### Settings here override main script # DB SETTINGS # ----------------------------------- $writeToDB= $true # enable or disable db logging $DBServer = "(localdb)\Projects" # MSSQL host, usully .\SQLEXPRESS, .\SQLSERVER $DBName = "httpstatus" # name of db.(HAVE TO BE CREATED) $ConnectionString = "Server=$DBServer;Database=$DBName;Integrated Security=True;" # full connection string. Write here password if not in integrated security # EMAIL SETTINGS # ----------------------------------- $sendEmail=$true #enable email send $emailErrorCodes=500,200 # list of status codes that produces error $emailFrom="Http Monitor Tool " $emailTo="Me " $smtpServer="127.0.01" #smtp server. To use autenticated smtp server you have to change Do-Monitor function. # MONITOR SETTINGS # ---------------------------------- $dbpath=$workingPath+"\db.txt" # db of web sites to monitor. One per line. Must have protocol predix. i.e. http://www.google.it $monitoring= @() # list of ips to monitor. This is used to focus ips on some destination only "","" $userAgent = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent]::Chrome #agent used to download files $delay=5 # number of seconds to wait between checking website inside a full run (used to avoid server overload) $delayIteration=100 # number of seconds between checks ( once I checked all sites, I wait this time before a full control) # LOGGING FILES # ---------------------------------- $traceFile=$workingPath+"\tomonitor.txt" # log of monitored sites $errorFile=$workingPath+"\error.txt" # error only file $outFile=$workingPath+"\out.txt" # full log file