0.3.0 / 2016-04-09 ================== * Update to latest version win32.c * README: use SVG for appveyor badge 0.2.6 / 2015-09-24 ================== * more travis/appveyor testing * src: modification so it works with nan@2 (#64, @santigimeno) * fix compile with io.js 2.1.0 on Linux (#56, @bradjc) * made it compile on freebsd (#55, @antxxxx) 0.2.5 / 2015-04-15 ================== * package: update "bindings" to v1.2.1 * package: update "nan" to v1.7.0 * appveyor: test node v0.12, don't test v0.11 * travis: test node v0.12, don't test v0.11 0.2.4 / 2015-02-20 ================== * update "nan" to v1.6.2 * update binding.cc for node v0.12 / iojs support (#47, @mrinalvirnave) 0.2.3 / 2015-02-20 ================== * link pulse-simple when using mpg123 "pulse" backend (#48, @ReneHollander) 0.2.2 / 2015-01-13 ================== * example: make sine.js produce 220hz, not 440hz (#38, @jproulx) * package: update "mocha" to v2.1.0 * package: allow any "debug" v2 * package: add "bugs" and "homepage" fields * travis: remove unused "matrix" field 0.2.1 / 2014-07-07 ================== * src: call open() and close() on the dummy audio_output_t instance (#36) * README: document the `float` format option 0.2.0 / 2014-06-22 ================== * gitignore: ignore root-level dev files * index: pass the `format` directly to the native open() binding * index: ensure a valid and supported "format" is given to Speaker instance * test: add quotes to test names * index: add `getFormat()` and `isSupported()` functions * binding: export the `MPG123_ENC_*` constants * binding: export the result of `get_formats()` * mpg123: add 64-bit float playback support for CoreAudio backend * index: use %o formatter some more * index: default `float` to 32-bit `bitDepth` 0.1.3 / 2014-06-15 ================== * index: do not call `flush()` binding when the stream finishes "naturally" * index: use %o formatting from debug v1 * package: update "nan" to v1.2.0 * package: update "debug" to v1.0.0 0.1.2 / 2014-06-02 ================== * package: update "nan" to v1.1.2 * package: update "mocha" dev dependency 0.1.1 / 2014-05-27 ================== * binding: update to nan v1.1.0 API, fixes node v0.11.13+ * add appveyor.yml file for Windows testing * README: add appveyor build badge * README: use svg for travis badge * travis: don't test node v0.9.x * index: make _format() bind to the speaker instance * don't leave event listeners behind (#22, @LinusU) 0.1.0 / 2014-04-17 ================== * index: abort write() call if `_close` is set (#28, #29) * package: tighten up the dependencies' versions * index: add a debug() call * index: emit "close" after setting `_closed` * index: use the "readable-stream" copy of Writable * package: pin "readable-stream" to any v1.0.x * examples: fix "sine" emitting "end" event * travis: test node v0.11 * use `rvagg/nan` * fix History.md note * fix sinewave example on 0.10 (Stream API changes) (#12, @jfmatt) 0.0.10 / 2013-05-08 =================== * pass the "open" error to the Speaker instance. Closes #7. * package: add "sound" as a keyword * travis: test node v0.10 0.0.9 / 2013-03-06 ================== * update for v0.9.12 Writable stream API change * a couple more jsdoc comments 0.0.8 / 2013-02-10 ================== * throw an Error if non-native endianness is specified 0.0.7 / 2013-01-14 ================== * wait for the `format` event on pipe'd Readable instances * default the lowWaterMark and highWaterMark to 0 * rename _opts() to _format() * package: allow any "readable-stream" version * add a few more debug calls 0.0.6 / 2012-12-15 ================== * add node >= v0.9.4 compat 0.0.5 / 2012-11-16 ================== * add initial tests (uses the "dummy" output module) * add "float" (32-bit and 64-bit) output support * ensure only one "close" event 0.0.4 / 2012-11-04 ================== * mpg123: add linux arm support * guard against bindings that don't have a `deinit()` function 0.0.3 / 2012-11-03 ================== * a two examples to the "examples" dir * emit an "open" event * emit a "close" event * emit a "flush" event * properly support the "pipe" event * mpg123: fix a CoreAudio backend compilation warning * add a timeout after the flush call to ensure the backend has time to play 0.0.2 / 2012-10-25 ================== * support for Windows * support for Linux * support for Solaris * call `flush()` and `close()` at the end of the stream 0.0.1 / 2012-10-24 ================== * Initial release