import macros import strutils import tables import npeg/[common,patt,stack,capture] type RetFrame = int BackFrame = object ip*: int # Instruction pointer si*: int # Subject index rp*: int # Retstack top pointer cp*: int # Capstack top pointer pp*: int # PrecStack top pointer PrecFrame = int MatchResult*[S] = object ok*: bool matchLen*: int matchMax*: int cs*: Captures[S] MatchState*[S] = object ip*: int si*: int simax*: int refs*: Table[string, string] retStack*: Stack[RetFrame] capStack*: Stack[CapFrame[S]] backStack*: Stack[BackFrame] precStack*: Stack[PrecFrame] Parser*[S, T] = object fn_init*: proc(): MatchState[S] when npegGcsafe: fn_run*: proc(ms: var MatchState[S], s: openArray[S], u: var T): MatchResult[S] {.gcsafe.} else: fn_run*: proc(ms: var MatchState[S], s: openArray[S], u: var T): MatchResult[S] # This macro translates `$1`.. into `capture[1].s`.. and `@1` into `capture[1].si` # for use in code block captures. The source nimnode lineinfo is recursively # copied to the newly genreated node to make sure "Capture out of range" # exceptions are properly traced. proc doSugar(n, captureId: NimNode): NimNode = proc cli(n2: NimNode) = n2.copyLineInfo(n) for nc in n2: cli(nc) let isIntPrefix = n.kind == nnkPrefix and n[0].kind == nnkIdent and n[1].kind == nnkIntLit if isIntPrefix and n[0].eqIdent("$"): result = newDotExpr(nnkBracketExpr.newTree(captureId, n[1]), ident("s")) cli result elif isIntPrefix and n[0].eqIdent("@"): result = newDotExpr(nnkBracketExpr.newTree(captureId, n[1]), ident("si")) cli result else: result = copyNimNode(n) for nc in n: result.add doSugar(nc, captureId) # Generate the parser main loop. The .computedGoto. pragma will generate code # using C computed gotos, which will get highly optmized, mostly eliminating # the inner parser loop. Nim limits computed goto to a maximum of 10_000 # cases; if our program is this large, emit a warning and do not use a # computed goto proc genLoopCode(program: Program, casesCode: NimNode): NimNode= result = nnkWhileStmt.newTree(true.newLit, nnkStmtList.newTree()) if program.patt.len < 10_000: result[1].add nnkPragma.newTree("computedGoto".ident) else: warning "Grammar too large for computed goto, falling back to normal 'case'" result[1].add casesCode # Generate out all the case handlers for the parser program proc genCasesCode*(program: Program, sType, uType, uId: NimNode, ms, s, si, simax, ip: NimNode): NimNode = result = quote: case `ip` for ipNow, i in program.patt.pairs: let ipNext = ipNow + 1 opName = newLit(repeat(" ", i.indent) & ($i.op).toLowerAscii[2..^1]) iname = newLit( ipFail = if i.failOffset == 0: program.patt.high else: ipNow + i.failOffset var call = case i.op: of opChr: let ch = newLit( quote: trace `ms`, `iname`, `opName`, `s`, "\"" & escapeChar(`ch`) & "\"" if `si` < `s`.len and `s`[`si`] == `ch`.char: inc `si` `ip` = `ipNext` else: `ip` = `ipFail` of opLit: let lit = i.lit quote: trace `ms`, `iname`, `opName`, `s`, `lit`.repr if `si` < `s`.len and `s`[`si`] == `lit`: inc `si` `ip` = `ipNext` else: `ip` = `ipFail` of opSet: let cs = newLit(i.cs) quote: trace `ms`, `iname`, `opName`, `s`, dumpSet(`cs`) if `si` < `s`.len and `s`[`si`] in `cs`: inc `si` `ip` = `ipNext` else: `ip` = `ipFail` of opSpan: let cs = newLit(i.cs) quote: trace `ms`, `iname`, `opName`, `s`, dumpSet(`cs`) while `si` < `s`.len and `s`[`si`] in `cs`: inc `si` `ip` = `ipNext` of opChoice: let ip2 = newLit(ipNow + i.ipOffset) let siOffset = newLit(i.siOffset) quote: trace `ms`, `iname`, `opName`, `s`, $`ip2` push(`ms`.backStack, BackFrame(ip:`ip2`, si:`si`+`siOffset`, rp:`ms`, cp:`ms`, pp:`ms` `ip` = `ipNext` of opCommit: let ip2 = newLit(ipNow + i.ipOffset) quote: trace `ms`, `iname`, `opName`, `s`, $`ip2` discard pop(`ms`.backStack) `ip` = `ip2` of opCall: let label = newLit(i.callLabel) let ip2 = newLit(ipNow + i.callOffset) quote: trace `ms`, `iname`, `opName`, `s`, `label` & ":" & $`ip2` push(`ms`.retStack, `ipNext`) `ip` = `ip2` of opJump: let label = newLit(i.callLabel) let ip2 = newLit(ipNow + i.callOffset) quote: trace `ms`, `iname`, `opName`, `s`, `label` & ":" & $`ip2` `ip` = `ip2` of opCapOpen: let capKind = newLit(i.capKind) let capName = newLit(i.capName) let capSiOffset = newLit(i.capSiOffset) quote: trace `ms`, `iname`, `opName`, `s`, $`capKind` & " -> " & $`si` push(`ms`.capStack, CapFrame[`sType`](cft: cftOpen, si: `si`+`capSiOffset`, ck: `capKind`, name: `capName`)) `ip` = `ipNext` of opCapClose: let ck = newLit(i.capKind) case i.capKind: of ckCodeBlock: let captureId = ident "capture" let code = doSugar(i.capAction, captureId) quote: trace `ms`, `iname`, `opName`, `s`, "ckCodeBlock -> " & $`si` push(`ms`.capStack, CapFrame[`sType`](cft: cftClose, si: `si`, ck: `ck`)) let capture = collectCaptures(fixCaptures[`sType`](`s`, `ms`.capStack, FixOpen)) proc fn(`captureId`: Captures[`sType`], `ms`: var MatchState[`sType`], `uId`: var `uType`): bool = result = true `code` if fn(capture, `ms`, `uId`): `ip` = `ipNext` else: `ip` = `ipFail` of ckRef: quote: trace `ms`, `iname`, `opName`, `s`, "ckRef -> " & $`si` push(`ms`.capStack, CapFrame[`sType`](cft: cftClose, si: `si`, ck: `ck`)) let r = collectCapturesRef(fixCaptures[`sType`](`s`, `ms`.capStack, FixOpen)) `ms`.refs[r.key] = r.val `ip` = `ipNext` else: quote: trace `ms`, `iname`, `opName`, `s`, $`ck` & " -> " & $`si` push(`ms`.capStack, CapFrame[`sType`](cft: cftClose, si: `si`, ck: `ck`)) `ip` = `ipNext` of opBackref: let refName = newLit(i.refName) quote: if `refName` in `ms`.refs: let s2 = `ms`.refs[`refName`] trace `ms`, `iname`, `opName`, `s`, `refName` & ":\"" & s2 & "\"" if subStrCmp(`s`, `s`.len, `si`, s2): inc `si`, s2.len `ip` = `ipNext` else: `ip` = `ipFail` else: raise newException(NPegUnknownBackrefError, "Unknown back reference '" & `refName` & "'") of opErr: let msg = newLit(i.msg) quote: trace `ms`, `iname`, `opName`, `s`, `msg` var e = newException(NPegParseError, `msg`) `simax` = max(`simax`, `si`) raise e of opReturn: quote: trace `ms`, `iname`, `opName`, `s` if `ms` > 0: `ip` = pop(`ms`.retStack) else: result.ok = true `simax` = max(`simax`, `si`) break of opAny: quote: trace `ms`, `iname`, `opName`, `s` if `si` < `s`.len: inc `si` `ip` = `ipNext` else: `ip` = `ipFail` of opNop: quote: trace `ms`, `iname`, `opName`, `s` `ip` = `ipNext` of opPrecPush: if i.prec == 0: quote: push(`ms`.precStack, 0) `ip` = `ipNext` else: let (iPrec, iAssoc) = (i.prec.newLit, i.assoc.newLit) let exp = if i.assoc == assocLeft: quote: peek(`ms`.precStack) < `iPrec` else: quote: peek(`ms`.precStack) <= `iPrec` quote: if `exp`: push(`ms`.precStack, `iPrec`) `ip` = `ipNext` else: `ip` = `ipFail` of opPrecPop: quote: discard `ms`.precStack.pop() `ip` = `ipNext` of opFail: quote: `simax` = max(`simax`, `si`) if `ms` > 0: trace `ms`, "", "opFail", `s`, "(backtrack)" let t = pop(`ms`.backStack) (`ip`, `si`, `ms`, `ms`, `ms` = (t.ip,, t.rp, t.cp, t.pp) else: trace `ms`, "", "opFail", `s`, "(error)" break # Recursively copy the line info from the original instruction NimNode into # the generated Nim code proc aux(n: NimNode) = n.copyLineInfo(i.nimNode) for nc in n: aux(nc) aux(call) result.add nnkOfBranch.newTree(newLit(ipNow), call) # Generate code for tracing the parser. An empty stub is generated if tracing # is disabled proc genTraceCode*(program: Program, sType, uType, uId, ms, s, si, simax, ip: NimNode): NimNode = when npegTrace: result = quote: proc doTrace[sType](`ms`: var MatchState, iname, opname: string, ip: int, s: openArray[sType], si: int, ms: var MatchState, msg: string) {.nimcall.} = echo align(if ip >= 0: $ip else: "", 3) & "|" & align($(peek(ms.precStack)), 3) & "|" & align($si, 3) & "|" & alignLeft(dumpSubject(s, si, 24), 24) & "|" & alignLeft(iname, 15) & "|" & alignLeft(opname & " " & msg, 40) & "|" & repeat("*", template trace(`ms`: var MatchState, iname, opname: string, `s`: openArray[`sType`], msg = "") = doTrace(`ms`, iname, opname, `ip`, `s`, `si`, `ms`, msg) else: result = quote: template trace(`ms`: var MatchState, iname, opname: string, `s`: openArray[`sType`], msg = "") = discard # Augment exception stack traces with the NPeg return stack and re-raise proc genExceptionCode(ms, ip, si, simax, symTab: NimNode): NimNode = quote: # Helper proc to add a stack frame for the given ip var trace: seq[StackTraceEntry] let symTab = `symTab` proc aux(ip: int) = let sym = symTab[ip] trace.insert StackTraceEntry(procname: cstring(sym.repr), filename: cstring(sym.lineInfo.filename), line: sym.lineInfo.line) # On older Nim versions e.trace is not accessible, in this case just # dump the exception to stdout if npgStacktrace is enabled when npegStacktrace: echo $(sym.lineInfo) & ": " & sym.repr # Emit current IP and unwind all addresses from the return stack aux(`ip`) while `ms` > 0: aux(`ms`.retStack.pop()) let e = getCurrentException() when compiles(e.trace.pop()): # drop the generated parser fn() from the trace and replace by the NPeg frames discard e.trace.pop() e.trace.add trace # Re-reaise the exception with the augmented stack trace and match index filled in if e of NPegException: let eref = (ref NPegException)(e) eref.matchLen = `si` eref.matchMax = `simax` raise # Convert the list of parser instructions into a Nim finite state machine # # - sType is the base type of the subject; typically `char` but can be specified # to be another type by the user # - uType is the type of the userdata, if not used this defaults to `bool` # - uId is the identifier of the userdata, if not used this defaults to `userdata` proc genCode*(program: Program, sType, uType, uId: NimNode): NimNode = let count = program.patt.high suffix = "_NP" ms = ident "ms" & suffix s = ident "s" & suffix si = ident "si" & suffix ip = ident "ip" & suffix simax = ident "simax" & suffix casesCode = genCasesCode(program, sType, uType, uId, ms, s, si, simax, ip) loopCode = genLoopCode(program, casesCode) traceCode = genTraceCode(program, sType, uType, uId, ms, s, si, simax, ip) exceptionCode = genExceptionCode(ms, ip, si, simax, newLit(program.symTab)) result = quote: proc fn_init(): MatchState[`sType`] {.gensym.} = result = MatchState[`sType`]( retStack: initStack[RetFrame]("return", 8, npegRetStackSize), capStack: initStack[CapFrame[`sType`]]("capture", 8), backStack: initStack[BackFrame]("backtrace", 8, npegBackStackSize), precStack: initStack[PrecFrame]("precedence", 8, 16), ) push(result.precStack, 0) proc fn_run(`ms`: var MatchState, `s`: openArray[`sType`], `uId`: var `uType`): MatchResult {.gensym.} = # Create local instances of performance-critical MatchState vars, this # saves a dereference on each access var `ip`: range[0..`count`] = `ms`.ip `si` = `ms`.si `simax` = `ms`.simax # These templates are available for code blocks template validate(o: bool) {.used.} = if not o: return false template fail() {.used.} = return false template push(`s`: string|`sType`) {.used.} = push(`ms`.capStack, CapFrame[`sType`](cft: cftOpen, ck: ckPushed)) push(`ms`.capStack, CapFrame[`sType`](cft: cftClose, ck: ckPushed, sPushed: `s`)) # Emit trace and loop code try: `traceCode` `loopCode` except CatchableError: `exceptionCode` # When the parsing machine is done, copy the local copies of the # matchstate back, close the capture stack and collect all the captures # in the match result `ms`.ip = `ip` `ms`.si = `si` `ms`.simax = `simax` result.matchLen = `ms`.si result.matchMax = `ms`.simax if result.ok and `ms` > 0: result.cs = fixCaptures(`s`, `ms`.capStack, FixAll) # This is the result of genCode: a Parser object with two function # pointers: fn_init: initializes a MatchState object for this parser # fn_run: performs the parsing of the subject on the given matchstate Parser[`sType`,`uType`](fn_init: fn_init, fn_run: fn_run) when npegGcsafe: result[0].addPragma(ident("gcsafe")) when npegExpand: echo result.repr