[ { "title": "The Phoenix Flavor - Zediious Sprinkles", "description": "A content-filled and game-changing list, patched extensively and providing a modern gaming experience in Skyrim.\r\n\r\nFeatures include massively overhauled and modern combat, various new and reworked mechanics, a multitude of new and improved quests, locations, and creatures to find in the world, a complete settlement overhaul with every settlement covered along with custom equipment leveled lists utilizing a very large amount of mod-added equipment. This does not cover nearly everything! Check the Wiki to see a full list of notable mods!\r\n", "author": "Zediious", "maintainers": [ "github/zediious" ], "game": "skyrimspecialedition", "official": false, "tags": [ "BFCO", "Complete Settlement Overhaul", "Overhauled Locations", "New Quests", "New Creatures", "Huge Custom Leveled Lists", "Simonrim" ], "nsfw": false, "utility_list": false, "image_contains_title": true, "DisplayVersionOnlyInInstallerView": false, "force_down": false, "links": { "image": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zediious/modlists/main/newbanner_smallertext.png", "readme": "https://zediious.github.io/tpfz-sprinkles/docs/", "download": "https://authored-files.wabbajack.org/The Phoenix Flavor - Zediious Sprinkles.wabbajack_7664dff4-d9cb-4792-aae0-4aac8aeae131", "machineURL": "thephoenixflavor_zedsprinkles", "discordURL": "https://discord.gg/CvhTeavrcW" }, "download_metadata": { "Hash": "LZRuOxRN5YE=", "Size": 589898103, "NumberOfArchives": 2343, "SizeOfArchives": 162552063902, "NumberOfInstalledFiles": 373073, "SizeOfInstalledFiles": 283870665912 }, "version": "1.0", "dateCreated": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "dateUpdated": "2024-11-30T00:22:56.2851059Z", "repositoryName": "" } ]