reviewer,publication,score,fresh_rotten,review_text Rich Cline,Shadows on the Wall,3/5,rotten,"Like the Marvel franchise, this series has driven itself into a dead end, giving the audience what they want without anything new or surprising." M.N. Miller,Ready Steady Cut,2/5,rotten,"The action sequences, fight scenes, and redundant head-scratching returns of characters are overdone to the point of exhaustion. That includes Momoa’s much-heralded villainous turn." Sebastian Zavala Kahn,Me gusta el cine,2.5/5,rotten,"It's a LOT of movie, favouring quantity over quality. More characters, more Hollywood stars, more fights, more explosions, more digital effects, more flashbacks, more actions that defy the laws of physics... more everything! Full review in Spanish." J. Don Birnam,Below the Line,D+,rotten,"The plot is too bloated by an enlarged cast, all of whom demand moments to shine in the sun, and a desire to outdo the prior installment's over the top special effects." Tom Shone,Sunday Times (UK),3/5,fresh,And the two action set pieces that bookend its story are too wonderfully over the top to be spoilt by Louis Leterrier’s pell-mell direction. Nick Johnston,Vanyaland,NA,fresh,"What Fast X embodies is the often-goofy amiability of the American blockbuster, and the innate charm that still gives it global appeal without the requisite amount of compromises that may assume it may need in our world-spanning modern cinema." TK Burton,Pajiba,NA,fresh,"Fast X is unquestionably fun, even when it’s at its most unbelievable. With each passing sequence, you find yourself somewhere between rolling your eyes and grinning, knowing how preposterous it is and yet forgiving it anyway." Abhishek Sharma,Film Threat,7/10,fresh,"It’s not the characters but the situation they are thrown into that’s grand, and to experience it in a theatre is enjoyable." Alci Rengifo,Entertainment Voice,NA,rotten,The end of the line is becoming much more glaring as the tank truly starts running out of gas. Kristy Puchko,Mashable,NA,fresh,"This is what summer movies should be! It's spectacular! It's thrilling! And it's the kind of movie you can't wait to yammer about to your friends. Truly, I walked out of Fast X with a big Momoa smile on my face, so wide it hurt." James Marsh,South China Morning Post,3/5,fresh,"It is business as usual, as this unwieldy beast of a movie jet-sets around the world, destroying everything in its path, while ensuring sufficient screen time for each member of its bloated, star-studded cast." Allen Almachar,The MacGuffin,C-,rotten,"There is no sense of revelation, no sense of surprise or burst of creative energy. Instead of seeing something new and exciting, we’re served yesterday’s leftovers." Patrick Hicks,Feelin' Film Podcast,3/5,fresh,"Big, loud and very self aware, the latest FF entry is both fun & frustrating. No longer about good storytelling, stakes are low, stupidity is high, and burnout is starting to set in. It's time for the franchise to end." Emily Wheeler,Emily Wheeler Movie Ops,NA,fresh,A garish celebration. James Berardinelli,ReelViews,2/4,rotten,"Despite boasting a healthy 141-minute running time, Fast X is not a complete movie." Michael Ward,Should I See It,1.5/5,rotten,"Written, it seems, from the mind of an 8-year-old..." Korey Coleman,Double Toasted,NA,rotten,"These movies are all starting to repeat themselves. Watch this one for the spectacle and Jason Momoa, who is straight up a comic book supervillain." Kat Hughes,Film Disclosure,3/5,fresh,"Fast X hits all the expected (and now familiar) tropes and beats, but this being the first in a multi-movie story, it is ultimately a little underwhelming… but regardless, we will all return for the next chapter like the dutiful cult members we are." Candice McMillan,Seattle Refined,NA,fresh,"[Jason Momoa] is the glorious future of the Fast franchise, and we are furious it took this long for his debut." Miles Surrey,The Ringer,NA,rotten,"The increasingly predictable, self-referential nature of the storytelling makes every subsequent film feel like a parody of itself—the cinematic equivalent of drifting around in circles." Vincent Mancini,FilmDrunk,D,rotten,Discount action movie slurry. Eddie Harrison,,3/5,fresh,"…the cheerful gang-show mentality still invests Fast and Furious franchise entries with an easy-going, undemanding guilty-pleasure charm, but it’s wearing a little thin by movie ten…" Harris Dang,Impulse Gamer,3/5,fresh,"Even with the lack of family togetherness, resolve and behind-the-scenes faults, Fast X delivers exactly what fans would expect in terms of action and absurdity while surprising us with an entertainingly over-the-top Jason Momoa performance." Kip Mooney,College Movie Review,B+,fresh,"Just when I thought this series was out of gas, Fast X hit the nitrous boost." Abby Olcese,The Pitch,NA,fresh,"Much of Fast X is lots of fun, and the dynamics between the characters are as satisfying as ever" Micheal Compton,Bowling Green Daily News,B-,fresh,"Is Fast X a good movie? Probably not. But is it a good time, that delivers exactly what the audience wants? Most definitely." Cody Leach,Cody Leach (YouTube),3.25/5,fresh,"Fast X continues to deliver big, loud & dumb entertainment but it's diminishing returns with a forced and frustrating cliffhanger. Momoa's villain is a blast while the script, dialogue, and soap opera drama is among the weakest of the franchise." Jeffrey M. Anderson,Common Sense Media,2/5,rotten,"The 10th official movie in this wildly popular franchise -- the first of a two-parter -- has the same, now-somewhat-tired formula: travel, stunts, fights, explosions, crashes, ""family"" talk, repeat." Lupe Rodriguez Haas,,C,fresh,"The tenth installment is more of the same gravity-defying stunts and laughable dialogue but Jason Momoa fuels the action with humor. The script is also filled with fun moments that poke fun at the ""familia"" and the ridiculous car stunts." Dana Han-Klein,We're Watching What?! Podcast,4.3/5,fresh,"It is 3 different movies at once. All lacking in logic, plot, and coherent character development. Yet somehow still a campy fun ride. Momoa makes for a flamboyant injection of life. Action wise the set pieces fail to meet the bar set by previous entries." Alan French,Sunshine State Cineplex,4/10,rotten,We are at the point where we have to question what is going on here. Fast X is an empty experience and one of the worst entries in a spectacular franchise. Kevin Carr,Fat Guys at the Movies,2.5/4,fresh,"This is by far the most ridiculous installment in the Fast & Furious franchise, and remember they drove a car into space in the last one." Nestor Bentancor,Nestor Cine Desde Hollywood,NA,rotten,"It starts firing on all cylinders, but it's tiring mechanics take us along winding roads, better traveled in the past. A well-oiled amusement park ride in its day, the franchise is increasingly feeling like a creaking carousel. [Full Review in Spanish]" Mike McGranaghan,Aisle Seat,3/4,fresh,"Pigs are flying, hell has frozen over, and monkeys are flying out of Wayne Campbell’s butt, because they finally made one of these that I enjoyed." Theolin Tembo,Independent Online (South Africa),8/10,fresh,"Fast X delivers on upping the ante with the explosions and intricate fight choreography that will leave you pumped up. Charmingly, though, where the film hooks you most is the heart and love of family." Fico Cangiano,CineXpress,2/5,rotten,"A tad better than the previous film, yet still one of the weakest entries of the whole franchise. Come for more absurd, silly action hijinks, stay for Jason Momoa's flashy, bonkers Dante Reyes - best villain of the series. [Full review in Spanish]" Juanma Fernández París,El Nuevo Día (Puerto Rico),NA,rotten,"Its focus on shooting up adrenaline levels and on an impressive execution of the action, this time around directed by Louis Leterrier, is nullified by a script that doesn't seek anything new, just recycles and upsizes. [Full review in Spanish]" Liz Shannon Miller,Consequence,B-,fresh,"The franchise hasn’t quite yet run out of ways to combine cars, guns, planes, and explosions… but perhaps it’s good that there are maybe only two films left until the franchise officially “ends.”" Ryan Syrek,"The Reader (Omaha, NE)",F,rotten,"“Fast X” is dumb, ugly, and awkward. It is goofy in the bad way, not goofy in the awesome way or goofy in the “Gawrsh!” way, either of which would have been better." Lisa Johnson Mandell,,NA,fresh,"When you stage a car chase scene in the beginning that involves a flaming giant bowling ball bomb smashing through Rome, it's exhausting trying to sustain that type of velocity through the entire film. But Jason Momoa's fabulous villain makes it worth it." Piers Marchant,Arkansas Democrat-Gazette,78/100,rotten,"Dom -- and the film -- are so relentless with the notion of whatever family means, it all begins to feel like so much sentimentalist drivel, a colorfully patterned carpet designed to distract you from all the people losing money at the slot machines." Brian Viner,Daily Mail (UK),2/5,rotten,"... It’s more like a Vanity Fair party than a movie — yet only a splendid new villain (Jason Momoa) seems to be having any real fun. Luckily, he’s fabulous." Conor O'Donnell,The Film Stage,C+,fresh,"Fast newcomer Louis Letterier, ever a big-dumb-movie workman, siphons enough goofy energy from some of his previous blockbusters to inject some verve back into this lumbering series." Damond Fudge,"KCCI (Des Moines, IA)",NA,fresh,Despite its flaws...I—as a big fan of the entire Fast Saga—still had a lot of fun. Ricardo Rosado,Fotogramas,3/5,fresh,"Fast X isn't just a movie, it's a madman's dream, a celebration of the self-referential blockbuster, and yet, it takes itself ridiculously seriously... [Full review in Spanish]" Chris Vognar,Rolling Stone,NA,rotten,"It would be OK if Fast X were merely loud and dumb; that much is to be expected. The problem is that it’s also achingly mechanical. It’s all car, no driver." Christopher Lloyd,The Film Yap,3/5,rotten,"Look, you know what you're going to get: high-octane car chases, face-offs and fisticuffs, lots (too much) blather about ""family,"" etc. Jason Momoa livens things up as a quirky, devilish villain, but too many callback moments and cameos." M.V. Moorhead,"Less Hat, Moorhead",NA,rotten,"What this movie suggests that cars, and human bodies, can do and withstand is recklessly delusional, and to assume that it has no effect on the behavior of real-life drivers raised on movies like this seems naïve." Sarah Gopaul,Digital Journal,NA,rotten,"Momoa’s villain is deliciously over-the-top as he relishes playing the insane psychopath and delivers the picture’s best moments, singlehandedly raising the movie’s watchability rating." Susan Kamyab,Irving Television,D+,rotten,"I think we all expect the movies to be silly and they have always been self-aware of how ridiculous they can be with their impossible stunts. But sadly, ""Fast X"" just proves that the franchise is running out of gas." Keith Garlington,Keith & the Movies,3.5/5,fresh,The franchise freed itself from the restraints of reality a long time ago. “Fast X” is openly self-aware yet it has an undeniably big heart. And Momoa brings a blithely psychotic energy that you can’t turn away from. Andy Lea,Daily Express (UK),2/5,rotten,"Nobody watches this series for a coherent story but it’s clearly ridiculous. The screenwriters know it too, peppering the dialogue with self-aware quips." Todd Jorgenson,Cinemalogue,NA,rotten,"Even by series standards, the globetrotting plot bridging the set pieces feels uninspired and rudimentary as it funnels toward an obligatory high-stakes final showdown." John Urbancich,JMuvies,2.5/5,rotten,"Even with four Oscar winners, furious action rules one more time. (mini review)" Aaron Peterson,The Hollywood Outsider,7/10,fresh,"Fast X continues what fans have come to expect from the Fast and Furious films, while polishing up this tired ride with a fresh coat of Jason Momoa having an absolute blast." Alison Willmore,New York Magazine/Vulture,NA,fresh,"A decent diversion, though watching it feels like sustaining a head injury." Christopher Cross,Tilt Magazine,2.5/5,rotten,"Fast X is an idea without direction: fun in the moment, but the lack of closure on any arc and the mishandling of other arcs serve as a reminder that the franchise was always held together by duct tape." Edwin Arnaudin,Asheville Movies,C+,rotten,"Despite leaning on the same components that ideally would have made this series a one-and-done back in 2001, Fast X damn near succeeds thanks to its new blood." Abbie Bernstein,Assignment X,B,fresh,FAST X delivers on what it promises with proficiency. Sara Michelle Fetters,,1.5/4,rotten,"Fast X is the most absurd entry yet in the long-running franchise, and that’s saying something, considering the crew journeyed into outer space in the previous installment." Sean Collier,Pittsburgh Magazine,7/10,fresh,Is it good? Does it matter? Rosa Parra,In Their Own League,3/5,fresh,"“Fast X” minimally improves from its last two films, the majority of it being the addition of Momoa....This film is nothing groundbreaking that does what any blockbuster movie sets to do though – entertain." Scott Campbell,We Got This Covered,3/5,fresh,"'Fast X' doubles down on everything longtime fans have come to know and love about the franchise, but anyone who isn't sold on the saga at this stage isn't going to be won over." Peter Travers,ABC News,NA,rotten,Only glints of the old whiplash magic remain in chapter 10 as thrills give way to thudding formula and paycheck acting—not you Jason Momoa—that slow down the action to forge the runt of the F&F litter. Evan Dossey,Midwest Film Journal,NA,fresh,"If you're already a fan of the series, you'll find much to enjoy. If you aren't, why are you bothering anyway?" Courtney Small,Cinema Axis,NA,fresh,"Consistently lighting up the screen at every turn, Momoa’s performance allows the film to rise above its narrative shortcomings." Odie Henderson,Boston Globe,2.5/4,rotten,"“Fast X” is watchable, and its car chases are often exciting, but it’s not as satisfying as the best F&F movies." Chris Hewitt,Minneapolis Star Tribune,2.5/4,fresh,"[Momoa] seems to have modeled his bright, sing-songy delivery on Bill Murray's brilliant work in ""Little Shop of Horrors,"" and darned if he isn't almost as funny." Brent Hankins,The Lamplight Review,5/10,rotten,"If virtually anything onscreen in Fast Xwas half as entertaining as Jason Momoa's performance, I could offer a begrudging recommendation, but the rest simply pales in comparison." Tanner Gordon,Spectrum Culture,NA,rotten,"Vin Diesel clearly still takes his most successful franchise seriously, but does anyone else?" Patrick McDonald,"WBGR-FM (93.7 FM - Monroe, WI)",4/5,fresh,"It's about time the FAST series had some fresh story blood, and this film is absorbing and weird fun, thanks to Jason Momoa’s hilarious and bizarre interpretation as Dante. The stunts are big screen fabulous, the locations exotic, and hey, it's family." Eric Marchen,Rogers TV,C,rotten,"The action sequences tend to exhaust rather than entertain, blurring with previous sequels." Jeffrey Harris,411mania,5/10,rotten,"Fast X takes the franchise much closer to unappealing self-parody after many years of expertly walking a tenuous tightrope. Jason Momoa delights in a clunky, messy, overstuffed, and bloated plot." Austin Burke,Austin Burke/Flick Fan Nation,6/10,fresh,"Fast X embraces the lunacy that this franchise is known for, and it provides some massive action sequences. Not every performance and subplot works, but Momoa plays a great villain." John Nguyen,Nerd Reactor,2/5,rotten,At least it knows it's a silly movie. EJ Moreno,Flickering Myth,NA,fresh,Fast X brings me back to when big explosive movies like this weren't afraid to be a bit extra. Russ Simmons,KKFI-FM (Kansas City),2/5,rotten,"After 2-hours and 21-minutes of CGI-generated wheel spinning, “Fast X” leaves the audience with a ridiculous cliffhanger. That might make even die-hard “Fast and the Furious” fans furious." Mark Jackson,Epoch Times,3/5,rotten,"Happy to see Jason Momoa finally discover his acting power alley, and I'm giving it 3 stars for how it bludgeoned me into submission with the delights of the bro and the dude—but mostly I still hate it." Dennis Schwartz,Dennis Schwartz Movie Reviews,C,rotten,"The popular, durable and money-making car-driven franchise, that started in 2001." Kyle Smith,Wall Street Journal,NA,rotten,"Creatively speaking, the fuel gauge is pointing to E and the engines are sputtering." Jake Wilson,The Age (Australia),3/5,fresh,"Diesel no longer seems quite human enough to be vulnerable, with his bald dome polished to an ageless sheen and his life-coach mottos delivered in a gruff near-whisper. Still, there are moments that show that despite everything he remains an actor." Richard Crouse,Richard Crouse,NA,fresh,"In the Fast & Furious world the word “ludicrous” is not just the name of prominent cast member Chris ‘Ludacris’ Bridges, it’s also the name of the game. Since the franchise’s humble 2001 debut, the movies have grown bigger and sillier with each entry." Stephen Romei,The Australian,2.5/5,rotten, a thrilling car chase enough? Not for this viewer. The pedal-to-the-metal fans and the studio will disagree. Hope Madden,MaddWolf,3.5/5,fresh,Dumb as hell. Thumbs up all around. Andrew Parker,The Gate,6/10,fresh,Fast X is the cinematic equivalent of meat sweats. Brandon Avery,Just My Opinion Reviews,6.5/10,fresh,"Fast X was far superior than part 9. Still Ridiculous, Wild, Over the top, and random. Not even sure the plot makes sense with so much thrown at the screen. All considered, I still had a fun Blast!" Larushka Ivan-Zadeh,Metro Newspaper (UK),3/5,rotten,Seeing what outrageous outfit he’ll wear next is the movie’s greatest pleasure. Otherwise it’s just an eye-wateringly expensive exercise in wheel-spinning. Let’s hope part 2 fully kicks the fun into gear. James Croot,,3/5,fresh,"Whether clad in a snakeskin jacket and shiny pants, or sporting pink-and-purple nail polish, [Momoa's] button-averse Dante chews the scenery, whenever he isn’t totally destroying it." Dan Scully,ScullyVision,NA,fresh,"We made peace with the extremely loose physics many movies ago, and the film has a lot of fun with such freedom." Paul Whitington,Irish Independent,NA,rotten,"This thing is loud and toneless, stupid above and beyond franchise requirements, not helped by a dreadful turn from Momoa, who aims for camp comedy and misses by a country mile." James Verniere,Boston Herald,C+,rotten,Dimwitted takes on The Godfather films with street racers instead of gangsters. Derek Lawrence,Esquire Magazine,NA,fresh,"Even if Fast X largely gives you the sense that the end of the road should be imminent, Part II is set up to be an epic swan song. And yes, I can’t quit this cult." George M. Thomas,Akron Beacon Journal,C+,fresh,Fast X is what it is -- necessary dumb fun. Emmanuel Noisette,The Movie Blog,6.5/10,fresh,"If you’re good with senseless action, corny jokes, and literally unbelievable stunts that abuse helicopters and cars, then Fast X is exactly what you’ll want to see." Wesley Morris,New York Times,NA,rotten,These movies used to know what about them was ridiculous. They’d give that to us until our hearts broke the speed limit. But I’ve already seen Diesel drive at a 90-degree angle before. The old bravado currently reeks of formula. The nerve is shot. Frank Swietek,One Guy's Opinion,D,rotten,[A] totally brainless behemoth [in which] Momoa gives a performance so ostentatiously awful that you’d swear he was actively campaigning for a Razzie. Brent McKnight,The Last Thing I See,D+,rotten,"At this point, the only way to redeem these movies is to bring back Johnny Strong as the big bag in the inevitable next chapter." Chase Hutchinson,"The Inlander (Spokane, WA)",1/4,rotten,"Though one could find something chaotically charming in prior entries, that is gone in Fast X. Not even family can save this one." Don Kaye,Den of Geek,2.5/5,rotten,"It’s obvious Moomoa's having a blast and, as we often say, acting in his own separate movie. The same cannot be said for the rest of the Fast cast, who know exactly what movie they're in and are starting to show signs of fatigue." Chris Knight,National Post,4/5,fresh,"Fast X offers such giddy, goofball enjoyment, I’d gladly return for two more if they can keep the energy flowing." Travis Hopson,Punch Drunk Critics,3.5/5,fresh,"Fast X is overstuffed and over-the-top fan service, and after more than two decades this franchise knows how to keep its fans on the edge of their seats." Marcelo Stiletano,La Nación (Argentina),4/5,fresh,"Beyond guts, muscle, and big action sequences that always make sense, Fast X's got a heart. [Full review in Spanish]" Jorge Loser,Espinof,NA,rotten,"... A stew of characters, plots, and villains that appear everywhere all at once, and a disorganized narrative that slows down the pace and makes Justin Lin's absense palpable in its most delirious moments. [Full review in Spanish]" José Roberto Landaverde,Cine Premiere,3/5,fresh,"Fast X doesn't fully break the generic mold of its predecessors, rather it incorporates new visual elements, and actors into the game that were, at this point, necessary. [Full review in Spanish]" Pablo O. Scholz,Clarín,3/4,fresh,"Fast X may be more of the same, but it is entertaining. [Full review in Spanish]" Daniel Howat,Next Best Picture,3/10,rotten,"Here, there's no gravity. There's no pain. There's nothing but a mishmash of lifeless CGI and closeups of the stars to remind you of the fat checks they continue to receive for such incompetence." Callum Crumlish,Daily Express (UK),2/5,rotten,"However exciting Fast X's stunts and elongated action sequences are, the script is dreadful in equal parts." Andrew Gaudion,THN,2/5,rotten,"Fast X does have all the elements you would expect from an F&F, but sadly the execution this time out leaves this first chapter of the closing stretch a jumbled, messy and cluttered affair." Danny Leigh,Financial Times,3/5,fresh,"As ever, the tone is pro-wrestling adjacent." Rob Dean,,3/5,fresh,"While the choppy approach to Fast X is a detriment, it doesn’t totally get in the way of the usual insanity that fans have come to expect (and love) from the series." Trace Sauveur,Austin Chronicle,3.5/5,fresh,"Even when the Fast films are stuck spinning their wheels, they still have their foot firmly on the gas." Jonathan W. Hickman,The Newnan Times-Herald,5/10,rotten,The joyful glee associated with Dante only exposes this flagging franchise's bankrupt nature. Chris Joyce,Movies and Munchies (YouTube),3.5/5,fresh,"While some of the story drags when there’s excess exposition, the magnetism of Jason Momoa takes a familiar story arc and catapults it into a dazzling spectacle of ridiculous excess." Mel Valentin,ScreenAnarchy,NA,fresh,"As usual too, the best-money-can-buy set pieces rarely disappoint and more often have the opposite result, delivering just the right amount of awe, wonder, and humor at the utter and complete absurdity of it all." Mark Dujsik,Mark Reviews Movies,3/4,fresh,It's quite a bit of over-the-top fun... Thom Ernst,Original Cin,C,rotten,"I’m unsure what universe Fast X exists in. I knew when the first film carried the sheen of an '80s cop film. I don’t recognize a world where ultra-secret HQs house cells with laser guns, and satellite shaped bombs. But then, I’m not really a car person." Tom Santilli,Movie Show Plus,C+,rotten,...the franchise itself is showing more than just signs of wear-and-tear. It's getting time to pull this one into the junkyard. Kshitij Rawat,Wion,NA,rotten,"Fast X is better than F9, but that is like saying you prefer a stubbed toe to a broken leg. In both cases, you are longing for relief." Alan Cerny,,5/10,rotten,"Fast X is more video game than movie, where no one ever really dies, characters defy the laws of gravity and physics and brush themselves off afterwards, and the action sequences are pure zeros and ones." Charlotte O'Sullivan,London Evening Standard,3/5,fresh,"Against all the odds, the ridiculously expensive Fast X is both a bloated swizz and a cheeky triumph." Hayden Mears,HeyUGuys,2/5,rotten,"Fast X is so dedicated to individual moments, so focused on maintaining its excess, that it forgets it's all supposed to add up to a story. This isn't inherently a bad thing, but it does mean you need to check your expectations at the door." Avi Offer,NYC Movie Guru,NA,rotten,"A loud, bloated and exhausting bore that's not even fun to watch while stoned." Jeanne Kaplan,Kaplan vs. Kaplan,NA,fresh,It is undeniable that Momoa steals the film. David Kaplan,Kaplan vs. Kaplan,NA,fresh,Momoa provides virtually all the comic relief as the gleefully effeminate Dante but with a distinct aura of evil. Anthony Morris,ScreenHub,3.5/5,fresh,"This isn’t the hoped-for return to form, but if you’ve come this far then Momoa, the supporting cast and a couple of shock twists (don’t leave once the credits start) are reason enough to strap yourself in yet again" Grant Watson,Fiction Machine,5/10,rotten,The constant repetition has grown well past stale. Dave Lee,Dave Lee Down Under,3/5,fresh,"By now, the Fast franchise is so self-aware of how big, bombastic, dumb, and brainless it is, it rides it out with a vengeance! Just when you think they can’t top themselves, Fast X over-delivers in every possible way. It’s a blast!." Matt Donato,What To Watch,2.5/5,rotten,Fast X is a pileup of characters fighting to stand out and less spectacular action that feels more like marketing for future installments than a complete feature. Cain Noble-Davies,FILMINK (Australia),10/20,rotten,"What was once bombastic, ridiculous, and endearing has become rote and ignorable…" Keva York,ABC News (Australia),NA,rotten,"The mandate to up and up the ante has seen the so-called Fast Saga turn from dumb, hyper-stylish fun into something meaner and more airless." Johnny Oleksinski,New York Post,1/4,rotten,Another moronic “Fast” film that plods along like “99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall” and features increasingly fake chases. Stacey Yvonne,Black Girl Nerds,4.5/5,fresh,"In the Fast saga, reality no longer exists; physics is but a concept, gravity an option and anything is possible. Especially if you have a car like Dom’s." Gregory Wakeman,The National (UAE),3/5,fresh,What really makes Fast X so thoroughly entertaining is the performance of Jason Momoa. The Aquaman star is having an absolute ball playing the dastardly villain Dante. Julian Roman,MovieWeb,2/5,rotten,"Fast X races to the franchise finish line as an overblown popcorn cinema spectacle. The film sticks to form as familiar characters engage in a violent CGI melee of bumper car explosions, gunplay, and savage brawls." Tania Lamb,Lola Lambchops,NA,fresh,"Extreme and ridiculous, Fast X will entertain the franchise fans. It's the kind of movie that gets people to the theater to make you forget about reality. And they always make you feel like family. I get the appeal, and I don't." John Lui,The Straits Times (Singapore),2/5,rotten,"Ten movies in and the series still cannot work out how to combine the campy energy of its wacky plots and insane car stunts with the stodgy, conventionally masculine male characters played by the likes of Diesel, Jason Statham and Dwayne Johnson." Jeremy Jahns,,NA,rotten,You never feel a sense of danger because everybody's just doing the most ridiculous s--- and living. Rachel Wagner,,8/10,fresh,I sincerely think Fast X is the best of this series since Fast Five. It was certainly the most entertaining for this critic David Sims,The Atlantic,NA,rotten,"The sweet, coarse sincerity that once made these films sing is gone, replaced with jokes and stunts that feel patched together from earlier, better franchises." Peter Gray,The AU Review,3.5/5,fresh,"[Momoa’s] flamboyant, sexually ambiguous supervillain is truly the burst of chaotic energy these films have long needed to go beyond merely being entertaining from a spectacle point of view." Daniel Rutledge,"Flicks (AU, NZ, UK)",NA,fresh,"It’s definitely entertaining, yet while this is 142 minutes of pretty much nonstop action, none of it is very memorable action. There isn’t really one of the iconic ‘what about the bit where…’ stunts from the earlier films." Katie Walsh,Tribune News Service,2.5/4,fresh,Leterrier and Momoa bring an energy and excitement to “Fast X” that juices the engine to deliver the goods that fans want. But the jumbled lore and odd treatment of characters may leave audiences with more questions than answers Robert Kojder,Flickering Myth,2.5/5,rotten,"Jason Momoa is having an infectious blast as a refreshingly irredeemable villain, and #FastX X certainly delivers unabashed chaos, but there's also so much weightless filler that there's no justification for splitting this entry into parts" Lynn Venhaus,,C-,rotten,"Momoa has a blast going over-the-top as a flamboyant, preening sociopath seeking vengeance. Part Cesar Romero’s Joker, part Jim Carrey’s Riddler, and all peacock-strutting and rooster-crowing swagger, Momoa ups the ante as a sadistic dominating presence" A.A. Dowd,Chron,NA,rotten,"The franchise was more fun, as opposed to ""fun,"" when it wasn't so in on the joke." Alex Bentley,CultureMap,NA,fresh,"The ridiculousness of the series is the point, and the first part of the two- (or three?) part finale more than delivers on that promise." Leigh Paatsch,Herald Sun (Australia),3/5,fresh,"When viewed as the movie that will rev up everyone’s engines for the victory lap to come, Fast X will do just nicely." Zachary Laws,AwardsWatch,B-,fresh,"[The Fast & Furious franchise] was built on fast cars going “vroom vroom,” explosions going “boom boom,” and fists going “pow pow,” which Fast X delivers with aplomb." Brandon Zachary,CBR,NA,rotten,"The action isn't the problem, which often strives to reach those same over-the-top levels that have helped elevate the series... Fast X screeches to a halt when it tries to be more reflective or emotional, losing sight of the tone that defines the film." Fred Topel,United Press International,NA,fresh,"Momoa literally dances around all the cliches of action movie villains. Dante mocks Dom for taking the whole thing seriously, as if Dante is playing a video game with The Fast and the Furious characters as avatars." Rachel Leishman,The Mary Sue,4/5,fresh,The best way I can describe Jason Momoa’s performance as Dante Reyes is that he just truly came to set and had the time of his life. Leo Brady,,2/4,rotten,"What Fast X is selling is a video game. It’s not a film where the cinematography matters because it’s definitely not cinema. If you’re entertained I am glad. But for those of us that want a lasting impact from our movies, Fast X will give you no relief." Mike Massie,Gone With The Twins,4/10,rotten,A portion of the film is so absurdly ridiculous that it’s mildly entertaining. And at least nobody drives a car into space. Brian Tallerico,,2/4,rotten,"Even as it’s spinning through enjoyably goofy action set pieces, most of them enlivened greatly by a fun performance from Jason Momoa, there’s a desperate familiarity to all of “Fast X”." Tessa Smith,Mama's Geeky,3/5,fresh,"This movie wouldn't have worked without Jason Momoa, who is clearly having the time of his life as Dante. Sure, it's silly, ridiculous, and completely over the top - but that is what this franchise always has been." Clint Worthington,The Spool,NA,fresh,"[I]t’s a ludicrously good time for the faithful, even as the wheels threaten to come off with every new twist, cameo, or winking nod to the series’ complicated history and well-trod narrative rhythms." Michael Walsh,Nerdist,2.5/5,rotten,By the movie’s bizarre and infuriating non-ending it’s clear even the best Cousin Oliver ever—a true Hollywood star operating at full power in all his glory—isn’t enough to save Fast X from itself. Ezequiel Boetti,,3.5/5,fresh,"... Retraces the well-known tracks of the saga: chases on any surface, nose-dives, the MacGyvering of anything with wheels, trips around the world, all laced with klutzy dialogue about the importance of family, loyalty, and so on. [Full review in Spanish]" David Poland,Hot Button,NA,fresh,"The ensemble is literally 20 deep... every actor gets “their moment.” The franchise adds Rita Moreno because, why f-ing not? We are at the point where Dominic mentioning “family” is a laugh line, like he is Great Grandpa Dom farting at the dinner table." Adrián Monserrat,EscribiendoCine,7/10,fresh,"... The well-developed ""family"" feeling converges in a purely entertaining spectacle for those who've been in their cars with engines running since 2001 when The Fast and the Furious rode into the light. [Full review in Spanish]" Christian Holub,Entertainment Weekly,C,rotten,No question this franchise is silly...but having one character constantly ridiculing the others and making mockery of everything feels maybe a little too on-the-nose. Emily Zemler,Observer,3.5/4,fresh,"You’ll laugh, you’ll cheer and you’ll feel, for a few hours, like part of a family." Tim Robey,Daily Telegraph (UK),4/5,fresh,"Momoa is what these films have been missing forever: a flamboyant supervillain and all-round chaos merchant, who likes to perch on the tallest landmarks and dial in carnage." Allison Rose,FlickDirect,4/5,fresh,"Despite the talent, one actor stands out - Momoa excels and does it extremely well." Julian Lytle,Geek Girl Riot,B+,fresh,So go in and sit back and enjoy this bombastic and totally awe-inspiring action movie. Adam Graham,Detroit News,D,rotten,It's time to hang up the car keys for good. Jeffrey Lyles,Lyles' Movie Files,10/10,fresh,"Fast X is another example of a series that’s a lot more fun when you stop trying to inject realism into it and just go along for the wild, nitrous-fueled ride." Brian Orndorf,,D+,rotten,"Basically a recycling facility, delivering the same story beats, same car-fu, and same stakes, only here the mission is to pump up the faithful so they’ll buy another ticket in two years." Britany Murphy,Muses of Media,3/5,fresh,"If you’re a genuine fan of the franchise, you’ll be more than happy with this film; if you’re not, it’s still a fun and mindless time to enjoy watching something new in theatres." Mark Kennedy,Associated Press,3/4,fresh,"With a foot in the past, one in the future and one on the gas, “Fast X” is pure popcorn lunacy. Was that too many feet? Oh, excuse us, you wanted logic?" Tom Beasley,The Digital Fix,4/5,fresh,"Fast X uses its straight-faced tone as a cudgel, battering the audience into comedic submission and almost daring you to take it seriously, even for a second. No one on screen is laughing, and that just makes it funnier." Jake Cole,Little White Lies,3/5,fresh,The most ridiculous Fast and Furious film yet. Katie Rife,Polygon,NA,rotten,"Fast X suffers from the same condition as latter-day MCU movies, where it’s so laden with internal mythology that it feels more like homework than popcorn entertainment." Cary Darling,Houston Chronicle,3.5/5,fresh,"""Transporter"" director Louis Leterrier... puts his pedal to the metal, keeping things moving so quickly — bodies and vehicles are perpetually in motion, drivin', fightin', explodin' or dyin' — that there's little time to worry about how far-fetched it is." Michael Phillips,Chicago Tribune,2/4,rotten,Outlandish mayhem needs better visual stylists than Leterrier. Moira MacDonald,Seattle Times,3/4,fresh,"This movie is good, silly popcorn fun — with a couple of scenes at the end (stay put during the first half of the credits) indicating even better times ahead." Rafer Guzman,Newsday,2/4,rotten,An overloaded and underwhelming sequel -- and there might be two more chapters to go. Richard Roeper,Chicago Sun-Times,2/4,rotten,"You can’t help but laugh at the sheer audacity of the filmmakers. Give ‘em this much, they’re wholly embracing the madness." Brian Lowry,,NA,rotten,"There’s still ample gas left in that tank, commercially speaking. It’s creatively where “Fast X” feels as if it’s running on fumes." Dan Jolin,Empire Magazine,3/5,fresh,"It's a film that somehow finds new and fabulously silly things to do with cars, while — Momoa’s questionable villain aside — being exactly what you’d expect." Kevin Maher,Times (UK),2/5,rotten,"It’s the logical culmination of a franchise that began as lithe and nifty, slowly became bloated with its own endearing ambition, and has now succumbed to its own bloat and, like Elvis, has died on the toilet." Ann Hornaday,Washington Post,2/4,fresh,"An overstuffed live-action cartoon whose harebrained schemes and casual, stakes-free violence create the perfect accompaniment to a bowl of Froot Loops on a Saturday morning." Paul McGuire Grimes,Paul's Trip to the Movies,3.5/5,fresh,Fast X is everything you love about this franchise cranked up to 10. Courtney Howard,Fresh Fiction,2/5,rotten,"Honestly, it’s a surprise Dom doesn’t actually jump a shark during the plodding, padded run time." Carla Hay,Culture Mix,NA,rotten,"Fast X is the cinematic equivalent of a multi-car crash pileup. It's a huge downgrade for the franchise, which is a bloated mishmash of Oscar-winning stars and less-talented cast members saying a lot of awful dialogue while dodging guns and explosions." Mick LaSalle,San Francisco Chronicle,3/4,fresh,"The best “Fast & Furious” movies don’t take themselves seriously. They pretend to take themselves seriously, but in a way that we know that they know they’re pretending, and we’re all in on the joke." Brian Truitt,USA Today,2.5/4,rotten,"Much of the spectacle in this 10th film rehashes bonkers situations and scenes done before (and better), a running theme that also pervades much of the narrative." William Bibbiani,TheWrap,NA,fresh,"'F9' made a convincing case for letting this whole 'Fast and Furious' series finally end. But just when you thought it was okay to check out, 'Fast X' pulls you back in." Kirsten Acuna,Insider,B-,fresh,"""Fast X"" plays like an ""Infinity War'' wannabe, right down to its massive surprise ending and purple-clothed antagonist." Ray Greene,AV Club,B-,fresh,"Diesel believes in Dom so hard that for two hours and 10 minutes, he makes you believe in him too." Aaron White,Feelin' Film Podcast,3/5,fresh,"Absolutely UNHINGED. Momoa is worth the ticket, hamming it up as a maniacal antagonist hellbent on revenge and causing suffering, too, while the series abandons all seriousness, becoming fully self-aware & inviting you to laugh not just with it, but at it" Molly Freeman,Screen Rant,3/5,fresh,"Fast X is a breathless thrill ride that occasionally gets bogged down in melodramatic dialogue, but Jason Momoa's villain makes it a blast to watch." Jude Dry,indieWire,C+,rotten,"[It's] engaging in the oldest trick in the book, using flamboyance (read: queerness) to signal evil. Pitted against the raging paternalism of Dom Toretto’s singular guiding purpose to protect his family at all costs, the moral edict is crystal clear." Spencer Perry,,2.5/5,rotten,"Fast X has fundamentally dropped the ball in terms of what made it so special from other franchises. Even if Fast X appears to have lost some of its identity, it's promising us at least a movie where Jason Momoa is running around like an unhinged goblin." Tom Jorgensen,IGN Movies,5/10,rotten,"An underwhelming lead-up to the series finale, Fast X's only real redeeming quality is Jason Momoa's bonkers performance as the villain." Alonso Duralde,The Film Verdict,NA,fresh,"Leterrier and company understand that they have been freed of such constraints, offering up a live-action cartoon that doesn’t have to make rational or spatial sense as long as there’s emotion and excitement, two elements Fast X has by the tankful." Matt Lynch,In Review Online,NA,rotten,It’s obviously a fool’s errand to ding the Fast & Furious movies for being too silly or too underwritten. The problem is that underwritten stupidity would be just fine if there was anything the least bit thrilling otherwise going on. Barry Hertz,Globe and Mail,NA,fresh,"An F&F movie that is both a one-upped continuation of the franchise and a deeply affectionate, powerfully weird tribute to the series itself." Matthew Turner,Action Reloaded,4/5,fresh,"Jason Momoa proves an inspired choice as Dante, and he throws himself into the role with great gusto, clearly enjoying every second of it." Neil Smith,Total Film,4/5,fresh,A sequel both outrageously entertaining and entertainingly outrageous. Sean P. Means,The Movie Cricket,2.5/4,rotten,"Even by the franchise’s harebrained standards — a submarine in “The Fate of the Furious,” space travel in “F9: The Fast Saga” — the newest installment, “Fast X,” sets a new standard for automotive silliness." Grace Randolph,Beyond the Trailer,NA,fresh,"Surprisingly good, the best movie in this franchise since Furious 7. After some subpar and downright bad entries, Jason Momoa & Louis Leterrier bring a jolt of energy to this latest installment. A very expensive Saturday Morning Cartoon for all ages!" Clarisse Loughrey,Independent (UK),4/5,fresh,Fast & Furious isn’t merely an action series – it’s Twin Peaks if David Lynch had guzzled nitromethane before calling action. Kevin Fox Jr.,Paste Magazine,6.1/10,rotten,"Your mileage will vary greatly depending on your personal appetite for sequel sludge, but if you’re the sort of person considering watching a Fast & Furious movie, you’re probably the sort of person that will enjoy it." Hoai-Tran Bui,Inverse,NA,rotten,"A ludicrous, patchwork blockbuster that strains the limits of even Fast & Furious reality. It only took us 10 movies, but Fast & Furious has become a parody of itself." Dominic Griffin,,NA,rotten,"The film is disappointing enough that the idea of adding an extra feature film into the mix feels not only ill-advised, but borderline insulting." Nikki Baughan,Screen International,NA,fresh,What does come as a surprise is just how fun this well-trodden formula can be; particularly when framed as a fan-friendly trip down memory lane... Sherin Nicole,Geek Girl Riot,NA,fresh,"It’s been 22 years since we started living life a quarter mile at a time. Over two decades we haven’t wanted to stop once. From then until today, we ride with our hands on the wheel, our hearts on the ceiling, and our fears on the floor." Adrian Ruiz,But Why Tho? A Geek Community,8.5/10,fresh,"In all, director Louis Leterrier steers the franchise back to its roots as it rediscovers the balance between fantastical and family. Despite a few missed opportunities, Fast X still manages to deliver an entertaining and nostalgic experience..." Nate Adams,The Only Critic,D+,rotten,"The laws of physics and gravity notwithstanding, “Fast X” is just a tireless exercise in Diesel trying to deliver lines of emotional dialogue while people scream into walkie talkies and blow things up. Stick a fork in it please." Christie Cronan,Raising Whasians,6/10,fresh,Two words: testosterone drive. Fast X is like a bad car accident and a tabloid combined. We just can't get enough of a movie with little to no plot that's basically just one messy pileup. Momoa's performance saves the film. Frank Scheck,Hollywood Reporter,NA,fresh,What saves Fast X is that it’s so aware of its own absurdity that it becomes an entertaining parody of itself. Peter Martin,,NA,rotten,"More does not always mean better, as painfully demonstrated in Fast X." Cameron Frew,Dexerto,3/5,fresh,"Fast and Furious 10 is a low-tier entry, but when it’s this knowingly preposterous and corny, it’s impossible to hate." Germain Lussier,,NA,rotten,"After a promising start, Fast X devolves into a jumbled, uneven, nonsensical story that patches its problems with big explosions." Scott Tobias,Guardian,3/5,fresh,"Fast X has enough joyful self-awareness that resistance becomes futile. At a certain point, it feels better to give in and smile." Ross Bonaime,Collider,B-,fresh,"For all its flaws, Fast X is still an absurdly fun time at the movies that is ridiculous and charming in all the right ways, even at its worst." Edward Douglas,The Weekend Warrior,6.5/10,fresh,It certainly will be interesting to see whether the fans appreciate this tenth installment more than I did. Matt Singer,ScreenCrush,3/10,rotten,"For the first time in the franchise’s history, there isn’t a single sequence that outdoes what has come before." Todd McCarthy,Deadline Hollywood Daily,NA,fresh,"With its seemingly inexhaustible supply of madly amusing action, this high-octane extravaganza attempts, and not infrequently succeeds, in obliterating any resistance with its disarming, outrageous and self-aware injections of often-hilarious camp." Simon Thompson,The Playlist,B-,fresh,"Even though it is Vin Diesel’s at the top of this franchise’s Totem Pole, “Fast X” is Momoa’s movie. He is a revelationary riot." Nick Schager,The Daily Beast,NA,rotten,"No matter which cliché you choose—the series is running out of gas/spinning its wheels/stuck in neutral—Dom and company’s latest exploits are perhaps their most exhaustingly “extreme” to date, not to mention their dimmest." Ethan Anderton,Slashfilm,8/10,fresh,"""Fast X"" is packed with all of the unbelievable, high-octane action you've come to expect and love, but it is Jason Momoa's bad guy Dante who truly makes this a must-see blockbuster." Aaron Neuwirth,We Live Entertainment,7/10,fresh,"Fast X is a massive movie with many moving parts and a villain who will easily become iconic for fans of the series. And here's the other thing – as ridiculous as this film is, it feels very thought out." Peter Debruge,Variety,NA,rotten,"“X” marks the spot where the property’s most dependable director, Justin Lin, called it quits. You may be tempted to do the same." Brian Lloyd,,2/5,rotten,"'Fast X' just drives at full revs, burning out the engine entirely and leaving audiences trying to catch a glimpse of it all as it whizzes past us." Casey Chong,Casey's Movie Mania,2.5/5,rotten,"Even with Jason Momoa’s scene-stealing performance and some worthwhile moments, I’m not sure how much gas they have left to (forcefully) stretch this into a trilogy." Ian Sandwell,Digital Spy,3/5,fresh,"An overstuffed blockbuster that doesn't satisfy as a complete whole, but works as another ride that's often ludicrously entertaining and elevated by the best villain in the series." Joey Morona,Cleveland Plain Dealer,NA,fresh,"A hell of a thrill ride, with insane action, an unhinged villain and a jaw-dropping ending." Matt Rodriguez,Shakefire,2.5/5,rotten,Jason Momoa is the best thing about Fast X and quite possibly the entire franchise. He is that entertaining. It's a shame that can't be said about the rest of the film. David Gonzalez,The Cinematic Reel,3/5,fresh,"Fast X will not bring new fans into the fold.However, Fast X does its best to get faith back to those who felt the tires were coming off this car. If you’ve suspended your disbelief for 20 years,prepare for even more nonsensical summer blockbuster action." Jon Negroni,InBetweenDrafts,7.5/10,fresh,"Fast X marks a true first for this saga, in that it actually teases a satisfying exit ramp." Greg Nussen,Slant Magazine,1.5/4,rotten,"Being as this is the first of a possibly three-part finale, Fast X’s sense of fun is constantly deflated by all the table-setting." Eric Eisenberg,CinemaBlend,3.5/5,fresh,"Jason Momoa not only wins you over with his psychotic, merciless, and cartoony antics, but provides a breath of fresh air into a blockbuster series that has grown stale in the last few years." Roger Moore,Movie Nation,1.5/4,rotten,"Jason Momoa IS ""The Greatest Showman!"" ...But let's not mince words. ""Fast X"" is a stunningly stupid movie" Matt Oakes,Silver Screen Riot,D+,rotten,"Death has been tamed in the realm of the Fast and the Furious, a universe where mortality is less of a concrete reality and more of a minor inconvenience." Jim Schembri,,3.5/5,fresh,"It matters that family values are at the core of the film – though not as much as all the marvellously over-the-top vehicular mayhem in which cars and trucks are flipped, tumbled, totalled and detonated with a flair and grace that is borderline balletic." Kaely Monahan,Arizona Republic,3.5/5,fresh,The only redeeming quality is Momoa’s Dante. Momoa brings a streak of levity in an otherwise ponderous film that oozes masculine machismo and fossil fuels.