notify('NOTIFY_SEFU_INTERCEPT', array(), $link, $page, $parameters, $connection, $add_session_id, $static, $use_dir_ws_catalog); if($link !== null) return $link; if (!zen_not_null($page)) { die('


Unable to determine the page link!

'); } if ($connection == 'NONSSL') { $link = HTTP_SERVER; } elseif ($connection == 'SSL') { if (ENABLE_SSL == 'true') { $link = HTTPS_SERVER ; } else { $link = HTTP_SERVER; } } else { die('


Unable to determine connection method on a link!

Known methods: NONSSL SSL

'); } if ($use_dir_ws_catalog) { if ($connection == 'SSL' && ENABLE_SSL == 'true') { $link .= DIR_WS_HTTPS_CATALOG; } else { $link .= DIR_WS_CATALOG; } } if (!$static) { if (zen_not_null($parameters)) { $link .= 'index.php?main_page='. $page . "&" . zen_output_string($parameters); } else { $link .= 'index.php?main_page=' . $page; } } else { if (zen_not_null($parameters)) { $link .= $page . "?" . zen_output_string($parameters); } else { $link .= $page; } } $separator = '&'; while ( (substr($link, -1) == '&') || (substr($link, -1) == '?') ) $link = substr($link, 0, -1); // Add the session ID when moving from different HTTP and HTTPS servers, or when SID is defined if ( ($add_session_id == true) && ($session_started == true) && (SESSION_FORCE_COOKIE_USE == 'False') ) { if (defined('SID') && zen_not_null(constant('SID'))) { $sid = constant('SID'); // } elseif ( ( ($request_type == 'NONSSL') && ($connection == 'SSL') && (ENABLE_SSL_ADMIN == 'true') ) || ( ($request_type == 'SSL') && ($connection == 'NONSSL') ) ) { } elseif ( ( ($request_type == 'NONSSL') && ($connection == 'SSL') && (ENABLE_SSL == 'true') ) || ( ($request_type == 'SSL') && ($connection == 'NONSSL') ) ) { if ($http_domain != $https_domain) { $sid = zen_session_name() . '=' . zen_session_id(); } } } // clean up the link before processing while (strstr($link, '&&')) $link = str_replace('&&', '&', $link); while (strstr($link, '&&')) $link = str_replace('&&', '&', $link); if ( (SEARCH_ENGINE_FRIENDLY_URLS == 'true') && ($search_engine_safe == true) ) { while (strstr($link, '&&')) $link = str_replace('&&', '&', $link); $link = str_replace('&', '/', $link); $link = str_replace('?', '/', $link); $link = str_replace('&', '/', $link); $link = str_replace('=', '/', $link); $separator = '?'; } if (isset($sid)) { $link .= $separator . zen_output_string($sid); } // clean up the link after processing while (strstr($link, '&&')) $link = str_replace('&&', '&', $link); $link = preg_replace('/&/', '&', $link); return $link; } /* * The HTML image wrapper function for non-proportional images * used when "proportional images" is turned off or if calling from a template directory */ function zen_image_OLD($src, $alt = '', $width = '', $height = '', $parameters = '') { global $template_dir; //auto replace with defined missing image if ($src == DIR_WS_IMAGES and PRODUCTS_IMAGE_NO_IMAGE_STATUS == '1') { $src = DIR_WS_IMAGES . PRODUCTS_IMAGE_NO_IMAGE; } if ( (empty($src) || ($src == DIR_WS_IMAGES)) && (IMAGE_REQUIRED == 'false') ) { return false; } // if not in current template switch to template_default if (!file_exists($src)) { $src = str_replace(DIR_WS_TEMPLATES . $template_dir, DIR_WS_TEMPLATES . 'template_default', $src); } // alt is added to the img tag even if it is null to prevent browsers from outputting // the image filename as default $image = '' . zen_output_string($alt) . 'notify('NOTIFY_HANDLE_IMAGE', array($newimg)); } // Convert width/height to int for proper validation. // intval() used to support compatibility with plugins like image-handler $width = empty($width) ? $width : intval($width); $height = empty($height) ? $height : intval($height); // alt is added to the img tag even if it is null to prevent browsers from outputting // the image filename as default $image = '' . zen_output_string($alt) . ' $height) { $ratio = $height / $image_size[1]; $width = $image_size[0] * $ratio; } else { $height = $image_size[1] * $ratio; } // only use proportional image when image is larger than proportional size if ($image_size[0] < $width and $image_size[1] < $height) { $image .= ' width="' . $image_size[0] . '" height="' . intval($image_size[1]) . '"'; } else { $image .= ' width="' . round($width) . '" height="' . round($height) . '"'; } } else { // override on missing image to allow for proportional and required/not required if (IMAGE_REQUIRED == 'false') { return false; } else if (substr($src, 0, 4) != 'http') { $image .= ' width="' . intval(SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH) . '" height="' . intval(SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT) . '"'; } } // inject rollover class if one is defined. NOTE: This could end up with 2 "class" elements if $parameters contains "class" already. if (defined('IMAGE_ROLLOVER_CLASS') && IMAGE_ROLLOVER_CLASS != '') { $parameters .= (zen_not_null($parameters) ? ' ' : '') . 'class="rollover"'; } // add $parameters to the tag output if (zen_not_null($parameters)) $image .= ' ' . $parameters; $image .= ' />'; return $image; } /* * The HTML form submit button wrapper function * Outputs a "submit" button in the selected language */ function zen_image_submit($image, $alt = '', $parameters = '', $sec_class = '') { global $template, $current_page_base, $zco_notifier; if (strtolower(IMAGE_USE_CSS_BUTTONS) == 'yes' && strlen($alt)<30) return zenCssButton($image, $alt, 'submit', $sec_class, $parameters); $zco_notifier->notify('PAGE_OUTPUT_IMAGE_SUBMIT'); $image_submit = 'notify('PAGE_OUTPUT_IMAGE_BUTTON'); if (strtolower(IMAGE_USE_CSS_BUTTONS) == 'yes') return zenCssButton($image, $alt, 'button', $sec_class, $parameters); return zen_image($template->get_template_dir($image, DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base, 'buttons/' . $_SESSION['language'] . '/') . $image, $alt, '', '', $parameters); } /** * generate CSS buttons in the current language * concept from contributions by Seb Rouleau and paulm, subsequently adapted to Zen Cart * note: any hard-coded buttons will not be able to use this function **/ function zenCssButton($image = '', $text, $type, $sec_class = '', $parameters = '') { global $css_button_text, $css_button_opts, $template, $current_page_base, $language; $button_name = basename($image, '.gif'); // if no secondary class is set use the image name for the sec_class if (empty($sec_class)) $sec_class = $button_name; if(!empty($sec_class)) $sec_class = ' ' . $sec_class; if(!empty($parameters))$parameters = ' ' . $parameters; $mouse_out_class = 'cssButton ' . (($type == 'submit') ? 'submit_button button ' : 'normal_button button ') . $sec_class; $mouse_over_class = 'cssButtonHover ' . (($type == 'button') ? 'normal_button button ' : '') . $sec_class . $sec_class . 'Hover'; // javascript to set different classes on mouseover and mouseout: enables hover effect on the buttons // (pure css hovers on non link elements do work work in every browser) $css_button_js = 'onmouseover="this.className=\''. $mouse_over_class . '\'" onmouseout="this.className=\'' . $mouse_out_class . '\'"'; if (defined('CSS_BUTTON_POPUPS_IS_ARRAY') && CSS_BUTTON_POPUPS_IS_ARRAY == 'true') { $popuptext = (!empty($css_button_text[$button_name])) ? $css_button_text[$button_name] : ($button_name . CSSBUTTONS_CATALOG_POPUPS_SHOW_BUTTON_NAMES_TEXT); $tooltip = ' title="' . $popuptext . '"'; } else { $tooltip = ''; } $css_button = ''; if ($type == 'submit'){ // form input button if ($parameters != '') { // If the input parameters include a "name" attribute, need to emulate an return value by adding a _x to the name parameter (creds to paulm) if (preg_match('/name="([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)"/', $parameters, $matches)) { $parameters = str_replace('name="' . $matches[1], 'name="' . $matches[1] . '_x', $parameters); } // If the input parameters include a "value" attribute, remove it since that attribute will be set to the input text string. if (preg_match('/(value="[a-zA-Z0=9\-_]+")/', $parameters, $matches)) { $parameters = str_replace($matches[1], '', $parameters); } } $css_button = ''; } if ($type=='button'){ // link button $css_button = ' ' . $text . ' '; } return $css_button; } /* * Output a separator either through whitespace, or with an image */ function zen_draw_separator($image = 'true', $width = '100%', $height = '1') { // set default to use from template - zen_image will translate if not found in current template if ($image == 'true') { $image = DIR_WS_TEMPLATE_IMAGES . OTHER_IMAGE_BLACK_SEPARATOR; } else { if (!strstr($image, DIR_WS_TEMPLATE_IMAGES)) { $image = DIR_WS_TEMPLATE_IMAGES . $image; } } return zen_image($image, '', $width, $height); } /* * Output a form */ function zen_draw_form($name, $action, $method = 'post', $parameters = '') { $form = '
'; return $form; } /* * Output a form input field */ function zen_draw_input_field($name, $value = '', $parameters = '', $type = 'text', $reinsert_value = true) { $field = ' '"', '\'' => ''', '<' => '<', '>' => '>')) . '' . "\n"; } $field .= '' . "\n"; if ($required == true) $field .= TEXT_FIELD_REQUIRED; return $field; } /* * Creates a pull-down list of countries */ function zen_get_country_list($name, $selected = '', $parameters = '') { $countriesAtTopOfList = array(); $countries_array = array(array('id' => '', 'text' => PULL_DOWN_DEFAULT)); $countries = zen_get_countries(); // Set some default entries at top of list: if (STORE_COUNTRY != SHOW_CREATE_ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_COUNTRY) $countriesAtTopOfList[] = SHOW_CREATE_ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_COUNTRY; $countriesAtTopOfList[] = STORE_COUNTRY; // IF YOU WANT TO ADD MORE DEFAULTS TO THE TOP OF THIS LIST, SIMPLY ENTER THEIR NUMBERS HERE. // Duplicate more lines as needed // Example: Canada is 108, so use 108 as shown: //$countriesAtTopOfList[] = 108; //process array of top-of-list entries: foreach ($countriesAtTopOfList as $key=>$val) { $countries_array[] = array('id' => $val, 'text' => zen_get_country_name($val)); } // now add anything not in the defaults list: for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($countries); $i<$n; $i++) { $alreadyInList = FALSE; foreach($countriesAtTopOfList as $key=>$val) { if ($countries[$i]['countries_id'] == $val) { // If you don't want to exclude entries already at the top of the list, comment out this next line: $alreadyInList = TRUE; continue; } } if (!$alreadyInList) $countries_array[] = array('id' => $countries[$i]['countries_id'], 'text' => $countries[$i]['countries_name']); } return zen_draw_pull_down_menu($name, $countries_array, $selected, $parameters); } /* * Assesses suitability for additional parameters such as rel=nofollow etc */ function zen_href_params($page = '', $parameters = '') { global $current_page_base; $addparms = ''; // if nofollow has already been set, ignore this function if (stristr($parameters, 'nofollow')) return $parameters; // if list of skippable pages has been set in meta_tags.php lang file (is by default), use that to add rel=nofollow params if (defined('ROBOTS_PAGES_TO_SKIP') && in_array($page, explode(",", constant('ROBOTS_PAGES_TO_SKIP'))) || $current_page_base=='down_for_maintenance') $addparms = 'rel="nofollow"'; return ($parameters == '' ? $addparms : $parameters . ' ' . $addparms); } //// // output label for input fields function zen_draw_label($text, $for, $parameters = ''){ $label = ''; return $label; }