item: host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' key: inversorOuBypass - sortorder: '2' color: 2774A4 item: host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' key: icmpping - uuid: 7adb6ad9cde54a678747c9865bb7ed86 name: Status graph_items: - color: 1A7C11 calc_fnc: ALL item: host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' key: redeOuBateria - sortorder: '1' color: F63100 calc_fnc: ALL item: host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' key: inversorOuBypass - sortorder: '2' color: 2774A4 calc_fnc: ALL item: host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' key: statusUps - uuid: 06c3969e36bb47b69bf734eeaa93f031 name: Temperatura graph_items: - color: FF0000 item: host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' key: temperatura - uuid: e6fd471a0c114b4591025ff73182d30e name: 'Tensão de Entrada' graph_items: - color: 1A7C11 item: host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' key: vinR - sortorder: '1' color: F63100 item: host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' key: vinS - sortorder: '2' color: 2774A4 item: host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' key: vinT - uuid: 67ca4d9770884a019eb31acbccd7d36f name: 'Tensão de Saida' graph_items: - color: 1A7C11 item: host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' key: voutR - sortorder: '1' color: F63100 item: host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' key: voutS - sortorder: '2' color: 2774A4 item: host: 'Nobreak SMS Sinus Triphases' key: voutT