function getThumbnailWidth(){ local result = "180"; try{ result = options.getParam("THUMBWIDTH"); } catch(ex) { } return result; } function UploadFile(FileName, options){ local login = ServerParams.getParam("Login"); local pass = ServerParams.getParam("Password"); if (login == "" || pass == "") { WriteLog("error", " Login or Password cannot be empty.\r\nYou must set Login and Password in server settings."); return 0; } nm.setUrl(""); nm.addQueryHeader("User-Agent", "Shockwave Flash"); nm.addQueryParam("compmenu", "0"); nm.addQueryParam("albmenu", "0"); nm.addQueryParam("inf", "1"); nm.addQueryParam("cat", "0"); nm.addQueryParam("prew", getThumbnailWidth()); nm.addQueryParam("ttl", "0"); nm.addQueryParam("ptext", "Увеличить"); nm.addQueryParam("itext", ""); nm.addQueryParam("grad", "0"); nm.addQueryParam("rsize", "1"); nm.addQueryParamFile("Filedata", FileName, ExtractFileName(FileName), ""); nm.addQueryHeader("Cookie", "login="+login+"; pass="+md5(pass)); nm.doUploadMultipartData(); if (nm.responseCode() == 200) { local t = ParseJSON(nm.responseBody()); if ("files" in t && t.files.len()) { local file = t.files[0]; if ("error" in file) { if (file.error == "Only registered users can upload images"){ WriteLog("error", " Invalid login or password"); } else { WriteLog("error", " " + file.error); } return 0; } if (!("link" in file) || == "") { WriteLog("error", " Getting link failed"); return 0; } options.setDirectUrl(; if ("thumbs" in file) { options.setThumbUrl(file.thumbs); } if ("piclink" in file) { options.setViewUrl(file.piclink); } if ("delete" in file) { options.setDeleteUrl(file.rawget("delete")); } return 1; // Success } else { WriteLog("error", " Unknown error"); } } else { WriteLog("error", " Upload failed. Response code: " + nm.responseCode()); } return 0; }