from pwn import * import hashlib r = remote('', 7001) # Connect to challenge # Level 1 - Compute SHA-1 hashes for i in range(10): # Range determined by trial and error, run below loop until it fails print r.recvuntil('sha1(') # Recv up until word word = r.recvuntil(')')[:-1] # Recv word, trim ')' print 'word: {}'.format(word) myhash = hashlib.sha1(word).hexdigest() # Get hash print myhash r.recv() # Recv rest of server output r.sendline(myhash) # Send hash # Level 2 - Compute SHA-256 hashes for i in range(10): print r.recvuntil('sha256(') # Recv up until word word = r.recvuntil(')')[:-1] # Recv word, trim ')' print 'word: {}'.format(word) myhash = hashlib.sha256(word).hexdigest() # Get hash r.recv() # Recv rest of server output r.sendline(myhash) # Send hash # Get list of dictionary words for Level 3 f = open('dictionary.txt', 'r') words = [word.strip() for word in f] f.close() # Level 3 - Find dictionary words for given SHA-256 hexdigest for i in range(10): print r.recvuntil('== ') # Recv until hexdigest digest = r.recvuntil('\n')[:-1] # Recv hexdigest, '\n' print 'digest: {}'.format(digest) for w in words: # For each word in our dictionary if hashlib.sha256(w).hexdigest() == digest: # Check if the hash of the word is equal to the hexdigest we recevied print w r.recv() # Recv rest of server output r.sendline(w) # Send word # Generate all possible 4-letter strings (only lowercase letters) for Level 4 from string import ascii_lowercase import itertools words = [''.join(c) for c in itertools.product(ascii_lowercase, repeat=4)] # Level 4 - Brute force 4-letter lowercase strings for given MD5 hash for i in range(10): print r.recvuntil('== ') # Recv until hexdigest digest = r.recvuntil(',')[:-1] # Recv hexdigest print 'digest: {}'.format(digest) for w in words: # For each string in 4-letter list if hashlib.md5(w).hexdigest() == digest: # Check if the hash of the word is equal to the hexdigest we recevied print w r.recv() # Recv rest of server output r.sendline(w) # Send word # Receive flag print r.recv()