6.0 2024-06-17T13:35:23Z 7df96b18c230490a9a0a9e2307226338 Templates c6e71c7a928540508e33f574a608ed12 [Total] Number of meetings 6C59DC MAX Template App BigBlueButton Server bbb.meetingsCount 1 F63100 MAX Template App BigBlueButton Server bbb.running[allMeetings] 2 611F27 MAX Template App BigBlueButton Server bbb.isBreakout[allMeetings] 3 5CCD18 MAX Template App BigBlueButton Server bbb.canBeRecorded[allMeetings] 4 2774A4 MAX Template App BigBlueButton Server bbb.hasUsersJoined[allMeetings] 2c1a2e73e9ef479aa478c89e32b83b4e [Total] Number of participants 2774A4 MAX Template App BigBlueButton Server bbb.participantsCount[allMeetings] 1 8E24AA MAX Template App BigBlueButton Server bbb.voiceParticipantsCount[allMeetings] 2 A54F10 MAX Template App BigBlueButton Server bbb.videosCount[allMeetings] 3 1A7C11 MAX Template App BigBlueButton Server bbb.listenersCount[allMeetings] 4 F63100 MAX Template App BigBlueButton Server bbb.moderatorsCount[allMeetings] 1224c14a5df94bbba47105f35672ca4e [Total] Recordings summary 1A7C11 MAX Template App BigBlueButton Server bbb.recordingsCount 1 F63100 MAX Template App BigBlueButton Server bbb.published[allRecordings] 2 2774A4 RIGHT MAX Template App BigBlueButton Server bbb.size[allRecordings] 3 A54F10 RIGHT MAX Template App BigBlueButton Server bbb.rawSize[allRecordings]