zabbix_export: version: '6.0' date: '2021-11-21T21:50:10Z' groups: - uuid: 25fa5e08493744599a03308cfb6ae65e name: 'VOIP ALL' templates: - uuid: d8cd52f7934d4089921c3d205e752eac template: 'Cisco AXL License data' name: 'Cisco AXL License data' description: | ## Overview Запрос кол-ва лицензий для Cisco UCM 11.5 через HTTP Agent. На CUCM необходим application user с правами на чтение AXL. В шаблоне использованы макросы: логин для Application user: {$ZABBIX\_APIUSER\_UC} пароль для Application user: {$ZABBIX\_APIPASS\_UC} ## Author Yaazard groups: - name: 'VOIP ALL' items: - uuid: 149a2197e1134539bd1837f862cafc7d name: LicenseList type: HTTP_AGENT key: uclicense delay: 300s history: '0' trends: '0' value_type: TEXT authtype: BASIC username: '{$ZABBIX_APIUSER_UC}' password: '{$ZABBIX_APIPASS_UC}' timeout: 5s url: 'https://{HOST.IP}:8443/axl/' posts: | SELECT name,value FROM TABLE (FUNCTION LicenseTotals()) (pkid,name,value,UserValue,DeviceValue) post_type: XML headers: - name: Content-Type value: text/xml - name: SOAPAction value: 'CUCM:DB ver=11.5 executeSQLQuery' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: 'API License monitoring' - uuid: 1ac08a84b966473ebf67f04ba9130149 name: Basic type: DEPENDENT key: uclicense_basic delay: '0' history: 2d trends: '0' preprocessing: - type: REGEX parameters: - '(.*Basic )(\d?)(.*)' - \2 - type: JAVASCRIPT parameters: - | value = Number(value) return value master_item: key: uclicense tags: - tag: Application value: 'API License monitoring' - uuid: 965c1390a964490abf876a42d38f3545 name: CUWL type: DEPENDENT key: uclicense_cuwl delay: '0' history: 2d trends: '0' preprocessing: - type: REGEX parameters: - '(.*CUWL Standard )(\d?)(.*)' - \2 - type: JAVASCRIPT parameters: - | value = Number(value) return value master_item: key: uclicense tags: - tag: Application value: 'API License monitoring' triggers: - uuid: 7dec4c275f3b464bb5f8bd6c694db94a expression: 'last(/Cisco AXL License data/uclicense_cuwl)>0' name: 'User have more 2 devices' priority: WARNING - uuid: be7840e263eb42158c84fcb4181d2e72 name: Enhanced type: DEPENDENT key: uclicense_Enhanced delay: '0' history: 2d trends: '0' preprocessing: - type: REGEX parameters: - '(.*Enhanced\s*)(\d+)(.*)' - \2 - type: JAVASCRIPT parameters: - | value = Number(value) return value master_item: key: uclicense tags: - tag: Application value: 'API License monitoring' - uuid: bf624af9c2904a4280df440f0accd445 name: EnhancedPlus type: DEPENDENT key: uclicense_enhp delay: '0' history: 2d trends: '0' preprocessing: - type: REGEX parameters: - '(.*EnhancedPlus )(\d?)(.*)' - \2 - type: JAVASCRIPT parameters: - | value = Number(value) return value master_item: key: uclicense tags: - tag: Application value: 'API License monitoring' triggers: - uuid: 47d0a24f144848d98c549c4b6fcfe73d expression: 'last(/Cisco AXL License data/uclicense_enhp)>0' name: 'User have more 1 devices' priority: WARNING - uuid: 79d67dc34ffe4cfaab482c8dd4797936 name: Essential type: DEPENDENT key: uclicense_Essential delay: '0' history: 2d trends: '0' preprocessing: - type: REGEX parameters: - '(.*Essential\s* )(\d+)(.*)' - \2 - type: JAVASCRIPT parameters: - | value = Number(value) return value master_item: key: uclicense tags: - tag: Application value: 'API License monitoring' graphs: - uuid: 5b5ca60d72424087ba9bb7ce418c83d2 name: LicenseUsage graph_items: - color: 80FF00 calc_fnc: MAX item: host: 'Cisco AXL License data' key: uclicense_basic - sortorder: '1' color: FF0000 calc_fnc: MAX item: host: 'Cisco AXL License data' key: uclicense_cuwl - sortorder: '2' color: 00FF00 calc_fnc: MAX item: host: 'Cisco AXL License data' key: uclicense_Enhanced - sortorder: '3' color: E53935 calc_fnc: MAX item: host: 'Cisco AXL License data' key: uclicense_enhp - sortorder: '4' color: '666699' calc_fnc: MAX item: host: 'Cisco AXL License data' key: uclicense_Essential