Warning: Linked Products whose Master Categories ID are deleted will not price properly. You should first assure that when deleting a Category that contains Linked Products that you reset the Product(s) Master Categories ID to another Category before removing a Category'); define('TEXT_INFO_HEADING_MOVE_CATEGORY', 'Move Category'); define('TEXT_MOVE_CATEGORIES_INTRO', 'Please select which category you wish %s to reside in'); define('TEXT_MOVE', 'Move %s to:'); define('TEXT_INFO_HEADING_DELETE_PRODUCT', 'Delete Product'); define('TEXT_DELETE_PRODUCT_INTRO', 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this product?

Warning: On Linked Products
1 Make sure the Master Category has been changed if you are deleting the Product from the Master Category
2 Check the checkbox for the Category to Delete the Product from'); define('TEXT_INFO_HEADING_MOVE_PRODUCT', 'Move Product'); define('TEXT_MOVE_PRODUCTS_INTRO', 'Please select which category you wish %s to reside in'); define('TEXT_INFO_CURRENT_CATEGORIES', 'Current Categories: '); define('TEXT_INFO_HEADING_COPY_TO', 'Copy To'); define('TEXT_INFO_COPY_TO_INTRO', 'Please choose a new category you wish to copy this product to'); define('TEXT_INFO_CURRENT_PRODUCT', 'Current Product: '); define('TEXT_HOW_TO_COPY', 'Copy Method:'); define('TEXT_COPY_AS_LINK','Link this product into another category as selected above'); define('TEXT_COPY_AS_DUPLICATE','Create a Duplicate product in the category selected above'); define('TEXT_COPY_METATAGS','Copy Metatags to Duplicate?'); define('TEXT_COPY_LINKED_CATEGORIES','Copy Linked Categories to Duplicate?'); define('TEXT_COPY_AS_DUPLICATE_METATAGS', 'Metatags for Language ID#%u copied from Product ID#%u to duplicate Product ID#%u'); define('TEXT_COPY_AS_DUPLICATE_CATEGORIES', 'Linked Category ID#%u copied from Product ID#%u to duplicate Product ID#%u'); define('TEXT_COPY_AS_DUPLICATE_DISCOUNTS', 'Discounts copied from Product ID#%u to duplicate Product ID#%u'); define('TEXT_INFO_HEADING_ATTRIBUTE_FEATURES', 'Attributes Changes for Products ID# '); define('TEXT_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES_INFO', 'Attribute Features For:'); define('TEXT_PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTES_DOWNLOADS', 'Downloads: '); define('TEXT_INFO_ATTRIBUTES_FEATURES_DELETE', 'Delete ALL Product Attributes for:
'); define('TEXT_INFO_ATTRIBUTES_FEATURES_COPY_TO_PRODUCT', 'Copy Attributes to another product from:
'); define('TEXT_INFO_ATTRIBUTES_FEATURES_COPY_TO_CATEGORY', 'Copy Attributes to another category from:
'); define('TEXT_COPY_ATTRIBUTES_CONDITIONS', 'How should existing product attributes be handled?'); define('TEXT_COPY_ATTRIBUTES_DELETE', 'Delete first, then copy new attributes'); define('TEXT_COPY_ATTRIBUTES_UPDATE', 'Update with new settings/prices, then add new ones'); define('TEXT_COPY_ATTRIBUTES_IGNORE', 'Ignore and add only new attributes'); define('TEXT_ATTRIBUTE_COPY_INSERTING', 'Inserting New Attribute from '); define('ICON_ATTRIBUTES', 'Attribute Features'); // Products and Attribute Copy Options define('TEXT_COPY_ATTRIBUTES_ONLY', 'Only used for Duplicate Products ...'); define('TEXT_COPY_ATTRIBUTES', 'Copy Product Attributes to Duplicate?'); define('TEXT_COPY_ATTRIBUTES_YES', 'Yes'); define('TEXT_COPY_ATTRIBUTES_NO', 'No'); // Products and Discount Copy Options define('TEXT_COPY_DISCOUNTS_ONLY', 'Only used for Duplicate Products with Quantity Discounts ...'); define('TEXT_COPY_DISCOUNTS', 'Copy Product Quantity Discounts to Duplicate?'); define('TEXT_COPY_DISCOUNTS_YES', 'Yes'); define('TEXT_COPY_DISCOUNTS_NO', 'No'); // From categories.php in 1.5.5 // categories status define('TEXT_INFO_HEADING_STATUS_CATEGORY', 'Change Category Status for:'); define('TEXT_CATEGORIES_STATUS_INTRO', 'Change this category\'s status to: '); define('TEXT_CATEGORIES_STATUS_OFF', 'Disabled'); define('TEXT_CATEGORIES_STATUS_ON', 'Enabled'); define('TEXT_PRODUCTS_STATUS_INFO', 'Change ALL included products status to:'); define('TEXT_PRODUCTS_STATUS_OFF', 'Disabled'); define('TEXT_PRODUCTS_STATUS_ON', 'Enabled'); define('TEXT_PRODUCTS_STATUS_NOCHANGE', 'Unchanged'); define('TEXT_CATEGORIES_STATUS_WARNING', 'WARNING ...
Note: Disabling products (whether they are linked or master products) in a category will result in ALL instances of that product being disabled in ALL categories.'); define('TEXT_SUBCATEGORIES_STATUS_INFO', 'Change ALL subcategories status to:'); define('TEXT_SUBCATEGORIES_STATUS_OFF', 'Disabled'); define('TEXT_SUBCATEGORIES_STATUS_ON', 'Enabled'); define('TEXT_SUBCATEGORIES_STATUS_NOCHANGE', 'Unchanged'); define('WARNING_PRODUCTS_IN_TOP_INFO', 'WARNING: You have Products in the Top Level Category. This will cause pricing to not work properly in the Catalog. Products found: '); define('TEXT_COPY_MEDIA_MANAGER', 'Copy media?');