#!/usr/bin/perl # # UniFi Proxy 1.3.8 # # (C) Grigory Prigodin 2015-2019 # Contact e-mail: zbx.sadman@gmail.com # ### echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_tw_recycle # Enable fast recycling TIME-WAIT sockets. Default value is 0. # It should not be changed without advice/request of technical experts. # use strict; use warnings; use POSIX (); use JSON (); use LWP (); use IO::Socket::IP (); use IO::Socket::SSL (); use Data::Dumper (); use constant { CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT => '/etc/unifi_proxy/unifi_proxy.conf', TOOL_HOMEPAGE => 'https://github.com/zbx-sadman/unifi_proxy', TOOL_NAME => 'UniFi Proxy', TOOL_VERSION => '1.3.8', # *** Actions *** ACT_MEDIAN => 'median', ACT_AMEAN => 'amean', ACT_GET => 'get', ACT_MAX => 'max', ACT_MIN => 'min', ACT_COUNT => 'count', ACT_DISCOVERY => 'discovery', ACT_PCOUNT => 'pcount', ACT_PSUM => 'psum', ACT_SUM => 'sum', ACT_RAW => 'raw', # *** Controller versions *** CONTROLLER_VERSION_2 => 'v2', CONTROLLER_VERSION_3 => 'v3', CONTROLLER_VERSION_4 => 'v4', CONTROLLER_VERSION_5 => 'v5', # *** JSON stringify method *** JSON_INLINE => 'inline', JSON_PRETTY => 'pretty', # *** Managed objects *** # Don't use object alluser with LLD - JSON may be broken due result size > 65535b (Max Zabbix LLD line size) OBJ_ALLUSER => 'alluser', OBJ_DPI => 'dpi', OBJ_EXTENSION => 'extension', OBJ_FIREWALLGROUP => 'firewallgroup', OBJ_FIREWALLRULE => 'firewallrule', OBJ_HEALTH => 'health', OBJ_FW_UPDATE => 'fw_update', OBJ_HOTSPOT2 => 'hotspot2', OBJ_NETWORK => 'network', OBJ_NUMBER => 'number', OBJ_ROUTING => 'routing', OBJ_SETTING => 'setting', OBJ_SITE => 'site', OBJ_SITEDPI => 'sitedpi', OBJ_SYSINFO => 'sysinfo', OBJ_UAP => 'uap', OBJ_UAP_VAP_TABLE => 'uap_vap_table', OBJ_UAP_VWIRE_VAP_TABLE => 'uap_vwire_vap_table', OBJ_UPH => 'uph', OBJ_UGW => 'ugw', OBJ_USER => 'user', OBJ_USERGROUP => 'usergroup', OBJ_USW => 'usw', OBJ_USW_PORT_TABLE => 'usw_port_table', OBJ_VOUCHER => 'voucher', OBJ_WDG_HEALTH => 'wdg_health', OBJ_WDG_SWITCH => 'wdg_switch', OBJ_WLAN => 'wlan', OBJ_WLANGROUP => 'wlangroup', # *** Debug levels *** DEBUG_LOW => 1, DEBUG_MID => 2, DEBUG_HIGH => 3, # *** other *** SITENAME_DEFAULT => 'default', MAX_BUFFER_LEN => 65536, MAX_REQUEST_LEN => 256, KEY_ITEMS_NUM => 'items_num', MASK_ANY => '*', TRUE => 1, FALSE => 0, BY_CMD => 1, BY_GET => 2, FETCH_NO_ERROR => 0, FETCH_OTHER_ERROR => 1, FETCH_LOGIN_ERROR => 2, TYPE_STRING => 1, TYPE_NUMBER => 2, ROUND_NUMBER => 2, ST_SAVE => 1, ST_REST => 2, }; IO::Socket::SSL::set_default_context(new IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_Context(SSL_version => 'TLSv12', SSL_verify_mode => 0)); sub addToLLD; sub fetchData; sub fetchDataFromController; sub getMetric; sub handleCHLDSignal; sub handleConnection; sub handleTERMSignal; sub readConf; sub logMessage; sub isInArray; my $options; for (@ARGV) { # try to take key from $_ if ( m/^[-](.+)/) { # key is '--version' ? Set flag && jump out from the loop $options->{'version'} = TRUE, last if ($1 eq '-version'); # key is --help - do the same $options->{'help'} = TRUE, last if ($1 eq '-help'); # key is just found? Init hash item $options->{$1} = ''; } else { # key not found - store value to hash item with $1 id. # $1 stay store old valued while next matching will not success $options->{$1} = $_ if (defined($1)); } } if ($options->{'version'}) { print "\n",TOOL_NAME," v", TOOL_VERSION ,"\n\n"; exit 0; } if ($options->{'help'}) { print "\n",TOOL_NAME," v", TOOL_VERSION, "\n\nusage: $0 [-C /path/to/config/file] [-D]\n", "\t-C\tpath to config file\n\t-D\trun in daemon mode\n\nMore help on ", TOOL_HOMEPAGE, "\n\n"; exit 0; } # take config filename from -"C"onfig option or from `default` const my $configFile=(defined ($options->{'C'})) ? $options->{'C'} : CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT; # if defined -"D"aemonMode - act like daemon if (defined ($options->{'D'})) { exit() if (my $pid = fork); die "[!] Couldn't act as daemon ($!)\n" unless defined($pid); # Link session to term POSIX::setsid() || die "[!] Can't start a new session ($!)"; } my $globalConfig = {}; # PreForked servers PID store my $servers = {}; # PreForked servers number my $servers_num = 0; # Read config readConf(); # Bind to addr:port my $server = IO::Socket::IP->new(LocalAddr => $globalConfig->{'listenip'}, LocalPort => $globalConfig->{'listenport'}, Listen => $globalConfig->{'maxclients'}, Reuse => 1, Type => IO::Socket::SOCK_STREAM, Proto => 'tcp',) || die $@; # Assign subs to handle Signals $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = \&handleINTSignal; $SIG{HUP} = \&handleHUPSignal; $SIG{CHLD} = \&handleCHLDSignal; # And maintain the population. while (TRUE) { for (my $i = $servers_num; $i < $globalConfig->{'startservers'}; $i++) { # add several server instances if need makeServer(); } # wait for a signal (i.e., child's death) sleep; } exit; ############################################################################################################################ # # Subroutines # ############################################################################################################################ sub isInArray { for (my $i = 1; $i < @_; $i++) { return TRUE if ($_[0] eq $_[$i]); } return FALSE; } sub logMessage { return unless ($globalConfig->{'debuglevel'} >= $_[0]); print "[$$] ", POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(time())), " "; for (my $i = 1; $i < @_; $i++) { print (('ARRAY' eq ref($_[$i]) || ('HASH' eq ref($_[$i]))) ? Data::Dumper::Dumper $_[$i] : $_[$i]); } print "\n"; } #*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ # # Handle CHLD signal # - Wait to terminate child process (kill zombie) # - Close listen port # #*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ sub handleCHLDSignal { my $pid; while ( 0 < ($pid = waitpid(-1, POSIX::WNOHANG))) { delete $servers->{$pid}; $servers_num --; } $SIG{CHLD} = \&handleCHLDSignal; } sub handleHUPSignal { readConf; } #*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ # # Handle TERM signal # - Set global flag, which using for main loop exiting # - Close listen port # #*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ sub handleINTSignal { local($SIG{CHLD}) = 'IGNORE'; # we're going to kill our children kill 'INT' => keys %{$servers}; $server->close(); # close socket exit; # clean up with dignity } #*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ # # Make new server with PreFork engine # - Fork new server process # - Accept and handle connection from IO::Socket queue # #*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ sub makeServer { my $pid, my $sigset; # make copy of global config to stop change $_[0] by fork's copy-write procedure # block signal for fork $sigset = POSIX::SigSet->new(POSIX::SIGINT); POSIX::sigprocmask(POSIX::SIG_BLOCK, $sigset) or die "[!] Can't block SIGINT for fork: $!\n"; # if $pid is undefined - fork creating error caused die "[!] fork: $!" unless defined ($pid = fork); if ($pid) { # Parent records the child's birth and returns. POSIX::sigprocmask(POSIX::SIG_UNBLOCK, $sigset) or die "[!] Can't unblock SIGINT for fork: $!\n"; $servers->{$pid} = 1; $servers_num++; $globalConfig->{'pid'} = $pid; return; } else { ############################################# # Child can *not* return from this subroutine. ############################################# # make SIGINT kill us as it did before $SIG{INT} = 'DEFAULT'; # unblock signals POSIX::sigprocmask(POSIX::SIG_UNBLOCK, $sigset) or die "[!] Can't unblock SIGINT for fork: $!\n"; my $serverConfig; # copy hash with globalConfig to serverConfig to prevent 'copy-on-write'. %{$serverConfig} = %{$globalConfig;}; # init service keys # Data is downloaded instead readed from file $serverConfig->{'downloaded'} = FALSE; # LWP::UserAgent object, which must be saved between fetchData() calls $serverConfig->{'ua'} = undef; # JSON::XS object $serverConfig->{'json_engine'} = JSON->new->utf8; # -s option used sign $serverConfig->{'sitename_given'} = FALSE; # handle connections until we've reached MaxRequestsPerChild for (my $i=0; $i < $serverConfig->{'maxrequestsperchild'}; $i++) { my $client = $server->accept() or last; $client->autoflush(1); handleConnection($serverConfig, $client); } # tidy up gracefully and finish # this exit is VERY important, otherwise the child will become # a producer of more and more children, forking yourself into # process death. exit; } } #*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ # # Handle incoming connection # #*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ sub handleConnection { my $socket = $_[1]; my $gC, my $buffer, my $buferLength, my $siteList, my $objList, my $lldPiece, my $bytes; my $opt_a, my $opt_o, my $opt_s, my $opt_k, my $opt_i, my $opt_c, my $opt_n, my $parentObj, my $selectingResult; logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[+] handleConnection() started"); # copy serverConfig to localConfig for saving default values %{$gC} = %{$_[0]}; # read line from socket while (TRUE) { $bytes = sysread($socket, $buffer, MAX_REQUEST_LEN); last unless ($buffer); ################################################## Request analyzing ################################################## chomp ($buffer); logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[.]\t Incoming line: '$buffer'"); # split line to action, object type, sitename, key, id, cache_timeout, nullchar (need to add user name, user password, controller version ?) ($opt_a, $opt_o, $opt_s, $opt_k, $opt_i, $opt_n, $opt_c) = split(/[,]/, $buffer); $buffer = undef; # fast validate object type $gC->{'objecttype'} = $opt_o ? lc($opt_o) : $_[0]->{'objecttype'}; unless ($gC->{'fetch_rules'}->{$gC->{'objecttype'}}) { # $buffer will processed in 'continue' block $buffer = "[!] No object type $gC->{'objecttype'} supported"; logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, $buffer); next; } # fast check action need too # ........... # Rewrite default values (taken from globalConfig) by command line arguments $gC->{'action'} = $opt_a ? lc($opt_a) : $_[0]->{'action'}; $gC->{'cnttailvals'} = (isInArray($gC->{'action'}, (ACT_PCOUNT, ACT_PSUM))) ? TRUE : FALSE; # $gC->{'key'} = $opt_k ? $opt_k : ''; # opt_s not '' (virtual -s option used) -> use given sitename. Otherwise use 'default' $gC->{'sitename'} = $opt_s ? $opt_s : $_[0]->{'default_sitename'}; $gC->{'sitename_given'} = $opt_s ? TRUE : FALSE; # if opt_c is given, and contain digits, then $gC->{'cachemaxage'} is $opt_c. Otherwise is default; $gC->{'cachemaxage'} = (defined($opt_c) && $opt_c =~ /^\d+$/) ? 0+$opt_c : $_[0]->{'cachemaxage'}; $gC->{'nullchar'} = defined($opt_n) ? $opt_n : $_[0]->{'nullchar'}; $gC->{'id'} = $gC->{'mac'} = ''; # test for $opt_i is MAC or ID if ($opt_i) { $opt_i = lc($opt_i); if ($opt_i =~ m/^([0-9a-z]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9a-z]{2})$/ ) { # is MAC $gC->{'mac'} = $opt_i; } else { # is ID $gC->{'id'} = $opt_i; } } ################################################## Main action ################################################## # made fake site list, cuz fetchData(v2) just ignore sitename $siteList = [{'name' => $gC->{'sitename'}}]; $selectingResult = {'total' => 0, 'data' => []}; # if OBJ_SITE exists in fetch_rules - siteList could be obtained from controller if ($gC->{'fetch_rules'}->{OBJ_SITE()}) { # Clear array, because fetchData() will push data to its $siteList = []; # Get site list. v3 need {'sitename'} to use into 'cmd' URI fetchData($gC, $gC->{'sitename'}, OBJ_SITE, '', $siteList); } logMessage(DEBUG_MID, "[.]\t\t Going over all sites"); foreach my $siteObj (@{$siteList}) { # skip hidden site 'super' next if (defined($siteObj->{'attr_hidden'})); # skip site, if '-s' option used and current site other, that given next if ($gC->{'sitename_given'} && ($gC->{'sitename'} ne $siteObj->{'name'})); logMessage(DEBUG_MID, "[.]\t\t Handle site: '$siteObj->{'name'}'"); $objList = []; # parentObject used for transfer site (or device) info to LLD. That data used for "parent"-related macro (like {#SITENAME}, {#UAPID}) # user ask info for 'site' object. Data already loaded to $siteObj. if (OBJ_SITE eq $gC->{'objecttype'}) { # Just make array from site object (which is hash) and take null for parenObj - no parent for 'site' exists $objList = [$siteObj], $parentObj = {'type' => ''}; } else { # Take objects from foreach'ed site # Take parent of virtual object, if 'parent' property detected. Or use real object type, if not. my $wrkObjType = ($gC->{'fetch_rules'}->{$gC->{'objecttype'}}->{'parent'}) // $gC->{'objecttype'}; # Fetch object from site unless (fetchData($gC, $siteObj->{'name'}, $wrkObjType, $gC->{'id'}, $objList)) { logMessage(DEBUG_MID, "[!] No data found for object $gC->{'objecttype'} (may be wrong site name)"), next; } # siteObj is parent for each site item: device/user/etc $parentObj = {'type' => OBJ_SITE, 'data' => $siteObj}; } # Test "-k" option if (! $gC->{'key'}) { # No key given - user need to discovery objects? if (ACT_DISCOVERY eq $gC->{'action'}) { logMessage(DEBUG_MID, "[.]\t\t Discovering w/o key: add part of LLD"); addToLLD($gC, $siteObj, $parentObj, $objList, $selectingResult->{'data'}) if ($objList); } else { logMessage(DEBUG_MID, "[.]\t\t Action '$gC->{'action'}' w/o key not allowed"); } } else { # key is defined - any action could be processed logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[*]\t\t Key given: $gC->{'key'}"); # every object in site must be processeed separately to make right parentObject for key-based LLD if (ACT_DISCOVERY eq $gC->{'action'}) { my $wrkSelectingResult; # Take every site's object foreach (@{$objList}) { # [re-]init temporary var $wrkSelectingResult = {'total' => 0, 'data' => []}; # prepare parent object $parentObj = { 'type' => $gC->{'fetch_rules'}->{$gC->{'objecttype'}}->{'parent'}, 'data' => $_}; # select all elements which linked with key (key must be point to array) getMetric($gC, $_, $gC->{'key'}, $wrkSelectingResult); # Add some properties to LLD array addToLLD($gC, $siteObj, $parentObj, $wrkSelectingResult->{'data'}, $selectingResult->{'data'}) if (@{$wrkSelectingResult->{'data'}} > 0); #addToLLD($gC, $parentObj, $wrkSelectingResult->{'data'}, $selectingResult->{'data'}) if (@{$wrkSelectingResult->{'data'}} > 0); } } else { getMetric($gC, $objList, $gC->{'key'}, $selectingResult); # 'get' - just get data from first site's first object in objectList and jump out from loop last if (ACT_GET eq $gC->{'action'}); } } # if (! $gC->{'key'}) ...else... } #foreach sites ################################################## Final stage of main loop ################################################## # Form JSON from result for 'discovery' action if (ACT_DISCOVERY eq $gC->{'action'}) { logMessage(DEBUG_MID, "[.] Make LLD JSON"); # make JSON delete $selectingResult->{'total'}; $buffer = $gC->{'json_engine'}->pretty(JSON_PRETTY eq $gC->{'jsonoutput'})->encode($selectingResult); } elsif (ACT_RAW eq $gC->{'action'}) { logMessage(DEBUG_MID, "[.] Make selected object JSON"); $buffer = $gC->{'json_engine'}->pretty(JSON_PRETTY eq $gC->{'jsonoutput'})->encode($selectingResult->{'data'}[0]) if ($selectingResult->{'data'}[0]); } else { # User want no discovery action my $totalKeysProcesseed = @{$selectingResult->{'data'}}; if ($totalKeysProcesseed) { my $result = @{$selectingResult->{'data'}}[0]; if (ACT_GET eq $gC->{'action'}) { $buffer = $result; } else { if (ACT_SUM eq $gC->{'action'} || ACT_PSUM eq $gC->{'action'} || ACT_AMEAN eq $gC->{'action'}) { $result = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i < $totalKeysProcesseed; $i++) { $result += @{$selectingResult->{'data'}}[$i]; } if (ACT_PSUM eq $gC->{'action'}) { $result = (0 == $selectingResult->{'total'}) ? '0' : $result/($selectingResult->{'total'}/100); } elsif (ACT_AMEAN eq $gC->{'action'}) { $result = (0 == $totalKeysProcesseed) ? '0' : $result/$totalKeysProcesseed; } } elsif (ACT_MAX eq $gC->{'action'}) { for (my $i = 0; $i < $totalKeysProcesseed; $i++) { $result = @{$selectingResult->{'data'}}[$i] if ($result < @{$selectingResult->{'data'}}[$i]); } } elsif (ACT_MIN eq $gC->{'action'}) { for (my $i = 0; $i < $totalKeysProcesseed; $i++) { $result = @{$selectingResult->{'data'}}[$i] if ($result > @{$selectingResult->{'data'}}[$i]); } } elsif (ACT_COUNT eq $gC->{'action'}) { $result = $totalKeysProcesseed; } elsif (ACT_PCOUNT eq $gC->{'action'}) { $result = (0 == $selectingResult->{'total'}) ? '0' : $totalKeysProcesseed/($selectingResult->{'total'}/100); } elsif (ACT_MEDIAN eq $gC->{'action'}) { @{$selectingResult->{'data'}} = sort {$a <=> $b} @{$selectingResult->{'data'}}; my $middle = int($totalKeysProcesseed/2); #odd? if($totalKeysProcesseed % 2) { $result = $selectingResult->{'data'}[$middle]; } else { #even $result = ($selectingResult->{'data'}[$middle-1] + $selectingResult->{'data'}[$middle])/2; } } # round to .xxx only if action is ACT_AMEAN || ACT_PCOUNT || ACT_PSUM || ACT_MEDIAN $buffer = sprintf("%.".(isInArray($gC->{'action'}, (ACT_AMEAN, ACT_PCOUNT, ACT_PSUM, ACT_MEDIAN)) ? ROUND_NUMBER : 0)."f", $result); } # if (ACT_GET eq $gC->{'action'}) ...else... } # if ($totalKeysProcesseed) } # if (ACT_DISCOVERY eq $gC->{'action'}) ...else... # main while loop continue block for catching 'next' jumps and write to socket someting } continue { # Value could be null-type (undef in Perl). If need to replace null to other char - {'nullchar'} must be defined. On default $gC->{'nullchar'} is '' $buffer = $gC->{'nullchar'} unless defined($buffer); $buferLength = length($buffer); # MAX_BUFFER_LEN - Zabbix incoming line length. Sending more bytes have no sense. if ((JSON_INLINE eq $gC->{'jsonoutput'}) and (MAX_BUFFER_LEN <= $buferLength)) { $buferLength = MAX_BUFFER_LEN - 1, $buffer = substr($buffer, 0, $buferLength); } # Push buffer to socket with \n and buffer lenght + 1 $buffer .= "\n", $buferLength++, syswrite($socket, $buffer, $buferLength); } # Logout need if logging in before (in fetchData() sub) completed logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[*]\t Logout from UniFi controller"), $gC->{'ua'}->get($gC->{'logout_path'}) if (defined($gC->{'ua'})); logMessage( DEBUG_LOW, "[-] handleConnection() finished"); return TRUE; } #*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ # # Go through the JSON tree and take/form value of metric # #*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ sub getMetric { my $currentRoot = $_[1], my $state = ST_SAVE, my $stack, my $arrIdx, my $arrSize, my $keyPos = -1, my $nFilters = 0, my $stackPos = -1, my $allValues = 0, my $keepKeyPos = FALSE, my $filterPassed = 0, my $isLastFilter = FALSE, my $actCurrentValue, my $i, my $processedKeysNum = 0, my @keyParts; logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[+] getMetric() started"); logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[>]\t args: key: '$_[2]', action: '$_[0]->{'action'}'"); logMessage(DEBUG_HIGH, "[>]\t incoming object info:'\n\t", $_[1]); return FALSE if (not (defined $_[1] || defined $_[4])); # split key to parts for analyze # fast splitting procedure for filters without dots (.) #@keyParts = split (/[.]/, $_[2]); # no so fast splitting procedure for filters contained dots (.) # it just some Perl magic passes and need to be optimized # push & while used to avoid pushing 'undef' capture groups work results into destination array push @keyParts, $1 // $2 while $_[2] =~ /(?:(\[.*\])|([^\.\[\]]+)\.?)/g; # do analyzing, put subkeys to array, processing filter expressions # keyParts array: # {'l'} = & for AND # | for OR # undef for non-logic expression # {'e'} - expression array if {'l'} defined # {'k'} - key # {'s'} - equation sign # {'v'} - value # {'e'} - JSON-key name if {'l'} is undef for ($i = 0; $i < @keyParts; $i++) { my $swap = $keyParts[$i]; undef $keyParts[$i]; # check for [filterkey=value&filterkey=value&...] construction in keyPart. If that exist - key filter feature will enabled if ( $swap =~ m/^\[(.+)\]/) { # filterString is exist. # What type of logic is used - '&' or '|' ? $keyParts[$i]->{'l'} = (index($1, '|') >= 0 ) ? '|' : '&'; # split filter-key by detected logic type separator my @fStrings = split(/[$keyParts[$i]->{'l'}]/, $1); $keyParts[$i]->{'e'} = []; # After splitting split again - for get keys, values and equation sign. Store it for future for (my $k = 0; $k < @fStrings; $k++) { push(@{$keyParts[$i]->{'e'}}, {'k'=>$1, 's' => $2, 'v'=> $3}) if ($fStrings[$k] =~ /^([^=<>~!]+)(=|<>|<|>|>=|<=|=~|!~)([^=<>~!]+)$/); } # count the number of filter expressions $nFilters++; } else { # If no filter-key detected - just store taked key and set its 'logic' to undef for 'no filter used' case $keyParts[$i] = {'e' => $swap, 'l' => undef}; } } # Some special actions is processed ########################################### Main loop ########################################################### while (TRUE) { ######## Save/Restore block ####### # Command is "Save position". Need to create new restore point. if (ST_SAVE == $state) { # Increase restore points stack array $stackPos++; # Use next subkey # When point to 'something as array item' is saved - need to use current subkey again. $keyPos++ unless $keepKeyPos; # Take array size, if current root point to 'ARRAY' object. Otherwise (point to 'HASH' or other) - size is -1 $arrSize = 'ARRAY' eq ref($currentRoot) ? @{$currentRoot} : -1; # -1 - $arrIdx, will be corrected later by routine @{$stack}[$stackPos] = [$currentRoot, -1, $arrSize, $keyPos, $filterPassed]; $state = FALSE; $keepKeyPos = FALSE; } # Command is "Restore position". Need to get data from stack to restoring an some state if (ST_REST == $state ) { # delete current (work) stack's item with return points undef @{$stack}[$stackPos]; # move to prev stack position (go closer to root of JSON-tree) $stackPos--; # if stack is empty - exit from loop last if (0 > $stackPos); # Restore previous state: # - current root of JSON-representing structure, # - array index (used to walking thru subarrays) # - array size (if stack item point to root of array structure) # - key position (restore key for analyzing from the begin) ($currentRoot,$arrIdx,$arrSize,$keyPos,$filterPassed) = @{@{$stack}[$stackPos]}; # Repeat restoring while root point to array afer restoring (array as array item). next unless ('ARRAY' eq ref($currentRoot)); $state = FALSE; } ######## End of Save/Restore block ####### ######## Data analyzing block ####### # Current root point to 'ARRAY' structure if ('ARRAY' eq ref($currentRoot)) { # increase array index (walk thru its) @{@{$stack}[$stackPos]}[1]++; $arrIdx = @{@{$stack}[$stackPos]}[1]; # if end of array reached - rolling to previous restore point $state = ST_REST, next if ($arrIdx >= $arrSize); # (657) end of array is not reached - going inside array item via root changing $currentRoot = @{$currentRoot}[$arrIdx]; # Need to make restore point $state = ST_SAVE; # But without changing subkey $keepKeyPos =1; next; } # current root point to 'HASH' structure. if ('HASH' eq ref($currentRoot)) { # if user want to know how much items contained in subarray - just read array size from stack's item and return immediatly if (KEY_ITEMS_NUM eq $keyParts[$keyPos]->{'e'}) { # [$stackPos-1] when key is '...json_hash.items_num' $_ = @{@{$stack}[$stackPos-1]}[2], $_[3]->{'total'} += $_, push(@{$_[3]->{'data'}}, $_), last; } # Do filter tests with this item if (defined($keyParts[$keyPos]->{'l'})) { my $fData = $keyParts[$keyPos]->{'e'}, my $matchCount=0; # run trought flter list for ($i = 0; $i < @{$fData}; $i++ ) { # if key (from filter) in object is defined. if (defined($currentRoot->{@{$fData}[$i]->{'k'}})) { # '&' logic need to use if (MASK_ANY eq @{$fData}[$i]->{'v'}) { $matchCount++; # '&' logic need to use } elsif ('&' eq $keyParts[$keyPos]->{'l'}) { # JSON key value equal / not equal (depend of equation sign) to value of filter - increase counter $matchCount++ if ('=' eq @{$fData}[$i]->{'s'} && ($currentRoot->{@{$fData}[$i]->{'k'}} eq @{$fData}[$i]->{'v'})); $matchCount++ if ('<>' eq @{$fData}[$i]->{'s'} && ($currentRoot->{@{$fData}[$i]->{'k'}} ne @{$fData}[$i]->{'v'})); $matchCount++ if ('>' eq @{$fData}[$i]->{'s'} && ($currentRoot->{@{$fData}[$i]->{'k'}} > @{$fData}[$i]->{'v'})); $matchCount++ if ('<' eq @{$fData}[$i]->{'s'} && ($currentRoot->{@{$fData}[$i]->{'k'}} < @{$fData}[$i]->{'v'})); $matchCount++ if ('<=' eq @{$fData}[$i]->{'s'} && ($currentRoot->{@{$fData}[$i]->{'k'}} <= @{$fData}[$i]->{'v'})); $matchCount++ if ('>=' eq @{$fData}[$i]->{'s'} && ($currentRoot->{@{$fData}[$i]->{'k'}} >= @{$fData}[$i]->{'v'})); $matchCount++ if ('=~' eq @{$fData}[$i]->{'s'} && ($currentRoot->{@{$fData}[$i]->{'k'}} =~ m/@{$fData}[$i]->{'v'}/s)); $matchCount++ if ('!~' eq @{$fData}[$i]->{'s'} && ($currentRoot->{@{$fData}[$i]->{'k'}} !~ m/@{$fData}[$i]->{'v'}/s)); # '|' logic need to use } elsif ('|' eq $keyParts[$keyPos]->{'l'}) { # JSON key value equal / not equal (depend of equation sign) to value of filter - all filters is passed, leave local loop $matchCount = @{$fData}, last if ('=' eq @{$fData}[$i]->{'s'} && ($currentRoot->{@{$fData}[$i]->{'k'}} eq @{$fData}[$i]->{'v'})); $matchCount = @{$fData}, last if ('<>' eq @{$fData}[$i]->{'s'} && ($currentRoot->{@{$fData}[$i]->{'k'}} ne @{$fData}[$i]->{'v'})); $matchCount = @{$fData}, last if ('>' eq @{$fData}[$i]->{'s'} && ($currentRoot->{@{$fData}[$i]->{'k'}} > @{$fData}[$i]->{'v'})); $matchCount = @{$fData}, last if ('<' eq @{$fData}[$i]->{'s'} && ($currentRoot->{@{$fData}[$i]->{'k'}} < @{$fData}[$i]->{'v'})); $matchCount = @{$fData}, last if ('<=' eq @{$fData}[$i]->{'s'} && ($currentRoot->{@{$fData}[$i]->{'k'}} <= @{$fData}[$i]->{'v'})); $matchCount = @{$fData}, last if ('=~' eq @{$fData}[$i]->{'s'} && ($currentRoot->{@{$fData}[$i]->{'k'}} =~ m/@{$fData}[$i]->{'v'}/s)); $matchCount = @{$fData}, last if ('!~' eq @{$fData}[$i]->{'s'} && ($currentRoot->{@{$fData}[$i]->{'k'}} !~ m/@{$fData}[$i]->{'v'}/s)); $matchCount = @{$fData}, last if ('>=' eq @{$fData}[$i]->{'s'} && ($currentRoot->{@{$fData}[$i]->{'k'}} >= @{$fData}[$i]->{'v'})); } } } # part of key was filter expression and object is matched if ($matchCount == @{$fData}) { # Object is good - just skip filter expression and work $filterPassed++; } else { # Object is bad # is last key-filter ? # $isLastFilter = ($nFilters == ($filterPassed+1)) ? TRUE : FALSE; $isLastFilter = (($nFilters - $filterPassed) == 1) ? TRUE : FALSE; # If P* actions is used - need to count all values that full matched by filters or unmatched only bt last filter (count tails) # So, need restore stack position when detected 'bad object' due analyzed: # 1) not last filter # OR # 2) last filter, but not in P* action (not count tails) # # i.e. (NOT $isLastFilter) OR ($isLastFilter AND (NOT $_[0]->{'cnttailvals'})) => # (!$isLastFilter || ($isLastFilter & !$_[0]->{'cnttailvals'})) => # (!$isLastFilter || !$_[0]->{'cnttailvals'}) # (!a & b) v !b => (!a v !b) & (b v !b) => !a || !b $state = ST_REST, next if (!$_[0]->{'cnttailvals'} || !$isLastFilter) } # just skip key-filter after analyze $keyPos++, next; } # end of filter work part # JSON object selected by '*' key to return result as JSON for Zabbix 3.4.4 preprocessing feature if (MASK_ANY eq $keyParts[$keyPos]->{'e'} && ('HASH' eq ref($currentRoot))) { push(@{$_[3]->{'data'}}, $currentRoot), goto FINISH if (ACT_RAW eq $_[0]->{'action'}); } # hash with name equal key part is reached from current root with one hop? # ToDo: (... || KEY_ANY eq $keyParts[$keyPos]->{'e'}) for 'part.subpart.[filter].*' keys if (exists($currentRoot->{$keyParts[$keyPos]->{'e'}})) { # Yes, hash item found # Key is point to final subkey or we can dive more? if (!defined($keyParts[$keyPos+1])) { # Searched item is found, take it's value # all filters is passed? ($nFilters - $filterPassed) must be 0 if true # current value allowed to action when all filters passed $actCurrentValue = (($nFilters - $filterPassed) == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; # do action if ('ARRAY' eq ref($currentRoot->{$keyParts[$keyPos]->{'e'}})) { # sub pointed to ARRAY. Push it as array of hashes to result with 'discovery' action push(@{$_[3]->{'data'}}, @{$currentRoot->{$keyParts[$keyPos]->{'e'}}}) if ($actCurrentValue && (ACT_DISCOVERY eq $_[0]->{'action'})); } elsif ('HASH' eq ref($currentRoot->{$keyParts[$keyPos]->{'e'}})) { # sub pointed to HASH. Push it as single hash to result with 'discovery' action push(@{$_[3]->{'data'}}, $currentRoot->{$keyParts[$keyPos]->{'e'}}) if ($actCurrentValue && (ACT_DISCOVERY eq $_[0]->{'action'})); } else { # sub pointed to property. Its can be counted or summed without programm exception push(@{$_[3]->{'data'}}, $currentRoot->{$keyParts[$keyPos]->{'e'}}) if ($actCurrentValue && (ACT_DISCOVERY ne $_[0]->{'action'})); # just exit from search loop last if ($actCurrentValue && ACT_GET eq $_[0]->{'action'}); # all values must be counted while PER* actions proceseed if (ACT_PSUM eq $_[0]->{'action'}) { # SUM values $_[3]->{'total'} += $currentRoot->{$keyParts[$keyPos]->{'e'}}; } else { # COUNT all values (matched and not matched) $_[3]->{'total'}++; } } # Final subkey detected. Go closer to JSON root. $state = ST_REST; next; } else { # Not final subkey - go deeper to JSON structure by root changing $currentRoot = $currentRoot->{$keyParts[$keyPos]->{'e'}}; $state = ST_SAVE; next; } # if ($ll) } else { # No item found, Go closer to JSON root. $state = ST_REST; } } # if (ref($currentRoot) eq 'HASH') } ########################################### End of main loop ########################################################### FINISH: logMessage(DEBUG_HIGH, "[<]\t result:'\n\t", $_[3]); logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[-] getMetric() finished "); return TRUE; } #*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ # # Fetch data from cache or call fetching from controller. Renew cache files. # #*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ sub fetchData { # $_[0] - $GlobalConfig # $_[1] - sitename # $_[2] - object type # $_[3] - obj id # $_[4] - jsonData object ref logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[+] fetchData() started"); logMessage(DEBUG_MID, "[>]\t args: object type: '$_[2]'"); logMessage(DEBUG_MID, "[>]\t id: '$_[3]'") if ($_[3]); logMessage(DEBUG_MID, "[>]\t mac: '$_[0]->{'mac'}'") if ($_[0]->{'mac'}); my $fh, my $jsonData, my $objPath, my $useShortWay = FALSE, my $needReadCache = TRUE; $objPath = $_[0]->{'api_path'} . ($_[0]->{'fetch_rules'}->{$_[2]}->{'excl_sitename'} ? '' : "/s/$_[1]") . "/$_[0]->{'fetch_rules'}->{$_[2]}->{'path'}"; # if MAC is given with command-line option - RapidWay for Controller v4 is allowed, short_way is tested for non-device objects workaround if ($_[0]->{'fetch_rules'}->{$_[2]}->{'short_way'} && $_[0]->{'mac'}) { $objPath .= "/$_[0]->{'mac'}", $useShortWay = TRUE; } logMessage(DEBUG_MID, "[.]\t\t Object path: '$objPath'"); ################################################## Take JSON ################################################## # If CacheMaxAge = 0 - do not try to read/update cache - fetch data from controller if (0 == $_[0]->{'cachemaxage'}) { logMessage(DEBUG_MID, "[.]\t\t No read/update cache because CacheMaxAge = 0"); fetchDataFromController($_[0], $_[2], $objPath, $jsonData, $useShortWay) or logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[!] Can't fetch data from controller"), return FALSE; } else { # Change all [:/.] to _ to make correct filename my $cacheFileName; ($cacheFileName = $objPath) =~ tr/\/\:\./_/, $cacheFileName = $_[0]->{'cachedir'} .'/'. $cacheFileName; my $cacheFileMTime = (stat($cacheFileName))[9]; # cache file unexist (mtime is undef) or regular? ($cacheFileMTime && (!-f $cacheFileName)) and logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[!] Can't handle '$cacheFileName' through its not regular file"), return FALSE; # cache is expired if: unexist (mtime is undefined) OR (file exist (mtime is defined) AND its have old age) # OR have Zero size (opened, but not filled or closed with error) my $cacheExpire=(((! defined($cacheFileMTime)) || defined($cacheFileMTime) && (($cacheFileMTime+$_[0]->{'cachemaxage'}) < time())) || -z $cacheFileName) ; if ($cacheExpire) { # Cache expire - need to update logMessage(DEBUG_MID, "[.]\t\t Cache expire or not found. Renew..."); my $tmpCacheFileName = $cacheFileName . ".tmp"; # Temporary cache filename point to non regular file? If so - die to avoid problem with write or link/unlink operations # $_ not work ((-e $tmpCacheFileName) && (!-f $tmpCacheFileName)) and logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[!] Can't handle '$tmpCacheFileName' through its not regular file"), return FALSE; logMessage(DEBUG_MID, "[.]\t\t Temporary cache file='$tmpCacheFileName'"); open ($fh, ">", $tmpCacheFileName) or logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[!] Can't open '$tmpCacheFileName' ($!)"), return FALSE; # try to lock temporary cache file and no wait for able locking. # LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB if (flock ($fh, 2 | 4)) { # if Proxy could lock temporary file, it... chmod (0666, $fh); # ...fetch new data from controller... fetchDataFromController($_[0], $_[2], $objPath, $jsonData, $useShortWay) or logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[!] Can't fetch data from controller"), close ($fh), return FALSE; # unbuffered write it to temp file.. syswrite ($fh, $_[0]->{'json_engine'}->pretty(FALSE)->encode($jsonData)); # Now unlink old cache filedata from cache filename # All processes, who already read data - do not stop and successfully completed reading unlink ($cacheFileName); # Link name of cache file to temp file. File will be have two link - to cache and to temporary cache filenames. # New run down processes can get access to data by cache filename link($tmpCacheFileName, $cacheFileName) or logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[!] Presumably no rights to unlink '$cacheFileName' file ($!). Try to delete it "), return FALSE; # Unlink temp filename from file. # Process, that open temporary cache file can do something with filedata while file not closed unlink($tmpCacheFileName) or logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[!] '$tmpCacheFileName' unlink error ($!)"), return FALSE; # Close temporary file. close() unlock filehandle. #close($fh) or logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[!] Can't close locked temporary cache file '$tmpCacheFileName' ($!)"), return FALSE; # No cache read from file need $needReadCache=FALSE; } close ($fh) or logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[!] Can't close temporary cache file '$tmpCacheFileName' ($!)"), return FALSE; } # if ($cacheExpire) # if need load data from cache file if ($needReadCache) { # open file open($fh, "<:mmap", $cacheFileName) or logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[!] Can't open '$cacheFileName' ($!)"), return FALSE; # read data from file $jsonData=$_[0]->{'json_engine'}->decode(<$fh>); # close cache close($fh) or logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[!] Can't close cache file ($!)"), return FALSE; } } # if (0 == $_[0]->{'cachemaxage'}) ################################################## JSON processing ################################################## # push() to $_[4] or delete() from $jsonData? If delete() just clean refs - no memory will reserved to new array. # UBNT Phones store ID into 'device_id' key (?) my $idKey = ($_[2] eq OBJ_UPH) ? 'device_id' : '_id'; # Walk trought JSON array for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$jsonData}; $i++) { # Object have ID... if ($_[3]) { # ...and its required object? If so push - object to global @objJSON and jump out from the loop. $_[4][0] = @{$jsonData}[$i], last if (exists(@{$jsonData}[$i]->{$idKey}) && (@{$jsonData}[$i]->{$idKey} eq $_[3])); } else { # otherwise push (@{$_[4]}, @{$jsonData}[$i]) if (!exists(@{$jsonData}[$i]->{'type'}) || (@{$jsonData}[$i]->{'type'} eq $_[2])); } } # for each jsonData logMessage(DEBUG_HIGH, "[<]\t Fetched data:\n\t", $_[4]); logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[-] fetchData() finished"); return TRUE; } #*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ # # Fetch data from from controller. # #*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ sub fetchDataFromController { # $_[0] - GlobalConfig # $_[1] - object type # $_[2] - object path # $_[3] - jsonData object ref # $_[4] - used "short way" request my $response, my $fetchType = $_[0]->{'fetch_rules'}->{$_[1]}->{'method'}, my $fetchCmd = $_[0]->{'fetch_rules'}->{$_[1]}->{'cmd'}, my $errorCode; logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[+] fetchDataFromController() started"); logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[>]\t args: object path: '$_[2]'"); # HTTP UserAgent init # Set SSL_verify_mode=off to login without certificate manipulation $_[0]->{'ua'} = LWP::UserAgent-> new('cookie_jar' => {}, 'agent' => TOOL_NAME."/".TOOL_VERSION." (perl engine)", 'timeout' => $_[0]->{'unifitimeout'}, 'ssl_opts' => {'verify_hostname' => 0}) unless ($_[0]->{'ua'}); ################################################## Logging in ################################################## # Check to 'still logged' state # ->head() not work $response = $_[0]->{'ua'}->get("$_[0]->{'api_path'}/s/super/get/setting"); # FETCH_OTHER_ERROR = is_error == TRUE (1), FETCH_NO_ERROR = is_error == FALSE (0) # FETCH_OTHER_ERROR stop work if get() haven't success && no error 401 (login required). For example - error 500 (connect refused) $errorCode = $response->is_error; # not logged? if ('401' eq $response->code) { # logging in logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[.]\t\tTry to log in into controller..."); $response = $_[0]->{'ua'}->post($_[0]->{'login_path'}, 'Content_type' => $_[0]->{'content_type'}, 'Content' => $_[0]->{'login_data'}); logMessage(DEBUG_HIGH, "[>>]\t\t HTTP respose:\n\t", {%$response}); $errorCode = $response->is_error; if (CONTROLLER_VERSION_4 eq $_[0]->{'unifiversion'}) { # v4 return 'Bad request' (code 400) on wrong auth # v4 return 'OK' (code 200) on success login ('400' eq $response->code) and $errorCode = FETCH_LOGIN_ERROR; } elsif ( CONTROLLER_VERSION_3 eq ($_[0]->{'unifiversion'}) || (CONTROLLER_VERSION_2 eq $_[0]->{'unifiversion'})) { # v3 return 'OK' (code 200) on wrong auth ('200' eq $response->code) and $errorCode = FETCH_LOGIN_ERROR; # v3 return 'Redirect' (code 302) on success login and must die only if code<>302 ('302' eq $response->code) and $errorCode = FETCH_NO_ERROR; } } (FETCH_LOGIN_ERROR == $errorCode) and logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[!] Login error - wrong auth data"), return FALSE; (FETCH_OTHER_ERROR == $errorCode) and logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[!] Comminication error: '", ($response->status_line), "'\n"), return FALSE; logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[.]\t\tLogin successfull"); ################################################## Fetch data from controller ################################################## if (BY_CMD == $fetchType) { logMessage(DEBUG_MID, "[.]\t\t Fetch data with CMD method: '$fetchCmd'"); $response = $_[0]->{'ua'}->post($_[2], 'Content_type' => $_[0]->{'content_type'}, 'Content' => $fetchCmd); } else { #(BY_GET == $fetchType) logMessage(DEBUG_MID, "[.]\t\t Fetch data with GET method from: '$_[1]'"); $response = $_[0]->{'ua'}->get($_[2]); } # '400 Bad Request' is returned with 'no device' case & v4's "short way" request used if (('400' eq $response->code) && $_[4]) { logMessage(DEBUG_MID, "[.] Comminication error while fetch data from v4 controller via shortway. No specified device exist in this site"); } else { ($response->is_error == FETCH_OTHER_ERROR) and logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[!] Comminication error while fetch data from controller: '", $response->status_line ,"'\n"), return FALSE; } logMessage(DEBUG_HIGH, "[>>]\t\t Fetched data:\n\t", $response->decoded_content); $_[3] = $_[0]->{'json_engine'}->decode(${$response->content_ref()}); # server answer is ok ? (($_[3]->{'meta'}->{'rc'} ne 'ok') && (defined($_[3]->{'meta'}->{'msg'}))) and logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[!] UniFi controller reply is not OK: '$_[3]->{'meta'}->{'msg'}'"); $_[3] = $_[3]->{'data'}; logMessage(DEBUG_HIGH, "[<]\t decoded data:\n\t", $_[3]); $_[0]->{'downloaded'}=TRUE; return TRUE; } #*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ # # Add a piece to exists LLD-like JSON # #*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ sub addToLLD { # $_[0] - $globalConfig # $_[1] - Site object # $_[2] - Parent object # $_[3] - Incoming objects list # $_[4] - Outgoing objects list # remap object type: add key to type for right select and add macroses my $givenObjType = $_[0]->{'objecttype'}.($_[0]->{'key'} ? "_$_[0]->{'key'}" : ''), my $parentObjType = $_[2]->{'type'}, my $parentObjData; $parentObjData = $_[2]->{'data'} if (defined($_[2])); logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[+] addToLLD() started"), logMessage(DEBUG_MID, "[>]\t args: object type: '$_[0]->{'objecttype'}'"); logMessage(DEBUG_MID, "[>]\t Site name: '$_[2]->{'name'}'") if ($_[2]->{'name'}); # $o - outgoing object's array element pointer, init as length of that array to append elements to the end my $o = $_[4] ? @{$_[4]} : 0; for (@{$_[3]}) { # skip hidden 'super' site with OBJ_SITE next if ($_->{'attr_hidden'}); # Site info # $_[1] contain parent's data and its may be undefined if script uses with v2 controller or while generating LLD for OBJ_SITE # if defined $_[0]->{'key'}) - discovery for subtable must be maded if (defined($_[1])) { $_[4][$o]->{'{#SITEID}'} = "$_[1]->{'_id'}" if (exists($_[1]->{'_id'})); $_[4][$o]->{'{#SITENAME}'} = "$_[1]->{'name'}" if (exists($_[1]->{'name'})); $_[4][$o]->{'{#SITEDESC}'} = $_[1]->{'desc'} ? "$_[1]->{'desc'}" : "$_[1]->{'name'}"; } # object info $_[4][$o]->{'{#NAME}'} = "$_->{'name'}" if (exists($_->{'name'})); $_[4][$o]->{'{#ID}'} = "$_->{'_id'}" if (exists($_->{'_id'})); $_[4][$o]->{'{#IP}'} = "$_->{'ip'}" if (exists($_->{'ip'})); $_[4][$o]->{'{#MAC}'} = "$_->{'mac'}" if (exists($_->{'mac'})); $_[4][$o]->{'{#STATE}'} = "$_->{'state'}" if (exists($_->{'state'})); $_[4][$o]->{'{#ADOPTED}'} = "$_->{'adopted'}" if (exists($_->{'adopted'})); # add object specific fields if (OBJ_WLAN eq $givenObjType ) { # is_guest key could be not exist with 'user' network on v3 $_[4][$o]->{'{#ISGUEST}'} = "$_->{'is_guest'}" if (exists($_->{'is_guest'})); } elsif (OBJ_USER eq $givenObjType || OBJ_ALLUSER eq $givenObjType) { # sometime {hostname} may be null. UniFi controller replace that hostnames by {'mac'} $_[4][$o]->{'{#NAME}'} = $_->{'hostname'} ? "$_->{'hostname'}" : "$_->{'mac'}", $_[4][$o]->{'{#OUI}'} = "$_->{'oui'}"; } elsif (OBJ_UPH eq $givenObjType) { $_[4][$o]->{'{#ID}'} = "$_->{'device_id'}"; } elsif (OBJ_SITE eq $givenObjType) { # In v3 'desc' key is not exist, and site desc == name $_[4][$o]->{'{#DESC}'} = $_->{'desc'} ? "$_->{'desc'}" : "$_->{'name'}"; } elsif (OBJ_UAP_VWIRE_VAP_TABLE eq $givenObjType) { $_[4][$o]->{'{#UAPID}'} = "$parentObjData->{'_id'}", $_[4][$o]->{'{#UAPNAME}'} = "$parentObjData->{'name'}", $_[4][$o]->{'{#UAPMAC}'} = "$parentObjData->{'mac'}", $_[4][$o]->{'{#STATE}'} = "$_->{'state'}", $_[4][$o]->{'{#RADIO}'} = "$_->{'radio'}", # $_[4][$o]->{'{#BSSID}'} = "$_->{'bssid'}", $_[4][$o]->{'{#NAME}'} = "$_->{'radio_name'}"; } elsif (OBJ_UAP_VAP_TABLE eq $givenObjType) { $_[4][$o]->{'{#UAPID}'} = "$parentObjData->{'_id'}", $_[4][$o]->{'{#UAPNAME}'} = "$parentObjData->{'name'}", $_[4][$o]->{'{#UAPMAC}'} = "$parentObjData->{'mac'}", $_[4][$o]->{'{#UP}'} = "$_->{'up'}", $_[4][$o]->{'{#ID}'} = "$_->{'id'}", # $_[4][$o]->{'{#USAGE}'} = "$_->{'usage'}", # $_[4][$o]->{'{#RADIO}'} = "$_->{'radio'}", # $_[4][$o]->{'{#ISWEP}'} = "$_->{'is_wep'}", # $_[4][$o]->{'{#ISGUEST}'} = "$_->{'is_guest'}"; $_[4][$o]->{'{#ESSID}'} = "$_->{'essid'}", delete $_[4][$o]->{'{#NAME}'}; } elsif (OBJ_USW_PORT_TABLE eq $givenObjType) { $_[4][$o]->{'{#PORTIDX}'} = "$_->{'port_idx'}", $_[4][$o]->{'{#MEDIA}'} = "$_->{'media'}", $_[4][$o]->{'{#UP}'} = "$_->{'up'}", $_[4][$o]->{'{#PORTPOE}'} = "$_->{'port_poe'}"; } elsif (OBJ_HEALTH eq $givenObjType) { $_[4][$o]->{'{#SUBSYSTEM}'} = $_->{'subsystem'}, $_[4][$o]->{'{#STATUS}'} = $_->{'status'}; } elsif (OBJ_NETWORK eq $givenObjType) { $_[4][$o]->{'{#PURPOSE}'} = $_->{'purpose'}, $_[4][$o]->{'{#NETWORKGROUP}'} = $_->{'networkgroup'}; } elsif (OBJ_EXTENSION eq $givenObjType) { $_[4][$o]->{'{#EXTENSION}'} = $_->{'extension'}; # $_[4][$o]->{'{#TARGET}'} = $_->{'target'}; # ; # } elsif ($givenObjType eq OBJ_USERGROUP) { # ; } elsif (OBJ_UAP eq $givenObjType) { $_[4][$o]->{'{#NAME}'} = $_->{'name'} ? "$_->{'name'}" : "$_->{'mac'}"; # ; # } elsif ($givenObjType eq OBJ_USG || $givenObjType eq OBJ_USW) { # ; } elsif (OBJ_VOUCHER eq $givenObjType) { $_[4][$o]->{'{#QUOTA}'} = $_->{'quota'}; $_[4][$o]->{'{#USED}'} = $_->{'used'} if (exists($_->{'used'})); $_[4][$o]->{'{#DURATION}'} = $_->{'duration'}; } elsif (OBJ_HOTSPOT2 eq $givenObjType) { $_[4][$o]->{'{#HESSID}'} = $_->{'hessid'}; } if (OBJ_ALLUSER eq $givenObjType) { delete $_[4][$o]->{'{#SITEID}'}, delete $_[4][$o]->{'{#SITENAME}'}, delete $_[4][$o]->{'{#SITEDESC}'}, delete $_[4][$o]->{'{#MAC}'}, delete $_[4][$o]->{'{#OUI}'}, delete $_[4][$o]->{'{#NAME}'}; } $o++; } logMessage(DEBUG_HIGH, "[<]\t Generated LLD piece:\n\t", $_[4]); logMessage(DEBUG_LOW, "[-] addToLLD() finished"); return TRUE; } #*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ # # Read config file # - Read param values from file # - If they valid - store its into #globalConfig # # ! all incoming variables is global # #*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ sub readConf { ############# my $configDefs = { 'cachedir' => [TYPE_STRING, '/dev/shm'], 'cachemaxage' => [TYPE_NUMBER, 60], 'debuglevel' => [TYPE_NUMBER, FALSE], 'jsonoutput' => [TYPE_STRING, JSON_PRETTY], 'listenip' => [TYPE_STRING, 'localhost'], 'listenport' => [TYPE_NUMBER, 8448], 'startservers' => [TYPE_NUMBER, 3], 'maxclients' => [TYPE_NUMBER, 10], 'maxrequestsperchild' => [TYPE_NUMBER, 1024], 'action' => [TYPE_STRING, ACT_DISCOVERY], 'objecttype' => [TYPE_STRING, OBJ_WLAN], 'sitename' => [TYPE_STRING, 'default'], 'unifilocation' => [TYPE_STRING, ''], 'unifiversion' => [TYPE_STRING, CONTROLLER_VERSION_5], 'unifiuser' => [TYPE_STRING, 'stat'], 'unifipass' => [TYPE_STRING, 'stat'], 'unifitimeout' => [TYPE_NUMBER, 60], 'nullchar' => [TYPE_STRING, ''], }; my $configVals; if (open(my $fh, "<", $configFile)) { # Read values of global params from config file while (<$fh>) { # $1 is key, $2 is value if regexp matched - readed string is 'key=val' $configVals->{lc($1)} = $2 if (m/^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/); } close($fh); } # copy readed values to global config and cast its if need for (keys %{$configDefs}) { # $globalConfig->{$_} = $configVals->{$_} ? $configVals->{$_} : $configDefs->{$_}[1]; $globalConfig->{$_} = $configVals->{$_} // $configDefs->{$_}[1]; $globalConfig->{$_} +=0 if (TYPE_NUMBER == $configDefs->{$_}[0]); } (-e $globalConfig->{'cachedir'}) or die "[!] Cache dir not found: '$globalConfig->{'cachedir'}'\n"; (-d $globalConfig->{'cachedir'}) or die "[!] Cache dir not dir: '$globalConfig->{'cachedir'}'\n"; # Sitename which replaced {'sitename'} if '-s' option not used $globalConfig->{'default_sitename'} = 'default'; $globalConfig->{'api_path'} = "$globalConfig->{'unifilocation'}/api"; $globalConfig->{'logout_path'} = "$globalConfig->{'unifilocation'}/logout"; # Define controller's login methods if (CONTROLLER_VERSION_5 eq $globalConfig->{'unifiversion'} || CONTROLLER_VERSION_4 eq $globalConfig->{'unifiversion'}) { $globalConfig->{'login_path'} = "$globalConfig->{'unifilocation'}/api/login", $globalConfig->{'login_data'} = "{\"username\":\"$globalConfig->{'unifiuser'}\",\"password\":\"$globalConfig->{'unifipass'}\"}", $globalConfig->{'content_type'} = 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'; } elsif (CONTROLLER_VERSION_3 eq $globalConfig->{'unifiversion'} || CONTROLLER_VERSION_2 eq $globalConfig->{'unifiversion'}) { $globalConfig->{'login_path'} = "$globalConfig->{'unifilocation'}/login"; $globalConfig->{'login_data'} = "username=$globalConfig->{'unifiuser'}&password=$globalConfig->{'unifipass'}&login=login"; $globalConfig->{'content_type'} = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; } else { die "[!] Version of controller is unknown: '$globalConfig->{'unifiversion'}', stop\n"; } # Define controller's data fetch rules # BY_GET mean that data fetched by HTTP GET from .../api/[s//]{'path'} operation. # [s//] must be excluded from path if {'excl_sitename'} is defined # BY_CMD say that data fetched by HTTP POST {'cmd'} to .../api/[s//]{'path'} # if (CONTROLLER_VERSION_5 eq $globalConfig->{'unifiversion'}) { # 'stat/dpi' (OBJ_DPI) on v.5.0 ... v5.5 is the same that 'stat/sitedpi' (OBJ_SITEDPI) in v5.6 and above - API links just renamed # both of objects leaved in code to save compability with all releases of Controller v5 $globalConfig->{'fetch_rules'} = { OBJ_SITE , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'self/sites', 'excl_sitename' => TRUE}, OBJ_UAP , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/device', 'short_way' => TRUE}, OBJ_UPH , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/device', 'short_way' => TRUE}, OBJ_UGW , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/device', 'short_way' => TRUE}, OBJ_USW , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/device', 'short_way' => TRUE}, OBJ_ALLUSER , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/alluser'}, OBJ_DPI , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/dpi'}, OBJ_HEALTH , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/health'}, OBJ_FW_UPDATE , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/fwupdate/latest-version'}, OBJ_SITEDPI , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/sitedpi'}, OBJ_SYSINFO , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/sysinfo'}, OBJ_USER , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/sta'}, OBJ_VOUCHER , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/voucher'}, OBJ_VOUCHER , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/voucher'}, OBJ_WDG_HEALTH , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/widget/health'}, OBJ_WDG_SWITCH , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/widget/switch-stats'}, OBJ_EXTENSION , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'rest/extension'}, OBJ_FIREWALLGROUP , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'rest/firewallgroup'}, OBJ_FIREWALLRULE , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'rest/firewallrule'}, OBJ_HOTSPOT2 , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'rest/hotspot2conf'}, OBJ_NETWORK , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'rest/networkconf'}, OBJ_NUMBER , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'rest/number'}, OBJ_ROUTING , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'rest/routing'}, OBJ_SETTING , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'get/setting'}, OBJ_USERGROUP , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'rest/usergroup'}, OBJ_WLAN , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'rest/wlanconf'}, OBJ_WLANGROUP , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'rest/wlangroup'}, OBJ_USW_PORT_TABLE , {'parent' => OBJ_USW}, OBJ_UAP_VAP_TABLE , {'parent' => OBJ_UAP}, OBJ_UAP_VWIRE_VAP_TABLE, {'parent' => OBJ_UAP} }; } elsif (CONTROLLER_VERSION_4 eq $globalConfig->{'unifiversion'}) { $globalConfig->{'fetch_rules'} = { OBJ_SITE , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'self/sites', 'excl_sitename' => TRUE}, OBJ_UAP , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/device', 'short_way' => TRUE}, OBJ_UPH , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/device', 'short_way' => TRUE}, OBJ_UGW , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/device', 'short_way' => TRUE}, OBJ_USW , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/device', 'short_way' => TRUE}, OBJ_ALLUSER , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/alluser'}, OBJ_HEALTH , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/health'}, OBJ_SYSINFO , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/sysinfo'}, OBJ_USER , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/sta'}, OBJ_VOUCHER , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/voucher'}, OBJ_EXTENSION , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'list/extension'}, OBJ_NETWORK , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'list/networkconf'}, OBJ_NUMBER , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'list/number'}, OBJ_SETTING , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'get/setting'}, OBJ_USERGROUP , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'list/usergroup'}, OBJ_WLAN , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'list/wlanconf'}, OBJ_WLANGROUP , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'list/wlangroup'}, OBJ_USW_PORT_TABLE , {'parent' => OBJ_USW}, OBJ_UAP_VAP_TABLE , {'parent' => OBJ_UAP} }; } elsif (CONTROLLER_VERSION_3 eq $globalConfig->{'unifiversion'}) { $globalConfig->{'fetch_rules'} = { OBJ_SITE , {'method' => BY_CMD, 'path' => 'cmd/sitemgr', 'cmd' => '{"cmd":"get-sites"}'}, OBJ_UAP , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/device'}, OBJ_SYSINFO , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/sysinfo'}, OBJ_USER , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/sta'}, OBJ_ALLUSER , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/alluser'}, OBJ_USERGROUP , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'list/usergroup'}, OBJ_WLAN , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'list/wlanconf'}, OBJ_WLANGROUP , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'list/wlangroup'}, OBJ_SETTING , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'get/setting'} }; } elsif (CONTROLLER_VERSION_2 eq $globalConfig->{'unifiversion'}) { $globalConfig->{'fetch_rules'} = { OBJ_UAP , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/device', 'excl_sitename' => TRUE}, OBJ_WLAN , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'list/wlanconf', 'excl_sitename' => TRUE}, OBJ_USER , {'method' => BY_GET, 'path' => 'stat/sta', 'excl_sitename' => TRUE} }; } logMessage(DEBUG_MID, "[.] globalConfig:\n", $globalConfig); logMessage(DEBUG_MID, "[.] JSON backend: " . JSON::backend()); TRUE; }