var Router = (function () { 'use strict'; var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; function extend() { var obj = {}; var srcList =, 0); for (var i = 0, len = srcList.length; i < len; ++i) { var src = srcList[i]; for (var q in src) { if (src.hasOwnProperty(q)) { obj[q] = src[q]; } } } return obj; } // 判断是否 thenable 对象 function isThenable(obj) { return (typeof obj === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(obj)) === 'object' && typeof obj['then'] === 'function'; } function addEvent(name, handler) { if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener(name, handler, false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent('on' + name, handler); } else { window['on' + name] = handler; } } function warn(message) { if (typeof console !== 'undefined') { console.warn('[spa-router] ' + message); } } var isArray = Array.isArray ? Array.isArray : function (obj) { return === '[object Array]'; }; function makeSureArray(obj) { return isArray(obj) ? obj : obj ? [obj] : []; } function ArrayCopy(arr) { return arr.slice(0); } function formatHashBangURI(path) { var raw = path.replace(/^#!?/, ''); // always if (raw.charAt(0) !== '/') { raw = '/' + raw; } return '/#!' + raw; } var historySupport = function () { var ua = window.navigator.userAgent; if ((ua.indexOf('Android 2.') !== -1 || ua.indexOf('Android 4.0') !== -1) && ua.indexOf('Mobile Safari') !== -1 && ua.indexOf('Chrome') === -1 && ua.indexOf('Windows Phone') === -1) { return false; } return window.history && 'pushState' in window.history; }(); var MODE = { HASH: 1, HASHBANG: 1, HISTORY: 2 }; var RouteMode = MODE.HASHBANG; var _init = false; /// Listener var Listener = { listeners: [], setUrlOnly: false, supportHistory: function supportHistory() { return historySupport; }, setMode: function setMode(mode) { mode = String(mode).toUpperCase(); RouteMode = MODE[mode] || MODE.HASHBANG; }, init: function init() { if (_init) { return this; } _init = true; if (RouteMode === MODE.HISTORY) { // IE 10+ if (historySupport) { addEvent('popstate', onchange); } else { RouteMode = MODE.HASHBANG; // warning warn('你的浏览器不支持 History API ,只能使用 hashbang 模式'); addEvent('hashchange', onchange); } } else { addEvent('hashchange', onchange); } return this; }, add: function add(fn) { this.listeners.push(fn); return this; }, remove: function remove(id) { for (var i = 0; i < this.listeners.length; ++i) { if (this.listeners[i].id === id) { this.listeners.splice(i, 1); break; } } return this; }, setHashHistory: function setHashHistory(targetURL) { if (RouteMode === MODE.HISTORY) { history.pushState({}, '', targetURL); } else { if (targetURL[0] === '/') { location.hash = '!' + targetURL; } else { var currentURL = location.hash.replace(/^#!?/, ''); // 去掉前面的 #! var queryStringIndex = currentURL.indexOf('?'); if (queryStringIndex !== -1) { currentURL = currentURL.slice(0, queryStringIndex); } if (/.*\/$/.test(currentURL)) { location.hash = '!' + currentURL + targetURL; } else { var hash = currentURL.replace(/([^\/]+|)$/, function ($1) { return $1 === '' ? '/' + targetURL : targetURL; }); location.hash = '!' + hash; } } } return this; }, stop: function stop() { // remove event listener } }; function onchange(onChangeEvent) { if (Listener.setUrlOnly) { Listener.setUrlOnly = false; return false; } var listeners = Listener.listeners; for (var i = 0, l = listeners.length; i < l; i++) { listeners[i], onChangeEvent); } } var encode = encodeURIComponent; var decode = decodeURIComponent; var QS = { /** * querystring.stringify * @param { Object } obj * @param { Boolean } traditional [default:false] * @return { String } * * traditional is true: {x: [1, 2]} => 'x=1&x=2' * traditional is false: {x: [1, 2]} => 'x[]=1&x[]=2' */ stringify: function stringify(obj, traditional) { if (!obj) { return ''; } var appendString = traditional ? '' : '[]'; var keysArray = []; for (var p in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) { keysArray.push(p); } } var names = keysArray.sort(); var parts = []; for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) { var name = names[i]; var value = obj[name]; if (isArray(value)) { value.sort(); var _parts = []; for (var j = 0; j < value.length; ++j) { _parts.push('' + encode(name).replace(/%20/g, '+') + appendString + '=' + encode(value[j]).replace(/%20/g, '+')); } parts.push(_parts.join('&')); continue; } parts.push(encode(name).replace(/%20/g, '+') + '=' + encode(value).replace(/%20/g, '+')); } return parts.join('&'); }, /** * querystring.parse * @param { String } queryString * @return { Object } * * 'x=1&y=2' => {x: 1, y: 2} * 'x=1&x=2' => {x: [1, 2]} */ parse: function parse(queryString) { if (typeof queryString !== 'string') { return {}; } queryString = queryString.trim().replace(/^(\?|#)/, ''); if (queryString === '') { return {}; } var queryParts = queryString.split('&'); var query = {}; for (var i = 0; i < queryParts.length; ++i) { var parts = queryParts[i].replace(/\+/g, '%20').split('='); // 特殊字符`+`转换为空格 var name = decode(parts[0]), value = parts[1] === undefined ? null : decode(parts[1]); if (!query.hasOwnProperty(name)) { query[name] = value; } else if (isArray(query[name])) { query[name].push(value); } else { query[name] = [query[name], value]; } } return query; } }; function RNode(value) { this.path = value; this.params = false; this.title = false; = null; this._hooks = {}; this.children = []; this.parent = null; this._registered = false; this._forward = false; this._redirect = null; // 重定向 } var proto$1 = RNode.prototype; function afterThen(thenable, restList, context, params) { return thenable.then(function () { return callThenableList(restList, context, params); }); } function callThenableList(callbacks, context, params) { var currentReturn = void 0; for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; ++i) { currentReturn = callbacks[i].apply(context, params); if (isThenable(currentReturn)) { return afterThen(currentReturn, callbacks.slice(i + 1), context, params); } else if (currentReturn === false) { break; } } return currentReturn; } // 如果返回 thenable 对象,则后面的回调要等到当前异步操作完成再执行,如果异步操作失败,则后面的回调不执行 // 如果返回 false 则后面的回调不执行 proto$1.callHooks = function _callHooks(hookName, Req) { var callbacks = this._hooks[hookName] || []; var _copyCallbacks = ArrayCopy(callbacks); // 复制一个,避免中间调用了 off 导致 length 变化 callThenableList(_copyCallbacks, null, [Req]); return this; }; proto$1.addHooks = function addHooks(hookName, callbacks) { this._hooks[hookName] = makeSureArray(callbacks); return this; }; // add children proto$1.addChildren = function addChildren(children) { if (isArray(children)) { this.children = this.children.concat(children); } else { this.children.push(children); } return this; }; proto$1.removeChild = function removeChild(child) { for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; ++i) { if (this.children[i] === child) { this.children.splice(i, 1); break; } } return this; }; function createRNode(value) { return new RNode(value); } function findNode(routeTreeRoot, routePath, createIfNotFound) { if (routePath === '') { // 当前节点 return routeTreeRoot; } var parts = routePath.split('/'); var target = null, found = false; var parent = routeTreeRoot; var params = void 0; var _loop = function _loop(i, len) { params = false; var realCurrentValue = parts[i]; var matcher = /:([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(\([^\)]+\))?/g; var k = 0; function replacement($1, $2, $3) { params = params || []; params[k++] = $2; if (!$3) { // In IE 8 , $3 is an empty String while in other browser it is undefined. return '([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)'; } else { return $3; } } realCurrentValue = realCurrentValue.replace(matcher, replacement); for (var j = 0; j < parent.children.length; ++j) { if (parent.children[j].path === realCurrentValue) { target = parent.children[j]; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { // 不存在 if (!createIfNotFound) return { v: false }; // 创建新节点 var extendNode = createRNode(realCurrentValue); parent.addChildren(extendNode); extendNode.parent = parent; extendNode.params = params; target = extendNode; } parent = target; found = false; }; for (var i = 0, len = parts.length; i < len; ++i) { var _ret = _loop(i, len); if ((typeof _ret === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(_ret)) === "object") return _ret.v; } return target; } function createRouteNodeInPath(rootNode, routePath) { routePath = routePath.replace(/^\/([^\/]*)/, '$1'); // 去掉前置 / if (routePath === '*') { var rnode = createRNode(''); rnode.parent = rootNode; rootNode.addChildren(rnode); return rnode; } else { return findNode(rootNode, routePath, true); } } // 构造路由树 function createRouteTree(namedRoutes, routeNode, routeOptions) { if ( { if (namedRoutes[]) { warn('\u5DF2\u7ECF\u5B58\u5728\u7684\u5177\u540D\u8DEF\u7531 ' + + ' \u5C06\u88AB\u8986\u76D6'); } namedRoutes[] = routeNode; } if ( { =; } if (routeOptions.title) { routeNode.title = routeOptions.title; } if (routeOptions.redirect) { routeNode._redirect = routeOptions.redirect; } if (routeOptions.forward) { routeNode._forward = true; } routeNode.addHooks('beforeEnter', routeOptions.beforeEnter); routeNode.addHooks('callbacks', routeOptions.controllers); routeNode.addHooks('beforeLeave', routeOptions.beforeLeave); if (routeOptions.sub) { // 子路由 for (var subRoutePath in routeOptions.sub) { if (routeOptions.sub.hasOwnProperty(subRoutePath)) { var subRouteNode = createRouteNodeInPath(routeNode, subRoutePath); subRouteNode._registered = true; createRouteTree(namedRoutes, subRouteNode, routeOptions.sub[subRoutePath]); } } } } // 创建根结点 function createRootRouteTree(namedRoutes, routes) { var rootRouteNode = createRNode(''); createRouteTree(namedRoutes, rootRouteNode, { sub: routes }); return rootRouteNode; } // 计算一个节点在一棵树的层次 function calcRNodeDepth(currentRouteNode) { var depth = 0; var rnode = currentRouteNode; while (rnode) { depth++; rnode = rnode.parent; } return depth; } /** * dfs 找匹配的路由节点 * @param {RNode} currentRouteNode 当前节点 * @param {Array} parts 路径分段数组 * */ // @TODO parts 很长并且打开 devtools 的时候会变慢? function dfs(currentRouteNode, parts) { var currentPathValue = parts[0]; var matcher = new RegExp('^' + currentRouteNode.path + '$'); var matches = currentPathValue.match(matcher); if (!matches) { // 当前节点不匹配,返回 // 如果当前节点是 * 节点,则可能在找不到的时候返回这个节点 if (currentRouteNode.path === '') { return { rnode: currentRouteNode, params: {}, notFound: true }; } return false; } var currentParams = {}; if (currentRouteNode.params) { var paramsMatches =, 1); for (var _k = 0; _k < paramsMatches.length; ++_k) { currentParams[currentRouteNode.params[_k]] = paramsMatches[_k]; } } if (parts.length === 1) { // 在当前节点完成匹配 if (!currentRouteNode._registered) { // 不是注册节点 return false; } return { rnode: currentRouteNode, params: currentParams }; } var notFoundList = []; for (var i = 0; i < currentRouteNode.children.length; ++i) { var _result = dfs(currentRouteNode.children[i], parts.slice(1)); if (_result && !_result.notFound) { // 在子树中完成匹配 // 合并 params for (var p in _result.params) { if (_result.params.hasOwnProperty(p)) { currentParams[p] = _result.params[p]; } } return { rnode: _result.rnode, params: currentParams }; } if (_result.notFound) { // 合并 currentParams for (var _p in currentParams) { if (currentParams.hasOwnProperty(_p)) { _result.params[_p] = currentParams[_p]; } } notFoundList.push(_result); } } // 全部路径都走完,找不到匹配项 // 如果有 * 节点匹配,则返回匹配路径最长的 * 节点 if (notFoundList.length > 0) { var max = -1, maxIndex = -1; for (var _i = 0; _i < notFoundList.length; ++_i) { var depth = calcRNodeDepth(notFoundList[_i].rnode); if (depth > max) { max = depth; maxIndex = _i; } } return notFoundList[maxIndex]; } return false; } /** * 搜索路由树,看是否存在匹配的路径,如果存在,返回相应的回调函数 * @todo 只返回第一个匹配到的路由(如果存在多个匹配?) * @param {RNode} tree 树根 * @param {String} path 要匹配的路径 * 返回值包含两个,用数组表示[rnode, params] * @return {Function|Array|null} 如果存在就返回相应的回调,否则返回null * @return {[Array, Object]} 同时返回回调和参数 * * */ function searchRouteTree2(tree, path) { path = path === '/' ? '' : path; // 如果是 / 路径,特殊处理(避免 split 之后多一项) var result = dfs(tree, path.split('/')); if (result && result.rnode) { var forwardList = []; // 找到匹配路径上的全部节点 var node = result.rnode; while (node.parent) { if (node.parent._registered && node.parent._forward) { forwardList.unshift(node.parent); } node = node.parent; } result.forwardList = forwardList; } return result; } var lastReq = null; var lastRouteNode = null; function handlerHashbangMode(onChangeEvent) { var newURL = onChangeEvent && onChangeEvent.newURL || location.hash; var url = newURL.replace(/.*#!/, ''); this.dispatch(url.charAt(0) === '/' ? url : '/' + url); } function handlerHistoryMode(onChangeEvent) { var url = location.pathname + + location.hash; this.dispatch(url.charAt(0) === '/' ? url : '/' + url); } function start() { if (this._isRunning) { // start 只调用一次 warn('start 方法只能调用一次'); return this; } this._isRunning = true; var _handler = this.options.mode === 'history' ? handlerHistoryMode : handlerHashbangMode; var _this = this; Listener.init().add({ id: this._uid, handler: function handler() { return; } }); if (this.options.mode !== 'history' && !/^#!\//.test(location.hash)) { var i = location.href.indexOf('#'); var url = location.hash.replace(/^#!?/, ''); location.replace(location.href.slice(0, i >= 0 ? i : 0) + '#!/' + url.replace(/^\//, '')); } else { // 首次触发; } return this; } function stop() { Listener.remove(this._uid); this._isRunning = false; return this; } function destroy() { this.stop(); this._namedRoutes = null; this._rtree = null; this._hooks = null; this.options = null; return null; } // 动态添加新路由(可能会替换原有的路由) function mount(routePath, routes) { routePath = routePath.replace(/^\/([^\/]*)/, '$1'); // 去掉前置 / var currentRouteNode = findNode(this._rtree, routePath, true); createRouteTree(this._namedRoutes, currentRouteNode, routes); return this; } // 路由描述对象转换为路径 // 如果缺少参数,会抛出错误 function routeDescObjToPath(namedRoutes, routeDescObj) { var routeNode = namedRoutes[]; if (!routeNode) { return null; } var paths = []; var rnode = routeNode; while (rnode) { var pathvalue = rnode.path; if (rnode.params) { (function () { if (!routeDescObj.params) { throw new Error('缺少参数'); } var paramsIndex = 0; pathvalue = pathvalue.replace(/\([^\)]+\)/g, function ($1) { var paramKey = rnode.params[paramsIndex++]; if (!routeDescObj.params.hasOwnProperty(paramKey)) { throw new Error('\u7F3A\u5C11\u53C2\u6570 "' + paramKey + '"'); } return routeDescObj.params[paramKey]; }); })(); } paths.unshift(pathvalue); rnode = rnode.parent; } var query = ''; if (routeDescObj.query) { query += '?' + QS.stringify(routeDescObj.query, routeDescObj.traditional); } return paths.join('/') + query; } // 根据给定的路径,遍历路由树,只要找到一个匹配的就把路由返回 function dispatch(path) { if ((typeof path === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(path)) === 'object' && path !== null) { // {name: 'routeName', params: {}} path = routeDescObjToPath(this._namedRoutes, path); } if (lastReq) { this._callHooks('beforeEachLeave', lastReq); if (lastRouteNode) { lastRouteNode.callHooks('beforeLeave', lastReq); } } var routeTree = this._rtree; // 保存原始请求uri var uri = path; var queryIndex = path.indexOf('?'); var _hashIndex = path.indexOf('#'); var hashIndex = _hashIndex === -1 ? path.length : _hashIndex; var queryString = queryIndex === -1 ? '' : path.slice(queryIndex + 1, hashIndex); path = queryIndex === -1 ? path : path.slice(0, queryIndex); var Req = { uri: uri, path: path, query: QS.parse(queryString), $router: this }; if (path === '/') { path = ''; } var result = searchRouteTree2(routeTree, path); if (!result) return this; // 啥都找不到 var routeNode = result.rnode, params = result.params; // 如果有 redirect 就重定向 if (routeNode._redirect) { this.redirect(routeNode._redirect); return this; } Req.params = params; = routeNode ? : null; // 更新 this.current this.current = { uri: Req.uri, path: Req.path, query: Req.query, params: Req.params, data: }; if (routeNode) { if (routeNode.title !== false) { document.title = routeNode.title; } else { if (this.options.title !== false) { document.title = this.options.title; } } } this._callHooks('beforeEachEnter', Req); var forwardList = result.forwardList; // 如果有 forward 先执行 forward if (forwardList) { for (var i = 0; i < forwardList.length; ++i) { var forwardNode = forwardList[i]; forwardNode.callHooks('callbacks', Req); } } if (routeNode) { routeNode.callHooks('beforeEnter', Req); // @TODO 如果 beforeEnter 返回 false 或者 Promise 会影响 callbacks routeNode.callHooks('callbacks', Req); } lastReq = Req; lastRouteNode = routeNode; return this; } // 动态添加路由回调 function on(routePath, callbacks) { routePath = routePath.replace(/^\/([^\/]*)/, '$1'); // 去掉前置 / var routeNode = findNode(this._rtree, routePath, true); if (!routeNode._hooks['callbacks']) { routeNode.addHooks('callbacks', callbacks); } else { routeNode._hooks['callbacks'] = routeNode._hooks['callbacks'].concat(makeSureArray(callbacks)); } return this; } // 动态移除路由回调 function off(routePath, cb) { routePath = routePath.replace(/^\/([^\/]*)/, '$1'); // 去掉前置 / var routeNode = findNode(this._rtree, routePath, false); if (routeNode && routeNode._hooks['callbacks']) { if (cb) { for (var i = 0; i < routeNode._hooks['callbacks'].length; ++i) { if (routeNode._hooks['callbacks'][i] === cb) { routeNode._hooks['callbacks'].splice(i, 1); break; } } } else { routeNode._hooks['callbacks'].splice(0, routeNode._hooks['callbacks'].length); } } if (routeNode && routeNode._hooks['callbacks'] && routeNode._hooks['callbacks'].length === 0 && routeNode.children.length === 0 && routeNode.parent) { routeNode.parent.removeChild(routeNode); } return this; } // 动态添加路由回调,但是只响应一次 function once(routePath, callbacks) { callbacks = makeSureArray(callbacks); var _this = this; function onlyOnce(req) { for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; ++i) { callbacks[i].call(_this, req); }, onlyOnce); } return this.on(routePath, onlyOnce); } /** * 这个方法会改变当前页面的 `url`,从而触发路由 * 在 history 模式下,用户无法通过标签改变 `url` 而不跳转页面,需要监听 click 事件,禁止默认跳转行为,并调用 go 方法 * 如果是 history 模式,相当于调用一次 history.pushState() 然后再调用 .dispatch() * 如果 url 没有改变,不会"刷新"页面,要通过代码“刷新”页面,可以调用 reload 方法 * * path 可以是一个路由描述对象 * */ function go(path) { var loc = window.location; var oldURI = loc.pathname +; if ((typeof path === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(path)) === 'object' && path !== null) { path = routeDescObjToPath(this._namedRoutes, path); } Listener.setHashHistory(path); var newURI = '' + loc.pathname +; if (this.options.mode === 'history' && oldURI !== newURI) { this.dispatch(newURI); } return this; } function back() { if (Listener.supportHistory()) { window['history'].back(); } else {} return this; } // 只改变当前的 `url` 但是不触发路由 // 和 dispatch 刚好相反,dispatch 只触发路由但不改变 `url` function setUrlOnly(path) { if ((typeof path === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(path)) === 'object' && path !== null) { path = routeDescObjToPath(this._namedRoutes, path); } Listener.setUrlOnly = true; // make sure not to trigger anything Listener.setHashHistory(path); return this; } // 重载当前页面 function reload() { if (this.options.mode === 'history') { this.dispatch('' + location.pathname + + location.hash); } else { this.dispatch(location.hash.replace(/^#!?/, '')); } return this; } // 重定向(只产生一条历史记录) function redirect(path) { if ((typeof path === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(path)) === 'object' && path !== null) { // {name: 'routeName', params: {}} path = routeDescObjToPath(this._namedRoutes, path); } if (this.options.mode === 'history') { history.replaceState({}, '', path); this.dispatch(path); } else { location.replace(formatHashBangURI(path)); } return this; } // 创建一个链接 function createLink(linkTo) { var result = routeDescObjToPath(this._namedRoutes, linkTo); if (result === null) { warn('\u8DEF\u5F84 ' + + ' \u4E0D\u5B58\u5728'); result = '/'; } result = result === '' ? '/' : result; return this.options.mode === 'history' ? result : '/#!' + result; } var uid = 0; // mode: history|hashbang // history 使用 HTML5 History API // hashbang 使用 hash(hashbang 模式) var optionDefaults = { title: false, mode: 'hashbang' }; /** * Router (routes) * @constructor * @param {Object} routes **Optional** */ // 虽然允许在同一个应用创建多个 Router ,但是正常情况下你只需要创建一个实例 function Router(routes, options) { routes = routes || {}; this._namedRoutes = {}; // 具名路由 this._rtree = createRootRouteTree(this._namedRoutes, routes); this._hooks = {}; // 全局钩子 this._init(options); this.current = {}; // 记录当前的 path 等信息 } Router.QS = QS; var proto = Router.prototype; proto._init = function _init(options) { options = options || {}; this._uid = uid++; this._isRunning = false; this.options = extend({}, optionDefaults, options); Listener.setMode(options.mode); this._hooks['beforeEachEnter'] = makeSureArray(options.beforeEachEnter); this._hooks['beforeEachLeave'] = makeSureArray(options.beforeEachLeave); }; // 调用全局钩子 proto._callHooks = function _callHooks(hookName, Req) { var callbacks = this._hooks[hookName] || []; for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; ++i) { callbacks[i].call(this, Req); } }; // start a router proto.start = start; // 🆗 // stop a router proto.stop = stop; // 🆗 // destroy a router proto.destroy = destroy; // 🆗 // mount a sub-route-tree on a route node proto.mount = mount; // 🆗 // dynamic add a route to route-tree proto.on = on; // 🆗 // like .on except that it will dispatch only once proto.once = once; // 🆗 // stop listen to a route = off; // 🆗 // dispatch a route if path matches proto.dispatch = dispatch; // 🆗 proto.go = go; // 🆗 proto.redirect = redirect; // 🆗 proto.back = back; // only set url, don't dispatch any routes proto.setUrlOnly = setUrlOnly; // 🆗 // redispatch current route proto.reload = reload; // 🆗 proto.createLink = createLink; return Router; }()); //#