# SwipeLayout [![](https://jitpack.io/v/zerobranch/SwipeLayout.svg)](https://jitpack.io/#zerobranch/SwipeLayout) [![license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/mashape/apistatus.svg)](https://github.com/zerobranch/SwipeLayout/blob/master/LICENSE) [![Android Arsenal](https://img.shields.io/badge/Android%20Arsenal-SwipeLayout-green.svg?style=flat)](https://android-arsenal.com/details/1/7215) SwipeLayout is a project for the android platform, providing the opportunity to perform swipe for any layout, in the specified direction. ### Choose language [English](https://github.com/zerobranch/SwipeLayout/blob/master/README.md) [Русский](https://github.com/zerobranch/SwipeLayout/blob/master/RUSSIAN_README.md) ## Description SwipeLayout is just a 'Custom ViewGroup', extended from FrameLayout, which provides easy and fast to use the 'swipe to dismiss' function, without using the ItemTouchHelper, for any layout. ## Download Download the sample [APK](https://github.com/zerobranch/SwipeLayout/releases/download/1.3.0/SwipeLayout_app.apk) and try it out! ## Screenshots left.gif right.gif horizontal.gif ## Features - Executing the swipe to the left - Executing the swipe to the right - Executing the swipe and left and right - Using any your layouts - Four modes of swipe, which can be combined with each other ## Integration **Option 1** Copy the attrs.xml file to the src/res/values folder and the SwipeLayout.java file to the source code folder of your project from the [gist](https://gist.github.com/zerobranch/64359efd499ed38f6996390e79a5eadc) and to use. **Option 2** Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories: ```groovy allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } } } ``` Add the following dependency to your module's build.gradle: ```groovy dependencies { implementation 'com.github.zerobranch:SwipeLayout:1.3.1' } ``` ## How to use ? Example of use. Swipe to the left ```xml ``` ``` Above is an example of a layout. For the correct operation of the swipe it is necessary to add