# ************************************************************************** # HyperStake installer # hyperstaked + HyperStake-qt + desktop icon + themes + bootstrap blockchain # Maintained by : ZeeWolf | github.com/zeewolfik # ************************************************************************** showtime() { h=$(($1 / 360)) m=$(($1 % 3600 / 60)) s=$(($1 % 60)) printf "%02d:%02d:%02d\n" $h $m $s } # remember time of script start start=`date +%s` # install dependencies echo "*** Installing dependencies..." sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y libboost1.50-dev libboost-filesystem1.50-dev libboost-system1.50-dev libboost-program-options1.50-dev libboost-thread1.50-dev libssl-dev libdb5.1++-dev libminiupnpc-dev # fetch HyperStake binaries and decompress echo "*** Installing HyperStake binaries..." cd ~ && mkdir -p ~/cryptos && cd ~/cryptos && wget https://github.com/presstab/HyperStake/releases/download/v1.0.6/hyperstake-qt-1.0.6-armhf-linux.tar.gz && tar -xvzf hyperstake-qt-1.0.6-armhf-linux.tar.gz # create config file - randomize password and lower checkblocks to 200 - faster startup echo "*** Creating configuration file..." mkdir ~/.HyperStake echo "rpcuser=hyperstakecrew rpcpassword=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd '[:alnum:]' | head -c32) rpcallowip= gen=0 server=1 daemon=1 listen=1 # Number of last blocks to check on startup (default:2500), 100 ~= 2.5h backwards checkblocks=100" >> ~/.HyperStake/HyperStake.conf # create desktop shortcut for HyperStake-Qt wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/presstab/HyperStake/master/src/qt/res/icons/hyperstake-128.png -O ~/.HyperStake/icon.png echo "[Desktop Entry] Name=HyperStake Type=Application Comment=Faster than light! Categories=Application Exec=/home/pi/cryptos/hyperstake-1.0.6-armhf-linux/HyperStake-qt Icon=/home/pi/.HyperStake/icon.png Terminal=false StartupNotify=true" >> ~/Desktop/hyperstake.desktop #install themes cd ~/cryptos/hyperstake-1.0.6-armhf-linux && wget https://github.com/presstab/HyperStake/releases/download/v1.0.6.6/themes.zip -O themes.zip && unzip themes.zip && rm themes.zip # download blockchain bootstrap echo "*** Installing blockchain..." wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/cjdj337wm1hzfv7/bootstrap.zip # remove old files and logs if any rm -rf database blk* *.log # unpack bootstrap unzip bootstrap.zip -d ~/.HyperStake # remove zip to save space rm bootstrap.zip # time of finish end=`date +%s` # calculate difference runtime=$((end-start)) cd ~/cryptos/hyperstake-1.0.6-armhf-linux echo "Done. Installation took $(showtime $runtime)" BLUE='\e[0;34m' RED='\e[0;31m' GREEN='\e[0;32m' YELLOW='\e[0;33m' NC='\e[0m' #No color echo echo -e "Run daemon with ${GREEN}./hyperstaked${NC} or clicking on ${GREEN}HyperStake icon on Desktop${NC}" echo "Bootstrapping will take some time (few hours) - server will not respond to commands while bootstrapping" echo "You can monitor progress of importing blocks with" echo echo -e "${GREEN}watch tail ~/.HyperStake/debug.log${NC}" echo echo "Example commands:" echo echo -e "${GREEN}./hyperstaked getinfo${NC} - to get information" echo -e "${GREEN}./hyperstaked getbalance${NC} - to get wallet balance" echo -e "${GREEN}./hyperstaked listtransactions${NC} - to show last transaction" echo -e "${GREEN}./hyperstaked stop${NC} - to stop daemon" echo echo -e "${YELLOW}Happy staking!${NC}" echo