{ "setup": { "welcome": "Welcome", "chooseAccount": "Choose an account", "refresh": "Refresh", "help": "Need help?", "noUsers": "No Steam users found", "learn": "Learn why" }, "search": { "games": "Search for a game", "achievements": "Search for an achievement", "statistics": "Search for a statistic" }, "notifications": { "empty": "No notifications", "markAllRead": "Mark all as read" }, "menu": { "guide": "User Guide", "issue": "Report an Issue", "feature": "Request a Feature", "support": "Support the Project", "changelog": "View Changelog", "update": "Check for Updates.." }, "gamesList": { "title": "Your Games", "sort": { "titleAsc": "Title Ascending", "titleDesc": "Title Descending", "playtimeDesc": "Playtime High-Low", "playtimeAsc": "Playtime Low-High", "recent": "Recently Played" }, "private": { "message": "Unable to retrieve games list. This is usually because:", "change": "Change your privacy settings", "tryAgain": "Try Again", "reason": { "1": "Your profile is set to private", "2": "Your game details are set to private", "3": "You have no games in your library", "4": "You are using an invalid Steam web API key" } } }, "idlingGames": { "title": "Idling Games", "subtitle": "Games that you are currently idling will appear here", "stopAll": "Stop All" }, "customLists": { "cardFarming": { "subtitle": "Add games to this list to farm their trading cards", "buttonLabel": "Start Card Farming" }, "achievementUnlocker": { "subtitle": "Add games to this list to unlock their achievements", "buttonLabel": "Start Achievement Unlocker" }, "autoIdle": { "title": "Auto-Idle", "subtitle": "Add games to this list to automatically idle them on launch" }, "favorites": { "title": "Favorites", "subtitle": "Your favorite games" }, "manualAdd": { "title": "Add a Game", "gameName": "Game Name", "gameId": "Game ID" }, "edit": "Edit List", "inList": "In List", "addAll": "Add All", "invalid": "Invalid list type" }, "automation": { "cardFarming": { "initialDelay": "This might take a second..", "progress": "Idling <1>{{count}}</1> game(s) with <3>{{total}}</3> total card drop(s) remaining" }, "achievementUnlocker": { "initialDelay": "Starting in <1>{{timer}}</1>", "delay": "Next unlock in <1>{{timer}}</1>", "progress": "Unlocking <1>{{count}}</1> achievement(s) for <3>{{appName}}</3>", "scheduleWait": "Achievement unlocking paused due to being outside of the scheduled time and will resume again once inside the scheduled time" } }, "freeGames.title": "Free Games", "cardMenu": { "idle": "Start idling", "achievements": "View achievements", "store": "View store page", "settings": "Game settings" }, "gameSettings": { "idle": "Max idle time (minutes)", "drops": "Max card drops", "achievements": "Max achievement unlocks" }, "achievementManager": { "steam": "View on Steam", "steamDB": "View on SteamDB", "file": "View in File Explorer", "alert": "Some protected achievements or statistics have been disabled. <1>Learn more</1>", "achievements": { "title": "Achievements", "empty": "No achievements found", "unlockAll": "Unlock All", "lockAll": "Lock All", "unlock": "Unlock", "lock": "Lock", "protected": "Protected", "modal": "Are you sure you want to <1>{{state}}</1> all achievements?", "sort": { "percent": "Percentage", "title": "Alphabetically", "unlocked": "Unlocked", "locked": "Locked", "unprotected": "Unprotected", "protected": "Protected" } }, "statistics": { "title": "Statistics", "empty": "No statistics found", "saveChanges": "Save Changes", "resetAll": "Reset All", "flags": "Flags" } }, "settings": { "title": "Settings", "general": { "title": "General", "antiAway": "Prevent away status on Steam", "freeGameNotifications": "Get notifications about free games", "runAtStartup": "Run at startup", "language": "Language", "theme": "Theme", "webApi": "Use your own <1>Steam web API key</1>(optional). <3>Learn more</3>", "webApi.placeholder": "Steam web API key", "userSummary": "Logged in as", "helpTranslate": "Help translate SGI", "languages": { "english": "English", "german": "German (Deutsch)", "russian": "Russian (Русский)", "italian": "Italian (Italiano)", "portuguese_brazil": "Portuguese - Brazil (Português)", "ukrainian": "Ukrainian (Українська)" } }, "cardFarming": { "listGames": "Farm cards for games in the Card Farming list", "allGames": "Farm cards for all games with card drops remaining", "steamCredentials": "Steam credentials are required in order to use the Card Farming feature. <1>Learn more</1>", "userSummary": "Farming cards as" }, "achievementUnlocker": { "idle": "Idle games while Achievement Unlocker is active", "hidden": "Skip hidden achievements", "scheduleLabel": "Only unlock achievements between", "scheduleAnd": "and", "interval": "Unlock achievements randomly every {{min}} to {{max}} minutes" }, "logs": { "title": "Logs", "openLogFile": "Open in File Explorer", "clearLogs": "Clear Logs", "time": "Time", "message": "Message" }, "resetSettings": { "button": "Reset Settings" }, "clearData": { "button": "Clear Data" }, "exportData": "Export Data" }, "confirmation": { "logout": "Are you sure you want to logout?", "resetStatistics": "Are you sure you want to <1>reset</1> all statistics?", "resetSettings": "Are you sure you want to reset settings to default?", "clearData": "Are you sure you want to clear all data?", "steamClosed": "Steam is not running. Open the Steam client to continue" }, "toast": { "steam": "Steam is not running", "mismatch": "Account mismatch between Steam and SGI", "missingCredentials": "Missing card farming credentials in \"settings > card farming\"", "outdatedCredentials": "Card farming credentials need to be updated in \"settings > card farming\"", "incorrectCredentials": "Incorrect card farming credentials", "enableAllGames": "Add some games to your card farming list or enable \"all games\" in \"settings > card farming\"", "noGames": "There are no games in your achievement unlocker list", "configSettings": "Please configure the settings first", "refetch.cooldown": "Games can be refreshed again at {{time}}", "achievementData.error": "Error fetching achievement data", "startIdle.success": "Started idling {{appName}} ({{appId}})", "startIdle.alreadyIdling": "{{appName}} ({{appId}}) is already being idled", "startIdle.error": "Failed to start idling {{appName}} ({{appId}})", "stopIdle.success": "Stopped idling {{appName}} ({{appId}})", "stopIdle.error": "Failed to stop idling {{appName}} ({{appId}})", "stopIdleAll.success": "Stopped idling {{count}} game(s)", "stopIdleAll.error": "Failed to stop idling all game(s)", "exportData.success": "Data copied to clipboard", "exportData.error": "Error exporting data", "toggle.success": "{{type}} {{achievementName}} for {{appName}}", "toggle.error": "Failed to {{type}} {{achievementName}} for {{appName}}", "unlockAll.success": "Successfully unlocked {{count}} achievement(s) for {{appName}}", "lockAll.success": "Successfully locked {{count}} achievement(s) for {{appName}}", "updateAll.success": "Successfully updated {{count}} statistic(s) for {{appName}}", "updateAll.noChanges": "No statistics have been modified", "updateAll.error": "Unable to update statistics", "resetAll.success": "Successfully reset {{count}} statistic(s) for {{appName}}", "resetAll.error": "Unable to reset statistics", "cardFarming.logIn": "Credentials validated for {{user}}", "cardFarming.logOut": "Successfully cleared credentials", "apiKey.save": "Steam web API key saved successfully", "apiKey.clear": "Steam web API key cleared successfully", "clearLogs.success": "Logs cleared successfully", "resetSettings.success": "Settings have been reset to default", "checkUpdate.none": "No updates available", "checkUpdate.error": "Error checking for updates" }, "common": { "cardFarming": "Card Farming", "achievementUnlocker": "Achievement Unlocker", "showing": "Showing {{count}} of {{total}} games", "learnMore": "Learn More", "error": "An error occurred. Check the logs for more information", "start": "Start", "stop": "Stop", "notice": "Notice", "confirm": "Confirm", "done": "Done", "add": "Add", "save": "Save", "close": "Close", "cancel": "Cancel", "clear": "Clear" } }