from queue import PriorityQueue import math """ Example code for hierarchical clustering """ def getMedian(alist): """get median value of list alist""" tmp = list(alist) tmp.sort() alen = len(tmp) if (alen % 2) == 1: return tmp[alen // 2] else: return (tmp[alen // 2] + tmp[(alen // 2) - 1]) / 2 def normalizeColumn(column): """Normalize column using Modified Standard Score""" median = getMedian(column) asd = sum([abs(x - median) for x in column]) / len(column) result = [(x - median) / asd for x in column] return result class hClusterer: """ this clusterer assumes that the first column of the data is a label not used in the clustering. The other columns contain numeric data""" def __init__(self, filename): file = open(filename) = {} self.counter = 0 self.queue = PriorityQueue() lines = file.readlines() file.close() header = lines[0].split(',') self.cols = len(header) = [[] for i in range(len(header))] for line in lines[1:]: cells = line.split(',') toggle = 0 for cell in range(self.cols): if toggle == 0:[cell].append(cells[cell]) toggle = 1 else:[cell].append(float(cells[cell])) # now normalize number columns (that is, skip the first column) for i in range(1, self.cols):[i] = normalizeColumn([i]) ### ### I have read in the data and normalized the ### columns. Now for each element i in the data, I am going to ### 1. compute the Euclidean Distance from element i to all the ### other elements. This data will be placed in neighbors, ### which is a Python dictionary. Let's say i = 1, and I am ### computing the distance to the neighbor j and let's say j ### is 2. The neighbors dictionary for i will look like ### {2: ((1,2), 1.23), 3: ((1, 3), 2.3)... } ### ### 2. find the closest neighbor ### ### 3. place the element on a priority queue, called simply queue, ### based on the distance to the nearest neighbor (and a counter ### used to break ties. # now push distances on queue rows = len([0]) for i in range(rows): minDistance = 99999 nearestNeighbor = 0 neighbors = {} for j in range(rows): if i != j: dist = self.distance(i, j) if i < j: pair = (i,j) else: pair = (j,i) neighbors[j] = (pair, dist) if dist < minDistance: minDistance = dist nearestNeighbor = j nearestNum = j # create nearest Pair if i < nearestNeighbor: nearestPair = (i, nearestNeighbor) else: nearestPair = (nearestNeighbor, i) # put instance on priority queue self.queue.put((minDistance, self.counter, [[[0][i]], nearestPair, neighbors])) self.counter += 1 def distance(self, i, j): sumSquares = 0 for k in range(1, self.cols): sumSquares += ([k][i] -[k][j])**2 return math.sqrt(sumSquares) def cluster(self): done = False while not done: topOne = self.queue.get() nearestPair = topOne[2][1] if not self.queue.empty(): nextOne = self.queue.get() nearPair = nextOne[2][1] tmp = [] ## ## I have just popped two elements off the queue, ## topOne and nextOne. I need to check whether nextOne ## is topOne's nearest neighbor and vice versa. ## If not, I will pop another element off the queue ## until I find topOne's nearest neighbor. That is what ## this while loop does. ## while nearPair != nearestPair: tmp.append((nextOne[0], self.counter, nextOne[2])) self.counter += 1 nextOne = self.queue.get() nearPair = nextOne[2][1] ## ## this for loop pushes the elements I popped off in the ## above while loop. ## for item in tmp: self.queue.put(item) if len(topOne[2][0]) == 1: item1 = topOne[2][0][0] else: item1 = topOne[2][0] if len(nextOne[2][0]) == 1: item2 = nextOne[2][0][0] else: item2 = nextOne[2][0] ## curCluster is, perhaps obviously, the new cluster ## which combines cluster item1 with cluster item2. curCluster = (item1, item2) ## Now I am doing two things. First, finding the nearest ## neighbor to this new cluster. Second, building a new ## neighbors list by merging the neighbors lists of item1 ## and item2. If the distance between item1 and element 23 ## is 2 and the distance betweeen item2 and element 23 is 4 ## the distance between element 23 and the new cluster will ## be 2 (i.e., the shortest distance). ## minDistance = 99999 nearestPair = () nearestNeighbor = '' merged = {} nNeighbors = nextOne[2][2] for (key, value) in topOne[2][2].items(): if key in nNeighbors: if nNeighbors[key][1] < value[1]: dist = nNeighbors[key] else: dist = value if dist[1] < minDistance: minDistance = dist[1] nearestPair = dist[0] nearestNeighbor = key merged[key] = dist if merged == {}: return curCluster else: self.queue.put( (minDistance, self.counter, [curCluster, nearestPair, merged])) self.counter += 1 def printDendrogram(T, sep=3): """Print dendrogram of a binary tree. Each tree node is represented by a length-2 tuple. printDendrogram is written and provided by David Eppstein 2002. Accessed on 14 April 2014: """ def isPair(T): return type(T) == tuple and len(T) == 2 def maxHeight(T): if isPair(T): h = max(maxHeight(T[0]), maxHeight(T[1])) else: h = len(str(T)) return h + sep activeLevels = {} def traverse(T, h, isFirst): if isPair(T): traverse(T[0], h-sep, 1) s = [' ']*(h-sep) s.append('|') else: s = list(str(T)) s.append(' ') while len(s) < h: s.append('-') if (isFirst >= 0): s.append('+') if isFirst: activeLevels[h] = 1 else: del activeLevels[h] A = list(activeLevels) A.sort() for L in A: if len(s) < L: while len(s) < L: s.append(' ') s.append('|') print (''.join(s)) if isPair(T): traverse(T[1], h-sep, 0) traverse(T, maxHeight(T), -1) filename = '//Users/raz/Dropbox/guide/data/dogs.csv' hg = hClusterer(filename) cluster = hg.cluster() printDendrogram(cluster)