#!/bin/bash # meta info for list_available_installers.sh SNAME="zHIVErbox Bitcoin Core Installer" SVERSION="0.1.1" ZHIVER_LOG=~/zhiverbox_install-bitcoind.log touch $ZHIVER_LOG [[ -z ${ZHIVERBOX_HOME} ]] && echo "\$ZHIVERBOX_HOME environment variable not set!" && exit 1 . $ZHIVERBOX_HOME/lib/bash/common.sh . $ZHIVERBOX_HOME/lib/bash/install-helpers.sh # get the path to this script SRC=${BASH_SOURCE[0]} if [[ $EUID != 0 ]]; then display_alert "bitcoind setup requires admin priviliges, trying to use sudo" "" "wrn" sudo -E bash "$SRC" "$@" exit $? fi BITCOIN_USER=bitcoind BITCOIN_GROUP=bitcoin BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX="" BITCOIN_LAYER1_NETWORK=mainnet BITCOIN_DATADIR_RELATIVE=".bitcoin" BITCOIN_DEFAULT_PORT=8883 BITCOIN_CONTROL_PORT=8332 # onion-grater filter doesn't work on zHIVErbox yet, so as a temporary workaround # give bitcoind direct access to TOR's control port TOR_CONTROL_PORT=9052 # timeout for IPFS operations IPFS_TIMEOUT="5s" # check IPFS support if [[ -n $(ipfs --version 2>/dev/null) && -n $IPFS_PATH ]]; then display_alert "IPFS is available" "$IPFS_PATH" "" HAS_IPFS=true fi make_dir() { dir=$1; mkdir -p $dir; chown $BITCOIN_USER:$BITCOIN_GROUP $dir chmod 755 $dir } make_private_dir() { dir=$1; mkdir -p $dir; chown $BITCOIN_USER:$BITCOIN_GROUP $dir chmod 700 $dir } # try to get binary via content-addressable Internet (IPFS) # we'll use the /ipfs and /ipns FUSE mountpoints and symbolic links to avoid # storing the respective release files twice on the disk get_via_ipfs() { IPFS_MIRROR_PATH=/ipns/$(cat $ZHIVERBOX_IPFS_REPO | awk '{print $1}')/mirrors/bitcoin.org display_alert "Checking available Bitcoin releases in IPFS..." "$IPFS_MIRROR_PATH" "" # select version local versions=$(timeout $IPFS_TIMEOUT ls $IPFS_MIRROR_PATH 2>/dev/null | grep -o 'bitcoin-core.*' | sort -Vr) if [[ -n $versions ]]; then select_version_via_ipfs $versions [[ $? != 0 ]] && return 1 FILENAME=$(basename $RELEASE_IPFS_PATH) cd $INSTALL_PATH mkdir -p $INSTALL_PATH/downloads chmod -R 777 $INSTALL_PATH/downloads DOWNLOAD_PATH=$INSTALL_PATH/downloads/$VERSION rm -rf $DOWNLOAD_PATH 2>/dev/null ln -s $(dirname $RELEASE_IPFS_PATH) $INSTALL_PATH/downloads/ #[[ ! -f $DOWNLOAD_PATH/$FILENAME ]] && ln -s $RELEASE_IPFS_PATH #[[ ! -f $DOWNLOAD_PATH/SHA256SUMS.asc ]] && ln -s $(dirname $RELEASE_IPFS_PATH)/SHA256SUMS.asc if version_ge $VERSION "0.11.0" ; then local signkeypath="$DOWNLOAD_PATH/laanwj-releases.asc" elif version_ge $VERSION "0.9.3" ; then local signkeypath="$DOWNLOAD_PATH/laanwj.asc" elif version_le $VERSION ""; then local signkeypath="$DOWNLOAD_PATH/gavinandresen.asc" fi display_alert "Import signature key for selected version" "gpg --import $signkeypath" "" gpg --import $signkeypath 2>&1 | sed "s/^/${SED_INTEND}/" else display_alert "We can't reach any IPFS node sharing the Bitcoin Core release directory right now." "" "err" display_alert "Trying fallback via legacy Internet." "" "" download_via_legacy_internet fi } select_version_via_ipfs() { local versions=$@ PS3="> Select number: " select VERSION in $versions; do echo "" && display_alert "Selected release:" "$VERSION" "ext" break done # test if selected version and architecture is available local prefix=$(echo $VERSION | sed 's/-core//') RELEASE_IPFS_PATH=$IPFS_MIRROR_PATH/$VERSION/$prefix-$ARCH.tar.gz display_alert "Fetching release from IPFS:" "$RELEASE_IPFS_PATH" "" timeout $IPFS_TIMEOUT ipfs ls $RELEASE_IPFS_PATH if [[ $? = 124 ]]; then display_alert "We can't reach any IPFS node sharing the selected version right now." "$prefix-$ARCH.tar.gz" "err" display_alert "Trying fallback via legacy Internet!" "" "" RELEASE_LEGACY_URL=$(build_release_legacy_url $VERSION $ARCH) local result=$(test_version_legacy_internet) case $result in OK ) display_alert "Downloading release via legacy Internet:" "$RELEASE_LEGACY_URL" ""; return 1;; * ) display_alert "The selected version doesn't seem to have a binary for your architecture (yet)." "$prefix-$ARCH.tar.gz" "err"; display_alert "Please select a different version!" "" ""; select_version $versions;; esac fi } download_via_legacy_internet() { # fetch available versions display_alert "Checking available Bitcoin releases via legacy Internet..." "$CMD_CURL_TOR 'https://bitcoin.org/bin/'" "" local versions=$($CMD_CURL_TOR 'https://bitcoin.org/bin/' 2>/dev/null | grep -o '"bitcoin-core-.*/"' | sed 's/["/]//g' | sort -Vr ) if [[ -z $versions ]]; then display_alert "Could not fetch available Bitcoin releases. Please check you network connection!" "" "err" exit 1 fi # select version select_version_legacy_internet $versions FILENAME=$(basename $RELEASE_LEGACY_URL) cd $INSTALL_PATH DOWNLOAD_PATH=$INSTALL_PATH/downloads/$VERSION [[ -L $DOWNLOAD_PATH ]] && rm -rf $DOWNLOAD_PATH mkdir -p $DOWNLOAD_PATH chmod -R 777 $DOWNLOAD_PATH [[ ! -f $DOWNLOAD_PATH/$FILENAME ]] && $CMD_WGET_TOR -P $DOWNLOAD_PATH $RELEASE_LEGACY_URL [[ ! -f $DOWNLOAD_PATH/SHA256SUMS.asc ]] && $CMD_WGET_TOR -P $DOWNLOAD_PATH $(dirname $RELEASE_LEGACY_URL)/SHA256SUMS.asc if version_ge $VERSION "0.11.0" ; then local signkeyurl='https://bitcoin.org/laanwj-releases.asc' elif version_ge $VERSION "0.9.3" ; then local signkeyurl='https://bitcoin.org/laanwj.asc' elif version_le $VERSION ""; then local signkeyurl='https://bitcoin.org/gavinandresen.asc' fi display_alert "Downloading signature key for version" "$VERSION" "" local signkey=$DOWNLOAD_PATH/$(basename $signkeyurl) [[ ! -f $signkey ]] && $CMD_WGET_TOR -P $DOWNLOAD_PATH $signkeyurl display_alert "Import signature key for selected version" "gpg --import $signkey" "" gpg --import $signkey 2>&1 | sed "s/^/${SED_INTEND}/" } select_version_legacy_internet() { PS3="> Select number: " select VERSION in $@; do echo "" && display_alert "Selected release:" "$VERSION" "ext" break done RELEASE_LEGACY_URL=$(build_release_legacy_url $VERSION $ARCH) local result=$(test_version_legacy_internet) case $result in OK ) display_alert "Downloading binary via legacy Internet:" "$RELEASE_LEGACY_URL" "";; * ) display_alert "The selected version doesn't seem to have a binary for your architecture (yet)." "$prefix-$ARCH.tar.gz" "err"; display_alert "Please select a different version!" "" ""; select_version_legacy_internet $@;; esac } build_release_legacy_url() { local version=$1 local arch=$2 local prefix=$(echo $version | sed 's/-core//') echo "https://bitcoin.org/bin/$version/$prefix-$ARCH.tar.gz" } # test availability via location-addressable Internet (legacy Internet) test_version_legacy_internet() { # test if selected version and architecture exists if $CMD_CURL_TOR --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail "$RELEASE_LEGACY_URL"; then echo "OK" else echo "NA" fi } pin_on_ipfs() { local filesize=$(du -h $FILENAME | awk '{print $1}') display_alert "IPFS pinning of release archive" "$FILENAME ($filesize)" "todo" echo -e \ "You can make a small contribution by adding (pinning) the downloaded realease to your IPFS node! This way other zHIVErboxes don't have to rely on bitcoin.org servers being available and you help making the Bitcoin ecosystem more resilient. " read -p "$UINPRFX Pin $FILENAME ($filesize) on IPFS? (y/n) " choice case "$choice" in y|Y|yes|YES ) echo "" # follow download path (cd -P) to see if the release was already taken from IPFS cd -P $DOWNLOAD_PATH local current_dir=$(pwd) if [[ $current_dir =~ ^/ipfs/ ]]; then # just get the hash local dirhash=$(ipfs files stat $current_dir | head -n1) else # add the release to IPFS to get the hash local addcmd="ipfs add -r $DOWNLOAD_PATH" display_alert "Adding release directory to IPFS..." "$addcmd" local addout=$(mktemp) $addcmd > $addout cat $addout | sed "s/^/${SED_INTEND}/" local dirhash=$(cat $addout | tail -n1 | awk '{print $2}') # replace local copy with link to /ipfs local release_dir_name=$(basename $DOWNLOAD_PATH) cd .. rm -rf $release_dir_name && ln -s /ipfs/$dirhash $release_dir_name fi # pin the hash local pincmd="ipfs pin add /ipfs/$dirhash" display_alert "Pinning release on local IPFS node..." "$pincmd" "" $pincmd | sed "s/^/${SED_INTEND}/" echo "" ;; n|N|no|NO ) echo "";; esac } download_and_verify() { # detect local architecture local machine=$(uname -m) if [[ $machine == "armv7l" ]]; then ARCH="arm-linux-gnueabihf" else display_alert "Your hardware is not supported by this installer yet" "$machine" "err" display_alert "Please install bitcoin core manually from:" "https://bitcoin.org/en/download" "todo" fi # get release archive [[ $HAS_IPFS ]] && get_via_ipfs || download_via_legacy_internet # verify cd $DOWNLOAD_PATH local checkcmd="sha256sum -c --ignore-missing SHA256SUMS.asc" echo "" display_alert "Verifying checksum of downloaded Bitcoin version..." "$checkcmd" "" local checkerr=$(mktemp) local checkresult=$($checkcmd 2>$checkerr) if [[ -n $checkresult ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}$checkresult${NC}\n" | sed "s/^/${SED_INTEND}/" local verifycmd="gpg2 --verify SHA256SUMS.asc" display_alert "Verifying signature of SHA256 checksum..." "$verifycmd" "" local gpgverifyresult=$($verifycmd 2>&1) gpgverifyresult=$(sed "s/^gpg: Good signature from.*$/${SED_BGREEN}&${SED_NC}/" <<<$gpgverifyresult) gpgverifyresult=$(sed "s/^gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!$/${SED_MAGENTA}&${SED_NC}/" <<<$gpgverifyresult) gpgverifyresult=$(sed "s/^gpg: .*There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.$/${SED_MAGENTA}&${SED_NC}/" <<<$gpgverifyresult) echo -e "$gpgverifyresult" | sed "s/^/${SED_INTEND}/" if grep -q "WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!" <<<$gpgverifyresult; then echo -e "\n${RED}Wait a second! What does the above ${MAGENTA}WARNING${RED} mean?${NC}" press_any_key echo -e \ "It means that ${BOLD}YOU${NC} don't trust the signature (yet)! Which is ${BOLD}not unusual${NC}, because you probably haven't met the person this signature belongs to in real life, right!? The good news is, the Bitcoin software we downloaded is valid (hasn't been tampered with) according to the signature. The not so good news is that you still have to decide now if you want trust that signature or not. " echo -e "${RED}Should I trust this signature?${NC}" press_any_key echo -e \ "As always: ${BOLD}DON'T TRUST! VERIFY!${NC} Here is some guidance what you can do: * Try to meet the person who signed the release in person and confirm the above fingerprint with them. * Try to find multiple people you already trust and who met the above shown person who signed the release and confirmed the fingerprint. You might find these people at local Bitcoin meetups. * Check and compare multiple different sources (websites, forums, IRC channels) for the above fingerprint. - Use different networks while doing this: Tor, Cjdns, land line, mobile data, public Wifi hotpots - Use different devices and operating systems while doing this: Laptop, smartphone, tablet, a friends phone, ... " while [[ -z $goodchoice ]]; do read -p "$UINPRFX Do you want to continue with the installation? (y/n) " choice case "$choice" in y|Y|yes|YES ) local goodchoice=1 && echo "";; n|N|no|NO ) exit 0;; esac done # pin on IPFS [[ $HAS_IPFS ]] && pin_on_ipfs fi else display_alert "Could not verify checksum of downloaded Bitcoin version." "" "err" cat $checkerr display_alert "Please select another version or install manually." "" "" download_and_verify fi } install_bitcoincore() { # create group for bitcoin display_alert "Creating system group '$BITCOIN_GROUP' ..." "/etc/group" "" grep -i "^$BITCOIN_GROUP:" /etc/group &>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then groupadd --system $BITCOIN_GROUP fi local bitcoin_group_id=$(grep -i "^$BITCOIN_GROUP:" /etc/group | cut -d: -f3) # create a system user for bitcoincore display_alert "Creating system user '${BITCOIN_USER}' ..." "/etc/passwd" "" if [[ -z $(getent passwd $BITCOIN_USER 2>/dev/null) ]]; then adduser --quiet \ --system \ --disabled-password \ --home $INSTALL_PATH \ --no-create-home \ --shell /bin/false \ --gid $bitcoin_group_id \ $BITCOIN_USER fi # workaround as long as onion-grater filter for Tor's control port doesn't work usermod --groups debian-tor --append $BITCOIN_USER # create bitcoincore home dir if [[ ! -d $INSTALL_PATH ]]; then make_dir $INSTALL_PATH; fi # create directory for btrfs blockchain snapshots if [[ $INSTALLFS == btrfs ]]; then local snapshotsdir="$INSTALL_PATH/_blockchain/snapshots_${BITCOIN_LAYER1_NETWORK}" display_alert "Creating parent directory for btrfs snapshots of ${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}blockchain data..." "$snapshotsdir" if [[ ! -d $snapshotsdir ]]; then mkdir -p $snapshotsdir; fi # create directory for btrfs subvolume @current local blockchainvol="$INSTALL_PATH/_blockchain/@current_${BITCOIN_LAYER1_NETWORK}" display_alert "Creating btrfs subvolume for easy snapshots (backups) of ${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}blockchain data..." "$blockchainvol" if [[ ! -d $blockchainvol ]]; then btrfs subvolume create $blockchainvol 2>&1 | sed "s/^/${SED_INTEND}/"; fi if [[ ! -d $blockchainvol/blocks ]]; then make_private_dir $blockchainvol/blocks; fi if [[ ! -d $blockchainvol/chainstate ]]; then make_private_dir $blockchainvol/chainstate; fi # since version 0.17.0 there's an additional indexes folder if version_ge $VERSION "0.17.0" ; then if [[ ! -d $blockchainvol/indexes ]]; then make_private_dir $blockchainvol/indexes; fi fi # automatic daily snapshots of @current subvolume local cronfile=/etc/cron.daily/${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}blockchain-snp display_alert "Setup automatic daily snapshots of ${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}blockchain data..." "$cronfile" "" cat > $cronfile <&1 | sed "s/^/${SED_INTEND}/" # copy zHIVERbox bitcoind configuration echo "" local BITCOIN_CONF=/etc/bitcoin/${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}bitcoin.conf display_alert "Apply default zHIVErbox configuration..." "${BITCOIN_CONF}" mkdir -p /etc/bitcoin install -o root -g root -m 0644 $ZHIVERBOX_HOME/scripts/etc/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf.src $BITCOIN_CONF sed -i "s/{{PREFIX}}/${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}/g" $BITCOIN_CONF if [[ ${BITCOIN_LAYER1_NETWORK} = testnet ]]; then sed -i "s/{{TESTNET}}/testnet=1/" $BITCOIN_CONF else sed -i "s/{{TESTNET}}/testnet=0/" $BITCOIN_CONF fi sed -i "s/{{TOR_CONTROL_PORT}}/${TOR_CONTROL_PORT}/g" $BITCOIN_CONF # setup a dedicated SOCKS5 port for bitcoind with stream isolation # see https://tails.boum.org/contribute/design/stream_isolation/ # bitcoind only connects to 8 peers so using destination address/port isolation seems to be OK if ! grep -q 'SocksPort' /etc/tor/torrc; then display_alert "Creating dedicated Tor SOCKS port 9053 (stream isolation)" "/etc/tor/torrc" "" sed -i '/SocksPort ## SocksPort for bitcoind\nSocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort' /etc/tor/torrc systemctl restart tor fi # Make sure Tor control port is enabled #sed -i 's/^#ControlPort 9051/ControlPort 9051/' /etc/tor/torrc #systemctl restart tor # Make sure bitcoind can read Tor control auth cookie #usermod --append --groups debian-tor $BITCOIN_USER # explain zHIVErbox bitcoind configuration echo -e \ "The default zHIVErbox configuration for ${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}bitcoind uses Tor for both - outbound and inbound connections: * outbound via dedicated Tor SOCKS5 proxy ( * inbound via ephemeral Tor hidden service This provides you the best privacy, because an observer of your network or Internet connection won't see you're running a Bitcoin node. All they can see is that you are using Tor. (Though, a very sophisticated observer might be able to draw conclusions by analyzing the Tor traffic for specific timing patterns.) " press_any_key # copy firewall rules configure_firewall # copy daemon and client binary local bindir=/usr/local/lib/bitcoin local daemonbinname="${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}bitcoind" local clibinname="${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}bitcoin-cli" display_alert "Installing binaries..." "/usr/local/bin/${daemonbinname} /usr/local/bin/${clibinname}" "" mkdir -p $bindir 2>/dev/null install -o root -g root -m 0755 $instdir/bin/bitcoind $bindir/${daemonbinname} 2>/dev/null ln -sf $bindir/${daemonbinname} /usr/local/bin/ install -o root -g root -m 0755 $instdir/bin/bitcoin-cli $bindir/${clibinname} 2>/dev/null # create a wrapper script for the client rm /usr/local/bin/${clibinname} 2>/dev/null cat > /usr/local/bin/${clibinname} << EOF #!/bin/sh # Generated by $0 exec $bindir/${clibinname} -conf=${BITCOIN_CONF} -rpccookiefile=/run/${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}bitcoind/authcookie \$@ EOF chmod +x /usr/local/bin/${clibinname} # copy systemd service file local servicefile="/etc/systemd/system/${daemonbinname}.service" display_alert "Setting up bitcoind as a system service..." "${servicefile}" "" install -o root -g root -m 0644 $ZHIVERBOX_HOME/scripts/etc/systemd/system/bitcoind.service.src ${servicefile} sed -i "s/{{PREFIX}}/${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}/g" $servicefile sed -i "s/{{NETWORK}}/${BITCOIN_LAYER1_NETWORK^^}/g" $servicefile sed -i "s~{{DATADIR}}~${datadir}~g" $servicefile sed -i "s/{{EXTRA_ARGS_NAME}}/${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX^^}BITCOIND_EXTRA_ARGS/g" $servicefile sed -i "s/{{BITCOIN_USER}}/${BITCOIN_USER}/g" $servicefile sed -i "s/{{TOR_CONTROL_PORT}}/${TOR_CONTROL_PORT}/g" $servicefile systemctl daemon-reload echo -e \ "${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}bitcoind is available as a system service now, but not started automatically on boot. You can run the following commands to control it: * ${ORANGE}sudo systemctl start ${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}bitcoind${NC} * ${ORANGE}sudo systemctl stop ${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}bitcoind${NC} " press_any_key echo -e \ "If you want ${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}bitcoind to automatically start on every (re-)boot, you can enable this by runnig the following command: * ${ORANGE}sudo systemctl enable ${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}bitcoind${NC} " press_any_key # allow default user control via bitcoin-cli local default_user=$(id -nu 1000) usermod --append --groups $BITCOIN_GROUP $default_user # sudo -u $default_user mkdir /home/$default_user/.${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}bitcoin 2>/dev/null # local userconf=/home/$default_user/.${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}bitcoin/bitcoin.conf # cat > $userconf << EOF # Generated by $0 # # [core] # Specify the location of the configuration file. To use non-default location, create a default location config file containing this setting. #conf=/etc/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf # [rpc] # Location of the RPC auth cookie #rpccookiefile=/run/bitcoind/authcookie #EOF # chown $default_user:users $userconf display_alert "$VERSION ${BITCOIN_LAYER1_NETWORK^^} installation complete" "" "ext" press_any_key echo -e \ "${BOLD}Congratulations!${NC} You now have all the software needed to become a ${BOLD}first class ${BITCOIN_LAYER1_NETWORK^^} Bitcoin citizen${NC}. In a few days from now, your zHIVErbox will have fully validated your copy of the Bitcoin blockchain. You can check your citizenship with the Bitcoin command line interface (${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}bitcoin-cli) at any time: * ${ORANGE}${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}bitcoin-cli getchaintips${NC} " press_any_key } configure_firewall() { local fwrulesdir=/etc/ferm/ferm.d display_alert "Configuring ferm firewall for ${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}bitcoind..." "${fwrulesdir}/${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}bitcoin.*" "" mkdir -p $fwrulesdir 2>/dev/null # copy all bitcoin related firewall rules local backupdirname=$(echo "_backups/`date +%s`_${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}bitcoin") for source in $ZHIVERBOX_HOME/scripts$fwrulesdir/bitcoin.*; do sfilename=$(basename $source) tfilename=${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}${sfilename} target=$fwrulesdir/$tfilename # strip .src to get the final filename rfilename=$(echo "$tfilename" | sed 's~.src$~~') rtarget=$fwrulesdir/$rfilename if [[ -f $fwrulesdir/$rfilename ]]; then # the file already exists from a previous installation # create a backup and display a warning display_alert "Firewall file already exists:" "$fwrulesdir/$rfilename" "wrn" mkdir -p $fwrulesdir/$backupdirname 2>/dev/null cp $rtarget $fwrulesdir/$backupdirname/$rfilename.bak display_alert "Created backup copy:" "$fwrulesdir/$backupdirname/$rfilename.bak" "ext" fi # copy the file cp $source $target # replace the placeholders in the .src files if [[ $(basename $target) =~ .src$ ]]; then sed -i "s/{{PREFIX}}/${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}/g" $target sed -i "s/{{BITCOIN_USER}}/${BITCOIN_USER}/" $target sed -i "s/{{BITCOIN_CONTROL_PORT}}/${BITCOIN_CONTROL_PORT}/" $target sed -i "s/{{BITCOIN_DEFAULT_PORT}}/${BITCOIN_DEFAULT_PORT}/" $target sed -i "s/{{TOR_CONTROL_PORT}}/${TOR_CONTROL_PORT}/" $target # rename the target to strip the .src extension mv $target $(echo "$target" | sed 's~.src$~~') fi done display_alert "Restarting ferm firewall..." "systemctl restart ferm" "" systemctl restart ferm } # https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Data_directory#blocks_subdirectory preload_blockchain() { # silently return if a non-empty blocks directory already exists [[ $(ls -A $INSTALL_PATH/$BITCOIN_DATADIR_RELATIVE/blocks/ 2>/dev/null) ]] && return 0 display_alert "Preloading a copy of the ${BITCOIN_LAYER1_NETWORK^^} Bitcoin blockchain database" "" "todo" echo -e \ "You could start the ${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}bitcoind daemon now and it would start syncing the Bitcoin ${BITCOIN_LAYER1_NETWORK^^} blockchain. However, the default zHIVErbox setup is that ${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}bitcoind only connects via Tor, which will take quite a couple of days to download several hundred GB. If you have an existing copy of the Bitcoin ${BITCOIN_LAYER1_NETWORK^^} blockchain, you can copy it to the zHIVEbox now. E.g. via USB or SSH. This way, you only have to do a full reindex, which is faster. " read -p "$UINPRFX Do you have an existing copy of the ${BITCOIN_LAYER1_NETWORK^^} blockchain? (y/n) [default: no] " choice case "$choice" in y|Y|yes|YES ) PRELOAD_BLOCKCHAIN=yes;; n|N|no|NO ) echo "";; esac if [[ $PRELOAD_BLOCKCHAIN == "yes" ]]; then done=0 while : ; do display_alert "How do you want to provide the blockchain copy?" "" "" local options=( "USB" "SSH") if [[ $HAS_IPFS ]]; then options+=("IPFS") fi PS3="> Select number: " select option in ${options[@]}; do case $option in USB ) select_blocksource_usb; retval=$?; break;; SSH ) rsync_blocksource_ssh; retval=$?; break;; IPFS ) select_blocksource_ipfs; retval=$?; break;; esac done if [[ $retval != 0 ]]; then # try again? read -p "$UINPRFX Do you want to try again? (y/n) [default: yes] " choice case "$choice" in y|Y|yes|YES ) echo "";; # repeat the while loop n|N|no|NO ) return 1;; # abort preloading blockchain copy esac else break; # exit the while loop and continue fi done # Tell bitcoind to reindex next time it is started via environment variable # the '-reindex' argument should be only used once, else bitcoind will start re-indexing again and again # there's no simpler way, because we use systemd. # Additionally increase '-dbcache' to 1.5GB to speedup syncing (Odroid HC1 has 2GB) display_alert "Once copying the blockchain backup is complete enable re-indexing and start bitcoind" "" "todo" echo -e \ "The current zHIVErbox hardware (Odroid HC1/HC2) can validate approx. 0.5 blocks per second. The limitation seems to be the available RAM (2GB) which is not enough to fit all unspent transactions (UTXO) and do fast validation. Thererfore you will be in sync with the end of the Blockchain (chain tip) in a week. " echo -e "Manually run the following commands on your zHIVErbox:\n" press_any_key echo -e \ "1. Enable re-indexing: ${ORANGE}sudo systemctl set-environment ${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX^^}BITCOIND_EXTRA_ARGS='-reindex -dbcache=1500'${NC} 2. Start Bitcoin Core: ${ORANGE}sudo systemctl start ${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}bitcoind${NC} 3. Disable re-indexing: ${ORANGE}sudo systemctl set-environment ${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX^^}BITCOIND_EXTRA_ARGS='-dbcache=1500'${NC} " display_alert "It's crucial that you immediately unset the '-reindex' flag from the ${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX^^}BITCOIND_EXTRA_ARGS environment varilable again!" "" "wrn" display_alert "Else re-indexing will start again and again from the beginning every time ${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}bitcoind starts." "" "wrn" echo "" press_any_key display_alert "To launch ${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}bitcoind automatically with every (re-)boot:" "sudo systemctl enable ${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}bitcoind" "todo" press_any_key display_alert "To check the current status of your ${BITCOIN_LAYER1_NETWORK^^} blockchain copy:" "${BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX}bitcoin-cli getchaintips" "" echo "" press_any_key fi } select_blocksource_usb() { echo "" echo "Please connect the USB disk containing the ${BITCOIN_LAYER1_NETWORK^^} blockchain copy to the zHIVErbox now!" press_any_key # usually usb disk should be on /dev/sdb1 local lsblkout=$(lsblk /dev/sdb1) if [[ -n $lsblkout ]]; then local mntusb=/media/usb/ mkdir -p $mntusb 2>/dev/null mount /dev/sdb1 $mntusb 2>/dev/null if cat /proc/mounts | grep -q /dev/sdb1; then display_alert "Successfuly mounted USB disk" "mount /dev/sdb1 $mntusb" "ext" # ask user to navigate to blockchain backup local directory=$mntusb while [[ -z $blocksdir ]]; do # test if selected dir has the blocks dir if [[ -d ${directory}${blocks} ]]; then # does it contain blk*.dat files if ls ${directory}blocks | grep -q 'blk.*\.dat'; then blocksdir=${directory}blocks break fi fi # test if selected dir contains blk*.dat files if ls $directory | grep -q 'blk.*\.dat'; then blocksdir=$directory break fi echo -e "\n${MAGENTA}Please navigate to ${BITCOIN_LAYER1_NETWORK^^} blockchain backup directory!${NC}" echo -e "$directory" local subdirs=$(ls -d $directory*/) local parentdir=$(dirname $directory) [[ ! $parentdir =~ /$ ]] && parentdir="$parentdir/" if [[ $directory != "/" ]]; then subdirs=$(echo -e "$subdirs\n$parentdir") fi PS3="> Select number: " select subdir in $subdirs; do if ls $subdir | grep -q blk.*\.dat; then blocksdir=$subdir else directory=$subdir fi break done done display_alert "Found blockchain backup directory at" "$blocksdir" "ext" rsync_blocksource_usb $(dirname $blocksdir) else display_alert "Your USB disk could not be automatically mounted. Here are manual instructions." "" "err" fi else display_alert "Your USB disk could not be automatically mounted. Here are manual instructions." "" "err" fi return 0 } rsync_blocksource_usb() { local blocksource=$1 display_alert "Size of your blockchain copy:" "$(du -sh $blocksource | awk '{print $1}') " "" echo -e \ "It might take an hour or more to copy all of this. Since this is a long running process, there's a chance your SSH connection breaks in between and this installer is interrupted. Therefore we just show you the command you can run on your own to copy the blockchain backup. You can re-run this command at any time without having to start the Bitcoin installer again. " local rsynccmd="rsync -av --include='blocks/***' --include='chainstate/***' --include='indexes/***' --exclude='*' --chown=$BITCOIN_USER:$BITCOIN_GROUP --progress $blocksource/ $INSTALL_PATH/.bitcoin/" display_alert "Please run:" "sudo $rsynccmd" "todo" } fpsync_blocksource_usb() { local blocksource=$1 display_alert "Size of your blockchain copy:" "$(du -sh $blocksource | awk '{print $1}') " "" echo -e \ "It might take an hour or more to copy all of this. Since this is a long running process, there's a chance your SSH connection breaks in between and this installer is interrupted. Therefore we just show you the command you can run on your own to copy the blockchain backup. You can re-run this command at any time without having to start the Bitcoin installer again. " if [[ -z $(which fpsync) ]]; then apt_install_fancy_retry fpart fi local fpsynccmd="fpsync -vv -S -n 4 -f 1000 -s $((256 * 1024 * 1024)) -o \"-av --include='blocks/***' --include='chainstate/***' --include='indexes/***' --exclude='*' --chown=user:user\" $blocksource/ $INSTALL_PATH/.bitcoin/" display_alert "Please run:" "$fpsynccmd" "todo" } rsync_blocksource_ssh() { echo "" echo -e \ "It will take a couple of hours to copy the Bitcoin blockchain via SSH. There's a chance your SSH connection breaks during that time. The following command allows you to reconnect and continue copying if this happens, without having to start all over again. " press_any_key local rsynccmd="rsync -avz --include='blocks/***' --include='chainstate/***' --include='indexes/***' --exclude='*' --chown=$BITCOIN_USER:$BITCOIN_GROUP --progress ./ root@$(hostname):$INSTALL_PATH/.bitcoin/" echo -e \ "Change into the Bitcoin data directory (usually ~/.bitcoin) on the remote system and run: ${ORANGE}sudo $rsynccmd${NC} " press_any_key return 0 } select_blocksource_ipfs() { echo "" echo "Please enter an IPFS path containing a ${BITCOIN_LAYER1_NETWORK^^} blockchain copy." echo "The path should point to a directory having the 'blocks' and 'chainstate' directory." read -p "$UINPRFX /ipfs/" ipfspath # simple test if hash contains a copy of the blockchain local ipfslsout=$(mktemp) timeout $IPFS_TIMEOUT ipfs ls /ipfs/$ipfspath > $ipfslsout case $? in 124 ) # timeout display_alert "We can't reach any IPFS node sharing the specified path right now!" "/ipfs/$ipfspath" "err"; return 1;; 0 ) # success echo "" cat $ipfslsout | sed "s/^/${SED_INTEND}/" echo "";; * ) # other errors display_alert "Error accessing the specified IPFS path:" "/ipfs/$ipfspath" "err"; return 1;; esac if cat $ipfslsout | grep -q 'blk.*\.dat'; then get_blocksource_ipfs "/ipfs/$ipfspath" return 0 else display_alert "The specified IPFS path doesn't seem to have a bitcoind blockchain copy." "/ipfs/$ipfspath" "err"; return 1 fi } get_blocksource_ipfs() { local blocksource=$1 display_alert "Size of your blockchain copy:" "$(( $(ipfs files stat --size $blocksource) / (2**20))) GB" "" echo -e \ "It might take several hours to copy all of this. Since this is a long running process, there's a chance your SSH connection breaks in between and this installer is interrupted. Therefore we just show you the command you can run on your own to copy the blockchain backup. You can re-run this command at any time without having to start the Bitcoin installer again. " local ipfsgetcmd="ipfs get $blocksource -o $INSTALL_PATH/.bitcoin" display_alert "Please run:" "$ipfsgetcmd" "todo" } ask_select_network() { echo "" display_alert "Which Bitcoin network do you want to connect to?" "" "" local options=( "MAINNET" "TESTNET" "BOTH") PS3="> Select number: " select option in ${options[@]}; do echo "User selected: $option" >> $ZHIVER_LOG case $option in MAINNET ) install_bitcoincore; preload_blockchain; break;; TESTNET ) configure_testnet; install_bitcoincore; break;; BOTH ) # install mainnet display_alert "Installing bitcoind MAINNET setup first" "" "" install_bitcoincore; preload_blockchain; echo "" #install testnet display_alert "Installing bitcoind TESTNET setup now" "" "" press_any_key configure_testnet; install_bitcoincore; break;; esac done echo "" } configure_testnet() { # change variables for testnet BITCOIN_USER=test_bitcoind BITCOIN_FILE_PREFIX="test_" BITCOIN_LAYER1_NETWORK=testnet BITCOIN_DEFAULT_PORT=18883 BITCOIN_CONTROL_PORT=18332 BITCOIN_DATADIR_RELATIVE=".bitcoin/testnet3" # dns seeders for testnet display_alert "Query IPv4 DNS seeder for TESTNET" "sudo -u nobody dig A seed.tbtc.petertodd.org" "" sudo -u nobody dig A seed.tbtc.petertodd.org 1>>$ZHIVER_LOG display_alert "Query IPv4 DNS seeder for TESTNET" "sudo -u nobody dig A testnet-seed.bitcoin.jonasschnelli.ch" "" sudo -u nobody dig A testnet-seed.bitcoin.jonasschnelli.ch 1>>$ZHIVER_LOG display_alert "Query IPv6 DNS seeder for TESTNET" "sudo -u nobody dig AAAA testnet-seed.bitcoin.jonasschnelli.ch" "" sudo -u nobody dig AAAA testnet-seed.bitcoin.jonasschnelli.ch 1>>$ZHIVER_LOG } # main script echo "" display_alert "Installation of Bitcoin Core Full Node on zHIVErbox" "" "" echo "" done=0 while : ; do ask_install_path "bitcoind" "Bitcoin database" # this sets $INSTALL_PATH (usually /mnt/data/bitcoind) INSTALLFS=$(findmnt -n -o fstype -T $(dirname $INSTALL_PATH)) if [[ ! $INSTALLFS == btrfs ]]; then display_alert "You didn't select a btrfs based path" "$INSTALLFS: $INSTALL_PATH" "wrn" echo -e \ "We highly recommend that you choose to install the Bitcoin database on a btrfs based filesystem. This way we can make use of automated btrfs snapshots of the bitcoind blocks and chainstate databases which allow easy rollback in case they get corrupted. " read -p "$UINPRFX Do you want to change the installation path? (y/n) " choice case "$choice" in n|N|no|NO ) break;; * ) echo "";; # will repeat the while loop esac else break fi done display_alert "Installing to:" "$INSTALL_PATH" "ext" ask_select_network