zabbix_export: version: '6.0' date: '2021-11-21T21:21:00Z' groups: - uuid: 60f1dce8720d41eab748470cd7d4746e name: Printers templates: - uuid: a945c91b1b74482d907485c6c2674729 template: 'Brother Printers' name: 'Brother Printers' description: | ## Overview Termplate para monitoramento de impressoras Brother. Testado nos modelos 8912DW e HL5452. ## Author Fernando Lozer groups: - name: Printers items: - uuid: 515e52b04259430ebc6231ea308291df name: 'Número de Série' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: . key: . delay: '3600' trends: '0' value_type: TEXT tags: - tag: Application value: Printer - uuid: 0ae90887cdc54fceaad19048667348e5 name: 'Contador de Páginas' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: . key: . delay: '3600' value_type: FLOAT tags: - tag: Application value: Printer - uuid: 734aa60ced6f49e6b26d0ccdf338ff42 name: 'Vida Útil restante do Cilindro' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: . key: . delay: '3600' tags: - tag: Application value: Printer - uuid: 0275c9d80ead400b9f31464be46583f2 name: 'Status do Equipamento' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: . key: . delay: '3600' trends: '0' value_type: TEXT tags: - tag: Application value: Printer - uuid: 080347d4b57d412f8aa150c371a9b08b name: Modelo type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: hrDeviceDescr.1 key: hrDeviceDescr.1 delay: '3600' trends: '0' value_type: TEXT tags: - tag: Application value: Printer - uuid: cb0be1eca9aa4b54af184b42e8b709e6 name: 'HTTP Check' type: SIMPLE key: 'net.tcp.service[http]' delay: '30' tags: - tag: Application value: Servicos triggers: - uuid: d9ae19bdfe744607a0ca939323a8c8ba expression: 'last(/Brother Printers/net.tcp.service[http])<>1' name: 'HTTP Service is Unreachable at {HOST.NAME}' priority: HIGH - uuid: 33881c66ad414681ac0888ad20fe043b name: 'Print Spooler Check' type: SIMPLE key: 'net.tcp.service[tcp,,515]' delay: '30' tags: - tag: Application value: Servicos triggers: - uuid: ea796c5491354360bea8a86db6183413 expression: 'last(/Brother Printers/net.tcp.service[tcp,,515])=0' name: 'Printer Spooler Service is Unreachable at {HOST.NAME}' priority: HIGH - uuid: 0bdb2433d3804a3d8df1c1f6e57cb082 name: 'JetDirect Check' type: SIMPLE key: 'net.tcp.service[tcp,,9100]' delay: '30' tags: - tag: Application value: Servicos triggers: - uuid: b92470a029f4422ba765dd0e6bdcad86 expression: 'last(/Brother Printers/net.tcp.service[tcp,,9100])=0' name: 'JetDirect Service is Unreachable at {HOST.NAME}' priority: HIGH - uuid: c04f73b10b2f4657950f2678d0a876e3 name: Contato type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: sysContact.0 key: sysContact.0 delay: '3600' history: 30d trends: '0' status: DISABLED value_type: TEXT tags: - tag: Application value: Printer - uuid: b9ffb58d923440398e8cbc4338b5796e name: Localização type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: sysLocation.0 key: sysLocation.0 delay: '3600' trends: '0' value_type: TEXT tags: - tag: Application value: Printer discovery_rules: - uuid: 8ef75fe1dd7f4599a72b7279fa12fe9c name: Consumables type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: . key: consumablesID delay: '60' item_prototypes: - uuid: 52ecdc2672994419924ce8f950f203c9 name: '$1 Current Capacity' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: '.{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'ConsumableCurrentCapacity[{#SNMPVALUE}]' delay: '30' value_type: FLOAT - uuid: d92eba62b3fe4ce4835a03971d6305a4 name: '$1 Max Capacity' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: '.{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'ConsumableMaxCapacity[{#SNMPVALUE}]' delay: '30' value_type: FLOAT - uuid: 1fa183c609c745c7adefe809da2d0e12 name: '$1 Calculated Capacity (current/max)' type: CALCULATED key: 'CosumableCalculated[{#SNMPVALUE}]' delay: '30' value_type: FLOAT units: '%' params: 'last(//ConsumableCurrentCapacity[{#SNMPVALUE}])/last(//ConsumableMaxCapacity[{#SNMPVALUE}])' description: | Depending on the consumable (toner vs drum/belt) this calculation will return a particular percentage. Drum Units & Belt Units return integer values that can be used in calculations to determine a percentage of how much of the unit is remaining. Max "status" is stored in the MIB and is used in the calculation. Toner consumables return the follow codes: -3 = Level Okay -2 = Low Warning (equivalent to “max status”) 0 = Critical/empty Toner possibilities for calculations of current / max * 100 -3 / -2 * 100 = 150% -2 / -2 * 100 = 100% 0 / -2 * 100 = 0% The calculations above are used in the triggers to make it very straight forward on determining if a toner is low or not. preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '100' trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 3b985f71f6e544639a40cb80c82c205b expression: 'last(/Brother Printers/CosumableCalculated[{#SNMPVALUE}])<10 or last(/Brother Printers/ConsumableCurrentCapacity[{#SNMPVALUE}])=0' name: '{HOSTNAME} {#SNMPVALUE} - Critical: {ITEM.LASTVALUE}' priority: HIGH description: 'Checks if at "critical" level for Toners (code = 0) or drum/belt (<10%)' - uuid: ff438a9183844498bb20d80c526e483c expression: 'last(/Brother Printers/CosumableCalculated[{#SNMPVALUE}])>10 and last(/Brother Printers/CosumableCalculated[{#SNMPVALUE}])<30 or last(/Brother Printers/ConsumableCurrentCapacity[{#SNMPVALUE}]) = -2' name: '{HOSTNAME} {#SNMPVALUE} - Low Warning: {ITEM.LASTVALUE}' priority: WARNING description: 'Checks if at "warning" level for Toners (code = -2) or drum/belt (>10% & <30%)' graph_prototypes: - uuid: 7beac77367e7410a9063b573b6bef961 name: '{#SNMPVALUE}' show_work_period: 'NO' show_triggers: 'NO' type: STACKED graph_items: - color: 0000C8 item: host: 'Brother Printers' key: 'ConsumableCurrentCapacity[{#SNMPVALUE}]'