zabbix_export: version: '5.4' date: '2021-11-21T21:54:53Z' groups: - uuid: 352ccd39c4ed493da3690db82cca8ca0 name: Solar templates: - uuid: d5bb199f24414e00abd10a079fba57cc template: 'Fronius Solar' name: 'Fronius Solar' description: | ## Description Uses Fronius API V1 to query inverter Make sure you update the following macros after linking the template DEVICE_ID: the device you want to monitor (defaults to 1 if you only have 1 inverter). Make sure your host has a hsotname of ip address configured. This must be the address of the Fronius device to monitor ## Overview Introduction ============ This [Zabbix]( template allows monitoring of Fronius devices such as inverters, dataloggers and smart loads through the [Fronius Solar API V1]( [![graph of solar usage showing energy used and generated]( "Example graph")]( The template uses Zabbix dependent items to reduce the number of API calls made to the device. One API call is made and multiple dependent items use javascript pre-processing to parse the required field from the response.