# Changelog | modName | Kaboom! (BOOM) | | ---------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | license | GPLv2 | | author | rushnash37 and zer0Kerbal | | forum | (https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/192938-*) | | github | (https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/zer0Kerbal/Kaboom) | | curseforge | (https://www.curseforge.com/kerbal/ksp-mods/Kaboom) | | spacedock | (https://spacedock.info/mod/833) | | ckan | Kaboom | ## Version - `` * Released * on 14 Dec 2022 * for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.4 * by zer0Kerbal ### Summary * Recompiled * 1.12.4 — .net 4.6.1 — C# 5.0 * use of new launcher voids warranty (was there ever any?) * Complete documentation overhaul * New Hero cover/logo * Proper slug granted in CurseForge (link changed) * New flag! ### Code * Removed InstallChecker * Recompiled * 1.12.4 — .net 4.6.1 — * C# 5.0 * Old * [Kaboom.dll] v1.4.1.37 25kb * New * [Kaboom.dll] v1.4.2.38 21kb ### Localization * eliminated [#BOOM-IC-01] as no longer needed * Lint and update pass * update * v1.0.1.1 * v2.1.2.0 * v1.0.2.1 * v1.0.1.2 * v1.0.0.1 * v1.0.0.1 * updates #38 - Localization - Master ### Status * Issues * closes #82 - Kaboom! (BOOM) `` edition * closes #83 - Additional Tasks * closes #55 - new string needed in us-en.cfg --- ## Version - `` * 23 Mar 2022 * for KSP 1.12.3 [![There is always a boom](https://img.youtube.com/vi/CnR3Tyrg_10/0.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnR3Tyrg_10) ### fix nullref * thank you @yalov * closes #74 - [Bug 🐞]: No Booms :( 🧯 * closes #72 - Missing #BOOM-KaboomAction = Kaboom! localization string ### Repo refresh * Update all support files * Add GitHub pages support ### Localization * Add strings for [InstallChecker.cs] * [#BOOM-IC-01] = Incorrect <<1>> v<<2>> installation.\n<<1>> has been installed incorrectly and will not function properly. All files should be located in KSP/GameData/<<3>>. Do not move any files from inside that folder.\n\nIncorrect path(s):\n<<4>> ### Code * Update * [Version.tt] v2.0.2.1 * [InstallChecker.cs] v2.1.0.0 * [AssemblyInfo.cs ### docs/ * Create * docs/ * [404.md] * [Attributions.md] * [ManualInstallation.md] * [LegalMumboJumbo.md] * [Localizations.md] * Code/ * [Kaboom.xml] * LegalMumboJumbo/ * [FORUM-01.png] * [FORUM-02.png] * [FORUM-03.png] * [License.md] * ReleaseNotes/ * [] * [] * [] * [] * [] * [] * [] * [] * [] * [] ### Documentation * Updated * [readme.md] v1.6.6.0 * converted [changelog.cfg] to [changelog.md] * _releasenotes v1.3.1.1 * [Kaboom.version] * update minimum KSP version * [_release.json] to schema v1.0.3.0 ### Status * Issues * closes #78 - Social Media * closes #77 - Update Documentation * closes #76 - Verify Legal Mumbo Jumbo * closes #73 - Kaboom Version - * Bugs * closes #71 - add missed #BOOM-KaboomAction - contributed by yalov * closes #72 - Missing #BOOM-KaboomAction = Kaboom! localization string * closes #74 - [Bug 🐞]: No Booms :( 🧯 * closes #75 - fix nullref - contributed by yalov --- ## Version - for KSP 1.12.3 [28-Oct-2021] * Implosions de superglue!! * 2021-10-26 * 1.12.2 ### Added * Localization * Localization - French (Français) contributed by @vinix38 * ***your translation here*** ### Update * Documentation * readme * release notes * Changelog.cfg * Attribution * add GameData/Kaboom/Localization/quickstart.md * _release.json to * Optimize images documentation- contributed by imgbot[bot] ### Status * Features/Issues/Milestones * closes #13 - **SuperKlue** * closes #19 - Beta Two: (file version * closes #28 - Beta Three: (file version * closes #21 - duplicate * closes #22 - duplicate * closes #23 - Dev kaboom superglue [pull request] contributed by zer0Kerbal * closes #50 - Localization - French (Français) contributed by @vinix38 * closes #61 - [ImgBot] Optimize images documentation- contributed by imgbot[bot] * closes #64 - Name new release * closes #65 - Release Implosions de superglue!! * closes #66 - update Documentation * closes #67 - update Legal MumboJumbo * closes #68 - update Social Media * updates #38 - Localization project - contributed by zer0kerbal ### Status * Issues * closes #61 - [ImgBot] Optimize images - contributed by imgbot[bot] * closes #63 - French translation - contributed by vinix38 * closes #69 - Version - Implosions de superglue!! - contributed by zer0Kerbal * closes #5 - "Glued Kaboom" aka Kaboom Cryowelding or Kyanoacrylate * closes #13 - :sparkles: **SuperGlue** :sparkles: * closes #19 - Beta Two: (file version * closes #28 - Beta Three: (file version * closes #50 - Localization - French (Français) <fr-fr.cfg> * closes #64 - Version * closes #65 - Release * closes #66 - Update documentation * closes #67 - Legal MumboJumbo * closes #68 - Social * Bug * closes #62 - wrong link to forum thread in documentation - bug * Possible future changes * #39, #40, #41, #43, #44, #45, #46, #47, #48, #49, #50, #51 and #53 - more localizations * #25 - auto destruct during launch * #17, #18 - bigger boom, bigger badda-boom * #16 - boom stick --- ## Version - for KSP 1.12.3 [25-Oct-2021] * SuperKlue Implosions!! * 2021-10-25 * 1.12.2type = Added * Localization * Spanish (Español) (thank you [Tacombel][LINK:tacombel]) * Russian (Русский) (thank you [Forums: Flart][LINK:flart] - [Github: yalov][LINK:yalov]) * ***your translation here*** ### Code * SuperKlue in-flight docking ports * thank you to ['@flart'][LINK:flart] aka [yalov][LINK:yalov] * if glued kaboom is enabled and there was in-flight docking, docking ports kaboom together * longer ScreenMessage * remove unnecessary usings * update .csproj ### Update * Documentation * readme * release notes * Attribution ### Status * Features/Issues/Milestones * closes #9 - 1.12.2 * closes #20 - duplicate * closes #21 - duplicate * closes #22 - duplicate * closes #23 - Dev kaboom superglue [pull request] contributed by zer0Kerbal * closes #32 - Kaboom Safety Cover not localized * closes #35 - beta 3 beta - contributed by zer0Kerbal * closes #36 - Create es-es.cfg - contributed by Tacombel * closes #37 - Localization - English (United States)] - contributed by zer0Kerbal * closes #42 - Localization - Russian (Русский) - contributed by yalov * closes #52 - Localization - Spanish (Español) - contributed by Tacombel * closes #57 - localization fixes + ru - contributed by yalov * closes #58 - update ru.cfg localization- contributed by yalov * closes #59 - Version - SuperKlue Implosions!! - contributed by zer0Kerbal * updates #33 - Localization project - contributed by zer0kerbal * Bug * closes #24 - superklue docked docking ports while in flight - thank you to @Robin Patenall * closes #54 - typo in us-en.cfg * closes #56 - seconds not localized * Possible future changes * #39, #40, #41, #43, #44, #45, #46, #47, #48, #49, #50, #51 and #53 - more localizations * #25 - auto destruct during launch * #17, #18 - bigger boom, bigger badda-boom * #16 - boom stick * Duplicate issues cause by upgrading automation * closes #20 - Localization - zh-cn.cfg - Simplified Chinese * closes #21 - Localization - pt-br.cfg Brazil * closes #22 - Localization - en-us.cfg (English) --- ## Version - for KSP 1.12.3 [10-Oct-2021] * BETA TEST 3 * 2021-10-09 * 1.12.2 * #26 - [ImgBot] Optimize images Mod-enhancement, In progress, upstream- contributed by imgbot[bot] * #27 - WeldingDockingPorts documentation, priority-0, In progress, code-issue- contributed by yalov * #29 - upstream for upstream- contributed by zer0Kerbal * #31 - Merge pull request #29 from zer0Kerbal/master upstream- contributed by zer0Kerbal * #14 - Beta One: (file version documentation, Mod-enhancement, In progress, betareport, code-issuetype = Added * Localization * [en-us.cfg] * code localized ### Code * SuperKlue in-flight docking ports * thank you to ['@flart'](https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/profile/181486-flart/) @yalov * if glued kaboom is enabled and there was in-flight docking, docking ports kaboom together * longer ScreenMessage * remove unnecessary usings * update .csproj ### Status * Issues/MileStones * closes #14 - Beta One: (file version * updates #33 - Localization project - contributed by zer0kerbal * updates #22 - Localization - en-us.cfg (English) - all but one string - contributed by zer0kerbal * closes #26 - [ImgBot] Optimize images - contributed by imgbot[bot] * closes #27 - WeldingDockingPorts documentation, contributed by yalov * closes #29 - upstream for - contributed by zer0Kerbal * closes #31 - Merge pull request #29 from zer0Kerbal/master upstream - contributed by zer0Kerbal * closes #9 - compile for KSP 1.12.2 - .NET 4.7.2 - C# 10.0 - contributed by zer0Kerbal * Bug * opened #32 - Kaboom Safety Cover not localized * Possible future changes * #33, #20, #21, #22 - more localizations * #25 - auto destruct during launch * #17, #18 - bigger boom, bigger badda-boom * #16 - boom stick * #1 - staging --- ## Version - for KSP 1.12.3 [17-Sep-2021] * BETA TEST 2 * 2021-09-20 * 1.12.2 * update * folder structure * to modern back-end automation ### `Code' 📝 ✨ * thank you to ['@flart'](https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/profile/181486-flart/) @yalov * Invoke() with delay instead of OnUpdate(). * scale delay on timewarp. Parts are able to kaboom while timewarp * fix decoupling of decouplers on glued kaboom * fix missing title and fields for kabooming by kerbal within range * increase range to 10, same as EVA Construction Mode range ### Change * renamed [Patches] folder to [Compatibility] ### Issues Resolved ❌ * ✔ resolves issue #12 - fix kabooming by kerbal - contributed by yalov ### Status * closes #8 - moar boom - contributed by zer0Kerbal * closes #10 - Superglue - contributed by yalov * closes #2 - version for KSP 1.8 * closes #3 - version for KSP 1.9 * closes #4 - Update Spacedock/Curseforge * closes #6 - hangs load for KSP 1.12.x --- ## Version - for KSP 1.12.3 [20-Sep-2021] * BETA TEST 1 * 2021-09-16 * 1.12.2 * update folder structure * update to modern back-end automation ### `Code' 📝 ✨ * Updated 📝 ✨ * recompile for KSP 1.12.2 * update to .NET 4.7.2 * update to C# * updated Version.tt to --- ## Version * Moar Booms! * 2021-07-18 * 1.12.2 * update folder structure * update to modern back-end automationchange = Updated * recompile for KSP 1.12.x * update to .NET 4.7.2 * update to C# 9.0 * renamed ModuleKaboom.cs to Kaboom.cs ### Issues Resolved * resolves issue #6 --- ## Version * Now with more BOOM! * >>-- adoption by zer0Kerbal --<< * recompile for KSP 1.7.3 with .NET 3.5 * usual spring cleaning and automation * Add red switch safety plate to PAW * create new thread --- ## Version 1.1.3 * for Kerbal Space Program 1.4.3 * Released on 2017-06-25 * Updated for compatibility with KSP 1.3. --- ## Version 1.1.2 * for Kerbal Space Program 1.2 * Released on 2016-10-16 * Updated to support KSP 1.2 --- ## Version 1.1.1 * for Kerbal Space Program 1.1.3 * Released on 2016-07-09 --- ---