scope: batman #namespace: /service/ name: postgresql0 restapi: listen: connect_address: # cafile: /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cacert-snakeoil.pem # certfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem # keyfile: /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key # authentication: # username: username # password: password #ctl: # insecure: false # Allow connections to Patroni REST API without verifying certificates # certfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem # keyfile: /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key # cacert: /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cacert-snakeoil.pem #citus: # database: citus # group: 0 # coordinator etcd: #Provide host to do the initial discovery of the cluster topology: host: #Or use "hosts" to provide multiple endpoints #Could be a comma separated string: #hosts: host1:port1,host2:port2 #or an actual yaml list: #hosts: #- host1:port1 #- host2:port2 #Once discovery is complete Patroni will use the list of advertised clientURLs #It is possible to change this behavior through by setting: #use_proxies: true #raft: # data_dir: . # self_addr: # partner_addrs: # - # - # The bootstrap configuration. Works only when the cluster is not yet initialized. # If the cluster is already initialized, all changes in the `bootstrap` section are ignored! bootstrap: # This section will be written into Etcd:///config after initializing new cluster # and all other cluster members will use it as a `global configuration`. # WARNING! If you want to change any of the parameters that were set up # via `bootstrap.dcs` section, please use `patronictl edit-config`! dcs: ttl: 30 loop_wait: 10 retry_timeout: 10 maximum_lag_on_failover: 1048576 # primary_start_timeout: 300 # synchronous_mode: false #standby_cluster: #host: #port: 1111 #primary_slot_name: patroni postgresql: use_pg_rewind: true pg_hba: # For kerberos gss based connectivity (discard @.*$) #- host replication replicator gss include_realm=0 #- host all all gss include_realm=0 - host replication replicator md5 - host all all md5 # - hostssl all all md5 # use_slots: true parameters: # wal_level: hot_standby # hot_standby: "on" # max_connections: 100 # max_worker_processes: 8 # wal_keep_segments: 8 # max_wal_senders: 10 # max_replication_slots: 10 # max_prepared_transactions: 0 # max_locks_per_transaction: 64 # wal_log_hints: "on" # track_commit_timestamp: "off" # archive_mode: "on" # archive_timeout: 1800s # archive_command: mkdir -p ../wal_archive && test ! -f ../wal_archive/%f && cp %p ../wal_archive/%f # recovery_conf: # restore_command: cp ../wal_archive/%f %p # some desired options for 'initdb' initdb: # Note: It needs to be a list (some options need values, others are switches) - encoding: UTF8 - data-checksums # Additional script to be launched after initial cluster creation (will be passed the connection URL as parameter) # post_init: /usr/local/bin/ postgresql: listen: connect_address: # proxy_address: # The address of connection pool (e.g., pgbouncer) running next to Patroni/Postgres. Only for service discovery. data_dir: data/postgresql0 # bin_dir: # config_dir: pgpass: /tmp/pgpass0 authentication: replication: username: replicator password: rep-pass superuser: username: postgres password: zalando rewind: # Has no effect on postgres 10 and lower username: rewind_user password: rewind_password # Server side kerberos spn # krbsrvname: postgres parameters: # Fully qualified kerberos ticket file for the running user # same as KRB5CCNAME used by the GSS # krb_server_keyfile: /var/spool/keytabs/postgres unix_socket_directories: '..' # parent directory of data_dir # Additional fencing script executed after acquiring the leader lock but before promoting the replica #pre_promote: /path/to/ #watchdog: # mode: automatic # Allowed values: off, automatic, required # device: /dev/watchdog # safety_margin: 5 tags: # failover_priority: 1 noloadbalance: false clonefrom: false nosync: false nostream: false