#!/bin/sh ##setup command=wget -q "--no-check-certificate" https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ziko-ZR1/Epg-plugin/master/Download/installer.sh -O - | /bin/sh ######### Only These two lines to edit with new version ###### version=23.4 description=What_is_NEW:\n'-Some fixes and update Bein Sports by Saiedf' ############################################################## TEMPATH=/tmp PLUGINPATH=/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EPGGrabber OLDPLUGINPATH=/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/Epg_Plugin ExtensionsPLUGINPATH=/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions # remove old version rm -rf $OLDPLUGINPATH rm -rf $PLUGINPATH # check depends packges if [ -f /etc/apt/apt.conf ] ; then STATUS='/var/lib/dpkg/status' OS='DreamOS' elif [ -f /etc/opkg/opkg.conf ] ; then STATUS='/var/lib/opkg/status' OS='Opensource' fi ############### if python --version 2>&1 | grep -q '^Python 3\.'; then echo "You have Python3 image" PYTHON='PY3' PYTHONPACK='python3-requests' else echo "You have Python2 image" PYTHON='PY2' PYTHONPACK='python-requests' fi ################ if grep -q $PYTHONPACK $STATUS; then requests='Installed' fi ################ if grep -q 'enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgimport' $STATUS; then epgimport='Installed' fi ################ if [ $requests = "Installed" -a $epgimport = "Installed" ]; then echo "" else if grep -q $PYTHONPACK $STATUS; then echo "" else if [ $OS = "DreamOS" ]; then echo " Downloading $PYTHONPACK ......" apt-get install python-requests -y elif [ $PYTHON = "PY2" ]; then echo " Downloading $PYTHONPACK ......" opkg install python-requests elif [ $PYTHON = "PY3" ]; then echo " Downloading $PYTHONPACK ......" opkg install python3-requests fi fi if grep -q 'enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgimport' $STATUS; then echo "" else if [ $OS = "DreamOS" ]; then echo " Downloading/Insallling epgimport ......" sleep 3 wget -q "--no-check-certificate" "https://github.com/ziko-ZR1/Epg-plugin/blob/master/Download/enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgimport_2.0-r219_all.deb?raw=true" -O "/tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgimport_2.0-r219_all.deb"; dpkg -i /tmp/*.deb; apt-get install -f -y; else echo " Downloading/Insallling epgimport ......" opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgimport fi fi fi ############################ if grep -q $PYTHONPACK $STATUS; then echo "" else echo "#########################################################" echo "# Feed cannot download ($PYTHONPACK) #" echo "# Epg_Plugin has not been works well #" echo "#########################################################" # exit 1 fi ############################ echo "" # Download and install plugin cd /tmp set -e echo " Downloading And Insallling Epg_Plugin plugin ......" echo # wget -q "--no-check-certificate" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ziko-ZR1/Epg-plugin/master/Download/Epg_Plugin-"$version".tar.gz" # tar -xzf Epg_Plugin-"$version".tar.gz -C / wget -O - --no-check-certificate https://github.com/ziko-ZR1/Epg-plugin/archive/master.tar.gz | tar xz "Epg-plugin-master/src/EPGGrabber" mv Epg-plugin-master/src/EPGGrabber $ExtensionsPLUGINPATH rm -r Epg-plugin-master # rm -f Epg_Plugin-"$version".tar.gz set +e cd .. sync ############################ echo "#########################################################" echo "# Epg_Plugin INSTALLED SUCCESSFULLY #" echo "# BY ZIKO - support on #" echo "# https://www.tunisia-sat.com/forums/threads/4062301/ #" echo "#########################################################" echo "# your Device will RESTART Now #" echo "#########################################################" sleep 3 killall -9 enigma2 exit 0