# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Setup for automatic installation # # Part of Domoticz plugin: Broadlink # # Dev. Platform : Win10 x64 & Py 3.7.5 x86 # # Author: zak45, 2020 # 1.0.0: initial release # 1.0.1: added irgen module # 2.1.0 : 13/02/2024 # bug fixes # import socket import os import sys import subprocess import urllib.request import urllib.parse import urllib.error import json import traceback import cgitb from zipfile import ZipFile import time # # python version check # if < 3.8 error try: assert sys.version_info >= (3, 8) except (ValueError, Exception): print('your python version is not compatible, need >= 3.8') sys.exit() # cgitb.enable(format='text') # # Var value # setupurl = 'https://codeload.github.com/zak-45/Broadlink-Domoticz-plugin/zip/refs/heads/main' modlist = ['cryptography==36.0.0', 'setuptools', 'wheel', 'googletrans', 'translate', 'requests', 'requests_toolbelt', 'irgen', 'broadlink==0.18.3'] updname = 'BroadlinkSetup.zip' data = {} # # Found OS # if sys.platform.startswith('win32'): Platform = "Windows" else: Platform = "Linux" # # check if port is already opened or not # def is_open(ip, port): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(1.0) try: s.connect((ip, int(port))) s.shutdown(2) return True except (ValueError, Exception): return False # # execute json request to Domoticz # def exe_domoticz(params): try: params = urllib.parse.urlencode(params) html = urllib.request.urlopen('http://' + str(Domoticz) + ':' + str(Port) + '/json.htm?type=command&' + params, timeout=20) response = html.read() encoding = html.info().get_content_charset('utf-8') idata = json.loads(response.decode(encoding)) print('Request from domoticz to : ' + params) except (ValueError, Exception): print(traceback.format_exc()) print('Error sending command to Domoticz :' + params) sys.exit() return idata # # find language from Domoticz # def domlang(): params = {'param': 'getsettings'} idata = exe_domoticz(params) if not idata: print('Error to get settings from Domoticz') sys.exit() else: idomlang = idata["Language"] return idomlang # # execute subprocess # def mycmd(icommand): try: subprocess.check_output(icommand, shell=True, timeout=120) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print('ERROR to start subprocess') print(str(e.returncode)) print(str(e.cmd)) print(str(e.output)) return False return True # # Begin # print('*') print('=' * 80) print('*') print(' ' * 20, 'Broadlink Plugin Installation') print('*') print('=' * 80) print('*') print('Python %s on %s' % (sys.version, sys.platform)) # # We need domoticz Net info # print('_' * 40) print("# We need Domoticz Net info") print('-' * 40) Domoticz = input('ENTER Domoticz IP address (e.g. ') Port = input('ENTER Domoticz Port Number (e.g. 8080): ') # # We check can reach Domoticz # if is_open(Domoticz, Port): print('IP/PORT OK') else: print('ERROR : Not able to reach Domoticz') sys.exit() # # display working folder # if Platform == 'Windows': command = 'cd ' else: command = 'sudo pwd ' # if mycmd(command): print('Installation initialized ...... ') else: print('ERROR to retrieve folder information') sys.exit() # # Initial check # # # we retrieve Domoticz language # print('_' * 40) print('# we retrieve Domoticz language ') lang = domlang() print('We work with this language : ' + lang) print('On this platform : ' + Platform) # # we install necessary modules # print('_' * 40) print("# we install necessary modules") print('-' * 40) # # for mod in modlist: if Platform == 'Windows': command = 'python -m pip install ' + mod else: command = 'sudo -H python -m pip install ' + mod print('-*-') print(' We execute this command : ' + command) if mycmd(command): print(' We have installed : ' + mod) else: print(' ERROR to install : ' + mod) print(' could be normal if already exist, continue in anyway....') # # we download plugin files from GIT (zip format) # print('_' * 40) print("# we download plugin files from GIT (zip format)") print('-' * 40) # # import requests import shutil state = "**" leng = 0 try: data = requests.get(setupurl, timeout=10, stream=True, verify=False) # Open the output file and make sure we write in binary mode print('We download plugin files to: ' + updname) with open(updname, 'wb') as fh: # Walk through the request response in chunks of 1024 * 1024 bytes, so 1MiB for chunk in data.iter_content(1024 * 1024): # Write the chunk to the file fh.write(chunk) leng = leng + len(chunk) try: print("\r>> Bytes downloaded -->" + state + str(leng) + state, end='', flush=True) except (ValueError, Exception): print("Bytes downloaded -->" + str(leng)) # Optionally we can check here if the download is taking too long print(': 100% Done') except (ValueError, Exception): print(traceback.format_exc()) print('Error receive / save files from Gdrive : ' + str(setupurl)) sys.exit(0) time.sleep(2) # # we extract necessary plugin files # print('_' * 40) print('# we extract necessary plugin files') print('-' * 40) # opening the zip file in READ mode with ZipFile(updname, 'r') as izip: # printing all the contents of the zip file izip.printdir() # extracting all the files print('Extracting all the files now...') izip.extractall('./') izip.close() # # We do necessary final modifications depend of Platform # print('_' * 40) print('# We do necessary modifications depend of Platform') print('-' * 40) # # if Platform == 'Linux': command = 'sudo chmod +x *.py ' if mycmd(command): print(' put *.py files executable (+x) OK') else: print(' ERROR to put +x to *.py files ') sys.exit() command = 'sudo chmod +x scr/*.sh ' if mycmd(command): print(' put *.sh files executable (+x) OK') else: print(' ERROR to put +x to *.sh files ') sys.exit() try: if os.path.exists('scr/dombr.cmd'): os.remove('scr/dombr.cmd') except (ValueError, Exception): print(traceback.format_exc()) print('Error to delete this file: scr/dombr.cmd') else: try: if os.path.exists('scr/dombr.sh'): os.remove('scr/dombr.sh') except (ValueError, Exception): print(traceback.format_exc()) print('Error to delete this file: scr/dombr.sh') # try: if os.path.exists(updname): os.remove(updname) except (ValueError, Exception): print(traceback.format_exc()) print('Error to delete this file: ' + updname) # # Final check # print('_' * 40) print('Checking installation ....') print('-' * 40) # # We check all modules : modlist = ['googletrans', 'translate', 'requests', 'requests_toolbelt', 'irgen', 'broadlink'] modules = [] for x in modlist: try: modules.append(__import__(x)) print("Successfully imported " + x) except ImportError: print("Error importing " + x) sys.exit() # # we check directory structure mydir = ['ini', 'lng', 'log', 'scr', 'web'] for items in mydir: if os.path.exists(items): print('Directory {} exist, OK'.format(items)) else: print('Error : Directory {} do not exist, verify error... exiting'.format(items)) sys.exit() # # we check files if os.path.exists(updname): print('Error : zip file : {} still exist, not normal !!!'.format(updname)) sys.exit() filelist = ['plugin.py', 'Dombroadlink.py'] for items in filelist: if os.path.exists(items): print('File {} exist, OK'.format(items)) else: print('Error : File {} do not exist, verify error... exiting'.format(items)) sys.exit() # # End of installation # print('*') print('=' * 80) print('*') print(' ' * 20, 'Broadlink Plugin Installed') print('*') print(' ' * 20, 'You need to restart Domoticz before use it.') print('*') print(' ' * 20, 'Enjoy!!!') print('*') print('=' * 80) print('*')