################################################## ### Load libraries ################################################## library(broom) library(corrr) library(tidyverse) library(tidymodels) library(patchwork) ################################################## ### Import and prepare data ################################################## eeo = read_csv("~/Documents/github/epsy-8264/data/equal-education-opportunity.csv") head(eeo) ################################################## ### Source the residual_plots() function from the script file ################################################## source("../../scripts/residual_plots.R") ################################################## ### PCA: Singular value decomposition ################################################## # Create matrix of predictors X_p = as.matrix(eeo[ , c("faculty", "peer", "school")]) # SVD decomposition sv_decomp = svd(t(X_p) %*% X_p) # View results sv_decomp # Compute proportion of variance sv_decomp$d / sum(sv_decomp$d) # Mean center each predictor X_p[, 1] = X_p[, 1] - mean(X_p[, 1]) X_p[, 2] = X_p[, 2] - mean(X_p[, 2]) X_p[, 3] = X_p[, 3] - mean(X_p[, 3]) # Compute PC scores pc_scores = X_p %*% sv_decomp$v head(pc_scores) ################################################## ### Using prcomp() ################################################## # Fit the PCA using SVD decomposition svd_pca = eeo %>% select(faculty, peer, school) %>% scale(center = TRUE, scale = FALSE) %>% # center data prcomp() # View standard deviations and rotation matrix (eigenvector matrix) svd_pca # Compute variances var_pc = svd_pca[[1]] ^ 2 var_pc # Compute variance accounted for var_pc / sum(var_pc) # Obtain PC scores augment(svd_pca) ################################################## ### Scaling the predictors ################################################## # Fit the PCA using SVD decomposition on standardized predictors svd_pca_z = eeo %>% select(faculty, peer, school) %>% scale(center = TRUE, scale = TRUE) %>% prcomp() # View standard deviations and rotation matrix (eigenvector matrix) svd_pca_z # tidy version of the rotation matrix (good for graphing) svd_pca_z %>% tidy(matrix = "rotation") # View sds, variance accounted for svd_pca_z %>% tidy(matrix = "eigenvalues") # Obtain PC scores pc_scores = augment(svd_pca_z) pc_scores ################################################## ### Using the PCs in a regression ################################################## # Add the PC scores to the original data eeo2 = eeo %>% bind_cols(pc_scores) # View data eeo2 # Fit model using PC scores lm.pc = lm(achievement ~ 1 + .fittedPC1 + .fittedPC2 + .fittedPC3, data = eeo2) # Check for collinearity -- correlations eeo2 %>% select(starts_with(".fitted")) %>% correlate() # Check for collinearity -- VIF car::vif(lm.pc) # Model-level output glance(lm.pc) # Coefficient-level output tidy(lm.pc, conf.int = 0.95) ################################################## ### Fit reduced model ################################################## # Fit reduced model using PC1 lm.pc.2 = lm(achievement ~ 1 + .fittedPC1, data = eeo2) # Model-level output glance(lm.pc.2) # Coefficient-level output tidy(lm.pc.2, conf.int = 0.95)