underscore.collections ====================== **under development** - [x] add linkedlist - [x] add doubledlinkedlist - [ ] add heap - [ ] add hashheap - [ ] add unionfind - [ ] add trie - [ ] add segment tree (2d version ???) - [x] change deque - [x] change set - [ ] change counter - [ ] change ordereddict - [ ] try b-tree? - [ ] complete testcases A underscore extension which provides some useful data structure, inspred by [python collection](http://docs.python.org/2/library/collections.html) click [here](http://zhy0216.github.io/underscore.collections/) to see a flatdoc. click [here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zhy0216/underscore.collections/master/README.md) to see .md source code. For test ------------- * `npm install mocha` * `npm install underscore` Then, at the project root, run `mocha`, all test cases should be passed