zabbix_export: version: '5.4' date: '2022-06-01T07:55:55Z' groups: - uuid: 7df96b18c230490a9a0a9e2307226338 name: Templates - uuid: 3f77f3c6c2f94049b5004c80a5de964f name: 'Templates/Web scenarios' templates: - uuid: 2340b092a0d147f2b56faffd2424052a template: 'Generic webpage by Web scenarios' name: 'Generic webpage by Web scenarios' description: | Created by Patxi Andueza. Add the target webpage in Macros: {$URL}, full URL of the page to monitor. (For example : groups: - name: Templates - name: 'Templates/Web scenarios' httptests: - uuid: be1eb3dd769c48ac829c58914e1540d9 name: 'Webpage availability' delay: '{$UPDATE.INTERVAL}' steps: - name: 'Webpage availability' url: '{$URL}' status_codes: '200' macros: - macro: '{$UPDATE.INTERVAL}' value: 1m description: 'Every so often a request is made to the website.' - macro: '{$URL}' value: '' description: 'Full URL of the page to monitor. (For example :' triggers: - uuid: 928d292ad06d40939647b961cf67b6f3 expression: 'min(/Generic webpage by Web scenarios/[Webpage availability],#2)<>0' name: 'Webpage not available' priority: HIGH description: 'The website has failed to return the status code 200 (OK) on two occasions.' graphs: - uuid: d19b452236724ac7ad7c2cfe7ffe6a63 name: 'Response time' graph_items: - sortorder: '1' drawtype: FILLED_REGION color: 00BCD4 item: host: 'Generic webpage by Web scenarios' key: 'web.test.time[Webpage availability,Webpage availability,resp]' - sortorder: '2' color: F44336 yaxisside: RIGHT item: host: 'Generic webpage by Web scenarios' key: '[Webpage availability]' - uuid: 5eab502f3d1744c3989ec0aab5b29b08 name: Speed graph_items: - sortorder: '1' drawtype: FILLED_REGION color: 4CAF50 item: host: 'Generic webpage by Web scenarios' key: '[Webpage availability,,bps]' - sortorder: '2' color: F44336 yaxisside: RIGHT item: host: 'Generic webpage by Web scenarios' key: '[Webpage availability]'