zabbix_export: version: '6.0' date: '2021-11-25T12:37:01Z' groups: - uuid: 57b7ae836ca64446ba2c296389c009b7 name: Templates/Modules - uuid: e0242822f07b4633a283b8dc935d3dd9 name: Templates_Created templates: - uuid: fad8a4aeb6a54d21b750e5c3b6f8d1b8 template: Status name: Status templates: - name: 'Template Module ICMP Ping' groups: - name: Templates_Created items: - uuid: 0344a02e942c492e8f678df3b1970447 name: 'Device Uptime' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: 'system.uptime[sysUpTime]' history: 30d trends: '0' units: uptime preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '0.01' tags: - tag: Application value: Status triggers: - uuid: 0531cd7640434ec2b2d73f4692a1e2a2 expression: 'last(/Status/system.uptime[sysUpTime])<86400' name: 'Device Uptime lower then 1 day' priority: INFO - uuid: fa26c5294dca48638d983c9e250c94e5 name: 'SNMP Availability' type: INTERNAL key: 'zabbix[host,snmp,available]' delay: 30m history: 7d trends: '0' valuemap: name: tags: - tag: Application value: Status valuemaps: - uuid: 480b83db08434affbb8075eef0f649b7 name: mappings: - value: '0' newvalue: 'not available' - value: '1' newvalue: available - value: '2' newvalue: unknown - uuid: 37e5eb5606bc4abba66c8b20381a1e8a template: 'Template Module ICMP Ping' name: 'Template Module ICMP Ping' description: 'Template Module ICMP Ping version: 0.12' groups: - name: Templates/Modules items: - uuid: db5a94f6cea14deba957202b2f014469 name: 'ICMP ping' type: SIMPLE key: icmpping delay: '60' history: 1w valuemap: name: 'Service state' tags: - tag: Application value: Status triggers: - uuid: b030876299434f3ba43e11c584104a81 expression: 'max(/Template Module ICMP Ping/icmpping,#3)=0' name: 'Unavailable by ICMP ping' priority: HIGH description: | Last value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}. Last three attempts returned timeout. Please check device connectivity. - uuid: 04b21adaf422473a88df2c52786474ed name: 'ICMP loss' type: SIMPLE key: icmppingloss delay: '60' history: 1w value_type: FLOAT units: '%' tags: - tag: Application value: Status triggers: - uuid: 42c4b0310aaf4b9c8cb502542b7dea90 expression: 'min(/Template Module ICMP Ping/icmppingloss,5m)>{$ICMP_LOSS_WARN} and min(/Template Module ICMP Ping/icmppingloss,5m)<100' name: 'High ICMP ping loss' priority: WARNING dependencies: - name: 'Unavailable by ICMP ping' expression: 'max(/Template Module ICMP Ping/icmpping,#3)=0' - uuid: a79e33e5fd264725b934f603fa071555 name: 'ICMP response time' type: SIMPLE key: icmppingsec delay: '60' history: 1w value_type: FLOAT units: s tags: - tag: Application value: Status triggers: - uuid: 32b4d8f3eba34bd380803410111d4b7f expression: 'avg(/Template Module ICMP Ping/icmppingsec,5m)>{$ICMP_RESPONSE_TIME_WARN}' name: 'High ICMP ping response time' priority: WARNING dependencies: - name: 'High ICMP ping loss' expression: 'min(/Template Module ICMP Ping/icmppingloss,5m)>{$ICMP_LOSS_WARN} and min(/Template Module ICMP Ping/icmppingloss,5m)<100' - name: 'Unavailable by ICMP ping' expression: 'max(/Template Module ICMP Ping/icmpping,#3)=0' macros: - macro: '{$ICMP_LOSS_WARN}' value: '20' - macro: '{$ICMP_RESPONSE_TIME_WARN}' value: '0.15' valuemaps: - uuid: bdb5d65d925542eaa61c302dc40fbfe8 name: 'Service state' mappings: - value: '0' newvalue: Down - value: '1' newvalue: Up