# # Naive Bayes Classifier chapter 6 # # _____________________________________________________________________ import math class Classifier: def __init__(self, bucketPrefix, testBucketNumber, dataFormat): """ a classifier will be built from files with the bucketPrefix excluding the file with textBucketNumber. dataFormat is a string that describes how to interpret each line of the data files. For example, for the iHealth data the format is: "attr attr attr attr class" """ total = 0 classes = {} # counts used for attributes that are not numeric counts = {} # totals used for attributes that are numereric # we will use these to compute the mean and sample standard deviation for # each attribute - class pair. totals = {} numericValues = {} # reading the data in from the file self.format = dataFormat.strip().split('\t') # self.prior = {} self.conditional = {} # for each of the buckets numbered 1 through 10: for i in range(1, 11): # if it is not the bucket we should ignore, read in the data if i != testBucketNumber: filename = "%s-%02i" % (bucketPrefix, i) f = open(filename) lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: fields = line.strip().split('\t') ignore = [] vector = [] nums = [] for i in range(len(fields)): if self.format[i] == 'num': nums.append(float(fields[i])) elif self.format[i] == 'attr': vector.append(fields[i]) elif self.format[i] == 'comment': ignore.append(fields[i]) elif self.format[i] == 'class': category = fields[i] # now process this instance total += 1 classes.setdefault(category, 0) counts.setdefault(category, {}) totals.setdefault(category, {}) numericValues.setdefault(category, {}) classes[category] += 1 # now process each non-numeric attribute of the instance col = 0 for columnValue in vector: col += 1 counts[category].setdefault(col, {}) counts[category][col].setdefault(columnValue, 0) counts[category][col][columnValue] += 1 # process numeric attributes col = 0 for columnValue in nums: col += 1 totals[category].setdefault(col, 0) #totals[category][col].setdefault(columnValue, 0) totals[category][col] += columnValue numericValues[category].setdefault(col, []) numericValues[category][col].append(columnValue) # # ok done counting. now compute probabilities # # first prior probabilities p(h) # for (category, count) in classes.items(): self.prior[category] = count / total # # now compute conditional probabilities p(h|D) # for (category, columns) in counts.items(): self.conditional.setdefault(category, {}) for (col, valueCounts) in columns.items(): self.conditional[category].setdefault(col, {}) for (attrValue, count) in valueCounts.items(): self.conditional[category][col][attrValue] = ( count / classes[category]) self.tmp = counts # # now compute mean and sample standard deviation # self.means = {} self.ssd = {} # ADD YOUR CODE HERE # test the code c = Classifier("pimaSmall/pimaSmall", 1, "num num num num num num num num class") # test means computation assert('1' in c.means) assert(1 in c.means['1']) assert(c.means['1'][1] == 5.25) assert(round(c.means['1'][2], 4) == 146.0556) assert(round(c.means['0'][2], 4) == 111.9057) # test standard deviation assert('1' in c.ssd) assert(1 in c.ssd['1']) assert(round(c.ssd['0'][1], 4) == 2.5469) assert(round(c.ssd['1'][8], 4) == 10.9218) print("Means and SSD computation appears OK")