# Changelog | modName | DaMichel's Spherical Tanks (DST) | | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | | license | CC-BY-SA-3.0 | | author | DaMichel, Bezzier and zer0Kerbal | | forum | (https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/208140-*/) | | github | (https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/zer0Kerbal/SphericalTanks) | | curseforge | (https://www.curseforge.com/kerbal/ksp-mods/SphericalTanks) | | spacedock | (https://spacedock.info/mod/2342) | | ckan | DMTanks-SphericalTanks | ## Version - `` * 29 Jul 2022 * Release for Kerbal Space Program [KSP 1.12.x] ### Add * Dependency * DaMichel Ltd (agency, flag, common files) ### Asset Updates * create Assets/ folder * convert from mesh to MODEL * rename * models to unique names * textures to unique names * update * model pointers (.png et al to .dds) * model texture pointers to new names * relocate assets to Assets/ * eliminate * duplicate textures * duplicate models * relocate part.cfg to Parts * closes #29 - Asset Updates ### Localization * Update * * Add * Localization/ * [readme.md] * [quickstart.md] * updates #11 - English * updates #10 - Localization - Master ### Status * Issues * closes #6 - Spherical Tanks (DST) `` * closes #7 - Verify Legal Mumbo Jumbo * closes #8 - Update Documentation * closes #9 - Social Media --- ## Version - `` edition * 2020-02-24 * Released for Kerbal Space Program 1.9.1 ### Changes * removed * tags.cfg (redundant patch since tags now in localization) * updated product hero shots * created SpaceDock header * Thank you * @Joal ban Kluane * for suggesting improvement in the forum post(s) * @shdwlrd * for pointing out issues in part.cfg's * (s.i.c.) * @Jiraiyah * for pointing at the Karbonite patches. * (s.i.c.) * BenjaminCronin * for pointed out decorative right brace in changelogs * wite-out applied. * Also dangling VERSION. * superglued applied. ### Parts * Changed * [maximum_drag] from 0.25 to 0.2 (stock) * [minimum_drag] from 0.25 to 0.3 (stock) * [maxTemp from 1800] from 1400 to 2000 (stock) * Added * missing texture (c125-normalmap_NRM.dds) ### Localization * Updated * from #DM_sphericaltanks_* to #DST_* * Added into localization * new B9TankTypes * new patch ### Compatibility * Updated * integrated TweakScale module (removed KGEx, added freeScale = True) * [B9TankTypes.cfg] * Add tank definitions * [Karbonite] * [Karborundum] * unitsPerVolume probably need adjustment * currently set to 5 * seems there is a 5:1 ratio between LF and K * [B9PartSwitch.cfg] * Karbonite patch * [B9FuelSwitch-Snacks.cfg] * removed extraneous [SNACKS] * [B9FuelSwitch-TAC-LS.cfg] * removed extraneous [TAC] * Added * tank patch * [Karborundum] * if B9PartSwitch and Karbonite+ (Karborundum) is installed * [USI-Logistics] * to tanks * if USI-Logistics installed. * [B9FuelSwitch-Karborundum.cfg] * [Karborundum] * out of [B9FuelSwitch-Karbonite.cfg] * into its own patch ### Notes * Volumes between USI, DST, and stock * something is out of whack * Not Sphericaltanks * Appears to be USI-Kontainers holding about 10% more than mathimatically possible ### Status * Issues * closes #28 - Previous Releases * updates #29 - Asset Updates * closes #31 - * #4 - [ImgBot] Optimize images - contributed by imgbot[bot] * #6 - [ImgBot] Optimize images --- ## Version - `` * 2020-02-17 * Released for Kerbal Space Program 1.8.1 * adopted by zer0Kerbal * for Kerbal Space Program (KSP) 1.9.1 (might work for earlier) ### Localization * Add * Localization/ * [readme.md] * [quickstart.md] * * translations welcomed through GitHub Push Request * updates #10 - Localization - Master * closes #11 - English * closes #27 - Part Localization * updated license to CC BY-SA 4.0 * file structure and modernization * modernized part.cfg * many little changes to patches/parts. ### Created * Kerbal Changelog * Readme * github repo * SpaceDock entry * CKAN entry * Curseforge entry * Forum post * .json ### Asset Updates * create Assets/ folder * convert from mesh to MODEL * rename * models to unique names * textures to unique names * update * model pointers (.png et al to .dds) * model texture pointers to new names * relocate assets to Assets/ * eliminate * duplicate textures * duplicate models * relocate part.cfg to Parts * updates #29 - Asset Updates ### Status * Issues * updates #28 - Previous Releases * closes #30 - --- ## Version - - Cost Increase * Nov 03, 2017 * Kerbal Space Progrtam 1.3.1 * This release increases the cost of the AeroRTG by 50%, to offset its aerodynamic nature as compared to the original RTG. * The part continues to function, so this brings it up to date for 1.3.1. --- ## Version - - colorcurves update * May 10, 2016 * Kerbal Space Progrtam 1.0.5 * adopted by Bezzier (Color Curves) ### This brings these parts up to date by Correcting typos * Correcting typos * Rebalancing to stock values * costs * masses * temperatures * drag * Adding Core Heat * [techRequired] to experimentalElectrics --- ## Version - - Original by DaMichel * unknown version number * Apr 18-2014 * First release ---