#!/usr/bin/env bash # # The Alluxio Open Foundation licenses this work under the Apache License, version 2.0 # (the "License"). You may not use this work except in compliance with the License, which is # available at www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, # either express or implied, as more fully set forth in the License. # # See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for information regarding copyright ownership. # set -o errexit # exit when a command fails - append "|| true" to allow a # command to fail set -o nounset # exit when attempting to use undeclared variables # Show commands being run - useful to keep by default so that failures # are easy to debug through AWS set -x # script constants ALLUXIO_HOME=/opt/alluxio ALLUXIO_SITE_PROPERTIES=${ALLUXIO_HOME}/conf/alluxio-site.properties AWS_SHUTDOWN_ACTIONS_DIR=/mnt/var/lib/instance-controller/public/shutdown-actions/ USAGE="Usage: alluxio-emr.sh [-b ] [ -d ] [-f ] [-i ] [-p ] [-s ] alluxio-emr.sh is a script which can be used to bootstrap an AWS EMR cluster with Alluxio. It can download and install Alluxio as well as add properties specified as arguments to the script. By default, if the environment this script executes in does not already contain an Alluxio install at /opt/alluxio then it will download, untar, and configure the environment at /opt/alluxio. If an install already exists at /opt/alluxio, nothing will be installed over it, even if -d is specified. If a different Alluxio version is desired, see the -d option. (Required) The URI of the root UFS in the Alluxio namespace. -b An s3:// URI that the Alluxio master will write a backup to upon shutdown of the EMR cluster. The backup and and upload MUST be run within 60 seconds. If the backup cannot finish within 60 seconds, then an incomplete journal may be uploaded. This option is not recommended for production or mission critical use cases where the backup is relied upon to restore cluster state after a previous shutdown. -d An s3:// or http(s):// URI which points to an Alluxio tarball. This script will download and untar the Alluxio tarball and install Alluxio at /opt/alluxio if an Alluxio installation doesn't already exist at that location. -f An s3:// or http(s):// URI to any remote file. This property can be specified multiple times. Any file specified through this property will be downloaded and stored with the same name to /opt/alluxio/conf/ -i An s3:// or http(s):// URI which represents the URI of a previous Alluxio journal backup. If supplied, the backup will be downloaded, and upon Alluxio startup, the Alluxio master will read and restore the backup. -p A string containing a delimited set of properties which should be added to the ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/conf/alluxio-site.properties file. The delimiter by default is a semicolon \";\". If a different delimiter is desired use the [-s] argument. -s A string containing a single character representing what delimiter should be used to split the Alluxio properties provided in the [-p] argument. " # Downloads a file to the local machine from a remote HTTP(S) or S3 URI into the cwd # # Args: # $1: URI - the remote location to retrieve the file from download_file() { local uri="$1" if [[ "${uri}" == s3://* ]] then aws s3 cp "${uri}" ./ else # TODO Add metadata header tag to the wget for filtering out in download metrics. wget -nv "${uri}" fi } # Run a command as a specific user # Assumes the provided user already exists on the system and user running script has sudo access # # Args: # $1: user - the username to run the command as # $2: command - the command to run doas() { local user=$1 local cmd=$2 sudo runuser -l ${user} -c "${cmd}" } # Appends a property KV pair to the alluxio-site.properties file # # Args: # $1: property name # $2: property value append_alluxio_property() { local property="$1" local value="$2" # OK to fail in this section set +o errexit # ${ALLUXIO_SITE_PROPERTIES} must exist for this to work grep -qe "^\s*${property}=" ${ALLUXIO_SITE_PROPERTIES} 2> /dev/null local rv=$? set -o errexit # errors not ok anymore if [[ $rv -ne 0 ]]; then doas alluxio "echo '${property}=${value}' >> ${ALLUXIO_SITE_PROPERTIES}" fi } # Calculates the default memory size as 1/3 of the total system memory # # Echo's the result to stdout. To store the return value in a variable use # val=$(get_defaultmem_size) get_default_mem_size() { local mem_div=3 local phy_total=$(free -m | grep -oP '\d+' | head -n1) local mem_size=$(( ${phy_total} / ${mem_div} )) echo "${mem_size}MB" } # Gets the region of the current EC2 instance get_aws_region() { local ec2_avail_zone=$(curl -s local ec2_region="$(echo "${ec2_avail_zone}" | sed 's/[a-z]$//')" echo "${ec2_region}" } print_help() { if [[ "${1}" -eq "1" ]]; then echo -e "${USAGE}" >&2 exit 1 fi echo -e "${USAGE}" exit ${1} } # Installs alluxio to /opt/alluxio # # Arguments: # 1: The s3:// or http(s):// URI that points to an Alluxio tarball install_alluxio() { local alluxio_tarball alluxio_tarball="${1}" download_file ${alluxio_tarball} local release=`basename "${alluxio_tarball}"` local release_unzip="${release%".tar.gz"}" release_unzip="${release_unzip%-[ab][il][ln]*}" # Unpack and inflate the release tar # TODO logic for different compression formats, s3 URIs, git URIs, etc. sudo cp "${release}" /opt/ sudo tar -xpvf "/opt/${release}" -C /opt/ sudo rm -R "/opt/${release}" sudo mv "/opt/${release_unzip}" "${ALLUXIO_HOME}" sudo chown -R alluxio:alluxio "${ALLUXIO_HOME}" rm "${release}" # Add ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/bin to PATH for all users echo "export PATH=$PATH:${ALLUXIO_HOME}/bin" | sudo tee /etc/profile.d/alluxio.sh } # Puts a shutdown hook under the EMR defined # /mnt/var/lib/instance-controller/public/shutdown-actions/ directory. # # Arguments: # 1: The URI to upload the backup to. Requires Alluxio to still be running. register_backup_on_shutdown() { local backup_uri backup_uri="${1}" mkdir -p "${AWS_SHUTDOWN_ACTIONS_DIR}" BACKUP_DIR=/tmp/alluxio_backups echo "#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script will shut down, and then back up and upload the Alluxio journal to # the S3 path ${AWS_SHUTDOWN_ACTIONS_DIR}. The path can then be used in # conjunction with the -i (restore from backup) option. set -x mkdir -p ${BACKUP_DIR} chmod 777 ${BACKUP_DIR} ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/bin/alluxio fsadmin backup ${BACKUP_DIR} --local aws s3 cp --recursive ${BACKUP_DIR} \"${backup_uri}\" " > "${AWS_SHUTDOWN_ACTIONS_DIR}/alluxio-backup.sh" } main() { local alluxio_tarball local backup_uri local root_ufs_uri local property_delimiter local delimited_properties local restore_from_backup_uri local files_list if [[ "$#" -lt "1" ]]; then echo -e "No root UFS URI provided" print_help 1 fi root_ufs_uri="${1}" shift alluxio_tarball="" backup_uri="" delimited_properties="" files_list="" property_delimiter=";" restore_from_backup_uri="" while getopts "b:d:f:i:p:s:" option; do case "${option}" in b) backup_uri="${OPTARG}" ;; d) alluxio_tarball="${OPTARG}" ;; f) # URIs to http(s)/s3 URIs should be URL encoded, so a space delimiter # works without issue. files_list+=" ${OPTARG}" ;; i) restore_from_backup_uri="${OPTARG}" ;; p) delimited_properties="${OPTARG}" ;; s) property_delimiter="${OPTARG}" ;; *) print_help 1 ;; esac done if [[ -z "${alluxio_tarball}" ]]; then alluxio_tarball="https://downloads.alluxio.io/downloads/files/2.0.1/alluxio-2.0.1-bin.tar.gz" fi # Create user id -u alluxio &>/dev/null || sudo useradd alluxio if [[ ! -d "/opt/alluxio" ]]; then install_alluxio "${alluxio_tarball}" fi if [[ ! -d "/opt/alluxio" ]]; then echo -e "/opt/alluxio install not found. Please provide a download URI with -d or install it on the OS before running this script." exit 1 fi local aws_region=$(get_aws_region) #Get hostnames and load into masters/workers file local emr_cluster=$(jq '.jobFlowId' /mnt/var/lib/info/job-flow.json | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') local hostlist=$(aws emr list-instances --cluster-id ${emr_cluster} --region ${aws_region} | jq '.Instances[].PrivateDnsName' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') # Should succeed only on workers. Otherwise, var is left empty local master=$(jq '.masterHost' /mnt/var/lib/info/extraInstanceData.json | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' | nslookup | awk '/name/{print substr($NF,1,length($NF)-1)}') # Logic to get master hostname if on the master if [[ -z "${master}" ]] then master=`hostname` master=${master}.${aws_region}."compute.internal" fi local workers=`printf '%s\n' "${hostlist//$master/}"` doas alluxio "echo '${master}' > ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/conf/masters" doas alluxio "echo '${workers}' > ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/conf/workers" # Identify master local is_master=`jq '.isMaster' /mnt/var/lib/info/instance.json` # Download files provided by "-f" to /opt/alluxio/conf IFS=" " read -ra files_to_be_downloaded <<< "${files_list}" if [ "${#files_to_be_downloaded[@]}" -gt "0" ]; then for file in "${files_to_be_downloaded[@]}"; do local filename="$(basename ${file})" download_file "${file}" sudo mv "${filename}" "${ALLUXIO_HOME}/conf/${filename}" done sudo chown -R alluxio:alluxio "${ALLUXIO_HOME}/conf" fi # Add newline to alluxio-site.properties in case the provided file doesn't end in newline doas alluxio "echo >> ${ALLUXIO_SITE_PROPERTIES}" if [[ "${delimited_properties}" ]]; then # Inject user defined properties from args IFS="${property_delimiter}" read -ra conf <<< "${delimited_properties}" for property in "${conf[@]}"; do local key=${property%%"="*} local value=${property#*"="} append_alluxio_property "${key}" "${value}" done fi local mem_size=$(get_default_mem_size) # Query S3 for canonical ID of user and strip out the quotes local canonical_id="$(aws s3api list-buckets --query "Owner.ID" | sed "s/\"//g")" # Append default configs to site properties if the user hasn't set them # already doas alluxio "echo '# BEGIN AUTO-GENERATED PROPERTIES' >> ${ALLUXIO_SITE_PROPERTIES}" doas alluxio "echo '# Override these by specifying an alluxio-site.properties file, or delimited args within the EMR bootstrap' >> ${ALLUXIO_SITE_PROPERTIES}" append_alluxio_property alluxio.master.hostname "${master}" append_alluxio_property alluxio.master.journal.type "UFS" append_alluxio_property alluxio.master.mount.table.root.ufs "${root_ufs_uri}" append_alluxio_property alluxio.master.security.impersonation.hive.users "*" append_alluxio_property alluxio.master.security.impersonation.presto.users "*" append_alluxio_property alluxio.master.security.impersonation.yarn.users "*" append_alluxio_property alluxio.worker.memory.size "${mem_size}" append_alluxio_property alluxio.worker.tieredstore.level0.alias "MEM" append_alluxio_property alluxio.worker.tieredstore.level0.dirs.path "/mnt/ramdisk" append_alluxio_property alluxio.worker.tieredstore.levels "1" append_alluxio_property alluxio.security.authorization.permission.enabled "false" append_alluxio_property alluxio.underfs.s3.owner.id.to.username.mapping "${canonical_id}=hadoop" doas alluxio "echo '# END AUTO-GENERATED PROPERTIES' >> ${ALLUXIO_SITE_PROPERTIES}" # Alluxio can't rely on SSH to start services (i.e. no alluxio-start.sh all) if [[ ${is_master} = "true" ]] then local args="" if [[ "${restore_from_backup_uri}" ]]; then local backup_name="$(basename ${restore_from_backup_uri})" local backup_location=/tmp/alluxio_backup mkdir -p "${backup_location}" cd "${backup_location}" download_file "${restore_from_backup_uri}" chmod -R 777 "${backup_location}" args="-i ${backup_location}/${backup_name}" fi doas alluxio "${ALLUXIO_HOME}/bin/alluxio-start.sh -a ${args} master" doas alluxio "${ALLUXIO_HOME}/bin/alluxio-start.sh -a job_master" doas alluxio "${ALLUXIO_HOME}/bin/alluxio-start.sh -a proxy" if [[ "${backup_uri}" ]]; then register_backup_on_shutdown "${backup_uri}" fi else ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/bin/alluxio-mount.sh SudoMount local until ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/bin/alluxio fsadmin report do sleep 5 done doas alluxio "${ALLUXIO_HOME}/bin/alluxio-start.sh -a worker" doas alluxio "${ALLUXIO_HOME}/bin/alluxio-start.sh -a job_worker" doas alluxio "${ALLUXIO_HOME}/bin/alluxio-start.sh -a proxy" fi # Compute application configs doas alluxio "ln -s ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/client/*client.jar ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/client/alluxio-client.jar" sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/spark/jars/ sudo ln -s "${ALLUXIO_HOME}/client/alluxio-client.jar" /usr/lib/spark/jars/alluxio-client.jar sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/presto/plugin/hive-hadoop2/ sudo ln -s "${ALLUXIO_HOME}/client/alluxio-client.jar" /usr/lib/presto/plugin/hive-hadoop2/alluxio-client.jar } main "$@"