#!/usr/bin/env python3 import json import random import requests import time from enum import Enum from os import path, walk, system from urllib.parse import urlparse ### CONFIGURATION VARIABLES ### # this webui will need to be the JSON-RPC endpoint # this ends with '/json' deluge_webui = "http://localhost:8112/json" deluge_password = "deluged" # this changes whether the actual cache drive is checked for # applicable files to pause/move before pausing. # # if this is false, it will pause all torrents in the age-range # instead of only torrents in that range that exist on the cache check_fs = False # if you are using the mover tuner and don't want to use it for # this script, set this to true # # if you do not use mover tuner, leave this as false use_mover_old = False # this is the absolute host path to your cache drive's downloads # you only need this to be changed/set if using 'check_fs = True' cache_download_path = "/mnt/cache/torrents/completed" # the age range of days to look for relevant torrents to move # i dont recommend setting age_day_max to less than the schedule # you run the script on... # # if you run every 7 days, this should be at least 7 to prevent # files from being stuck on your cache forever # # 0 disables age_day_max # set both age vars to 0 to move everything on your cache drive age_day_min = 3 age_day_max = 0 ### STOP EDITING HERE ### ### STOP EDITING HERE ### ### STOP EDITING HERE ### ### STOP EDITING HERE ### # error codes we could potentially receive class DelugeErrorCode(Enum): NO_AUTH = 1 BAD_METHOD = 2 CALL_ERR = 3 RPC_FAIL = 4 BAD_JSON = 5 # color codes for terminal use_colors_codes = False CRED = "\033[91m" if (use_colors_codes) else "" CGREEN = "\33[32m" if (use_colors_codes) else "" CYELLOW = "\33[33m" if (use_colors_codes) else "" CBLUE = "\33[4;34m" if (use_colors_codes) else "" CBOLD = "\33[1m" if (use_colors_codes) else "" CEND = "\033[0m" if (use_colors_codes) else "" class DelugeHandler: def __init__(self): self.deluge_cookie = None self.session = requests.Session() def call(self, method, params, retries=1): url = urlparse(deluge_webui).geturl() headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} id = random.randint(0, 0x7FFFFFFF) # set our cookie if we have it if self.deluge_cookie: headers["Cookie"] = self.deluge_cookie if method == "auth.login": print( f"[{CGREEN}init{CEND}/{CYELLOW}script{CEND}] -> {CYELLOW}Connecting to Deluge:{CEND} {CBLUE}{url}{CEND}" ) # send our request to the JSON-RPC endpoint try: response = self.session.post( url, data=json.dumps({"method": method, "params": params, "id": id}), headers=headers, ) response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.RequestException as network_error: raise ConnectionError( f"[{CRED}json-rpc{CEND}/{CRED}error{CEND}]: Failed to connect to Deluge at {CBLUE}{url}{CEND}" ) from network_error # make sure the json response is valid try: json_response = response.json() except json.JSONDecodeError as json_parse_error: raise ValueError( f"[{CRED}json-rpc{CEND}/{CRED}error{CEND}]: Deluge method {method} response was {CYELLOW}non-JSON{CEND}: {json_parse_error}" ) # check for authorization failures, and retry once if json_response.get("error", [None]) != None: if ( json_response.get("error", [None]).get("code") == DelugeErrorCode.NO_AUTH and retries > 0 ): self.deluge_cookie = None self.call("auth.login", [deluge_password], 0) if self.deluge_cookie: return self.call(method, params) else: raise ConnectionError( f"[{CRED}json-rpc{CEND}/{CRED}error{CEND}]: Connection lost with Deluge. Reauthentication {CYELLOW}failed{CEND}." ) self.handle_cookies(response.headers) return json_response def handle_cookies(self, headers): deluge_cookie = headers.get("Set-Cookie") if deluge_cookie: deluge_cookie = deluge_cookie.split(";")[0] else: deluge_cookie = None def find_file_on_cache(dir, target): for root, dirs, files in recursive_path_list(dir): if target in files or target in dirs: return path.join(root, target) return None def recursive_path_list(dir): return [(root, dirs, files) for root, dirs, files in walk(dir)] def filter_added_time(t_object): cached_file = False if ( t_object[1].get("time_added", None) is None or t_object[1].get("name", None) is None ): return False time_elapsed = int(time.time()) - t_object[1].get("time_added", [None]) assumed_path = path.join(cache_download_path, t_object[1].get("name", [None])) if time_elapsed >= (age_day_min * 60 * 60 * 24) and ( (time_elapsed <= (age_day_max * 60 * 60 * 24)) or (age_day_max == 0) ): if check_fs: if path.exists(assumed_path): cached_file = True elif ( find_file_on_cache(cache_download_path, t_object[1].get("name", [None])) != None ): cached_file = True else: cached_file = True return cached_file return False def main(): deluge_handler = DelugeHandler() try: # auth.login auth_response = deluge_handler.call("auth.login", [deluge_password], 0) print( f"[{CGREEN}json-rpc{CEND}/{CYELLOW}auth.login{CEND}]", auth_response, "\n", ) if auth_response.get("result") != True: exit(1) webui_connected = deluge_handler.call("web.connected", [], 0) print(f"[json-rpc/web.connected] {webui_connected}") time.sleep(2) # get hosts list web_ui_daemons = deluge_handler.call("web.get_hosts", [], 0).get("result") # check which host is connected for daemon in web_ui_daemons: webui_connected_host = daemon[0] webui_connected = deluge_handler.call( "web.get_host_status", [webui_connected_host], 0 ).get("result") if webui_connected[1] == "Connected": # reconnect the web daemon to the previously connected host web_disconnect = deluge_handler.call("web.disconnect", [], 0) webui_connected = deluge_handler.call( "web.get_host_status", [webui_connected_host], 0 ).get("result") print(f"[json-rpc/web.disconnect] {web_disconnect}") break # checks the status of webui being connected, and connects to the daemon webui_connected = webui_connected[1] if webui_connected == "Online": deluge_handler.call("web.connect", [webui_connected_host], 0) time.sleep(1) webui_connected = deluge_handler.call( "web.get_host_status", [webui_connected_host], 0 ).get("result") if webui_connected[1] != "Connected": print( f"\n\n[{CRED}error{CEND}]: {CYELLOW}Your WebUI is not automatically connectable to the Deluge daemon.{CEND}\n" f"{CYELLOW}\t Open the WebUI's connection manager to resolve this.{CEND}\n\n" ) deluge_handler.call("auth.delete_session", [], 0) deluge_handler.session.close() exit(1) else: print(f"[json-rpc/web.connect] Successfully reconnected to daemon.\n") # get torrent list torrent_list = ( deluge_handler.call( "web.update_ui", [["name", "save_path", "progress", "time_added"], {}], ) .get("result", [None]) .get("torrents", [None]) ) # make sure list exists if torrent_list != None: filtered_torrents = list( filter(lambda kv: filter_added_time(kv), torrent_list.items()) ) if len(filtered_torrents) == 0: print( f"\n\n[{CGREEN}deluge-mover{CEND}]: {CBOLD}no eligible torrents.\n\t\tscript completed.{CEND}\n\n" ) deluge_handler.call("auth.delete_session", [], 0) deluge_handler.session.close() exit(0) # loop through items in torrent list for hash, values in filtered_torrents: if check_fs: save_path = path.join( cache_download_path, values.get("name", [None]) ) else: save_path = path.join( values.get("save_path", [None]), values.get("name", [None]) ) print( f"[{CRED}pause_torrent{CEND}]: {CBOLD}{values.get('name', [None])}{CEND}" f"\n\t\t {CYELLOW}info_hash{CEND}: {hash}" f"\n\t\t {CYELLOW}save_path{CEND}: {save_path}\n" ) # pause relevant torrents deluge_handler.call("core.pause_torrent", [hash]) print( f"[{CRED}pause_summary{CEND}]: paused {CYELLOW}{CBOLD}{len(filtered_torrents)}{CEND} torrents...\n" ) time.sleep(10) # run the mover print( f"[{CGREEN}init{CEND}] -> {CYELLOW}{CBOLD}Executing unRAID Mover...{CEND}\n" ) time.sleep(3) deluge_handler.call("auth.delete_session", [], 0) deluge_handler.session.close() if use_mover_old: system("/usr/local/sbin/mover.old start") else: system("/usr/local/sbin/mover start") time.sleep(10) print("\n\n") deluge_handler = DelugeHandler() auth_response = deluge_handler.call("auth.login", [deluge_password], 0) time.sleep(1) # resume all the torrents we previously paused for hash, values in filtered_torrents: deluge_handler.call("core.resume_torrent", [hash]) print( f"[{CGREEN}resume_torrent{CEND}]: {CBOLD}{values.get('name', [None])}{CEND}" f"\n\t\t {CYELLOW}info_hash{CEND}: {hash}\n" ) print( f"[{CGREEN}resume_summary{CEND}]: resumed {CYELLOW}{CBOLD}{len(filtered_torrents)}{CEND} torrents...\n" ) print( f"\n\n[{CGREEN}deluge-mover{CEND}]: {CBOLD}script completed.{CEND}\n\n" ) else: print( f"\n\n[{CRED}error{CEND}]: {CYELLOW}Your WebUI is likely not connected to the Deluge daemon. Open the WebUI to resolve this.{CEND}\n\n" ) deluge_handler.call("auth.delete_session", [], 0) deluge_handler.session.close() exit(1) except Exception as e: print(f"\n\n[{CRED}error{CEND}]: {CBOLD}{e}{CEND}\n\n") deluge_handler.call("auth.delete_session", [], 0) deluge_handler.session.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()