# Changelog | modName | WhimChaser (WHIM) by Axial Aerospace | | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | | license | GPL-2.0 | | author | artwhaley and zer0Kerbal | | forum | (https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/204900-*/) | | github | (https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/zer0Kerbal/WhimChaser) | | curseforge | (https://www.curseforge.com/kerbal/ksp-mods/WhimChaser) | | spacedock | (https://spacedock.info/mod/3071) | | ckan | WhimChaser | ## Version `` edition * Released * 29 Jan 2023 * for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.5 * by [zer0Kerbal](https://github.com/zer0Kerbal) ### Summary * lots of linting and updates * IVA * now uses mk2CockpitStandardInternals instead of mk1CockpitInternal (2 crew vs 1) * Compatibility * Added * v1.0.0.0 * v1.0.0.0 * v1.0.0.0 * v1.0.0.0 * v1.0.0.0 * 2 crew * 3 days for both pod and smaller service module * 7 days for service module * removes some resources from serviced modules to make space for supplies * v1.3.0.0 * will be haunting until full release, then shut off but still included. * Updated * v1.1.0.0 ### Changes ### Parts * * 'maxTemp' set to 1500, was 3400 * 'deflectionLiftCoeff' moved into [ModuleLiftingSurface] * 'dragCoeff' moved into [ModuleControlSurface] * [ModuleReactionWheel] * `PitchTorque` = 10 {same} * `YawTorque` = 10 {same} * `RollTorque` = 5 * `torqueResponseSpeed` = 10 {commented out} * [ElectricCharge] = 0.25 {down from 0.3} * [ModuleResourceConverter] from 0.75 to 1.0 `ElectricCharge` consuming 0.001 instead of 0.00075 `MonoPropellant` * [ModuleDataTransmitter] stats now equal 16S DIRECT; except still RELAY instead of Direct * [ModuleRCSFX] * `runningEffectName` now {running} was {runningRCS} * `EngineType` = LiquidFuel instead of {LFO} * IVA * now uses mk2CockpitStandardInternals instead of mk1CockpitInternal (2 crew vs 1) * closes #7 - IVA interior * closes #14 - Missing IVA * closes #17 - part.cfg bugs ### Assets * update textures to DXT5 * Model has no lights, so cannot add to part.cfg * closes #53 - Asset Updates * closes #13 - Lights not working ### Compatibility * Add * v1.0.0.0 * v1.0.0.0 * v1.0.0.0 * v1.0.0.0 * v1.0.0.0 * Fix v1.0.1.0 * misplaced @ was O@x * closes #10 - **kOS** * closes #11 - **RemoteTech** * closes #12 - Cargo ### License * Updated License: GPL-2.0 * was: Expat-MIT * closes #58 - Update License ### Localization * Create * [WhimChaser.cfg] v1.0.0.0 * adds localized tags to parts * Localization/ * v1.2.0.0 * [readme.md] v2.1.2.0 * [quickstart.md] v1.0.1.1 * updates #23 - Localization Master * closes #24 - Localization - English * closes #57 - Add localized tags to parts * closes #55 - Localization ### Documentation * Update all documentation to current standards * closes #54 - docs/ ### Status * Issues * closes #59 - WhimChaser (WHIM) `` edition * closes #60 - Verify Legal Mumbo Jumbo * closes #61 - Update Documentation * closes #62 - Update Social Media * closes #40 - Update AA WhimChaser (end beta - new release) --- ## Version `` edition * Released on 2021-09-17 * For Kerbal Space Program 1.12.2 ### `>>-- adopted for curation by zer0Kerbal --<<` DO A CLEAN INSTALL: DELETE EXISTING THEN RE-INSTALL Resources and corresponding tanks have changed density/volume/cost/mass ### Parts * updated * part.cfg: * added explosionPotential * nodes (flipped orientation as needed) * updates #17 - part.cfg bugs ### Changelog, .version, Readme.md * created Changelog.cfg [KERBALCHANGELOG] (.this) * Add license field * Add author node * Add version naming field * added additional fields in .version (might need to tweak urls) * added shields to Readme.md ### Online * GitHub Repo * created Forum Thread * updated SpaceDock * updated CKAN/NetKAN ### modernization, polish, update pass on .cfg * mesh = with MODEL{} * .tga -> .dds ( 12.0mb -> 2.66mb ) * 4.0mb -> 1.33mb * 4.0mb -> 1.33mb * 4.0mb -> 0mb (eliminated) * in patches * deploy/release process ### Adoption by zer0Kerbal * Adoption Papers * Adoption Notice * licenses * for existing repo/postings ### Organize for adoption * folder structure * Add * license(s) file(s) * .version file * automated backend * jsons * Changelog.md -> Kerbal Changelog Changelog.cfg * Updated Readme.md * changelog into separate file ### Asset Updates * moved art into .this/Assets/ * updated texture pointers in model (original, png, dds included) * create Assets/ folder * convert from mesh to MODEL * rename * models to unique names * textures to unique names * update * model pointers (.png et al to .dds) * model texture pointers to new names * relocate assets to Assets/ * eliminate * duplicate textures * duplicate models * relocate part.cfg to Parts/ ### docs/ * Add * [`_config.yml`] * [Attribution.md] v1.0.7.1 * [ManualInstallation.md] v1.1.8.0 * [404.md] v1.0.3.2 * [LegalMumboJumbo.md] v1.0.5.1 * [Localizations.md] v1.1.7.0 * [Marketing.md] v1.0.1.0 * [Notices.md] v1.0.1.0 * [Part-Catalog.md] v1.1.4.1 * [Why.md] v1.1.0.0 * closes #4 - Needs a wiki ### Localization * Localization * .this/Localization/ * localization (en-us.cfg) * phrasing a smudge * Create * Localization/ * * [readme.md] v2.1.2.0 * [quickstart.md] v1.0.1.1 * updates #23 - Localization - Master * closes #24 - Localization - English (United States) * closes #3 - Localization ### Status * Issues * closes #43 - WhimChaser (WHIM) `` edition * closes #44 - Verify Legal Mumbo Jumbo * closes #45 - Update Documentation * closes #46 - Update Social Media * closes #18 - ***Repo*** * closes #19 - ***Social*** * closes #20 - **Legal MumboJumbo** * closes #21 - ***Adoption*** * closes #49- * closes #50- * closes #42 - Previous Archival Releases --- ## Version * September 2, 2014 * docking ports 'control from here' feature working ### Status * Issues * closes #50- * closes #42 - Previous Archival Releases --- ## Version - `` edition * September 2, 2014 * For Kerbal Space Program 0.25 * improved main pod * mesh * texture * adds * two service modules * They're heavy and they don't provide any lift * designed to be detached before re-entry! * integrated junior compatible docking ports * give additional * fuel, battery, and monopropellant ### Status * Issues * closes #49 - * updates #42 - Previous Archival Releases --- ## Version * No changelog provided --- ## Version * No changelog provided --- ## Version * Version 2 * For Kerbal Space Program 0.24.2 * Released on 2014-08-27 * improvements to * mesh * texture * Still not finished, by far, but better than they were! * part.cfg * Added * remote control/flight without any kerbals onboard... * which is useful for rescue missions * keeping with the capabilities of the actual Dream Chaser as well! --- ## Version * Version 1 * For Kerbal Space Program 0.24.2 * Released on 2014-08-27 * No changelog provided ---