4.3 First AU release
	- Huge kudos to falktx for completing AU support in DPF!
	- New plugin: ZamNoise noise reduction based on Gnome Wave Cleaner,
	  uses Ephriam / Malah noise suppression algorithm from 1984
	- Tweak defaults and ranges on ZamEQ2
	- Make ZaMaximX2 threshold/gain controls more usable in response
	  to unfa's critique of FOSS limiter plugins

4.2 Bugfixes and DSP improvements
	- ZamTube: Introduced both sides of 12AX7 valve emulation
	  with tonestack sandwiched between the valves.
	- ZamHeadX2: Fixed bug with wrong array dimensions.
	- Updated DPF to fix VST2 param bug among other improvements.

4.1 Patch release
	- Install CLAP and VST3 versions
	- Makefile tweaks
	- Fix inline processing

4.0 Gratis and Free
	- Thanks to falktx for porting to latest DPF
	- All binaries available gratis for all operating systems
	- Source code still Free
	- Fixed a number of uninitialised value bugs
	- With new DPF comes CLAP and VST3 versions

3.14 ZamTube DSP overhaul
	- Thanks to oid on #opensourcemusicians!
	- Released together with guitarix V0.42.0 tube improvements
	- Virtual circuit redesigned for realistic tube emulation
	- Two modes - 60's version and Gridleak version (insane toggle)
	- Optimised slightly for lower DSP load without losing quality

3.13 Small tweaks
	- ZamTube: Add labels for tonestack styles
	- All: Fix narrowing of double to float math
	- Fix glibc compat for finite math ABI change (-lm)
	- Reorder changelog
	- Fix travis releases

3.12 Bugfixes and DSP improvements
	- ZamCompX2: Fix bug with left channel using right side
	- Compressors: 5% speedup
	- ZaMultiCompX2: 15% Speed up - remove averaging every cycle
	- ZaMultiCompX2: Fix averaging
	- ZamTube: Fix uninitialised bugs

3.11 New plugin and DSP improvements
	- New plugin: ZamGrains (granular delay)
	- Cross-over filters DSP improvement (no peaking near fc)
	- ZamTube complete makeover, DSP redone
	- ZamGEQ31 disable bands outside filterable range
	- Snap to defaults on slider shift-click

3.10 New plugin and DSP review
	- New plugin: ZamVerb (convolution reverb with fixed presets)
	- ZamHeadX2 DSP algorithm redone (sounds much better)
	- Docker file provided for cross-compiling
	- Dependencies for all plugins on all OSes provided externally

3.9 All compressors bugfix release
	- Thanks to johmue

3.8 Wild-Tube release
	- Major revamp of ZamTube DSP, no wave discontinuities
	- Major DSP upgrade for multiband crossovers - flat response
	- New plugin: ZamDynamicEQ
	- New plugin: ZamPhono
	- Fixed various compiler warnings

3.7 DSP overhaul and major release
	- ZaMaximX2 has great new algorithm from DAFX
	- ZamEQ2 has improved filter algorithms
	- Multibands no longer crackle and pop
	- Numerical labels on all knobs
	- Mousewheel feels nicer on all knobs
	- Travis build integration
	- Various bugfixes

3.6 New plugins and bugfixes
	- DPF as a submodule
	- ZamGate
	- ZamHead
	- Finer controls on multibands
	- Various bugfixes
	- Key events pass through to host

3.5 Bugfixes and tweaks
	- OSX port working

3.4 Stable release
	- Artwork update
	- DPF update
	- Various knob bugfixes
	- New plugin

3.3 Bugfix of logarithmic knobs

3.2 Minor tweaks

3.1 Stable release of new plugins, with GUIs.
	- Ready for packaging

3.0 Complete rewrite of plugins, with GUIs.  Testing phase.
	- No more dependencies on faust or lv2

2.1 Initial stable release