# Start configuration added by Zim install {{{ # # User configuration sourced by interactive shells # # ----------------- # Zsh configuration # ----------------- # # History # # Remove older command from the history if a duplicate is to be added. setopt HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS # # Input/output # # Set editor default keymap to emacs (`-e`) or vi (`-v`) bindkey -e # Prompt for spelling correction of commands. #setopt CORRECT # Customize spelling correction prompt. #SPROMPT='zsh: correct %F{red}%R%f to %F{green}%r%f [nyae]? ' # Remove path separator from WORDCHARS. WORDCHARS=${WORDCHARS//[\/]} # ----------------- # Zim configuration # ----------------- # Use degit instead of git as the default tool to install and update modules. #zstyle ':zim:zmodule' use 'degit' # -------------------- # Module configuration # -------------------- # # git # # Set a custom prefix for the generated aliases. The default prefix is 'G'. #zstyle ':zim:git' aliases-prefix 'g' # # input # # Append `../` to your input for each `.` you type after an initial `..` #zstyle ':zim:input' double-dot-expand yes # # termtitle # # Set a custom terminal title format using prompt expansion escape sequences. # See http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Prompt-Expansion.html#Simple-Prompt-Escapes # If none is provided, the default '%n@%m: %~' is used. #zstyle ':zim:termtitle' format '%1~' # # zsh-autosuggestions # # Disable automatic widget re-binding on each precmd. This can be set when # zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions is the last module in your ~/.zimrc. ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_MANUAL_REBIND=1 # Customize the style that the suggestions are shown with. # See https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions/blob/master/README.md#suggestion-highlight-style #ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_HIGHLIGHT_STYLE='fg=242' # # zsh-syntax-highlighting # # Set what highlighters will be used. # See https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting/blob/master/docs/highlighters.md ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_HIGHLIGHTERS=(main brackets) # Customize the main highlighter styles. # See https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting/blob/master/docs/highlighters/main.md#how-to-tweak-it #typeset -A ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES #ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[comment]='fg=242' # ------------------ # Initialize modules # ------------------ ZIM_HOME=${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zim # Download zimfw plugin manager if missing. if [[ ! -e ${ZIM_HOME}/zimfw.zsh ]]; then if (( ${+commands[curl]} )); then curl -fsSL --create-dirs -o ${ZIM_HOME}/zimfw.zsh \ https://github.com/zimfw/zimfw/releases/latest/download/zimfw.zsh else mkdir -p ${ZIM_HOME} && wget -nv -O ${ZIM_HOME}/zimfw.zsh \ https://github.com/zimfw/zimfw/releases/latest/download/zimfw.zsh fi fi # Install missing modules, and update ${ZIM_HOME}/init.zsh if missing or outdated. if [[ ! ${ZIM_HOME}/init.zsh -nt ${ZIM_CONFIG_FILE:-${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zimrc} ]]; then source ${ZIM_HOME}/zimfw.zsh init fi # Initialize modules. source ${ZIM_HOME}/init.zsh # ------------------------------ # Post-init module configuration # ------------------------------ # # zsh-history-substring-search # zmodload -F zsh/terminfo +p:terminfo # Bind ^[[A/^[[B manually so up/down works both before and after zle-line-init for key ('^[[A' '^P' ${terminfo[kcuu1]}) bindkey ${key} history-substring-search-up for key ('^[[B' '^N' ${terminfo[kcud1]}) bindkey ${key} history-substring-search-down for key ('k') bindkey -M vicmd ${key} history-substring-search-up for key ('j') bindkey -M vicmd ${key} history-substring-search-down unset key # }}} End configuration added by Zim install