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NRPy+'s grid module adds the capability of registering gridfunctions in NRPy, setting basic parameters of a numerical grid, and providing functions to other modules regarding reading and writing of gridfunctions to memory in the C code.\n", "\n", "Parameters in this module include:\n", "* **grid::DIM** -- the dimension of the grid (e.g., a 3D numerical grid will have grid::DIM=3).\n", "* **grid::Nx\\[DIM\\]** -- an integer array yielding the size of the grid in each direction. E.g., in Cartesian coordinates Nx\\[0\\] will be set to the number of grid points in the x direction. *This is a parameter that is set at C runtime, not in NRPy+; NRPy+ simply generates the declaration of this parameter in the C code.*\n", "* **grid::MemAllocStyle** -- how the gridfunction is allocated in memory in the C code. This is used when generating the C code to ensure that gridfunctions are read as sequentially in memory as possible, to avoid [cache misses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CPU_cache#CACHE-MISS). There are currently two MemAllocStyles supported:\n", " * If the following loop accesses the grid function in a contiguous manner in memory, we set \"grid::MemAllocStyle=012\":\n", " * for(int i0=0;i0<Nx\\[0\\];i0++) for(int i1=0;i1<Nx\\[1\\];i1++) for(int i2=0;i2<Nx\\[2\\];i2++) {\n", " * Alternatively, the \"grid::MemAllocStyle=210\" is the reverse:\n", " * for(int i2=0;i2<Nx\\[2\\];i2++) for(int i1=0;i1<Nx\\[1\\];i1++) for(int i0=0;i0<Nx\\[0\\];i0++) {\n", "* **grid::GridFuncMemAccess** -- specifies how gridfunction data is accessed from memory. For example,\n", " * In the Einstein Toolkit (grid::GridFuncMemAccess=\"ETK\"), the datum from gridfunction dummy at point (i0,j0,k0) is accessed via \"dummyGF\\[CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,i0,j0,k0)\\]\".\n", " * In SENR (grid::GridFuncMemAccess=\"SENRlike\"), the datum from gridfunction dummy in gridfunction array gfarry at point (i0,j0,k0) is accessed via \"gfarray\\[IDX4D(DUMMYGF,i0,j0,k0)\\]\".\n", " * *Special note*: NRPy+ is code agnostic; additional types can be easily be added by modifying the function gfaccess() in the NRPy+ grid module. It should only require about 5 lines of code.\n", "\n", "Functions in this module include:\n", "* **gfaccess(gfarrayname = \"\",varname = \"\",ijklstring = \"\")**: given a gridfunction array name, a variable name, and a string indicating the coordinates of the point in memory, return the string to access the gridfunction in memory at this data point. See grid::GridFuncMemAccess parameter above for a complete description.\n", "* **register_gridfunctions(gf_type,gf_names)**: returns either a single gridfunction of list of gridfunctions as SymPy variables.\n", " * gf_type can be set to either \"EVOL\" or \"AUX\".\n", " * Setting to \"EVOL\" denotes a grid function that will need to be stepped forward in time within the C code's timestepping algorithm.\n", " * Setting to \"AUX\" denotes any other grid function.\n", " * gf_names can be a single gridfunction or a set of gridfunctions, all with the same gf_type.\n", "* **variable_type(var)**: first searches the list of registered gridfunctions and parameters for gridfunctions or C parameters; then outputs \"gridfunction\" or \"Cparameter\" if one or the other is found, respectively. Otherwise it will output \"other\"\n", "* **output__gridfunction_defines_h__return_gf_lists(outdir)**: given output directory \"outdir\" as input, output a C code file called \"outdir/gridfunction_defines.h\", which will `#define` all the gridfunction aliases. \n", " + The function returns three lists, corresponding to the names (strings) of the evolved, auxiliary, and \"auxevol\" gridfunction names respectively. Each is interpreted by NRPy+ as follows...\n", " + \"Evolved\" gridfunctions in NRPy+ will be automatically handled with the [MoLtimestepping](Tutorial-Method_of_Lines-C_Code_Generation.ipynb) module, including memory allocation (`RK_Allocate_Memory.h`), MoL updates (`RK_MoL.h`), and memory deallocation (`RK_Free_Memory.h`).\n", " + \"Auxevol\" gridfunctions in NRPy+ must be manually allocated and deallocated by the user. These gridfunctions provide additional storage for gridfunctions needed within the MoL step.\n", " + \"Auxiliary\" gridfunctions in NRPy+, soon to be ***deprecated*** and replaced by the \"diagnostic\" gridfunction type, are used for diagnostic purposes only, at the end of each timestep. As only a single MoL timelevel is needed to launch the next timestep, \"auxiliary\" gridfunctions use memory allocated for \"evolved\" gridfunctions at a different timelevel and can be reached via the `*diagnostic_gfs` pointer. \"auxiliary\"/\"diagnostic\" gridfunctions therefore cannot be used with \"Euler\" timestepping, and one cannot use more \"auxiliary\"/\"diagnostic\" gridfunctions than the number of \"evolved\" gridfunctions.\n", " + The aliases `#define`'d in \"outdir/gridfunction_defines.h\" are meant to be human-friendly, so that accessing each gridfunction in C code can be done by its human-friendly alias (e.g., test_gfs\\[IDX4(VVGF,i0,i1,i2\\] instead of the less-friendly test_gfs\\[IDX4(1,i0,i1,i2\\]). \n", " * Example: if we register with NRPy+ only two gridfunctions uu and vv, which are evolved quantities (i.e., represent the solution of the PDEs we are solving, and are registered with gftype == \"EVOL\"), then the first returned list (all gridfunctions registered as EVOL) will be \\[\"uu\",\"vv\"\\], and the second (all gridfunctions registered as AUX) will be the empty list: \\[\\]. Also, this function will create a file with the following content:\n", "\n", "```C\n", "/* This file is automatically generated by NRPy+. Do not edit. */\n", "/* EVOLVED VARIABLES: */\n", "#define NUM_EVOL_GFS 2\n", "#define UUGF 0\n", "#define VVGF 1\n", "\n", "/* AUXILIARY VARIABLES: */\n", "#define NUM_AUX_GFS 0\n", "\n", "/* AUXEVOL VARIABLES: */\n", "#define NUM_AUXEVOL_GFS 0\n", "```\n", "\n", "Let's now register a gridfunction called \"phi\" in the \"in_gfs\" gridfunction array, then print C code that specifies how to access the gridfunction from the single point in memory (i0,i1,i2). Next we will demonstrate that phi is a normal SymPy variable, and finally we will confirm that its type is \"gridfunction\" using variable_type():" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": { "execution": { "iopub.execute_input": "2021-03-07T17:15:35.784372Z", "iopub.status.busy": "2021-03-07T17:15:35.782969Z", "iopub.status.idle": "2021-03-07T17:15:36.115826Z", "shell.execute_reply": "2021-03-07T17:15:36.116302Z" }, "scrolled": true }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Here's how to access the gridfunction phi, in grid array in_gfs, at point (i0,i1,i2):\n", "SENR-like memory access: aux_gfs[IDX4S(PHIGF, i0,i1,i2)]\n", "ETK memory access: phiGF[CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH, i0,i1,i2)]\n", "\n", "\n", "To demonstrate that phi is just a regular SymPy variable, we will now print its square:\n", "phi**2\n", "\n", "\n", "\"phi\" is of type \"gridfunction\"\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Here is the list of registered evolved variables: []\n", "... and here is the list of registered auxiliary variables: ['phi']\n", "... and here is the list of registered auxevol variables: []\n", "\n", "\n", " ... and here is the output gridfunction_defines.h file:\n", "/* This file is automatically generated by NRPy+. Do not edit. */\n", "\n", "// EVOLVED VARIABLES:\n", "#define NUM_EVOL_GFS 0\n", "\n", "\n", "// AUXILIARY VARIABLES:\n", "#define NUM_AUX_GFS 1\n", "#define PHIGF\t0\n", "\n", "\n", "// AUXEVOL VARIABLES:\n", "#define NUM_AUXEVOL_GFS 0\n", "\n" ] } ], "source": [ "import grid as gri\n", "import NRPy_param_funcs as par\n", "import cmdline_helper as cmd\n", "\n", "# Register gridfunction phi, as type \"AUX\".\n", "# WARNING: register_gridfunctions can only be run once on a given gridfunction;\n", "# you'll need to reset the Jupyter kernel before trying again:\n", "phi = gri.register_gridfunctions(\"AUX\",\"phi\")\n", "\n", "print(\"Here's how to access the gridfunction phi, in grid array in_gfs, at point (i0,i1,i2):\")\n", "print(\"SENR-like memory access: \"+gri.gfaccess(\"in_gfs\",\"phi\",\"i0,i1,i2\"))\n", "\n", "par.set_paramsvals_value(\"grid::GridFuncMemAccess = ETK\")\n", "print(\"ETK memory access: \"+gri.gfaccess(\"in_gfs\",\"phi\",\"i0,i1,i2\"))\n", "\n", "# Note that phi can now be used as a usual SymPy variable:\n", "print(\"\\n\\nTo demonstrate that phi is just a regular SymPy variable, we will now print its square:\")\n", "print(phi**2)\n", "\n", "print(\"\\n\\n\\\"phi\\\" is of type \\\"\"+ gri.variable_type(phi)+\"\\\"\")\n", "\n", "cmd.mkdir(\"NumGrids-tmp\")\n", "evolved_variables_list,auxiliary_variables_list, auxevol_variables_list = \\\n", " gri.output__gridfunction_defines_h__return_gf_lists(\"NumGrids-tmp\")\n", "print(\"\\n\\n\")\n", "print(\"Here is the list of registered evolved variables: \",evolved_variables_list)\n", "print(\"... and here is the list of registered auxiliary variables: \",auxiliary_variables_list)\n", "print(\"... and here is the list of registered auxevol variables: \",auxevol_variables_list)\n", "print(\"\\n\\n ... and here is the output gridfunction_defines.h file:\")\n", "f = open(\"NumGrids-tmp/gridfunction_defines.h\",\"r\")\n", "print(f.read())\n", "f.close()" ] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.10.4" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 2 }