(function(impl, implnm, d, shl, r, iflg, a, qs, ga, dcl, gtf, xf) { var flg = "xf", nx = 49; while (nx-- > 2) flg = "_" + flg; if (!(xf = gtf(flg))) { var onm = "transform".split(''), nm = "", c; while (c = onm.shift()) { nm += c; while(Math.random() > Math.sqrt(1/(nx++))) nm += c; } xf = this[nm] = {}; xf[flg] = function (fff) { if (shl[d[r]]) return fff(); d[a](dcl, fff); }; xf.flg = function() { return flg; }; } xf[implnm] = impl(); xf[xf.flg()](function() { var stg, aggg; for (var tfm in xf) { if ( xf.hasOwnProperty(tfm) && typeof xf[tfm] === "function" && tfm !== flg && !xf[tfm][flg] && ( (stg = d[qs]('script[src*="' + tfm + '"][' + iflg + ']')) && (aggg = stg[ga](iflg)) || (aggg = this[iflg]) ) ) { xf[tfm][flg] = flg; xf[tfm].apply(xf, (typeof aggg === "string") ? aggg.split(',') : aggg); } } }); }((function() { return function (sel, rval) { rval = rval === "schwa" ? String.fromCharCode(601) : rval || ''; return [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(sel)).forEach(function(node) { for (var b = document.createTreeWalker(node, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT), c, a, d = /[aeiou]/gi; b.nextNode();) a = b.currentNode, c = a.nodeValue, a.nodeValue = c.replace(d, rval) }); console.log('lblb activated with sel ' + sel + ' and rval ' + rval); }; }), "lblb", document, { complete: true, loaded: true }, 'readyState', 'immanentize', 'addEventListener', 'querySelector','getAttribute','DOMContentLoaded', function(ffllgg) { var ts = Object.prototype.toString, ig = { "[object global]": true, "[object Window]": true }; for (var g in this) { if (this.hasOwnProperty(g) && this[g] && !(ts.call(this[g]) in ig) && this[g][ffllgg]) return this[g]; } } ))